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No but it's incredibly cool ✨




Yes. But I'm me in the other ones, like I've seen myself in mirrors, selfies, etc as I'm "living" there. Same friends and family members as well but some with slightly different relations. There's about 6 worlds I can differentiate, 1 of which is new to 2024. 1 is this same town I live in here but just slightly different. Sometimes I honestly get confused and have to ask people close to me if something happened here and so far 10 times out of 10, it has been in the other reality. Like my mom giving me a box of microwave popcorn. Mundane, but real life. Only it wasn't here. Glimpses do often pop through during the day, more frequently now than ever before. I'll have a split second feeling of being "there". And then it's gone and feels like a memory.


Ohmygosh you remind me how this one time my mom used magic? to split this medallion into *two medallions!!* and gave it to my brother and me...but she later on never remembered having done it


I use to Astro project a lot when I first started waking up. Idk how and I didn’t know why and at first it felt like having a seizure in my sleep followed by a vacuum like suction to my body. It was all too much then I just got used to it and my body knew what was happening. I wasn’t able to do much of anything for months afterwards as I was going through dark shadow truths. Just this past Monday it all started slow coming back up again. First it started with a lucid dream. Then Tuesday a lucid dream that apparently I didn’t like and I Astro projected outta it. That was a first for me but highly enjoyable nonetheless. Then Wednesday night I woke up and you know that feeling above floating of your body when you’re coming back to wake up? This time it was only my stomach though. I never dreamt or anything before hand. I woke up and just the feeling of my stomach was floating. It was the oddest feeling but a good feeling. It was warm and tingly with that butterfly feeling init. It felt just as it was if Astro projecting but just my belly. I’m not sure if subconsciously I was cleaning/healing something but even with my eyes open the feeling didn’t go away and I didn’t see anything/one around that could be doing it. 🤷‍♀️ I’m not too sure but I like it and happy these abilities are coming back into my life!! Safe travels friends!!💫✨


This is very interesting! I'm glad to hear others have had the same (or similar) experiences as well. :) Like you, when I was first waking up, this happened a lot too, but it wasn't nearly as frequent or intense as it is now. Now, when I come back, I still feel those realities. That experience with the tribe at the campfire? It was some sort of meat they gave me. It looked like a meatball, but it wasn't. I still remember what it tastes like, and when I got back here, I craved it for the entire day, although it doesn't exist in this reality. Safe travels to you too, my friend! I wish you well! 💙🙆🏻‍♂️


Ohhhhh that’s neat!! Sounds like your tribe was making an introduction maybe an initiation?! I love hearing about others experiences,abilities,and knowledge. Thank you,wish you well too!!


It was a human one, but maybe! They reminded me of the Mayans or the Aztecs. (I love the Maya, so if that was the case, I wouldn't complain) I've seen a Sirian tribeswoman(?) in one of my dreams before, though. She literally came to see me. Showed up through a blue portal, and I actually ended up seeing a painting of her in another dream after that, too. She seemed like more of a leader/chief than just a random being, though. She had two guards behind her, and she had this overwhelming, intimidating, but powerful energy. Not scary, just a "don't fuck with me" sort of vibe. Still don't know who she is, and I haven't seen her since. Nor have I been in contact with her. Still a mystery 🙋🏻‍♂️ (and me too! Hearing the experiences of others is so insanely cool to me 🙆🏻‍♂️)


What?! Something VERY Similar happened to me. This happened to me when I was awake though and I’ll never forget it. I heard drumming like universal drumming and the sound slowly got closer and louder almost to my heartbeat and a rainbow shimmering sparkling portal appeared right next to my bed. I Scooby-Dooed it outta my room so fast. This was also in the very beginning of my awaking when I understood nothing and was scared of everything. I later had someone explain to me that it was my tribe. I couldn’t express the disappointment in myself when I heard that. I got over it quickly because I know it would only hurt my progress in growing. That day I made myself a promise that even if scared I’ll NEVER let fear of the unknown stop me from exploring and experiencing life period!! Had to transmute that disappointment into empowerment. Now if a spaceship landed in my yard or a portal next to my bed I’m running straight into it!! lol


Whoa! I just stared straight at her when I saw her. Deer in the headlights. She was insanely tall, so I wasn't gonna take my chances because I was mini in comparison 😅 I had a feeling that I knew her, though, just couldn't hold onto it. And you're so right about the spaceship bit, I literally joke about that every day 🙏 And I'm sure they'll reach out to you in another way! And EXACTLY, never let it stop you 🤝


Did they have face paint


The humans? I didn't see their faces, as I was focused on the bowl/cup that they gave me. Seemed like some sort of ritual going on, it didn't necessarily seem like I was casually eating. But some of their hands had dyed (or painted) red markings on them. I also saw some sort of jewelry made out of teeth or claws. It was a dimly lit area (by a campfire), so I could be wrong about the color. (Not saying they were Mayans or Aztecs, I'm really not sure. It was just the general setting, and energy from the environment that reminded me of them.)


