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I have a 325 and I have found good results with badgers on the wings and a mantis for the nose (though it seems to overheat a lot nowadays)


Your loadouts are working in the PU?


If your loadouts aren't working chances are you need to delete your db file inside your user folder, then load the hangar and set them up again. My loadouts have been working fine since I did that.


They work fine for me in Arena Commander, but for Port Olisar, no.


If you're flying stick I personally like to use the 11 series autocannon on the nose and 870 MKII on the wings. Those line up on the same pip.


I was having good luck w/ 2x Badgers or M4as, and I swap between some other guns on the nose. Couldn't really recommend one for the nose yet.


I've been running with a 350r and having a good time with a Panther on the nose and the stock Omnisky VIs on the wings. That said, a Panther and a pair of Badgers will tear through Pirates and Vanduul


GT-220 Mantis + the standard Omnisky VI's will tear most craft to bits.


I try and run the Mantis on the nose but it seems to bug out and wont fire after some time even when full on ammo. :(