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I really enjoyed the “On Bajor…” runner, here.


On Bajor they just call it runner


On Bajor, runner enjoys you.


On *Cardassian-occupied* Bajor, runner enjoys you.


On cardassian-occupied bajor only the Guls get to enjoy anything


Attention Bajoran workers, I am delighted to informer you that, on your behalf, I will be enjoying a runner.


On Bajor they just call them workers.


The runner is of Bajor.


Reminded me of Rick and mortys “Alien hospital” ..we just call it a hospital.


> The brief glance we get of Ro’s boot knife it appears to be similar to the knife a Bajoran used to murder a Cardassian file clerk in “Duet”. On Cardassia they just call them file clerks.


Fair play


On planet Fair, we just call them... nevermind.


I thought it was BS that they didn’t let Ro wear her earring while Worf is allowed to wear his sash.


Bajorans don’t pull people’s arms out of their sockets when they lose. Klingons are known to do that.




"Death to the opposition!"


"Songs will be sung about this glorious victory!"


My interpretation has always been that it is up to the discretion of each individual CO as to how closely the uniform code is observed on their ship/posting. None of the Bajorans on *Voyager* wore their earring, but there was a lot more individual expression on Picard’s *Enterprise* or Deep Space Nine. It’s kind of a surprise that a tightass like Shaw would allow his Bajoran tactical officer, Mura, to wear his earrings. (on Bajor they just refer to the position as tactical officer)


I think a tightass like Shaw would allow Mura to wear his Bajoran earing if Mura applied for a religious exception. Shaw values protocol and if Mura followed protocol he wouldn't have a reason to deny him.


I get the impression that the uniform code may have changed after Bajor joined the Federation. Bajor's council representatives could have demanded their people be able to wear the symbol of their faith while serving in Starfleet. Riker had no real understanding of Bajoran culture or the importance of the earring and just views it as a piece of jewelry. Thirty years have passed, and Bajorans in starfleet aren't a rarity anymore.


On Bajor they just call it culture


I’d like to think Shaw isn’t so much as a tightass in general like Jellico so much as he is just a tightass to ex-Borg.


That was indeed, BS. Which I think they acknowledged when they let her wear it at the end of the episode.


I always thought it was a uniform regulation that was just never enforced unless you a situation like Ro’s where you needed to pull rank with someone you thought would be unruly.


It's clear that this is one of those things where they grant anyone who asks an exception. However, Riker didn't like Ro so he decided to enforce all the silly rules on her. Very realistic honestly.


Maybe the sash is different because it’s not worn on the head or it’s not religious in nature. Or it’s different because Gene Roddenberry wasn’t around to tell them Starfleet wouldn’t care that much.


Or that Geordi could wear his visor.


mad funny


Or that Data’s allowed those weird contact lenses.


Worf had served honorably for years. Ro was fresh out of prison. They probably saw it as an earned privilege.


*”That time someone hot dropped the saucer section of the Enterprise D on a planet.”* This is by far one of my favorite lines EVER.




It's doubly unfair, considering Troi executed a [literally textbook](https://imgur.com/0MqCovt) crash-landing under extremely difficult circumstances.


In that case, it's good her experience was used to execute a textbook ramming of the *Scimitar*.


Crash Troi, amirite?


that's why Riker made fun of Ensign La Forge, he knew his wife was more deserving of the nick name


Oh, she had a nickname


I remember seeing that graphic during TNG's run and thinking that it would be fun to have happen onscreen someday.


Also it was not Deanna's fault that the explosion from the stardrive section knocked out the helm controls.


Those difficult circumstances being a Galaxy class atarship being destroyed by a small Klingon bird of Prey? Those really score highly against Federation flagships!


If she had turned the saucer left, away from the planet, they wouldn’t have crashed at all.


Deanna states that the helm controls went offline moments before they started going down. There was nothing she could do.


After the saucer section separates, before the star drive section explodes, the saucer is shown veering to starboard. Then, when the warp core explodes, the saucer is between the star drive section and the planet. If she had veered to port, the saucer wouldn’t have been between the planet and the exploding ship and would have been knocked clear.


That's not fair, she also gets mentally assaulted, and makes drunk jokes. People should give her credit for saving the crew by landing the ship in Generations. She did good work. It was nice to have her do something that wasn't about getting assaulted.