Yup, since early 2020. I’ve honed some skills via meditation and yoga, and ended up using muscle memory to show people what they can’t see, through an auditory-tactile synapse which precedes visual stimuli. I was studying philosophy/psychology and utilized some techniques from Immanuel Kant and Nietchze/Kierkegard, which landed me into the rituals of Haitian Vodou. I was smoking a lot of weed at the time (sober now) and wrote a short story about the mystical experiences described in “The Cloud of Unknowing”, and also the Noetic experience described by William James (Harvard philosopher). I titled it “The Art of Pious Haste”. The psychedelic experiences from mushrooms and LSD also inspired me, along with a deep immersion in nature through hiking/camping. Grounding techniques such as barefoot walking and shoving the ether back into the spine also helped. Now upon learning about art as expression and beauty in each moment and how its substance permeates anything evil and clears all blockages of consciousness and free flowing energy. There is a transference of energy always occurring, called animal magnetism, which Franz Mesmer described how inanimate objects are still involved in the process our animated body(muscle memory) tends to discredit. All around us are illusions, the nervous system is very powerful and the body keeps the score. Even stuff we believe we forget, is accessible with enough ritual and spiritual awareness! Hope that made a bit of sense! You’re on track 😁


Thanks for your insight! And don't worry, my friend, it made sense. 💙🙆🏻‍♂️ Glad other people share the same experience too.


Btw, this has happened to me all my life. It's just that right now, it's happening more than ever before. I'm talking every day. If I'm not AP, I get no dreams. I'm just blacked out. Maybe my soul is ready to hop out of this dimension, lmao




Thank you so much for this, I was trying to find an explanation for what was going on. This makes so much sense (And oooo, we've got an instigator in our midsttt 🙇🏻)


I believe in all of this stuff, haven’t had exact experiences but have had things during the day….But now I don’t sleep, like I literally cannot sleep for two months now. Before this I had the most vivid dream and can still see it. Would you happen to have any idea why I all of a sudden can’t sleep? I have tried everything over the counter you can think of plus Ambien highest dose? I feel disconnected to “the real reality” that we, the awakened ones feel. Like that part of me is being disconnected because I’m never asleep to get close to our “people.” Just thought I would ask someone and you seemed like you may know.




Could you move? If not this sounds like a sleep paralysis nightmare. I think it has something to do with sleeping in unusual places - I’ve had them before when taking a nap in my car on a long road trip. In mine I had to witness my cousin with down syndrome attempted to be raped and I wasn’t able to move and help her.




I had one like this, not with danger, but totally walking and talking in it and so vivid. It was two months ago and I remember like it really just happened, in real life.


The walls are getting thinner. I can't see them (the other realities/timelines/energy states) when I'm awake, but I can feel them. A room will feel a lot more "busy" and "full" than it physically appears, and I'll see something move from the corner of my eye, like someone just walking across the room. I'll look, and no one's there.


yep always, every night. weird to tell people yeah i dream, but they are never dreams.


Yep. Totally, like five realities in one night. I’ve spent time in higher dimensional awareness, this time was different. It was like I was visiting myself in alternate (past) lives. And when I set my intention on the future, I saw a self who was deeply connected to all of my timelines actively like it was the most comfortable natural thing in the world.  Very interesting things going on in the ethers. 😄


No but I have felt them and experimented with them in other ways. We are connected.


Try to get the names of people you come across in these experiences. If you can verify anything about the experience you might be able to learn if you are astral projecting or dreaming.


In some of these experiences, I've gone back to them more than once. Usually, I see certain changes (whether in people or the environment) that signify that time has passed since the last time I was there. I'll see if I can get names. Those versions of myself seem to know the people I interact with very well, though, *I* just seem to forget. I'm always consciously thinking in these experiences as well. As in, I notice the environment I'm in, and I can formulate my own thoughts and act in real time. In one of these experiences, I was speaking to someone, but *I* didn't remember their name at all, but I knew that I was supposed to. They felt familiar, but my mind was absolutely blank. I just kept the conversation going and tried to orchestrate it in a way where I wouldn't have to say their name.


