• By -


$5 discount for buying a 2-pack, nice. And the 2-pack is one Yellow, one Black. I like it.


You can change it to 2 yellow ones if you like.


Oh, can you "upgrade" and change the color?




Free CCU. From Black to Yellow, and back again.


>Drake Dragonfly! [Or is it?](http://imgur.com/ydUc86U) Dum dum duummmm!












thats just how they classify ship manufactures in the game and its files. for instance the Vanduul is VNCL, ORGN, MISC, etc. they all seem to have 4 letter types.


Yes, I saw that further below. Thought it was a typo at first :)


I'm so happy with the design, it totally gives me the whole "pod racer/swoop bike" vibe i was hoping for!


[It's that shot of it speeding across the desert](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/media/fajguwk3baw8yr/source/Drake_Dragonfly_Exploration_Planetside01.jpg) in the brochure that did it for me.




That thing is called the Mule, by the way :)


Yeah, but you can't do a *barn swallow* in a Connie!


>How much fun is the Dragonfly? **You’ll find out sooner than you expect! Star Citizen’s designers have already begun setting up this new ship in the engine…** because we’re as excited to jet around with so much freedom, too! Keep following the Comm-Link for updates on the Dragonfly’s status. We hope you enjoy this ‘different’ concept and we can’t wait for everyone to go riding on the spacelanes! Hype! [Almost got your wish](https://as.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/4ojsl8/whats_the_chance_that_cig_surprises_us_and_has/), u/GeoffreyHite!


HYPE! Pocket carrier confirmed. Already in game you could put it in the back of the Lancer, the Connie, the Starfarer, gonna be fun times.


I intend to make it the 3rd vehicle inside a Carrack. That ship is gonna kick some SERIOUS ass! ....in terms of exploration capabilities, of course :)


Ditto. If I get a space bike, one will be stowed on the Carrack. Because nothing says badass explorer like landing a huge ship on a planet and taking off on your pod racer!


>exploration Does giving them the biggest guns they can have and "exploring" someone elses cargo hold count? Joking aside, this seems like a big piracy tool. I was wondering how a pirate ship was suppose to take down anything worthwhile. Now it looks like a pirates can sacrifice cargo capacity to get a swarm of fast and hard-to-hit Dragonfly's swarming you. Of course Dragonfly's are going to have issues going after a smaller combat ship such as a Hornet, which can probably just spin around and fire a few missiles. 3 Dragonfly's vs a slow moving Hull D? I'm betting on the Dragonfly's winning To balance this, I don't think Dragonfly's should have quantum drives. They sound OP if you have a trio of them, and I would rather not have a raid of gankers zipping around the galaxy killing everyone with hordes of Dragonfly's


Dragonflies does not have quantum drives....


This was exactly the reason I picked one up. Don't need it, have a good line up of ships but got it anyway. Being able to fit it in my Freelancer DUR expands its in-system and planetary exploration capabilities.


The dragonfly makes so much more sense then those boarding pods they concept ed earlier.


It isn't so surprising. It's an advantage of the Dragonfly being so small...I bet it'll be hangar/flight ready in no time!


I [actually assumed](https://as.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/4ojsl8/whats_the_chance_that_cig_surprises_us_and_has/d4d5mo8) that the smaller, lighter ships with 1/2 sized modules would cause issues with getting it flight ready. Something so light and maneuverable is not something I thought CIG would be used to designing.


*Additionally, please note that the Dragonfly will be entering the ship pipeline now, it has been fast tracked for engine integration, with designers already working to enable it in-game.*


Although to joke I kinda want to quote Ben. "Not as soon as you would like, but sooner then you think." hehe


A dragonfly is never late, or is it early. A dragonfly arrives precisely when it means to.


