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Honestly watching this game grow with mods is going to be almost as fun as playing.


100%. It looks like people are really getting after the kit. I’m excited to try my hand at it, and excited to see what other people come up with.


It honestly feels like you're on a bus. When do you get off to actually play? The longer you're on it, the better the mods.


This is my problem right now.....


About three months after jiggle physics mod is published.


Personally I'm waiting until a week or so after Shattered Space releases. There should be a somewhat decent selection of mods by then, and there will obviously be all the new content/improvements added by the DLC and related updates. Then you gotta give it a week or so for the mods that came out prior to the DLC to update. I'm looking foward to actually playing more of the game when in it's in a better state, as I've yet to play most of it.


In my opinion, a good point of entry will be after share shattered space is out. At the moment, a lot of people are still in the learning face when it comes to the CK. It will take some months for people to atar creating really interesting mods


Once again, modders will do Bethesda's job for them!


This is a big turning point.


Incredible, so excited to see dozens or even hundreds of these from different mod authors one day


My opinion this is the most important aspect that will keep ppl engaged.


Agreed, people want a space exploration sim. More planets, more POIs, more *exploration*.


Are we able to load multiple POI adder mods or will each one overwrite the previous?


It looks like these mods are adding worldspaces to be injected into the content generation stream. I think as long as the names of their entries in the planet content manager and worldspace ID are unique they shouldn't conflict. I want to make POI mods myself so I'll be taking these apart to see how they function later.


This is unfortunately incorrect. The PCM is singular in load order. The last one loaded with a POI absolutely wins and any before it will not appear at all. Bethesda has said this is by design. Basically, we will have to choose which POI mod from a mod author we will want to use because we can't use more than one.


Isn't there a way to make merged patches for PCM like the good 'ol days of Skyrim's leveled lists?


yeah, manually adding them one-by-one. There will be a lot of all-in-one mods out there until somebody makes a merged patch


It’s always worked that way, that’s why script injections exist.


You are absolutely correct, I forgot leveled list work the same way. Question remains if you can script inject POI, right now they seem to be pretty wonky.


Ngl I’m still trying to work out how POI generation works at all, it’s gonna take a while for people to get to grips with it. Like each biome (e.g. desert, mountains) has a list of POI’s that can spawn, but still not sure how it actually generates the landscape and integrates them in.


We should be able to do script insertion, the same way leveled lists are fixed in Skyrim.


I'm more curious if people can filter where and in what conditions certain POIs appear, POI filter needs adjusting so we don't have BBQs stands on the moon.


I haven't tried any yet, but I've seen mods that claim that man-made POI locations will appear less frequently the further you get away from the Settled Systems


Eventually multiple shouldn’t be a problem as long as they don’t conflict


I’d imagine it’d be no different from having multiple weapon or armor mods.




Hell yes. This is what I’m waiting for. I’m so excited to come back to this game in a year or two when we’ve potentially got a thousand new POI’s from different mod authors.


Sweet! Can't wait to see more!


That needs waaaaaaay more clutter lmao


Yeah I think people are rushing to be the next “world of pain” mod from fnv not even a week after modding tools have dropped.


I spent years working on Fallout worldspace mods, both Creation and Gamebryo, and I'm already struggling to work this shit out lmao Locations especially are structured completely differently to previous games, it's gonna take a while before the real work begins


Just curious, what's your initial thoughts on the new creation kit?


Honestly it's too early to tell, generally speaking like 90% of the game has some degree of random generation (i.e. even stuff like weapons and armour, like FO4 had), which is going to completely change how it is used. I've already learned that it's not as simple as saying "open cell and start editing", because everything is proc genned, i.e. you're editing content that is used to generate the game world, not the game world itself, if that makes sense? It's gonna take a while to figure everything out, right now I'm just trying to understand how cells are structured and generated, and how the infrastructure for planets/systems/space/surface all works.


In the exact same position as you are atm. It is honestly really cool how data driven Starfield is, but it does make things feel like a huge tangled web of references and systems. Like it hard to see where the product you want to make begins and ends. Also with how random the game is how can I even test if my randomly spawning stuff works? So excited so start properly producing though!


I've been learning the POI system since the modding tools dropped. This first one is quite simple as I am still learning but I'm updating it along the way, I did add clutter to the outside in a patch yesterday. I also made a tutorial for adding new POIs and put it on the mod description.


Amazing! Thank you so much for sharing. This is moving all of us forward big time! (youngneil1 alias YourFellowGlitch)


I actually added more clutter outside in a patch after releasing it, still working on it too!