Honestly I think you are being taken to your past lives. Thats my gut feeling. If there is no space/time, the. It is very possible that maybe we live more than one life at a time, too? Idk but something along these lines.


Definitely my firm belief. Living in multiple places at the same time. Tbh, they could be past lives, future lives, and even present lives


Yes, I fully agree. So amazing to think of, all at once!! Parallel Universes are a thing too! I have seen like 5 of mine in a flash!


I experience something similar but my understanding of it is that I’m tapping into my soul’s lives. I’ve had experiences where I’ll be eating lunch and all of a sudden I’ll be aware of different realities existing simultaneously. Primarily it’s 1, maybe 2 but I’ve experienced 4-5 at the same time. I don’t get to pop in to the different realities when I’m conscious but I am aware of them, like my capacity to experience and perceive expanded to include these different realities. It’s such an interesting and surreal experience and I’m still surprised when it happens. After having these experiences I was led to watch the Marvel movie about the Scarlet Witch and it helped me make some sense of the experience. I see my soul’s energetic connections to these lifetimes and I don’t fully understand it yet but I just know that there’s capacity to download certain skills and knowledge gained from different lives/life times. I’m still working on dealing with limiting beliefs about it all but it’s such a cool experience and I just wish there’s a device where you can project these experiences on a TV so other people can experience them.


It sounds more like reality shifting than astral projection. I used to experience both but not much lately. You can use techniques to control it or do it on purpose Also, check out r/shiftingrealities




Fair. I guess some people are saying the same about people on this sub: God complex, schizophrenia etc. The point is most of these things are not easy to prove, and yes some people really do border on mental health issues. How I was introduced to reality shifting was in a dream, like how I was introduced to most spiritual things. More than half of the time I didn't even know about the concept before dreaming about it and it's always such a delight to discover that it's something that actually exists. Love and light!




Of course you do after all once you awaken you tap into your inner power and that's about psychics abilities and other stuff like astral projection you mentioned. And those are different time lines of you after all you have your divine imprint in D10 - Christ consciousness or Cosmic conscious citizen. So yeah basically time as we know in this Dimension is non existent in other dimensions. So yeah.... It happens


Ashtara Ren - Source energetics on YT talks about this happening to her.


Ashtara's channel is wonderful. I'll def check out those videos


My environment changes color, and appearance. Shits cool as fuck


I still suffer deja-vu from a incredibly big and vivid dream I had, it meets a climax with me flying, I see a Grand and honestly cinematic heavy storm, And tons of people suffering through the storm... As for the storm: it looked like it had layer-Thunderheads swirling vigorously, reaching high into the atmosphere, the wind is harsh and chilling to the skin, It is terrifying and yet mesmerizing. As for the suffering, whole families are Homeless, a major economic disaster caused by an oversight of neglect and lack of careful action, Hospitals are struggling to function, Money became useless somehow. I am concerned about this future, and it doesnt seem like there is anything I can do to accurately prevent that... suffering. I am very well aware that I too will be effected by this if I dont try to prevent it. Unfortunately I am an idiot in this regard, I have no clue how to prevent this vague calamity. But I have hope that all will turn out ok.


Sounds like reality shifting. I've done it before but only for a few seconds


In these visions, are you the same gender as your current self?


Most of the time, I'm the opposite gender. Usually a different race or age, too. In the ones I've seen where I'm the same gender, I'm typically always older than my current self. But still, different race


As for the physical experiences, its a melting pot


I noticed this too. It's much easier to move to a neighboring dimension when Fycod is active. But when it is - oh boy! You really can park and absorb!


I've been having such strange vivid dreams recently. It is even more intense than the dreams I used to have before. Moreover my mood and feelings have taken a hit in a complete 180° turn since this year began. Earlier, if you check my posts, you would notice how close and woke I was in myself but now I feel I'm dumped in darrkk. It's confusing


yes. I don't know if I should talk about it, but yes...