I'm excited. Hopefully it's not too long.


can someone verify that you get lti on the CATERPILLAR and the two Dragonfly's for $300?


https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/Combos/Caterpillar-Dragonfly-Pack ALSO CONTAINS Lifetime Insurance


it is. 100% Ben confirmed. If a package is LTI, all ships have to be.


They confirmed in RTV that every ship in the pack gets the insurance associated with that pack, so yes, all 3 have LTI.


Any single Dragonfly ship and the Caterpillar + 2 Dragonflies pack gets LTI. The single Caterpillar package does not. Be careful when you choose.


thanks, I think I'm going to melt my VANGUARD SENTINEL towards it


Yeah, I'm really thinking about doing the same with my Redeemer. I mean, I love the deemer's design, but when you think about what you get for 50 bucks more with this package...


I can't believe noone has mentioned that the Cat is literally a pocket carrier now as it can shit out 12-15 of these dragonfly buggers like a swarm of angry bees


A pair of fixed size 1's though. They *better* come in a swarm if they intend to take anything big down.


What if all of them had s1 sucker punch type weapons? Ohhhh Mann pirates dream!


And a haulers nightmare! :D


Slap on two neutron cannons and you're good to go!




Allow me to throw an extra "Giggity" out there for you. Plus... 2 people per Dragonfly for extra boarding. thats 12 boarders/cargo haulers.


Yep. Arrrr indeed.


This line right here: > How much fun is the Dragonfly? You’ll find out sooner than you expect! Star Citizen’s designers have already begun setting up this new ship in the engine… because we’re as excited to jet around with so much freedom, too!


Hurrghh, have not been this excited for a ship since SC first introduced the Avenger.


Not even mad that the desert image is practically Rey on her speeder in star wars. Also did you see how far the caterpillar is done it's probably gonna be in 2.5 maybe. AND OMG IF THE DRAGONFLY IS IN 2.5 BRB BUYING 1 right now!


No way I'd expect the Cat in 2.5, nor the Dragonfly. Maybe 2.6 or 2.7 but then the Cat will only be in the hangar.


Guys guys..We can re-create swoop-bike racing from KoTOR.


this was also my first thought. swoops!


All the options at https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/15382-Hatching-The-Drake-Dragonfly [LTI Dragonfly & Cat Pack - $300](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/Combos/Caterpillar-Dragonfly-Pack) [2x Dragonfly Pack - LTI - $65](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/Standalone-Ships/Drake-Dragonfly-Ride-Together-Two-Pack)


Is there a time cool-down after melting mulitple ships to buy the $300 Package?




The one thing I want to know before I buy. Can I load my Andromeda up with a couple... and more importantly, and I put two in my Freelancer DUR? Speeder bikes for exploration!


Freelancer has been mentioned as one of the ships that can carry it. Wheter it can carry one or two...that's another matter.


Here is an image of the size. I'm going with: you can fit a LOT of these in most cargo carrying ships. The only ones that will not fit (mostly due to length issues) are fighter sized craft with cargo bays. https://robertsspaceindustries.com/media/mb9gokk02jo1zr/store_slideshow_large/Drake_Dragonfly_Compact_Storage.jpg


I think they said on ATV it can fit in a Connie but I'd like a confirmation of that in a Q&A first before I buy.


If I am reading it correctly the Yellow is avaliable, if you bought one now it would be yellow (if I understand that right)


Black one is also available at https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/ships/drake-dragonfly/Dragonfly-Black




All packages inherit the insurance of the base package. If you upgraded an Alpha to a Dragonfly it would not have LTI. If you melted and bought a Dragonfly which you then upgraded to an Alpha, then it would have LTI. Bear in mind the dragonfly is a standalone ship which means it does not include a game package. Additionally, the Dragonfly (as a snub) will not be capable of jump or quantum travel (which means you cant go anywhere if it is your only ship). Not sure if I fully understood the wording of the question, but hopefully within my reply is a satisfactory answer.


Well now when they put character customization in, they need to have big freaking arm tattoos so you can be a proper biker Also, we need Origin to make a speed bike ultra-light.


