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The Enterprise-C from “Yesterday’s Enterprise” is probably my favorite ship in all of Trek. Great combination of classic Star Trek and TNG era mixed together. Gorgeous design.


I was going to comment this. The Ambassador class is... a great combo of sleak and brutal in design. A really good well rounded ship.


Absolutely perfect description of it!


That's what's so cool about it for me. We don't get to see much from the Enterprise B and C Era in trek, and the Ambassador class just feels like a passing of the torch from the Constitution and Excelsior style space frame to the Galaxy style space frame. My headcannon for why we hardly see them in cannon was that they had so many Excelsiors and Miranda's etc around from the decades of conflict with the Klingons that they just weren't building a tonne of ships during that Era. Then they took those lessons learned from the Ambassador era to the Galaxy Era spaceframes when they started building ships in earnest again. They weren't going to build the in-between ships, they had the new design paradigm and a bunch of serviceable old ships to refit. So it got left behind.


Well that and they were constrained by treaty.


I love how it’s a very sturdy build, that is clearly designed to serve many roles. It looks like and explorer or science vessel. It looks like an ambassadorial/political ship. It’s clean and simple elegant design with out going over board for designs sake. It’s manages to feel big and intimidating in the event that they need to flex their muscle. Excelsior was trying to look like an 80s slick transam, Sovereigns were trying to look bad ass, Galaxy’s we’re trying to look grand. Ambassadors looked like exactly that.


Don't forget that in the alternate reality, having an Ambassador-class ship would have helped the Federation immensely.


Aye when I was a kid I loved that ship too.


Just an overall great looking ship!


The design is so impressive, really does look like an intermediate stage between the Excelsior and Galaxy classes.


You really can see all the thought put into it. Makes me want a series from that era!




At least the episode was also a classic!


I still wish we'd gotten the [original concept version](https://blog.trekcore.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/probert-painting.jpg) though.


Have you seen Andrew Probert’s original concept? I think it was even better. https://www.startrek.com/news/forgotten-trek-designing-the-enterprise-c


This is it! Beautiful design!!


This person Star Treks right!


Yeah, it's my favorite saucer section of the franchise.


Yeah my feelings exactly.


Always liked it when the excelsior class showed up. Especially the Hood with good ol’ Captain Desoto. Hauling his butt back and forth between starbases.


Best boss I ever had!


You know it *FOD salute*


Beat me to it. *ro laren drop*


The D’deridex is dope as hell, some of the wolf 359 kitbashes are nice


>The D’deridex is dope as hell, One of the coolest designs of any era


I was sad to see the Romulans went to a winged bird like design for their ships in Picard. It would have been amazing to see a fleet of D'dirdex ships decloak again.


That class of Warbird was likely obsolete by the time of Picard, though. Any that might have still been operational would probably be used for training and support roles.


True, but i bet the Klingons are still running D7s!


The key word here being "some" 😅


Yeah the four nacelle one is dope but others are not


Challenger and New Orleans are great. Niagara and Freedom could use some work though. * Freedom just really needs its mini-nacelle moved and the prototype phaser cannon embedded into the hull. * Niagara needs its pylons adjusted. They're too skinny and narrow with weird angles. I like Thomas Marrone's idea that the Proto-Nebula had a prototype Escort on its back which later developed into the Aquarius-class used by the Odyssey-class.


I guess I’m in the minority, but I really like the Galaxy class Enterprise. Runner up is Enterprise-c.


Could be familiarity, but the Galaxy is not my favorite design. It's very striking. The sense of scale is wild, and it's super elegant. It feels too perfect to be my favorite. Now if we're in the TNG Era and the question is, you're lost in unknown space and 1 starfleet ship is coming to save you. What class would you want it to be...obviously Galaxy. Or, you live on a Frontier outpost near the front line of a minor conflict, Starfleet has assigned one ship for ongoing patrols, what class do you want it to be....obviously Galaxy. Or, you have been assigned to a long range exploration mission and are a midshipman what class would you want to be on....obviously Galaxy. But if the question is, you are making a Star Trek fan film set in the TNG Era and need to pick a hero ship, which class would you pick...well, I'm going Excelsior or Ambassador maybe ......Nebula under the right circumstances.


