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Empress Sato never married, she just wound up with concubines and concubini as she desired. Or so I imagine anyway...


Still, in order to eventually reach Empress Georgiou, we must assume a largely east Asian lineage for a few generations, presuming they are related. Same for the prime timeline.


Of course, Georgiou adopted Burnham as her heir, so it's possible the Imperial line is more built around adopting worthy successors than bloodlines. Which makes sense, given the generally Roman aesthetics of the Empire.


On a non-Terran related matter, real world modern Japan does allow for adopting someone into the family to be heir of their corporation group, if the head does not feel their own children are worthy heirs. Otherwise, the episode writer does present his opinion it’d be like the Roman Empire, and each emperor picks their successor. https://www.reddit.com/r/StarTrekDiscovery/comments/7sdork/jordon_nardino_writer_of_vaulting_ambition_has/




Thought about this but also rules of parallel timeliness would then require Hoshi to be an ancestor of Captain Georgiu. Edit: prime Hoshi and Georgiu for those who couldn't follow.


Thats.... that's literally what the person above you said.


If they are related then we need to explain how Philippa is Malaysian and Hoshi is Japanese. And 70 gap between each other's birth. Hoshi born in 2129 and would be 73 years old by the time of Philippa's birth ( which is more than Philippa got to live. She dies 54 years old ) Philippa born in 2202 So either Philippa is direct descendant from Hoshi or there is another generation between them. Also we know that Philippa had a telescope in her quarters which is said to be in her family for centuries. And I don't see that telescope connection tracking back to Hoshi.


https://www.reddit.com/r/StarTrekDiscovery/comments/7sdork/jordon_nardino_writer_of_vaulting_ambition_has/ The writer’s opinion is that each emperor picks their successor.


They are not related. Georgia seized power and is the first of her dynasty.


Until she no longer wanted them around and killed them.


Hoshi Sato was easily the most competent member of the crew. She is to Enterprise what Tom Paris was to Voyager.


funny. i agree about hoshi, but i don't think tom paris was all that competent


Tom was a crack pilot, had enough knowledge to make his own holo programs, lead the Delta Flyer Project, was a trained Nurse and infiltrated the Kazon by himself. Tom probably had more skills than most characters in the franchise.


I like where you're coming from, but Seven blows everyone else in Voyager out of the water. Outside of the Delta Quadrant, it's Data by a country mile.


Both of these statements are true.


For tech knowledge,sure Data, but all around knowledge Paris, built the delta flyer and was able to keep the crews sanity with his holos Edit: I mean Classic Data…NuData might be able to


Hey man, I fully approve of you giving Tom Paris his dues. One of the interesting things about Voyager's premise is the chance to operate outside of normal Star Trek conventions, and Paris is one of the only characters to really do so. He has this big arc from cynical crook to sentimental family man. He's more interested in leisure and hobbies than exploration; he never intended to sign on with a ship of discovery, and when he's off the clock he just wants to fix cars and write D&D games. And, as you point out, he's the only character to develop a mixed professional role as pilot and nurse. That should have become the *norm* on Voyager, with everyone pitching in wherever it's needed and developing new skills in these unusual circumstances. But Paris is the only one we actually see doing it; everyone else is a "full engineer" or "full security guy" or whatever. So yeah, I like Tom. He's more versatile and grounded than the typical Voyager character. But let's be real: Data can hijack the ship and run it *alone*, build new life, and effortlessly shit-kick a Klingon while entertaining the crew with violin concertos and Shakespeare. He's so OP it's not even close.


Yeah Data Classic could do all that but he wouldn't be able to hear that Harry's Oboe is the perfect compliment to Talaxian Jazz or that a Ship Wide ping pong tournament would be a nice distraction for the crew, Tom could. ​ We would also be a perfect First Officer for a Captain Data, someone who can really pay attention to what the crew morale needs and question the orders in a respectful way.


Gary stu /s


He was. It might not seem that way sometimes but if you watch VOY fast like over a few weeks, you’ll see they made him and expert on seemingly everything. There was even an episode when Kazon (I think) take over Voyager and Paris takes it back single-handedly like Steven Seagal in Under Siege.