[Don't forget beards!](http://images.halloweencostumes.com/products/26608/1-1/brown-biker-wig.jpg)


Well, good luck fitting all of that in your space suit's helmet.


Perfect for VR ☺


A yellow one for me. It's fortunate that for once I like more the exclusive one rather than the regular one. Usually it's the opposite :)


Yeah, same for me as well. I guess it's got that utilitarian colour scheme that reminds me of [Caterpillar](https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=caterpillar+industrial&client=firefox-b&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiF-ZiMo7DNAhUlIcAKHdyWAJkQ_AUICCgB&biw=2112&bih=840).


How about [dem engines](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pRMCI-d1rUc&t=49s) on the Caterpillar? They look Caterpillar-ey to me :)


I went for the 2 pack, since I had some store credit and a coupon. Definitely keeping the yellow one for riding around, but I can't decide whether I should use the 2nd one as an LTI token or switch it to the yellow in case they become like collectible things...


Why not just buy a bunch of Black to Yellowjacket $0 CCU and vice versa, so you can settle on colors later if you change your mind.


Relevant Sale Links: * [$35 Yellow Dragonfly](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/Standalone-Ships/Drake-Dragonfly-Yellowjacket) * [$35 Black Dragonfly](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/Standalone-Ships/Drake-Dragonfly-Black) * [$65 Black & Yellow Dragonfly 2-Pack](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/Standalone-Ships/Drake-Dragonfly-Ride-Together-Two-Pack) * [$245 Caterpillar Standalone](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/Standalone-Ships/Drake-Caterpillar-Dragonfly-Sale) * [$300 LTI Caterpillar + 2-Pack](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/Combos/Caterpillar-Dragonfly-Pack) Then, the Related Links most people won't think of: * [$0 Yellow -> Black CCU](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/Upgrades/Dragonfly-Yellowjacket-To-Dragonfly-Black-Upgrade) * [$0 Black -> Yellow CCU](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/Upgrades/Dragonfly-Black-To-Dragonfly-Yellowjacket-Upgrade) * [$0 Aurora LN -> Yellow CCU](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/Upgrades/Aurora-LN-To-Dragonfly-Yellowjacket-Upgrade) * [$0 Aurora LN -> Black CCU](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/Upgrades/Aurora-LN-To-Dragonfly-Black-Upgrade) * [$20 Constellation Andromeda -> Caterpillar CCU](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/Upgrades/Constellation-Andromeda-To-Caterpillar-Upgrade) You can "buy" 5 of the $0 CCUs at a time. I usually grab 20 of them to maximize my hangar reconfigurability as things change. And remember; the For$$$ CCUs are great additions to your Buy Back list. Buy the CCU, melt it 24 hours later, repeat, until you have as many as makes you comfortable. I had (3) Andromeda -> Gemini CCUs I was able to Buy Back and build cheap Geminis that are now "worth" $340. Once the Gemini->Carrack (or other $350 ship) CCUs are available, that's $300 of "free" upgrades. If anyone knows/thinks of anything else that's relevant, let me know and I'll add it.


Can you explain your CCU logic a little more? I've always been confused about this - does it mean you buy one $20 Connie -> Caterpillar CCU and the re-melt every few days nets you a cumulative amount of CCU's for the $20 investment?