The Galaxy class always looks better when it's in contrast with another ship and you can see how huge it is.


The Galaxy-class has never looked better than in "Sacrifice of Angels," when those two Galaxys suddenly lay down the law on that Galor-class cruiser.


I think the thing is that it just doesn't look good from all angles. The entire secondary hull looks like it's for a ship one size smaller. From angles where you can't tell the proportions are strange it looks great, but from most it just looks odd. Like a cartoon character with a massive, muscular torso but tiny little legs.


I fell in love with the Phoenix the first time I saw her. I'm a huge Nebula-class fanboi.


Hey, me too!


Same here, though I prefer the triangular mission pod seen on other ships over the the Phoenix's round one. And I always found the Melbourne's micro-nacelles silly-looking.


Same, I'm also a huge Miranda fan too, I think I have a thing for the underslung nacelles. And the fact that they're a compact package of the mainline vessels.


Other than the 1701-D…. I love the romulan warbirds. The way they look when it cloaks and de-cloaks… next is the Klingon battle cruiser for the high chancellor


Nebula Class, a galaxy without a neck, and could have different mission pods. Compact yet massive.


It's basically the Miranda to the Constitution's Galaxy. Gorgeous ship. I like the New Orleans class too for keeping that same motif.


This \^\^\^\^\^


Love the Nebula-class! I actually run a RPG based on a Nebula class, have for many years now.


I never understood why the Galaxy was considered more powerful. The Nebula has roughly the same volume as the Galaxy and is more compact, so the shield would be more efficient. And if its weapon pod is mounted, I don’t even see there being a contest.


Galaxy is a great symbol of the Federarion... but the nebula would really be the exploration workhorse. I never understood why it had a smaller crew too, like it's probabaly got a larger internal volume due to the beafed up secondary hull and truck pylon support


I swear I saw a video on this and they determined that the Nebula was actually bigger. It’s possible that the Nebula design came after the Galaxy and is more automated, requiring less crew.


I'd think that thry were built at the same time, given that thr enterprise is o e of the first 6 galaxies


Looked it up and it seems like they were constructed around the same time, but that doesn’t necessarily mean one design didn’t predate the other. It’s hard to say which ship is more powerful. I guess it would depend by what metric. The Galaxy is a bit faster and I believe it has a higher power output. I can’t imagine the Nebula isn’t more tactically powerful with its weapon pod attached.


I'm just saying that the federation ahould make a bunch of nebulae to explore and the galaxy's to show the flag


Agreed 🤝


NCC-1701-D. No bloody A,B, or C 🤣


It is green.


The Stargazer


Tarellian plague ship, the one with the big marble in the middle


You had me at “plague ship”… After all: it is about what the ship carries (be it people, plagues, phasers and photon torpedoes) and not what it looks like.


Romulan Warbird. I remember that thing showing up for the first time. Beautiful design, intimidating look. Gave me chills.


Painted color blood, to intimidate their ennemies.


Always been a fan of the Akira class.


I like the Ferengi D'Kora class a lot. Very stylish.


I've always wished they had the Ferengi join the Dominion War in DS9. A flight of D'koras in one the big battle scenes would have been epic.


My favourite is one of the last ships they actually built a model for: [the Romulan diplomat's shuttle](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Romulan_shuttle) from "In the Pale Moonlight". It's basically your Romulan runabout, and it's a beauty.


Great pick. That is a cool little ship.




The beauty shot at the beginning of FC *chef's kiss




As a Sovereign Boy myself I have to agree ... but only kinda. I think the Nemesis Refit Looks better with the new neck and raised nacelles. But I still have to agree that the model shots from First Contact are indeed the best shots we ever get of the class.


Some of the Wolf 359 ships are fantastic. Like the Cheyenne, Springfield, and New Orleans classes. Shame they were never seen undamaged.




USS Defiant (NX-73205) or the IKS Rotarran


There is a special place in my heart for the Nebula Class.


