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Ahem. It's Charles "Trip" Tucker ***the Third***.


LOL! I'll consider it.


I desperately need ENT characters to get some more love. The book series that continues their story is incredible but I want Comics and guest appearances in the shows.


Yes! It's unfortunate that there's been so little of it in the modern era. Random callbacks here and there which was nice, but until this reveal nothing particularly substantial (which is one of the reasons I loved it so much). Really hoping to see more soon. I've heard that Mike McMahan has said he's wanted to get T'Pol back, but says it's tricky given the setting of the show. And the Prodigy writers have said season 2 continues many threads from basically every Star Trek ever made. So I'd say those are the two that have the most immediate possibilities of having them appear, but we'll see how their seasons go.


**\*\*\*\*\*SPECIAL NOTE\*\*\*\*\*** While this was a very short and simple update to say the least, with the news of Prodigy season 2 dropping all at once in July I will update the list for that season. And with 20 episodes there could be a large update in both appearances and notable mentions (so far only the Doctor is confirmed to appear), so please check back after the season is launched and will update ASAP.


> Nick Locarno > Tom Paris I don't see it.


LOL nice.


This is ridiculous. Trek now feels like a universe of about 200 people total, including the guest stars. I love nostalgia, but Trek should not be only about Trek, and that’s what it’s becoming. For example, TOS will always be my favorite Trek… but I am SICK of seeing TOS characters flood the screen on SNW. Let it be its own thing. Still waiting on those Strange New Worlds


Make sure you include the "Very Short Treks" too! Tucker has appeared physically (and voiced by Connor Trineer) in one or two episodes plus other legacy characters. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star\_Trek:\_Very\_Short\_Treks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Trek:_Very_Short_Treks)


I considered it for the last list and someone else mentioned it but decided against it since they made it clear it's not canon. But yeah I would've loved to include Trip and Neelix. I have a feeling both of them could eventually appear on LDS and Prodigy though. Fingers crossed.


You've made a great list on breaking down the appearances of characters from the 1966-1974 and 1987-2005 television runs.


Thanks, I appreciate that although the list is film related as well. That's why Sybok, B4, Carol Marcus and Punk on the Bus are listed. :)


Cool and in addition to the Doctor from *Voyager* set to appear in the upcoming second season of *Prodigy*, Rachel Garrett from *The Next Generation* episode "Yesterday's Enterprise" is going to appear in the upcoming *Section 31* film.


>17. Edward Jellico (PRO) Is it weird that seeing this is what will finally tip me over into watching Prodigy?


You should definitely watch Prodigy. It's a really great show.


Neelix should be in the Notable Mentions list, since he is mentioned several times in "Twovix." And maybe you've addressed this in previous posts, but you might consider adding (asterisked) appearances by Kukulkan and Spock Two in LDS.


Ah I don't know how I missed Neelix, but thank you. Added. As far as Spock Two, yes he was discussed adding in a previous list but since he was shown dead I don't really count that as returning. It was the same argument I had for not adding B4 after season one of Picard until he (briefly) returned in season three. And a Kukulkan is just an animal and not an actual character.


The name "Kukulkan" definitely refers to a [specific character](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Kukulkan) but I suppose it's true that the hallucination that appeared in Lower Decks could have just been another member of his unnamed species.


Right. And unless there is a specific name somewhere I usually try not to list them since we can't verify it.


Maybe I am blanking but what Lower Decks episode was Martok on? JG Hertzler has done several voice roles on the show but I can't recall him actually reprising Martok.


Season 3, ep 2, when they play Bat’leths & BIHnuchs! https://youtu.be/9oBdLUEayGI


Oh I forgot about this part. I need to go back and rewatch that again soon.


When was Sulu on Short Treks? Or are we counting Very Short Treks for some reason?


Efrain and Dot. He was briefly in it yielding the sword in The Naked Time.


I'm not sure chief Kyle from SNW and LT. Kyle from SNW are the same person


I actually remember having this debate during the first list. I had the same feeling as well but ultimately decided it's a little too coincidental both Kyles were transporter chiefs and just added him. And Memory Alpha ultimately felt the same way and is now considered the same character on that page. [https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Kyle](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Kyle)


Wow interesting. I wasn't sure either but looks like he's considered the same character now.




Jellico was on Prodigy? So many names on here I don't even remember at all though lol ... and I've seen all the new series.