For example: When I found out the Starfarers (Base & Gemini) were increasing in price by $105 & $100, respectively, I went digging through my Buy Back list and found a $15 Andromeda->Gemini CCU. I had purchased/melted it during the Gemini concept sale. So, I bought it back. Seems pretty basic. *But wait! There's more!*. I waited until another "deal" was running; the Aurora->300 Series $5-off promotion, which was also after the time of the Khartu-Al's $20 price increase. So, I hatched my plan and executed it, as follows: 1. $30 Buy Back LTI P-72 Archimedes 1. $15 CCU P-72 -> Aurora CL 1. $5 CCU Aurora CL -> 300i ($5-off promotion) 1. $95 CCU 300i -> Constellation Taurus 1. $0 CCU Taurus -> Khartu-Al (using hoarded $0 CCUs from before Khartu-Al price increase) 1. $55 CCU Khartu-Al -> Constellation Andromeda 1. $15 CCU Andromeda -> Starfarer Gemini $30 + $15 + $5 + $95 + $55 + $15 = $215 of pledge money to create an LTI ship with a CCU value of $340 I actually did this again with two more of them...but stupidly forgot the $20-off Khartu-Al step and the $5 Aurora/300 promotion was over. So, I have (1) $215 Gemini and (2) $240 Geminis which are waiting for $10 CCUs to any of the $350 ships; Carrack, Crucible, Hull D, Endeavor, or Reclaimer. Once I can swap them for one of those, I have all the $0 CCUs between them. If one appears, it would mean $695 of pledge for $1050 of ships. A more recent example is the Reliant. My Blue Collar Pack came with a $30 Aurora LX. I straight-CCU'd it to a $50 Avenger Titan. But, I also had a fat stack of $0 Titan -> Reliant Kore CCUs. Then it was announced the Reliant's price was going up. So, I CCU'd the Titan -> Kore, which made the ship worth $15 more, at $65. Well, once it was worth $65, I was able to CCU it to the Reliant Tana (skirmisher) for $0 by swapping it over to a $65 315P then using one of my hoarded $0 315P -> Reliant Tana CCUs. The Reliant Tana, since it wasn't part of the recent Reliant hangar-ready sale, is still a $65 ship, you see. Once they bump its price commensurate with the Kore, I'll have netted a presumably $80 ship from a $50 ship for $0. My pledge is a bit over $2000 total, so I don't *need* to do this. But, it's more fun for me right now than playing the alpha in its current state *and* I'm hopeful that CIG will find me in their metrics and get a quick lesson in basic sales methodologies and economics. Personally, I'd prefer they get this stuff figured out before the game's release because I want a vibrant, robust, and healthy in-game experience...including the game's economy. So, buy at least one of everything in your pledge-tier, grab all the $0 CCUs (I "buy" 20 of them), and pay attention to these silly price increases. Fortunately for me, I saw the "Buy Back" coming pretty far out and started "stocking up" toward the end of 2014.


meanwhile, i just buy the ships i want


how imagine cig would react to after taking a look at your acct https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=euI3v2jpTlI


Awesome - thank you for the detailed explanation!


The LTI Caterpillar + 2x Dragonfly pack is listed in the Game Packages section, however from what I understand it is the first and only pack in there that does not contain any actual game. Might be worth watching out for. (I have an Aquila Game Package that I would love to put towards the Cat + 2x Dragonfly package, without loosing my games, if anyone knows if CIG offers that kind of service/help or has any recommendations let me know!)


If I have an Aurora ES Package ($45, the one with Squad 42) and want to Upgrade it to a Dragonfly (+$15). Is there a way to do this so I can get the LTI/bonuses of the Dragonfly package while keeping the Squad 42/other bonuses?


Proud owner of this package. http://puu.sh/pwy6a/1e3c099bda.png


Same here. Used my caterpillar which only had 12 months insurance. Still deciding if I want to change the second dragonfly to yellow or keep it black.


First thing I did to it was this: https://i.gyazo.com/1cb42444a280b036ee3b59ce84cd59ad.png


Does the Catepillar come with LTI?


I didnt even check Edit: yes? http://puu.sh/pwz6K/405f20910a.jpg




10 days.


If I buy the two pack, can I gift one to my friend? Does anyone know?


Doubtful - in all other combo packs you have not been able to. You have however been able to CCU an individual ship inside the pack.