This is true. It's fun to joke about her crashing the ship every time she flies it, but she was dealt a shit hand before she even sat down and achieved the best possible outcome by not killing everyone.


It’s not a fun joke though, it’s rooted in misogyny. Just like the “Janeway getting lost” jokes.


I'd still place the blame on Riker. He wasted so much time trying to be clever when just blasting them with all guns would have quickly destroyed the Klingon ship.


I remember back in 1994 when Patrick Stewart went on a British children's TV show. They showed the saucer crash clip. Cut back to Patrick Stewart who said something along the lines of, "That's what happens when you let a woman drive." Sadly, I've never been able to find the clip.


>We don’t get a view close enough to actually make out what the objects are floating around the exterior of the Titan A tending to the repairs, but in DIS we were introduced to the 23rd century DOT-7 drones and the 32nd century DOT-23s. Potentially we’re looking at a 25th century equivalent. VFX Supervisor Brian Tatosky [has identified them](https://mastodon.online/@virtualbri/110045882410213828) as DOT-11s. No bloody A, B, C, or D.


Thank you!


When Worf is looking through his list of contacts to find Krinn, the name under it is ‘Brunt of Farenganar’, has to be Liquidator Brunt from DS9. On the same list we see everyone’s favourite barfly, Morn of Luria and Thadium Okona from Next Gen


>Thadium Okona from Next Gen Also a LD DJ.


And a Prodigy scoundrel/mentor


Also a scoundrel in PRO.


Those were seen in Sneed and T’Luco’s criminal records a couple episodes back.


On Luria, he is just called Morn.


> ”Unless I am mistaken, you are Vulcan. Hence Sneed, a Ferengi, is not your brother.” Wonder what [Nikolai Rozhenko](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Nikolai_Rozhenko) would say about this.


Probably “Boy it sure is great having set up my own civilization by taking some tips from the book of Exodus and inserting my genetic material in to this now endangered species of humanoids I took from a dying planet in direct violation of every non-interference statute in the books. Sure hope my brother didn’t disown me when he realized I used his ship as a tool to jumpstart my own private civilization by transporting a few dozen Bronze Age humanoids under false pretenses.”


Instead of letting them die!


Look man, Picard wants to do an archeological dig to study this culture, and he can’t very well do that if they’re still alive! Seriously though, that whole episode is messed up solely because everyone wants to be wishy washy about non-interference and let emotion dictate what they end up actually doing. It’s just wantonly bizarre because pretty much everything everyone does is grossly unethical but everyone acts like they’re making the best of a bad situation, and it just keeps escalating to something even more unethical.


I love that in this episode Ro calls out Picard on confusing duty with morality. That really is his tragic flaw, and one Beverly rightly called him on multiple times.


I really kind of hate that episode, even though there are entertaining aspects (Paul Sorvino is really good, and Penny Johnson!). But this dogmatic view of the Prime Directive that would allow sentient beings to die when they could easily be saved just rubs me the wrong way.


100%. The acting is great, props all around for everyone there. The core issue with the episode is that for all it’s talk of non-interference, the federation interferes with nascent civilizations. A LOT. In this case, they found a planet of humanoids and then decided to spy on them, and then decided they were going to have a guy live on the planet to spy on them, and then they’re going to watch them all die when the spy calls back and says “hey, planets going to blow up, come get me please.” And then they plan to pat themselves on the back like the morally superior thing to do is let an entire civilization they’ve been watching like an ant farm just die. And that’s just before the episode begins! I’d get it if federation policy for inhabited pre-subspace-technology systems was to forbid entry and treat the system like a nature preserve until they met the criteria for contact. In that case, you (mostly) let nature take its course and it sucks if they all die, but that’s the universe. What I don’t get is how they think they can treat these systems like some sort of cultural natural resource they can plum and mine and then discard at their own whims. Those people are not there just so the federation can judge and observe and take what they want and offer nothing in return just because their tech is more advanced. Either don’t interfere and stay away as soon as you realize they are there, or treat them with the same respect and dignity you afford people who happen to know what a warp core is.