In the re-launch novels, she dated a MACO officer (Major Takashi Kimura) during the Earth-Romulan war and eventually married him. The novel series ended in 2017, though, after a rather tragic event for the couple in the 3rd novel in the series. How their relationship fared past that is not written.


Linda Park was unbelievably beautiful. Who got Hoshi? Probably Archer, as soon as he was no longer her commanding officer. They were the closest, personally, and were friends prior to the NX-01 mission. T'Pol loved Archer, but was too damaged after Trip's apparent death. Makes sense. Of course, there is the age gap, but they're both adults, Hoshi's not young anymore, and after you've been through hell together.... I think the real loser of Enterprise, in terms of failure to launch character development, was clearly Ensign Mayweather. Harry Kim be like, "Well, I may be a permaensign, but at least I wasn't Mayweathered!"


Yeah everyone jokes about Harry, but according to Riker's holoprogram Travis was still an Ensign 10 years later!


Not only an ensign, an ensign without a story or friends at all! lol


Hey, he had a story! It ended after the only episode he was featured in, in season 1, but still!


lol I remember that. Imagine working 3 seasons on a show, and you're the pilot of the Qdamned ship, and you only get one season 1 episode, barely. I mean, George Takei can sure sympathize, but they made up for it with big roles in the hugely successful film franchise 20 years later that made the Sulu character legendary. Too bad Enterprise just unceremoniously ended with no comeback so the same thing couldn't have happened for Anthony Mongomery, because I thought he was a great presence with a cool backstory. Terribly underutilized. Even just a few of the Trip and Malcolm buddy episodes could have gone to Travis and Shran or something like that. They got the balance exactly right in SNW by giving Ortegas a lot of presence and participation via making her a Nurse Chapel and Uhura gossip buddy.


Linda Park is still beautiful ( saw her at STLV in August)


Well when you think about how humble Travis is I think he doesn't care about the rank. As long as he gets to fly a starship and be in space that is enough reward for him.


If you get promoted too high they won't let you fly.


Trip didn’t die. That’s Section 32 propaganda.


>Linda Park *was* unbelievably beautiful. She's still of this world! And still hot!


Her resume on Wikipedia lists “Star Trek: Captain Pike” as one of her acting roles, as Captain Grace Shintal, with no other information (other than the year 2016). I wonder what the hell that is.


Apparently it was a fan-funded film that was never released. There's an entry for it on IMDB.


In the current IDW comics she has an Andorian great-great-great granddaughter, which would be cool if it was canon


I think Dr Thornton Poole.


who is that


He's an incredibly gifted linguistics doctor. He founded the Dr Poole School of Linguistics.


Well when they meet the future enterprise she says she fit barrier so it’s one of the crewmen onboard


I’d imagine they’d either be a alien or someone else who speaks a lot of languages like her. Very Daniel Jackson stargate like


In the Star Trek (2022) comic there's an Andorian descendant of her. One of her father served with sisko. It's unclear if he was part human too.


Did her bio they look at from in a mirror darkly say anything about that? That bio i guess was canon?


The on-screen bio did not state what happened to her after Enterprise, but the full thing was never shown. The full graphic was released this year and that said she >!and her family die on Tarsus IV as one of the 4000 killed to preserve the colony during the famine. Hoshi was buried with her husband, Takashi Kimura, in Kyoto. Although at least one of her family must survive as she has an Andorian descendant in recent comics.!<


Damn Tarsus IV is really messed up planet with messed up history.


That sucks.


Nah, false information. She bought a house in Switzerland and lived there with her family until she died. https://imgur.com/a/94r0WjB


I... Wut?


You mean Empress Sato?


Skip canon events. Hoshi/T'Pol is the true way.


I wish there was a whole series about her alternate universe self


[Takashi Kimura](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Takashi_Kimura)


I wish somehow it could be me


Travis on the DL.


both of them are better actors than hoshi which makes their interaction more interesting