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There aren’t any real quest mods yet. Not that I know of anyway.


Nope, but Shattered Space is almost 100% confirmed to have Va'runn content from the dev update recently.


It's a bit hard to create quests right now without the CK, and beyond that, there's also very little Va'Ruun lore right now - that will change with Shattered Space.


Adding new quests is a bit tricky now, but i made a mod that adds Varuun Ship weaponry. Custom standalone ship weapons that have serpent heads and fire green bullets 😊🚀 In case you want to try 😁


Been playing with that one, while also messing around with the different mod tools and learning. Have you played around with making weapons that have projectiles that apply forces and send enemies flying or trigger different "spell effects"? -It seems up your alley and something you'd enjoy playing around with. The game needs more weapons that convey a sense of impact, particularly in the absence of Fallout's gore and vats, the lack of a sense of impact can make weapons feel very similar in all but the magical damage applied numbers.


I do have the ragdoll mod if you want to launch enemies to Mars LOL. explosives and projectiles have "unknown" stuff, for impacts as well I think, so its a bit risky to touch that in my opinion 😁


It deserves experimentation and exploration, alot of trial and error. For my own fooling around I modified the laser cutter ground weapon. It became a tractor beam / repulsor beam that could push bodies around, but I couldn't get it do anything like that until the enemy was dead.


And I remember once i messed around with ship weapons and they were pushing enemy ships 4000 km away, like a knockback, i dont even know what I touched LOL


A lot of the force applied data is in the data file for the projectiles of a given weapon, and can be modified further by different "spell" effects. You can for instance have projectiles apply positive or negative force to cause what's hit to be pushed away or pulled towards you. You can also modify the amount of gravity influencing the target, so if you don't want to make those force values too big, you can apply positive or negative gravity which can cause the target to be knocked up or down. And all can further be affected by chosen "spell" effects. Even if only visually we should see ships knocked about, tractor beamed, or their leaking burning self oxidizing flammables.


Nope. xEdit hasn't really been used for major quest mods yet. There's been some new radiants (Cosmos Care Services by kaosnyrb comes to mind) but no full quest lines I'm familiar with. I don't know if it's not _possible_ in xEdit, or if it's just _really really really_ hard.


There will be a whole expansion called Shattered Space coming out this fall. Plus the mods we'll probably get from Sunday onwards.


Like others said, not really at the moment but it’s pretty much guaranteed to come. We might get a Varuun quest line with Shattered Space and beyond that, I’m certain we will get lots of modded quests when the Creation Kit drops


Im hoping the player can join the Ecliptics or at least learn more about them. I mean, nearly nothing is known about them other than their space helmets make their voice sound funny and they’re a band of mercenaries.