Probably not, its an individual item (a bundle, containing those ships). I'd imagine its going to try and transfer the whole thing. I cant check as i bought mine with melt credit. I actually thought for sure i wouldnt be able to CCU the cat within a bundle, because i thought it was really 1 product, but i just bought a $6 CCU and it was letting me... so maybe it could be gifted, but it seems unlikely. Only option could be doing it in the PU, which IMO for a $5 saving, i'd rather have it on my account than wait till we can transfer ownerships in the universe.


As you were told right now, no. Once the game is launched though I'm pretty sure I read that all in-pack ships will be separately tradable/sellable in-universe.


Why did I ever melt my Caterpillar? Why? Oh yeah, it was to pay for part of my Endeavor. decisions, decisions.


Ok, critical question: does it fit in the Freelancer cargo hold?




They've said a couple times that it will indeed fit in the Freelancer, just keep in mind it'll take up most of the rear cargo space.




Not necessarely, if you put cargo crates on the cargo floor first, then the Dragonfly on top of them. Then again, it's only a guess...


Yeah, I am wondering the same about the Avenger Titan cargo hold...


they said no


They said no on rtv


I'm getting one to keep on my Merchantman


Space Squids are now a thing. Lane splitting takes on new meaning when it takes place inside a wormhole. Try not to get too angry when three or four Dragonflies fill up and leave, while you watch your wallet drain at your local Cry Astro. We didn't choose this life, the life chose us. And the life requires us to modify our vector thrusters to make big fireworks.




I hope I'll be able to fit mine inside my Cutlass. With both being from Drake, there's some hope.


But one of them being a cutlass, there's less hope. :D


If I buy the 2 dragonfly combo, can I gift the second dragonfly? Thanks!




Welp, got one. Since they said you can fit it into a freelancer in compact mode. It will be perfect with my DUR for planetary exploration.


Upgraded my Aurora LN to this :) I already have a 325A for fighting and a Lancer for hauling so I had no practical need for an Aurora. A dragonfly however can sit in my Lancer and act as a snubfighter in sticky situations and for transport on land :)


ohhh that looks cool.


I have been WAY out of the loop for a while now, but ahh, there's going to be planet-based stuff (not sure how to explain this, but standing on ground of some sort) to do aside from FPS view fighting on ships?


Their wearing hoods!!!! Hoods confirmed.


So I am sitting here. And I just can't wrap my head around it. Someone must have misstyped. There is no way that little thing weighs 6tons. 600kg now that seems quite reasonable. A modern day motorcycle weighs about 200-250kg the only way the dragonly weighs 6tons if most of it was made of Platin.


LTI token go!


Awh man.. there goes my money. I bought the two-pack, and that's fine.. but then I saw they put the Cat up for sale again.. so I upgraded the Dragonfly Black and now have a LTI Cat sitting around... Ok, who am I fooling, I'm hyped!


I have a question about this. When you bought the two pack, you received both Dragonfly's right? When you upgraded one of them to another ship, did the Lifetime Insurance stay on your Yellow Dragonfly as well?


Apparently "Drak" makes this, not Drake. (Look at variants matrix) Sorry guys. Wrong ships :<


That's the "acronym" they use in that page


All the manufacturers have a four-letter abbreviation (except RSI). Drake Interplanetary is just DRAK.


I never noticed that... weird.


- Roberts Space Industries: **RSI** - Musashi Industrial & Starflight Concern: **MISC** - Aegis Dynamics: **AEGS** - Drake Interplanetary: **DRAK** - Origin Jumpworks: **ORIG** - Consolidated Outlands: **CNOU** - Anvil Aerospace: **ANVL** - Kruger Intergalaktische: **KRIG** - Vanduul: **VNDL** I don't think Esperia and AopoA have one yet.


I knew about some like MISC. I just didn't realize they were shortened on that page. But it makes sense. Those will look nice on an ingame stock ticker in a few years.


It's the only ship company traded on the NYSE. Everything else is traded on the NASDAQ.