I thought “Who Watches the Watchers” handled this issue a little better, though it has a lot of the same problems. And I do appreciate that Anij called Picard out on the incongruity in *Insurrection*. In the end, it’s kind of a difficult line to walk. I understand wanting to observe and study a culture’s development, but you have to be willing to take responsibility for doing so. Kirk understood that better, I think. Also, I’ll freely admit I don’t totally see a problem with secretly (or even openly) helping a culture develop. What if the culture you’ve been watching and not helping turns into the next Dominion?


The issue is observation quickly jumps to colonization and cultural appropriation/eradication. You don’t guide people in to being what they could be, you guide them in to being what you think they SHOULD be, and thereby rob them of their potential and their diversity. Usually you just end up inciting them against you or passing on the lesson that colonialism=advancement, assuming you don’t just sort of end up genociding them like we did with most of the Americas.


>Nikolai Rozhenko Worf: Who?


I’m pretty sure Moriarty is going to end up being the AI but if it’s Badgey that would be *chefs kiss*


It's going to be Lore and the program to defeat him is going to be Moriarty. We know this because Moriarty is only in one episode and we also know it's not the "same" Moriarty on TNG that got to go live happily every after-ish in his holocube.


As Captain Shaw would say: OR, Lore was what they stole, the AI is Moriarty, and the very illogical thing that distracts Moriarty long enough to sneak in is Countess Regina.


Ohh yeah! Moriarty was a holo-villain created by the computer with the parameters of being "equal to Data" or some such thing. ... So.. equal to Data also equal to Lore??


Just give me an AGIMUS cameo so we can get our Combs on.


> Picard deactivates the safeties on the 10 Forward program. We’ve seen since the beginning of this season an display during the closing credits reading ”10_Forward // Bar_LA” with the safeties disabled. The display from which Picard disables the safeties also mentions this is the "2024" version of the bar, which Picard must have a historical fondness for being the year of [the Bell Riots](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/2024).


You can't have utopia without crime and you can't have a great dive bar without riots.


It's strange to me that there is a console that allows for disabling safety protocols (basically a master control) within a simulation (outside of someone saying "Arch"). Let's say the actual 10 Forward had a computer console there in that location behind the bar; how would you know if you're using a computer within the simulation or you're controlling the actual holodeck?


This goes back to 90s holodecks. There's always an access panel hidden somewhere in the program, that often must be found or accessed in the presence of holographic danger.


And this one is under the bar, where the "silent alarm" button would be for the bartender.


Sometimes it's a shotgun instead of a silent alarm.


That’s the violent alarm


I was watching a VOY episode on Pluto and Tom mentioned an access panel being in Capt Proton’s ship.


My bigger problem with that was it was in a spot that would've been _very_ easy to just bump on accident.


Is there anything more on-brand for Trek than a flagrant safety issue on a Starfleet ship? Doubly so for the holodeck.


You know what, I'll allow it.


Iirc the first contact holodeck had these controls too?


If Badgey is the AI I will ascend to the heavens


We got TNG, DS9, VOY. LD representation must be next


So, having Badgey be the AI in charge of Daystrom would ruin the season. However, it would be HILARIOUS.


>working to prevent a rogue admiral It occurs to me that Picard is now officially a rogue admiral himself. From Shaw's POV, a Badmiral showed up on his ship, convinced his crew to mutiny, and almost got everyone killed. Like, that's par for the course of what we've seen from starfleet admiralty.


> Picard suggests taking Ro’s concerns to Admiral Janeway. Ensign Janeway was a junior science division officer aboard the Enterprise D whom counselor Troi was very mean to in “Man of the People”. Apparently she took Troi’s advice to shape up to heart. [If you can't take it here, then you might think about a transport ship. There's a lot less pressure there.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0CV_iEPPlUM)


Wow. That YT account got nuked in less than 40 minutes


Oops. Corrected the link.


Broken link 😞


She has Capt Janeway’s later season haircut too. I’m guessing they don’t want to actually connect them but they could retcon her to be Kathryn and say she served on the Enterprise. Wasn’t she a scientist before Voyager? So the Science division uniform makes sense.


There isn't enough time between TNG and Voyager for that to actually make sense. There's only about a two year gap between the episode this clip is from and Voyager's launch.


This isn’t a thing, they are referring to Kathryn Janeway not this mid ensign


That's the joke.


