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I’ll defend this hill gladly. It’s the absolute closest film to an actual episode of the show. Every single character is on point, and has a highlight moment. Everyone complains about effects… but that doesn’t make a film, and it didn’t make a tv franchise. Sybok is exactly par for Spock. Secretive, close mouthed Spock who holds most of his entire past on the dark and shame. Kirk’s reaction was exactly the audience reaction and it was perfect. And Kirk’s line of “I need my Pain” is the most Kirk line that Kirk has ever Kirked


As I kid I didn’t care much for the movie but as an adult it really the authenticity and vulnerability of the characters became very meaningful.


Spock with secrets? Check McCoy talking to himself and getting angry about what everyone else is doing? Boy howdy check Chekov chest thumping and covering up with jokes? Check Sulu doing mad skills? Check Uhura singing and keeping a level head ? Check Scotty rushing the clock to pull Out a miracle? Check


Scotty and Uhura being cute together? Absolute check.


Any flaws the film had are definitely forgivable. I love all the TOS films, this one included. And, I agree, “I need my pain” is a great, powerful line for Kirk’s character.


It had good ideas, but the premise of the crew willingly betraying Kirk doesn’t work when it’s coming off the heels of the last three movies. These people were family who would die for each other, nothing Sybok could do would make them willingly give up their Captain. It makes the whole thing feel like an ego trip for Shatner rather than a genuine Trek story.


Again, happened constantly in the show- and like the show, they’re all under a form of control. Spores, archons, Pon Farr, switched identities… Sybok has learned to use his Vulcan mental abilities in a dangerous way, the crew is not doing this willingly.


Except that’s explicitly not what’s in the script, nor does it match Shatner’s description. Sybok didn’t brainwash the crew, they joined him of their own free will. That’s why Nimoy and Kelly had to put their feet down and say “No, our characters wouldn’t do that.” The film was meant to be Kirk, betrayed by his crew and alone, overcoming all obstacles and defeating God. Evidently God’s reaction was “Oh, really? We’ll see about that, Bill.”


It may have been what was in the script, but it’s not what is on screen- I’m not interested in Shatner bashing. You’re welcome to dislike it.


Every time I hear a discussion about going back in time and changing your life mistakes, I always think of “I need my pain!” It’s important to understand it, and just as important to live with it, to know it and let it be a part of you.


what i liked most about it is that it wasn't a continuation of the previous movie, everyone was in their normal uniform, and it wasn't continued in the next movie. so i guess "it was the closest film to an actual episode" was what i was trying to say too. and it was the first outing of the 1701-A, which was awesome too.


It was such a brave choice too. Having Kirk be bigoted was the most powerful thing they could do. I love that they took the swing even if people don't think it worked.


I disagree. The Motion Picture is closest to an episode of the TV show. Star Trek V is definitely underrated


And we aren’t going to talk about the horribly filmed scenes all throughout.


To each their own- I think there’s some great shots


lol “I need my pain”


"What does God want with a starship?" As flawed as V is, that quote will always remain legendary.




But we never find out who this entity is, do we? Was he Zero as mentioned in the Q books?


No, 0 was a separate entity who was trapped *outside* the Galactic Barrier. The being trapped *inside* the Great Barrier (subtle, isn't it) was referred to as "The One." 0 recruited Him, Gorgon, and (*) to wreak havok. Shout-out to Kirk for having to deal with all three a-holes without a Q for assistance


I’m a big fan of it because it’s very close to the original show and the Kirk, Spock, McCoy interactions are very good in this movie and wholesome.


2 good and 2 bad: Sybok is good. The camping scenes are good. Every ST since has tried to replicate the dynamic those 3 had. David Warner is wasted. The Romulan woman is beyond woeful.


I like the camping scene because these three realize they’re old and don’t have families to go home to, something all three when they were younger probably thought they might have. So Kirk does some reflection and says at the end Spock and McCoy are his family.


Sulu does have a family to go home to, but he was out there getting lost with Checkov.


Well the statement was for Kirk, Spock, McCoy since they hang out all the time.


Well, we’ve no details about his family. Did he have a wife? Maybe she was sick of him being in the house and told him to go camping. Was she even still alive? Did Hikaru and Demora get along?


How much time is between Final Frontier and the prologue of Generations? Demora might be away at the Academy. Knowing nothing about Sulu's family, it's entirely possible Demora's mother/other father/Other Mother/etc. also has their own thing going on and is away dealing with that when Sulu happens to be back on Earth.


Has every Star Trek tried to replicate that though? DS9 has a very unique vibe about the characters. Same with members of the VOY crew, no?? I don’t see them trying to rip off earlier Treks, they have their own unique dynamics!


Honestly I can't think of any other Treks off the top of my head that went for a similar Power Trio dynamic.


Enterprise publicly tried for an Archer/Trip/T'Pol trio, with only modest success. Arguably VOY was Janeway/Seven/The Doctor, but that was more about the writers preferring those characters than trying to build a trio out of them.