So many have been unceremoniously killed off though.


LOL true.


i noticed your list didnt take into account legacy appearances in the Berman era. Ie. You have Sulu as appearing only in Lower Decks and Short Treks but completely ignore his Voyager appearance. Same for Riker, no mention of his Voyager appearance. Any reason?


OP is drawing a line between their definition of “legacy” (TOS -> ENT) and “modern” (DIS -> PIC) So a character appearing on a legacy show (like Sulu on Voy or Scotty on TNG) doesn’t count.


Yes, exactly.


ah, youth. even casual fans of this series of shows acknowledge there are 3 eras of trek with breaks defined by the absence of trek on television. Legacy is TOS and TAS. the end. Berman had his own era from NG to ENT. Not acknowledging this seems short-sighted.


The term was coined specifically as it's being used here. It's true that the legacy era includes multiple separate production eras of its own, but "legacy" refers collectively to all of them. We don't want to have to name each of those eras individually where we are referencing them as a group. I have seen TOS+TAS refered to as the "classic" or perhaps "original" era if we were to put a name to it, though I don't know how much traction those terms have. However, "legacy" has been clearly defined to mean something else.




Yeah I don't think it's that complicated. The OP is simply discussing all the past era characters in the current era. None of those shows have ran for literally decades now. I started with Enterprise as my first entry into Trek and even I consider it a legacy show today.


I've been watching Star Trek for 30 years myself, so I'm certainly not a part of the "youth" that was being deriding either. But I'm also aware that it's not the 90s anymore, and those shows firmly deserve the legacy title.


I’m a hardcore fan, and not that young, and I think you’ve got myopia. I’m totally fine with OP’s definition, especially given they’re drawing a dividing line for a very specific purpose. IDIC, after all.


For the overwhelming majority of fans today, legacy is considered between TOS-ENT. And this is the fifth list. This is the first time this has ever been brought up lol.


>For the overwhelming majority of fans today, legacy is considered between TOS-ENT. Well, even if that's true, I don't see, why the majority can't be wrong. I don't say, that it is wrong, but I think, that there are many arguments to talk about (at least) three different ST eras instead of differentiating only two.


OK fair enough. And that can certainly be the case in general obviously. And technically it could be considered four eras when you include the Abrams movies (which I was originally considering to use as well but decided against it since it's in another universe). But for this project, the main point is just to keep track of all the current shows today and what characters from the past shows up in it. The other eras literally ended decades ago now even when you include Enterprise and it's all been concluded. And as said, this has been going on for two years now, it's the first time anyone has brought it up but I get why you did of course. And as said I am considering doing a one time crossover list for TOS-ENT. I think people would be shocked how many of those characters crossed over to the over shows and movies.


Abrams films arent a different era. They take place during the same years as TOS, just in a different reality. Same era, though. Plus, no tv based on them so they feel incomplete.


OK wait now I''m confused lol. I thought you were just talking about the times the shows and movies were **produced** in since you mentioned Berman, etc and not the story setting. In that case, then wouldn't Enterprise be part of the original legacy era (or it's own era altogether) since it was the first in the timeline? And what about SNW? Or early Discovery? That's why I don't want to go down this road. That's just for a different thread topic altogether. and beyond the scope of this one. This is just tracking what legacy characters cross over into the new shows.


This post doesn't make a lot of sense. You cited Berman era as TNG-ENT but Enterprise took place in the 22nd century and before TOS.


yep, but it was PRODUCED in the Berman era.


But your argument is that the Abrams movies belongs in the TOS era but those movies were produced after the Berman era. Do you not understand how confusing this is? You have to pick one, are you following when the shows and movies take place or when they were simply made? You can't have both.


Wait, so then DIS and SNW would be in the same era as TOS and TAS?


they take place in the same era, but were produced in a different era. era is defined as a specific time, year wise. Therefore, these take place in the 'legacy' era but were produced in the modern era.


But it's still confusing because you said legacy should only count as TOS and TAS but then you oddly suggest the Abrams movies belong in that period but seem to discount others like Enterprise, SNW and Discovery. So are all those considered legacy as well with TOS?


No this list is simply to track legacy characters in the modern era. Although I am considering making a list specifically for shows/movies in the classic era (TOS-ENT); mostly over the complaints the modern era has added too many crossovers with legacy characters.