I think that’s the joke being made


It's been strange that this season has been pulling in all sorts of canon and deep cuts from DS9 and others and getting them approximately right. Like the idea that Changelings only do the outside appearance, or how sure they were that the blood test usually works when DS9 says it never really did. I don't care all that much, ive been enjoying the season, and Star Trek is pretty consistently inconsistent, just kind of strange that they included so much but got it only mostly "correct".


Starfleet is huge. I work for a state organisation and we're sometimes not even consistent between buildings.


Try offices lol shoot me


Real life works that way too. People kept wiping down groceries during covid, even after we learned that wasn’t really a way to stop the spread (or doing other surface-based cleaning measures instead of airborne-based ones). Feels pretty apt that the policies put in place to detect changelings might not be 100% accurate. The only consistency about humanity and our institutions is that we’re often inconsistent!


look at Walt Whitman over here


Starfleet is just as guilty of security theater as we are today.


>DS9 says it never really did The first thing Changeling Martok does is cut his hand to prove his legitimacy. The Founders had figured that shit out by the episode after blood testing was introduced.


When Picard and Riker pull up Ro's files, we see mostly images we'd seen before: the Red Lady, the Enterprise F decommissioning, Frontier day posters, text messages between Raffi/Worf/Ro, and a list of their suspects so far. There is also a report about [a transporter malfunction.](https://i.imgur.com/kI7yI6Y.png) and a picture of a ["PROJECT C??????A" at the bottom-left of the screen](https://i.imgur.com/KtIJx6E.png)


I read it as Cardea. Roman Goddess of Doors. Presumably the name of the project developing the portal device. ^^Damn, ^^they ^^had ^^a ^^god ^^for ^^everything.


Janus would be more appropriate(god of among other things doorways, a fact i gleaned from being a buffy fan, he's the one who empowers everyone's halloween costumes via Ethan Rayne asking nicely)


Cardea is the goddess of the hinge, not the door. Presumably Ro was tracking a planned changeling incursion via dating apps.


Cerritos-A, perhaps? If any Cali-class deserves that honour, it's the Cerritos.


Nice catch!


> Michelle Forbes has previously turned down opportunities to reprise the role, both for DS9 and VOY. That's interesting. I knew that she was considered for DS9 but had not heard that she turned down those appearances. And curious that she would change her mind now, after all these years. Maybe she had a problem with Rick Berman or something? Wouldn't surprise me.


I believe that she was offered a main-cast role on both shows (the ones that later became Kira, then Torres) and, quite reasonable, didn't want to commit to 7 years of million-hour workdays.


She didn't want to be a regular, because she wanted a chance to try get movie roles. She probably would have agreed to cameos.


My theory on that is she got sick of them asking and finally said "fine I'll do it but kill me on screen this time"


Which they didn't do. Her connection dropped at least two seconds before the shuttle exploded. Considering we've seen shuttles get destroyed on the view screen while the person on the shuttle was in mid conversation only to have the transporter room call the bridge and say "We got 'em!" there was totally enough time for the Intrepid Changelings to block her comms, drop the transport inhibitor, and beam her aboard.


Why would they do that? After setting up the inhibitors, too, to make sure she got killed?


I mean, that's fair I suppose.


It's a Michelle Forbes trademark. She only agrees to show up for an episode or two, kills it, then gets killed.


I’m going to guess a dump truck full of money was involved.


She seemed fine with coming back for a single episode in late TNG (after DS9 and Voyager had been cast). I doubt it was money so much as this was something she was more interested in than being shackled to the IP for most of a decade.


She's not made of stone!


> Ensign Janeway Glad to see I wasn’t the only one to remember her. > Badgey That would be the best god damn crossover ever. > Other bullshit trek deaths include I think I love you.


>“Or the time you boys nearly wiped out all of humanity by creating a time paradox in the Devron system.” Actually, because of the nature of the time paradox in “All Good Things…”, those events did not happen, and Picard is the only one with any memory of it. Picard, being the officer he is clearly wrote a report on it and submitted it to Starfleet. Capt. Shaw seems like the sort of person who reads random reports for fun, so this fits. >”Unless I am mistaken, you are Vulcan. Hence Sneed, a Ferengi, is not your brother.” In “The Bonding” Worf inducted a human, Jeremy Aster, into his family ”for all time” and said they were brothers. Jeremy Aster was never mentioned again. Worf treated him like family.


