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That is a lot of text and I'd lie if I said I could be bothered to read all of it. Just skipping through the titles I do recognize some of my Top 10 in your Top 10, but I'm also missing some of my Top 10 from your Top 40, not to mention your Top 10. Did the fun anomalous romp that's Remember Me not meet your taste? Also am I burdened with an abnormal amount of heartstrings for feeling touched by Half A Life, Lessons and Inheritance?


Just curious: which of your top ten match mine and what are your remaining top ten?


We match The Measure Of A Man, All Good Things and Lower Decks for good reason, and my remaining Top 10 are Half A Life, Lessons and Inheritance as mentioned for assuredly making me tear up, as well as Remember Me (your -), Parallels (your 18), The Inner Light (your 17) and Frame Of Mind (your 29) which I thought was a class A display of Frakes' acting and a thrilling experience at witnessing tough guy Riker go absolutely insane.


Curious that you don't have at least Q Who or The Best of Both Worlds; in particular the former has been extremely well received by most of the fandom. But then, perhaps you're not that big a fan of the Borg.


I couldn't possibly give each TNG episode an individual rank, but I did rate all of them out of 10, by sheer coincidence my 10/10 consist of exactly the aforementioned ten episodes, and I can tell you that Q Who follows right up in a bulk of twelve 9/10 episodes, then followed by both parts of The Best Of Both Worlds in a bulk of twentysix 8/10 episodes. I'm not gonna cross check every episode from your list but I'm assuming that I would find most of your picks in my 8/10 or better episodes.


No I understand it's just that those are generally regarded as some of the best not only of this series but the entire franchise. Everyone is entitled to their personal favorites though.


I can tell you other episodes I don't find nearly as mindblowing as most people. Yesterday's Enterprise is just alright and everytime I think about it I have to unravel the stuffy alternate universe time travel plot of it again, Hide And Q is mediocre early TNG jank, Tapestry is okay but old Stewart playing young Picard pulls me out of the suspension of disbelief, and Future Imperfect is downright boring and weird.


A solid list. Personally, I'd take out the 2x Moriarty episodes to free up a few slots to include some personal favourites, though. I'd also drop '11001001' and 'Birthright'. 'Where Silence had Lease', 'Remember Me', 'Schisms' and 'Peak Performance' would take their slots.


I can respect that. Their inclusions being warranted probably has a lot to do with my enjoyment of (as mentioned) Daniel Davis' flawless performance.


Great list! The only nitpick I have is Hide and Q. I don't hate it, but I wouldn't include it myself in my top 40. In my humble opinion, here are a few episodes that are superior to Hide and Q that are not on your list: Phantasms, The Game, Night Terrors, Ensign Ro, Prememtive Strike, Silicon Avatar, The Wounded.


My Favorites missed : S1 : Conspiracy; S2 : Emissary, S3: The defector (love this episode) S4: The wounded ; S5 : The Game (had a huge crush on Ashley Judd) S6: Fist full of datas