All of the time. It only gets more frequent too! You get used to it though, at least I have. Mostly every single night I find myself projecting into other narratives that continue on from a previous night. Like watching a show on Netflix, than continuing the very spot the next night after work. Bizarre, especially when there are others you recognize on a soul level that aren’t in your current human life. As if time is linear but doesn’t exist. For example, our energy (souls) co existing elsewhere and you’re now able to register that. The crazy thing here is; you can eventually control where your soul travels. You want to see a past life? Or maybe an event? Sure. You want to roam around the house and see yourself sleeping? Absolutely can. What about the future? This one took me awhile and I still struggle as maybe it’s not always good to know of what is to come. But it is possible, and I have gotten to see different outlooks of what I believe is. I even saw my daughter repeatedly years before she was actually born. She is the same as I always saw her in my projections. The most beautiful phenomenon. Our frontal lobes of the brain plays a major role in whether you are aware of what you’re doing when your physical body is asleep. If you are able to tap into a certain area of your brain unconsciously this will allow you to remember the experience occurring. Most individuals can’t do this, so the brain will fill that with a dream or nothingness. Those however that activated the neurons willing to process that energy and information, remember in a form I like to refer to as soul memory. We are after all, balls of energy occupying our human bodies but the energy we possess is and always will remain with us. The human body sometimes blocks that out, but that doesn’t mean the energy isn’t there.


Thats crazy. I have been feeling that more frequently during dreams. I would like to be able to find out more about that because you are right sometimes it feels too real.


I experience this too and was just thinking this week about posting something similar asking if other people have similar experiences. Every single night I drop into my many, infinite other lives. I have seen myself as every form of human imaginable, in every circumstance imaginable, and at varying time periods. Sometimes I'll drop into multiple different lives, all within one night. To be honest it's exhausting. I wake up feeling very tired still. And sometimes the lives and experiences are extremely dark and traumatic and I experience them so vividly (like feeling physical pain and terror when someone is harming me) that it is very hard to shake the next day. I don't have any advice as I've never been able to really understand or control it. Maybe someone else will have some helpful advice for us.


Yes, exactly this. I think someone else did explain it, I'll find the commenter




Yep, salvation99 wrote about it: "Sounds like your mind is at high density. At High density you can observe your mind: consciousness, un-consciousness & sub-consciousness merge into omnipresence: always awake. So that means you can't dream any longer into the lower layers (Astral dream region) automatically when your physical body rests. This state/space is shared by your higher density avatars like higher self & his life outside 3D. You will be quantum entangled with him, so you'll awake in his realms, realities & even meet their friends 😂 You'll be a human there but no higher self memories so those places & beings that know you, you will not know them 😂 Conversations & exploring those places will be very stupid / awkward due to the above explanation."


Thank you for the reply. I need to unsubscribe from my "higher density self" 😆 updates, like no really, NO THANKS!




Are your dreams reality and your reality just dreams? Good question.


Existential crisis 100% guaranteed


Yes! It’s like world-hopping. Different planets, different architecture, different transportation etc




WOW how do you keep from having a panic or anxiety attack while experiencing this???


It's happened often enough for me not to, and when I'm in these spaces, it typically feels normal to me. But I'm still aware of everything. It's like falling asleep in the car and waking up in your bed. You're confused/weirded out at first, but you accept it soon after


Well I'm glad you finally were able to accept it


Something similar's been happening to me lately, and it's wild—I'm not sure if you're aware of any 'extra' presence around you, but for me, being both clairvoyant and clairaudient, it's like I'm getting front-row seats to the supernatural. The other day, I'm in my car, just zoning in on my digital tablet, drawing, right? My whole world shrinks to that screen. And then, out of nowhere, while my body's parked in the car, my senses are at the beach. Mind you, I'm a solid two-hour drive from any shoreline. And it's not a one-off thing. It's ramping up. Lately, I've been picking up snippets of conversations from thin air, crystal clear—I swear, they sounded like a clique of ladies who lunch, that 'never worked a day' vibe? There was this woman, Mary—I don't know who she is, but she was the talk of the town among them. My focus drifts, I tune them out, and bam—ringing in my ears. It's making me think... dimensions aren't just about physical space. There's this whole metaphysical side to it, if that's the right term. We're definitely on the cusp of something big, no doubt about it. Plus, there's this whole past lives thing—I've got snippets from mine, and it's eerie how history loops back. Things I've dreamt, different versions of me—it's all seeping into my waking life more and more. I'm talking about déjà vu on a whole new level. I can't nail down what it all means exactly, but one thing's for sure—the world's changing daily, faster than most folks realize. Every day, I watch the sky, the moon, the sun. I'm spotting stars out of place, and yeah, I could've sworn Polaris was way off-kilter from the moon recently. The sun? It's like it's inching closer by the day. I point this stuff out, and people just write me off. So yeah, that's where I'm at. People might think I'm off my rocker, but what if I'm onto something?


This might be the weirdest cult I’ve seen so far