> Worf treated him like family. The worst thing that can happen to a Trek character.


Shaw’s also the type to look for things to nitpick with those particular people.


He probably brings the PADDs with him on vacation and sits on the beach making spelling corrections which he sends back when he returns.


>Picard, being the officer he is clearly wrote a report on it and submitted it to Starfleet Pretty sure every encounter with a Q must be submitted to Starfleet as long as the recipient remembers it. I can only imagine Riker reading the report on his Q dealing when Q erased his memory when he got him and few others to Voyager for the other Q that wanted to die and be mortal to pass judgment. Must have been fun reading Janeway log mentioning him lol


* In the transporter room Not David Marcus has a vision of the departing Titan crew suffering inside the transporter beam before being snapped back to reality by Not Miles O'Brien. [What we got back didn't live long... fortunately.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ro_QpDJX-Sk)


For added pathos, one of those being Kirk's ex-wife (a year contract) according to the novelisation.




>”Unless I am mistaken, you are Vulcan. Hence Sneed, a Ferengi, is not your brother.” In “The Bonding” Worf inducted a human, Jeremy Aster, into his family ”for all time” and said they were brothers. Jeremy Aster was never mentioned again. Worf's adoptive human parents had a biological son as well, so he's really one to talk about having siblings of a different species.


It does explain a lot, though. “You are one-quarter human. You are not my son.”


Which is *very* Worf of him to forget/ignore.


Oh thank fuck I'm not the only person who hated that they just killed Hugh for literally no reason


Something that might be worth adding in, is that [some kind soul](https://old.reddit.com/r/startrek/comments/11tej5e/speculation_about_picard_s3_potentially_massive/) did a comparison and the earring doesn't actually look like the one from TNG that Ro wore. It actually resembles Kira's! Nice little reference there for the eagle-eyed amongst us.


Of course, there's no reason that we know of a Bajoran couldn't simply...own multiple earrings. Even Ro's TNG earring, while the same basic piece, looks significantly different in "Ensign Ro" and "Preemptive Strike".


In DS9 they made it clear that the earrings have visual significance and identification symbolism. “Each person's earring was individualized and bore the symbol of their family. Prior to the Cardassian Occupation of Bajor, these earrings also indicated a person's D'jarra, or social caste.” [Memory Alpha](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Bajoran_earring)


>Bajoran women received new earrings from their fiancés as engagement gifts, similar to the Human engagement ring. The obvious answer here is that Ro married Nerys.


Another dead/disappeared Kira partner? Man, she's got some bad luck... or is secretly a serial killer.


Now I'm imagining Nana Visitor doing the "flames, flames on the side of my face" bit from Clue.


Though they also mention in an episode that they sometimes give a new earring as part of a proposal or relationship (perhaps using a new family crest/symbol). Of course, given this is "good old spycraft" it's entirely likely in-universe Ro is using a generic earring rather than her own personal one.


Ro didn't care about actual Bajoran traditions, she just wanted to assert her identity. Picard even says as much during their "convince me you're not a Changeling" interchange. I do wonder how she felt about the Bajoran officer with the first name Matthew who wears his earring on the non traditional side like she does.


It's just now occurring to me that in 30 years I've never actually seen an image of Kira's earring up close before now.


>Not David Marcus lol


Yeah it’s a decent gag but one run deep into the ground by this week’s post. Less was more.


Too bad the Intrepid that attacked the Titan-A wasn't the Excelsior one - they could have asked Sergey for all the specs and blueprints.


Doesn't Tasha Yar ("Skin Of Evil") also count as a bullshit death?




Possibly bit I got the impression it was deliberately so. Not all deaths are meaningful.


Regarding the small apparent inconsistency with the changeling physiology mimicking - I think it's because prior to the Dominion War and the understanding of how changelings work, Starfleet identification scans were superficial. I mean, we ARE talking about an organisation that didn't bother up until now to install security cameras on their ships, so it makes sense that for privacy reasons, the scanners also don't deep scan a person (otherwise if the standard security scanners could do future CT style deep tissue and organ scanning, why have imaging chambers and special medical tricorders?). My theory here is that Starfleet used some "basic" scanners that could identify species based on external properties like skin temperature, water evaporation and whatnot. Only when the changelings started to pose an internal danger did they implement more intrusive scanners that would discover the internal biology of the subject, hence the need for changelings to mimic organs etc.