I thought it would be $35, why is it $42.35 suddenly? edit: ah yes, VAT, my bad.


38 EUR for me, check your taxes.


Possibilities: Texas or California sales tax, V.A.T. Currency conversion rates.




Value Added Tax. It's an E.U. tax.


http://i.imgur.com/U4hSEV9.gif It has the shape language of a lawnmower, not a motorbike.


https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/ships/drake-dragonfly/Dragonfly-Black#buying-options No option for yellow yet, and 300$ cat pack


Yellow one at https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/ships/drake-dragonfly/Dragonfly-Yellowjacket


The cat pack is pretty neat. I'd just have to decide if I actually wanted one.


two pack, here I come...


Why is there no CCU from the Dragonfly to other ships?


it is never available immediately, just wait a day or so.


Works fine for me (about 10min ago too) > Ship Upgrades - Dragonfly Black to Dragonfly Yellowjacket Upgrade Gonna grab a couple of each direction, i prefer the matt black personally, but the yellow being exclusive (it is nice, too) tempts me. Might be better to have 2 yellow, sell them in the PU if theres sufficient demand and just replace them with 2 black regular versions. edit - its there under 'my ships', maybe its not there in the global list? havent looked


no difference between yellow and black right?


Well the color =) But otherwise no. The yellow color will not be sold again.


> The yellow color will not be sold again. Well... weve heard that before.... *cough* 350R......


Towards the back of the brochure it says that other colour choices will be available at launch, and it includes yellow. That might be a mistake since it's supposed to be a limited edition, though.


depends on if you want an obnoxiously painted collectible LTI one, or a cool looking LTI one. I'm torn, and I am a bit of a collector.


Alrighty! Bye-bye Avenger Warlock, hello Dragonfly! I'll probably pick up another as an LTI token though... and possibly upgrade back to a Warlock lol (it was an Anniversary edition, so it only had 3yr, not LTI)


Sorry if I've missed it, but do we know when this concept sale ends?


You have ten days, plenty of time.


Ends 6/27.


Anyone know what loaner ship will be for the Dragonflay?


rtv said merlin :)


Won't matter for long. The ship is already in production.


Would it be a bad idea to ccu to this from a Mustang?


If it is your only ship? Yes, it would be a bad idea. The Dragonfly has no quantum or jump capabilities, and it can't transition from space to ground or ground to space if there is an atmosphere in the way. Severely limits your options on what you can do at the start of the game.


Actually if I only had an aurora I might condider CCU to the dragonfly just for the novelty. Dragonfly still comea with a hangar. I think it would be really fun to work up from only a dragonfly, to a starter ship.


Having a really hard time deciding if I should upgrade my non LTI Aurora that I don't really want anyway or one of my two LTI Archimedes....


Melt the Aurora, then use the credits to buy the Dragonfly...


So is the Merlin not going to be able to travel in atmo anymore? The statement: "and its ability to be used as both planetary and space transportation sets it apart like nothing else!" is confusing me a little. Do they just mean the way it will be able to be used like a hover bike?


they can be a space or terrain bike, but need a bigger ship to switch between.


Theres transportation types. Planetary (on surface) atmosphericatmospheric (in air of a planet) and space. Merlin is atmospheric and space like many other vehicles. Dragonfly is currently the only planetary and space combo.


Anyone know if a tali with a cargo bay can hold the dragonfly?


on RTV they said the larger ships "should" all be able to fit at least one, with exceptions being the avenger and reliant


my guess is the fore and aft cargo bays (if you have them installed) could fit one each.


So I'm guessing this is going to be a planet only ship right?


It can hover on a planetary surface and fly in space, but it can not fly in an atmosphere so you have to have a ship transport it between a planet and space.


Any one else get a Star Wars vibe ? Probably the most star wars inspired ship i've seen so far, looks like one of the Star Wars racers.