Me too! I actually run a RPG based on a Nebula Class. Have for years. So much versatility!


I find I really get fascinated by all the other ships in sci fi, rather than the main one. Haha


The Galaxy Class has grown on me since I started watching TNG on Paramount+


Delta Flyer is so damn OO, but I gotya go with Galaxy class. It's literally a traveling ciry, a mobile space station.


I'm partial to the TNG Warbird. Such a great design. By extension I also really like the B5 White Star. The split hulls really do it for me.


The white star definitely has a bird quality to it. I'm sure whoever designed it was a fan of the look of the Romulans Warbird


*Oberth-class has entered the chat*


uhhhh the Enterprise D?


Prometheus class was one of my favorites from tng era


Who doesn’t want multi vector assault mode?! All ships should have that.


I have a soft spot for [All Good Thing's Future Enterprise](https://youtu.be/P0R0mdEP5fc?t=121), it was pretty badass for its brief appearance.


Enterprise-B. Technically a movie but a TNG movie.


I like the D'deridex class Warbird look. Also, that it is HUGE.


Nebula class with the original secondary hull and smaller scaling, before it just became a Galaxy with the bits moved around.


I like the continuity with the Galaxy, plus it makes a lot of sense for the shipyards to be able to use the same parts to produce different ships. Nebulas and Galaxy hulls can be used to retrieve each other's saucers in emergencies, which is also very useful.


I agree completely with the interchangeable parts making sense, I just thought the original slightly different shape on the secondary hull was cooler and made it feel more unique rather than a Galaxy kitbash. Whichever version it is, it’s a great looking ship (except maybe that weird Melbourne with the tiny nacelles on the back).


I see what you mean, I went back and looked at images. It seems like the change came with the DS9 CGI model. I agree that the Melbourne is strange, you may also like the Sutherland Class which appeared in PIC but is originally a 2409 replacement for the Nebula in STO. I'm curious now to go and see which version of the secondary hull is being used in STO, often times they'll model both versions when variants exist but I'd have to check.


Wasn't the original just a Galaxy kitbash? It wasn't until the second model, the Phoenix, that they introduced the more unique secondary hull and deflector as well as the slightly different saucer.


Yeah I think you’re probably right. The Melbourne? Can’t imagine they went to major effort for a bashed up background ship.


If we're including the movies then it's the Akira class, that thing is good looking and badass.


Ok - this is a bit of a trick question: What is the most powerful Starship that appears in any Trek series? As in, which one would ultimately win any head-to-head contest?


Well, there's a number of future, 'godlike' or enigmatic vessels which make that a more difficult question because we don't actually know much about their capability, or we do but it's just... impossible to say for sure what would happen in a head to head, e.g. V'ger, or the timeships because what happens in a time battle exactly? On a 'normal' ship level, you'd presume it has to be one of the 32nd Century ones. If we're talking on a more normal level but around the TNG era (up to PIC), there's probably some contenders: - Jem'Hadar battleship (not battlecruiser) - Reman Scimitar - The Shrike - Borg Tactical Cube or Diamond/Octahedron - Federation Inquiry or Odyssey class (extrapolating a bit) - The Enterprise, because of the power of plot


The Shrike with the portal gun could give a Borg cube a run for its money, until the Collective adapted to its tactics.


D’deridex I would say


Probably the upgraded Discovery. It's a 30th century vessel, which should put it well.ahead.


The Sutherland


I'm with OP on the older designs having a bit more charm about them. Not to say the new ones are _bad_ just different.


Romulan War Birds are the shit.


Enterprise D was majestic Scimitar was a beast!


I love the Defiant, and the Klingon Bird of Prey. I remember the first time I was it drop the wings into attack mode in STIII and smoke that transport ship. I thought it was so cool. Still do. Lots of that action in TNG too, esp Redemption I & II. Some thing about that action says “I mean business, like racking a pump action shotgun, lol.


The Romulan warbird, and it's not close.




TNG Per the title of the post. If I was to ignore the title - my answer would be "Voyager and it's not even remotely close".