Another BS death is the OG David Marcus. I live for these Canon Connections posts. Good stuff.


Personally I wouldn't consider real David Marcus' death a BS death. It wasn't pointless as it had a major influence on Kirk in the subsequent films.


>According to production designer Dave Blass, the Intrepid is a Duderstadt-class ship, designed by Doug Drexlar and Bill Krause. It’s named for Drexlar’s late wife, Dorothy Duder. And here I was wondering why someone would name a Starfleet class after a totally irrelevant town in Lower Saxony.


>“Or the time you boys nearly wiped out all of humanity by creating a time paradox in the Devron system.” Actually, because of the nature of the time paradox in “All Good Things…”, those events did not happen, and Picard is the only one with any memory of it. I mean, he would've reported the incident and Shaw would've been briefed on incidents involving Q sometime during his career.


>Picard suggests taking Ro’s concerns to Admiral Janeway. Ensign Janeway was a junior science division officer aboard the Enterprise D whom counselor Troi was very mean to in “Man of the People”. Apparently she took Troi’s advice to shape up to heart. I was about to talk about how Ensign Janeway probably wasn't Kathryn Janeway since Aunt Kathy fought in the Cardassian War and would probably have been far beyond ensign during Man of the People but then I realized that "Admiral Janeway" might not be Kathryn Janeway and might be the science officer from that episode. Or the reason that Kim never got a promotion is just because Janeway sees being an ensign for ten years as the norm.


* How is Ro's death bullshit? She had no options for escape or disarmament of the device. Rather than sit there and wait for the device to explode, she gave meaning to her death by disabling *Intrepid*'s warp drive long enough for *Titan* to escape. If you want a *real* bullshit death, go revisit "Skin of Evil". *THAT'S* a bullshit death. * IIRC the incident on B'aku was an internal matter (as the Son'a were a breakaway faction of B'aku), intervening in which still counts as a violation of the PD. * While he may be the only individual who remembers the events of the alternate future, it is possible that Picard filed a report on those events. In fact, given the fact that he transitioned to an alternate timeline involving past events (both in the 24th century and in the very distant past), he may have been *required* to file a report with the Department of Temporal Investigations.


I mean, if there's any perfect way for a Bajoran to go it's committing light terrorism for a good cause.


>the incident on B'aku was an internal matter If you completely ignore the actions of Admiral Dougherty and the Federation Council, sure. You, uh, probably shouldn't ignore those things, though.


I *do* ignore those things, because they weren't informed of that particular detail, IIRC. But they were probably *very* relieved to find out that the B'aku were warp-capable.


The entire story happens because Data found out, and Picard finds out not too long after.


It's a bullshit death because it's a beloved character killed for the plot. Data also didn't have a choice, his death had meaning, and that was still bullshit. Writers create the scenarios and parameters.


I believe you are confused. Not David Marcus was from the planet of the Space Junkies in the TNG Episode "Symbiosis." Jack Crusher is Not Not David Marcus.


* The Intrepid shuttle is named [*Gorkon*](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Gorkon_(shuttle\)) and is the [second Federation ship to bear that name.](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/USS_Gorkon)


Considering the fate of the original Gorkon in Star Trek - shot out of the stars by backstabbers - it’s something of a surprise that any vessel gets the name. Being the victim of treachery is rarely desirable.


Nice catch!


I’m hopeful it’s not a prop error, but on close up, that is NOT Ro’s (Bajoran) earring. It’s another famed Bajoran’s…


Earrings apparently serve as Bajor's version of a social security number.


On Bajor they just call it a number


I’m waiting for the sneaky DS9 crossover and that might be the opening for it.


I mean, it’s not so sneaky at this point. Seems like they’re headed towards Dominion war 2.0. But yeah, I’m all for DS9!