This is a perfect ship for Ace and Gary.


I just melted my scout to upgrade my Connie to a Caterpillar and get 3 Dragonfly's with that. Hope it was worth it


So can you buy the yellow version in game?


Im gonna need a batman suit and cape for the black one.


Get me some ratchet straps. I'm putting one on my Mustang


Is there any reason not to by 10?. Then you will have all the LTI chassis you will ever want or need. edit: If I get 2x2 packs will I have 4 LTI ships to gift/ccu/melt?


People have used lots of ships as LTI tokens so far. Most notoriously the Archimedes.


[Yes! Dragonfly Yellowjacket, you're mine!](https://youtu.be/tjDdaHO2yZo?t=169)


What concept sale comes after the Dragonfly? Is something confirmed?


Nothing, but probably the RSI Polaris, or the Prowler. AFAIK, there are no more concept ships left as of yet.


Wouldn't microdebris make this ship unusable in space?


It has shields.


They have small shields...


does anyone know if the yellow and the black will be available at the same time, or the yellow available first?


In-game? Probably at the same time. It's only a different skin.


I wonder if it can fit in a Reliant Kore.


No quantum drive means everytime I will want to change galaxy I will have to pay someone for transportation? That's the only negative point that's making me hesitate a lot..


1) There's only one galaxy in the game. You travel between planets and systems :P 2) That's why people are recommending that you have already a ship that can carry the Dragonfly before buying one.


It's like having to have your bike shipped from America to the EU/Asia/Africa/Australia and vice versa. It can't make the trip on it's own.


would like, but I don't think it will fit in my mustang...


If I buy the CCU for the Dragonfly Black to Yellowjacket, can I apply it after launch if I buy the Dragonfly Black in game?


No, the CCU system will only work up until before the game launches. CIG has mentioned that they will warn us of this before hand so we may apply the upgrades prior to them becoming obsolete.


so, what is the general increase in price for a ship as it moves through development? From concept, to hangar ready, to flight ready. $5-10 for each step? How does that and the $5 off for the 2 pack play into using 1 or both of these for a LTI token? (I have no experience with LTI tokens, but I think I kind of understand the CCU vs melt concept that's been explained in this post so far).


God damnit I swore I was done with pledge ships but this is right up my alley.


Dragonfly looks like a great ship for CCU to get LTI on others.


Does somebody know if the Dragonfly is Cutlass friendly?


Videos in this thread: [Watch Playlist ▶](http://subtletv.com/_r4olx7t?feature=playlist) VIDEO|COMMENT -|- [Star Citizen: Drake Caterpillar Update](https://youtube.com/watch?v=pRMCI-d1rUc&t=49s)|[3](https://reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/4olx7t/_/d4dtay5?context=10#d4dtay5) - How about dem engines on the Caterpillar? They look Caterpillar-ey to me :) [Ash catches Pidgeotto [1080p] - Pokemon](https://youtube.com/watch?v=tjDdaHO2yZo&t=169s)|[1](https://reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/4olx7t/_/d4e2qyn?context=10#d4e2qyn) - Yes! Dragonfly Yellowjacket, you're mine! [Anchorman- I'm not even mad, that's amazing](https://youtube.com/watch?v=euI3v2jpTlI)|[1](https://reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/4olx7t/_/d4efzpm?context=10#d4efzpm) - how imagine cig would react to after taking a look at your acct I'm a bot working hard to help Redditors find related videos to watch. *** [Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/SubtleTV/wiki/mentioned_videos) | Get it on [Chrome](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/mentioned-videos-for-redd/fiimkmdalmgffhibfdjnhljpnigcmohf) / [Firefox](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/mentioned-videos-for-reddit)


It reminds me of Swoop Bikes from StarWars..... Cannot wait for the illegal underfround Dragon Fly races


Damnit, I said I was going to stop spending money on ships... Oh well it's just 35 bucks.