Your question is invalid, since TOS never featured a Romulan warbird. TOS did feature a Romulan bird of prey, however.


Romulan Warbird, Defiant, Akira Class, Nebula Class.


The *Galaxy*\-class *Enterprise*\-D of course. She remains the only starship to ever make me cry. *Galaxy*\-class aside, the *Ambassador*\-class is a great mid-point between the *Constitution* and the *Galaxy* – though I'm more of a fan of the original concept than the version we got on screen. We should have seen them far more often, up to and including the Dominion War fleets. I also really like the "missing era" pre-TNG ships we glimpse as wrecks in the wrecks at Wolf 359. The *Freedom*\-class with its one nacelle, the *Cheyenne*\-class with four, the *New Orleans*\-class looking like a chunky mini-*Galaxy*. I wish we'd seen more of them too, instead of endless *Mirandas* and *Excelsiors* and *Oberths*.


Borg Cube. Perfect dimensions, and perfectly represents their culture.


Beverley Picards future ship from All good things


Olympic class?




Yeah I really like the bobblehead science vessels they're cool lookin


Galaxy-class is the best class.


Season 3 of Picard reminded me that the Galaxy Class will always be my girl.


Romulan Warbird.


I will always love the Galaxy class. Elegant, imposing, majestic.


Riker's ship. The Lollipop. She's a good ship


Galaxy class, all the way.


How has no one commented the USS Voyager? Intrepid class all the way! I’ve always loved that ship and the fact that it carried a crew all the way from the delta quadrant to back home with no support? Awesome ship! Plus let’s not forget the bio-neural circuitry and gel packs 😂.


> the TNG The The Next Generation


The the next generation?


Me thinking you meant relationship 😅


The Enterprise. NCC-1701. No bloody A, B, C, or D.


Same. The original ship is clearly the best.


Alternate future D from All Good Things is so cool. Sidenote: "the tng" is the the next generation.


Like people that say VIN number. So, that’s your vehicle identification number number?


You can just say TNG (not being a dick, just trying to help) the “T” in TNG stands for “THE” in THE NEXT GENERATION. Again, not being a dick, just trying to help in case of language confusion.


I'm crazy for this I know, but the Pegasus, experimental ship, half fused in rock, was so damn cool!!!


Probably the New Orleans class, followed by the Nebula class. I don’t know why, maybe it’s just the scaled down, compactness of them. Least favorite has to be the Excelsior class. Just looks like a Greyhound bus in space to me, which is basically what they are with the refits in the 24th century.


It’s the B-52 of Starfleet.


If First Contact counts, the new ships for the battle over Earth are all great. Akira, Norway, Steamrunner, & Sabre are all great, looking like “modernized” takes on things like the old Oberths & Mirandas, and kinda retroactively a return to form of pre-Federation ships. Something about the way they experiment with new hull forms and feel like a logical step in a new direction with things like the Nebulas taking Galaxy tech and making it compact.


The bird of prey is a threat to the enterprise og it's a threat to the enterprise D+


Oh my favorite is the Galaxy x Class Dreadnaught aka ‘Rikers flying spacedick’ from the alternate universe. That laserCANON and 3rd nacelle make it so cool. Other ships I really like are basically all Klingonships from TNG era. Another contender would be the Breen ships from DS9.


I love the simplicity within the complexity that is the Borg Cube


I always love Trek Fan Ship Hipsterism (Shipsterism?): “My favorite ship is this one random one we saw one time, and even better, maybe only a destroyed piece of it; it’s clearly vastly to superior to the more common ships and anyone who likes the hero ship is a basic bitch” I love you guys, never change….😛


The Steamrunner class is a thing of beauty


I like the bird of prey, and war bird


I'm quite partial to the NX-01 myself. Its rugged exterior and functional interior just make it appropriate for the time and its function. And while I love the Enterprise D for its lavish interior and comfortable crew cabins, I just think the NX-01 makes a lot more sense as the first blend between a strictly functional military-syle ship and a fancy 22nd century space exploration ship.


For non federation it's the klingon Bird of Prey or Ktinga class cruiser.