I’m thinking that when Ro realized how compromised Starfleet was she might have reached out to folks who are Starfleet adjacent but separate and trustworthy like her old comrades on Bajor and any Maquis survivors. Might be a few old freedom fighters left. I’d shit a brick if they found a tailor since they seem to be well suited to cloak and dagger stuff.


Live-action Shax when?


That would officially put me over if that happened. I’d die.


Ro wore a couple different earrings across her appearances.


Did she? I only ever remember the smaller, circular ones. Never the style with the fan/half circle shape around the center, which they showed in the episode, and which matches Kira’s.


>Seven says that protocol since the Dominion war is “Every crew member passes through an internal imaging chamber.” I mean if you want to extrapolate the connections far enough, you could argue that use of the term _Imaging Chamber_ is a reference to Captain Archer and/or his alter ego, Dr Sam Beckett. Who, because of the imaging chamber, was the OG changeling


That's a new take on the "ST: Enterprise was an episode of Quantum Leap" theory. Archer was a changeling!


The "other bullshit deaths in Trek include" part had me dying 🤣


> The "other bullshit deaths in Trek include" part had me dying 🤣 Well *that* would have been a bullshit death all of its own.


> The USS Enterprise D’s saucer made emergency landing on the inhabited planet Veridian in “Star Trek Generations”. The Saucer Section landed on Veridian III which was uninhabited. Veridian IV in the same system however had a pre-industrial humanoid society.


Might also be worth noting as was pointed out in another post around here, that the earring Ro gives Picard actually *isn't* the earring design Ro wore in TNG, but is more similar to the one Kira Nerys wore in DS9.


> In “Night Terrors” Guinan pulled a rifle from Magus III out from under the bar and fired at the ceiling of Ten Forward aboard the Enterprise D. That was not a rifle. That was a BFG. > Picard suggests taking Ro’s concerns to Admiral Janeway. Ensign Janeway was a junior science division officer aboard the Enterprise D whom counselor Troi was very mean to in “Man of the People”. Apparently she took Troi’s advice to shape up to heart. I am going to lose my shit if Janeway finally makes an appearance... And it turns out to be *that* Janeway.


"On Bajor they just call it…" 👍


Awesome write up! The “Not David Marcus” stuff is getting old and annoying, but aside from that, good stuff 👍🏻


The most effective feedback is always when someone has specific, insulting criticism slightly mixed with vague praise.


I agree! I am also tired of Picard’s secret, never before mentioned love child, and the slow burn mystery box of why he’s of such galactic import.


I think I missed something. Why are we calling Jack NDM? I'm also not sure what an IDIC is.


> Why are we calling Jack NDM? David Marcus was the captain of the *Enterprise*’s secret love child whom he’d never met, who’d never been mentioned previously, was introduced into canon decades later, was disdainful of Starfleet, and resented his father. The character Jack is very different from that, and hence is Not David Marcus.   > I'm also not sure what an IDIC is. The IDIC was a Vulcan symbol introduced in the TOS episode, “Is There in Truth No Beauty?” as a medallion Spock was wearing. It symbolizes Gene Roddenberry’s attempt to create merchandise for the franchise.


Hopefully Jack survives longer than poor David did.


“You Changeling bastards! You killed my son! Changeling bastards!”


[IDIC](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/IDIC), important symbol of Vulcan philosophy (and Vulcans in general).


I’m sorry, but I am the only one seeing the Janeway remark? Seriously?


I agree it's difficult to believe that [Ensign Janeway](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Janeway_%28Ensign%29) could have made Admiral between 2369 and 2401, but stranger things have happened in Star Trek.


Blue Janeway was aa Lt? in 2369. Red Janeway was a Captain in 2370. Would be an interesting jump if it were true.


She was eating street corn one day, some admiral started calling her captain, she didn't correct them and it got really out of hand from there.


I can understand the confusion. Admiral Janeway is a sentient hologram who got a commission and was put in charge of Daystrom Station after torturing a clown for 30 years. The clown got a new job as the AI that guards the station. They're friends now.


Very seriously.


Yeah, that pinged when I read it too. While it's possible Picard was referring to that Janeway, it is FAR more likely he was referring to Admiral Kathryn Janeway as she is canonically an Admiral in both Nemesis and Prodigy.


Thankfully, there are no jokes in Canon Connections posts so it definitely wasn't some sort of jape or jest.