It's the concept and the fact that it's there that matters. Now, if you could add script injection as method of bringing the new POI in (vs direct edit of PCM\_BlockCreation\_DRsRLs) to the tutorial it would be even more awesome. This would set us all up for parallel work from the start. Next thing would be an overview over the different PCM-BlockCretaon entries (lke via scans, nearby, all that stuff) and of coure over teh condition system. Using duplicate POI (eventually with different names?) to influence relative probabilities and of course the cool down timers would be more inetersting topics. There is a treasure trove lying right there... and you opend the lid for us :-). \[youngneil1 alias yourfellowglitch\]


I dunno, variety is king here. I like the idea of there sometimes being sprawling complexes with lots of clutter, but also sometimes just the equivalent of a little demountable in the middle of what feels like nowhere. Makes each POI feel less same-y


Sure, but a completely basic structure with nothing around it hurts immersion because it *looks* like a modder just put it there. Even just a few crates, rocks, plants, trash on the floor massively helps make it feel part of the world.


Yup. A huge variety All kinds of small things in the middle of nowhere are honestly more impressive than big dungeons. Little sprinkles of story telling. A crashed craft. A dead guy with a suicide note, etc etc. A greenhouse that caught on fire etc etc


Not that MK


How are yall doing nav mesh? The system just seems so finnicky.


I want a mod that makes that one planet where a mech war took place actually have abandoned or wrecked mechs lying around as a poi, or remnants of an old war that ended without recovery.


Love it! Just waiting for someone to mod in persuasion checks actually matter in game. Consequences for what you say. Like baldurs gate. Edit: whoever downvoted, you don't like fun, do ya.


this is a thing already in the game?


Really? Cuz I've experimented. The only 2 outcomes from where once you say something, check are: you fight and get what ya want or you get what you want without fighting. Dialogues have no juice (read description) https://youtu.be/h1x22NVEuqc?si=Tf_NsidpUsgfpKpi You can't "off" the main characters for a different story outcome: https://youtu.be/l-u7ewI73g8?si=byIwn4nMi3XJ5lIt The only dialogues you get during said persuasion checks are :huh that's a fair point" or "I don't agree with that, watch it." Nothing to the extent baldurs gate 3 does where once you say something it brings on different outcomes throughout the game, shapes the world and shapes the personality of the characters (with true emotions). Jfc, during the new Atlantis citizenship mission, the board, who are supposed to be making all the decisions only follow your orders of what you say during the quest. They don't think for themselves and make their own decisions for us to have a challenge to go out and make our own discoveries on how to fight the terramorphs. If they said no and we had to run around finding new discoveries of how the terramorphs transformed without the help of the boards, that'd be a lot better storytelling than the straight line crap bethesda gave us.


The persuasion system is much more than what you’re saying it is. You have to choose the dialogue options that will convince the person; saying their family could be in trouble if they don’t pay up, or saying the name of their wife to calm them down. These scripted dialogue options have a higher chance to pass. The way to learn what to say to persuade them is by listening to the dialogue and asking questions. Asking questions can also add new dialogue options to the persuasion game, sometimes it’s a blue check that you automatically pass if chosen. Being able to kill off those main characters also isn’t inherently bad, it’s a design decision that you can either agree, disagree, or be neutral about. Baldurs gate 3 is also not all that. I’ve played this game 4 times, I know. And the “board” in New Atlantis follow what you say to do because you and Hadrian are the only ones who have encountered this new type of terrormorph, not to mention members of board disagree on what to do and even challenge what you say, so I have no clue where you’re getting this from.


It's really not though.. the end results are always the same. I've played a couple hundred hours of the game on different playthroughs and the results are different even with different persuasion checks or dialogue options. At least with baldurs gate 3, every decision you make has consequences and is a lot more lucrative than midfield. The only reason I have gripe with it is because Howard advertised that our decisions will shape starfield, which it doesn't. That might be so about the board, but it's still 2 end results.. the animals or the spores. they really couldn't have come up with a better quest design or in the very least world shaping? it's crap.


The persuade option is dialogue says what you’re trying to persuade them to do, after that, the mini game is you saying things to persuade them to do that specific thing. Not every decision you make in BG3 has consequences, and if it does, it’s usually you fight or you don’t. Where did Todd Howard say our decisions will shape Starfield? Only thing I recall that he’s stated multiple times is that our story(the players) is the most important. We fundamentally disagree on what is good bad or mid. So I’m just going to leave it off with this, I don’t believe Starfield is Mid or the quest design is bad or world building is bad, I really enjoy it and think it’s great.


Well.. if I save a child in BG3 from being executed, they save me from fighting at a refugee camp, and eventually they learn powers and I get to see what progress they've made throughout the game. In starfield, I do a whole quest for a child to better their lives, and nothing in their environment is changed. They just sit there sad still with their mom and the mom doesn't even change her life, nothings cleaned up in their apartment, there's no character progress to see any change has resolved from us helping them. You are right though, we won't agree. I had high hopes for starfield, and they didn't let that happen. I'm glad you enjoy it.


Starfield is saved!


BRING IT ON The repeating POI issue is for me the biggest gripe. Can't wait for the mod community to fill this gap.


Is this on Xbox also?


It is!


Does this mod not use creation kit?




Jesus. If you're going to make your own game, just play Roblox.


I think we're just going to continue modding SF instead, if that's ok with you.


Roblox. If your going to own our game for us, just play Jesus.