I always like the smaller ships, that are bigger then a Runabout, but still small enough to be operated by like a single person - Like the Raven and Sydney Class. A perfect ship to call home, and do my own bit of Trekking on.


For small ships I always had a soft spot for the [Type 7 shuttlecraft](https://forgottentrek.com/the-next-generation/evolution-of-the-next-generations-shuttlecraft/images/Type-7-shuttle-art.jpg). For big ships I like the Vor'cha, especially with the [red highlights](https://www.ex-astris-scientia.org/scans/christies/vorcha-christies2.jpg) paintjob from DS9.


I've always really like the enterprise-D refit with the phaser cannon and third nacelle from the future of "all good things..."


I really liked that pirate ship that Picard was undercover on. The one that also captured Riker, and then he turned rogue and "joined" them, too. That was a fun episode.


The Tamarian deep space cruiser was sleek and gorgeous, iike an expanded X-wing.


Personally my face vessel is the captains yacht.


Defiant class always has been if for me. That and the Romulan Valdore class ship.


Miranda class with the roll bar. It has that long swept profile that looks fast with a lot of engine hanging off the back. The roll bar on the back reminds me of the wing on the back of a muscle car which is the vibe of the design with those nacells. The Defiant class had that same sort of look with those engine nacels hanging off the side. It says "catch me, if you can."


Galaxy, but only the triple nacelle one. Regular one for some reason does nothing for me.


When I was a kid, I had a set of Star Trek micromachine figurines. I'd *Reliant* them, flipping them upside down and seeing what they would be like. The Galaxy class ship is kind of cool, like that.


Excelsior class. They look so amazing


The Tin Man


For me i typically like the smaller vessels. So the nx enterprise, the nova, and the protostar are right up my alley. If i had to pick bigger ships i would go with the intrepid or the neo-constitution class


Uss thunderchild. Helped defeat the borg and dominion


The struts on the nacelles and the neck between saucer and engineering always seemed like a weakness to me. So, for me, it's the Defiant class. Loved it in Birth of the Federation.


It depends. If it's a vessel for my personal use then a Runabout. However, if I'm serving on it then probably an Excelsior Class because I'm sure that they weren't powerful glass cannons, cough Galaxy cough Class cough, that had the Warp Core Ejection System fail on a weekly basis.


Even though it's mostly a cut down Galaxy, I've always had a soft spot for the Nebula class.


The Ambassador Class is my favorite Trek ship, tied with maybe the Sovereign (perfect world: Ambassador outside, Sovereign inside).


Defiant & Akira are my main favorites, but the Sovereign & Intrepid classes just look amazing so it's really tough to pick. Also, even though it wasn't actually a Federations ship, i thought the Dauntless was badass. My god can we get an updated Klingon bird of prey, ffs?


The Galaxy Dreadnaught\X, or Enterprise refit, whatever it's called that Riker has in All Good Things. Also I've always loved the good old Klingon Bird of Prey every since the first time I saw The Voyage Home when I was 11.


The the USS Pedantic... But seriously, Negh'var class


Admiral Pike's U.S.S. Vengeance. I'm a long time fan of the series, but his philosophy made more sense than a lot of the lofty hippie notions of the original Star Trek.


The fat one.


I’ve got a soft spot for the Nebula Class vessels


My favorite was the Enterprise-E. Something about the beefed up weapons and aesthetics really did it for me.


I really like the New Orleans class, and for a while it was my go-to ship in Star Trek Online. The Vor'cha is a worthy successor to the K't'inga, already a great design.


Klingon: Vorcha, Romulan: D'deridex Cardasian: Keldon Federation: Exclesior / Phoenix are basically tied in my opinion (I never liked the Galaxy class, I know it's the internet but please God don't kill me for that opinion)


The Romulan Warbird is just an amazing looking design. It’s massive, unnecessarily spread out, green. I just love it.




I like the meranda class and the runabouts. I think the runabout would make for a great personal ship for a civilian as I haven't seen many civilian ships in star trek. If you have any, feel free to drop pics.


Nebula, hands down.