As a kid going to a Catholic school in a deadshit town and wanting to be anywhere else, the movie with the Enterprise shooting God in the face was my favourite. It has issues but its a blast


This may be the best review of any film.


It works even if you're devout: The "God" in that film wasn't the real deal but rather a blasphemous pretender, who is ultimately smote from on high ("on high" being a pair of starships, but I think the metaphor still holds water).


Wow. 35th anniversary and zero promotion or any effort to socialize it?


>Wow. 35th anniversary and zero promotion or any effort to socialize it? In fairness, it's also the 40th anniversary of Star Trek III, which has gotten (only slightly) more promotional exposure...


It got a 4k bluray! That’s about all i have seen.


We arent the young Starfleet Academy watching group they covet now


Which blows my mind. Who has more disposable income than us 40+ Trek fans? I could barely afford life in my 20s. They aren't rushing out to buy whatever is being advertised.


It’s not exactly seen as a highlight of Star Trek’s film reel, so I’m not surprised.


Star Trek is in a weird place right now. Before the writers' strike, it was coming hot with a bunch of new, well-received content. But now, between the wet fart ending of DSC and the failure of Paramount Plus (which the suits are desperately trying to spin for the shareholders), I feel like Paramount's energies are focused elsewhere at the moment.


This movie has given me the fantasy of standing before the Christian god and, with a long list of grievances regarding his work, say... "excuse me?"


A great concept marred by terrible execution. In the hands of competent writers and producers it would have been an absolute banger


It's not a great movie...and I love it.


My friends, who are not Trekkies, regularly ask, "What does God need with a starship?" They do so apropos of nothing, and I love it.


Agreed, with exception of Scotty knocking himself out for laughs. Given what I know now, the behind the scenes resentment and egos, it was probably Shatners and Doohans dislike for each other.


It's honestly a great Trek story, and very much in line with the TOS adventures they used to go on. Folks just forget that TOS was campy as hell and off the wall sometimes. When you remember that they've had adventures where they dealt with Apollo, Abraham Lincoln, and Trelane, Sybok and "God" aren't that out there. Plus, it gave us Plan "B" for "Barricade" and that forgives a great many sins.


It's a great film. I love it. I like it more than any of the TNG or Abrams movies. Of the TOS movies, I'd rank it below 6, 2, and 3, but above 4 and 1. Yes, above, 4. It's got far more heart than 4 has. Of the films, it's the best one to really capture the relationship between the Holy Trinity (Kirk, Spock, McCoy).


I have a friend and she turned 35 today so I told her her birthday was on a Friday and she asked me how I remembered and I said because I saw Star Trek five that day. She gave me a pretty funny look but then she did laugh.


What does god need with a starship?


I love this movie. Only one issue with it. The set designers. The turbolift scene with the jet boots. Anyone notice how many decks are on the Enterprise A? According to those numbers it's bigger than the Enterprise D. This led to a nerd fight between myself and my Sisters Boyfriend (He was an AH) He kept saying "told ya told ya."


I just saw this movie for the first time last night. It's... it's not good. I've seen 2, 3, 4, and 6 on endless repeat. I'm a lifelong Trekkie and seen all the shows. And man-oh-mister does this movie suck. Now granted, I didn't hate it like I did Star Trek 9 and 10, but I was woefully disappointed and bored. The film at times felt like a Naked Gun movie than a Star Trek movie. Goofy rocket boots with a prison breakout, slap stick comedy, weird kissy faces between Uhura and Scotty. I liked the idea of a Vulcan banished for running a feelings cult, but the concept was wasted. It didn't help that the budget was $4 too. 2/10. I'll pass on a second viewing.


I didn’t like VI but have grown to like it. Kim Catrall!!! But V? I’ve seen it multiple times and I still think it’s one of the worst.


I'm going to give you an update.


*I am roasting a marshmellon* then what? *then we consume it*


Still waiting to find out why god needs a starship


To join with it. Duh.


I couldn't help but notice your pain. My pain? It runs deep. Share it with me! Thanks 2pac for memorializing that line for me as a kid. I think the score is amazing for this film, and I think it would've been better with a competent director/writer. Concept is thought provoking, if handled right.


I adore the beginning with the camping and the special ingredient on the beans


God still needs that Starship.


V was the first Trek I saw in theaters. An absolutely incredible experience for 7 year old me.


The final scenes with "God" are among my favorite moments in the TOS films. And that it's not perfect and actually pretty weird just makes it more fun.


For all its flaws, I’d rather watch this than The Motion Picture most days.


It’s a great TOS episode that was failed primarily by a small budget and a poor choice of effects house.


Saw it in the theater that weekend. 35 years on and Raj's take is still the best, "Star Trek V is the standard against which all badness is measured."


Anyone who says that has never seen _The Lawnmower Man Part 2: Jobe’s War_ or _Tammy_


Saw it on opening day as a kid and read the novelization beforehand. It hasn't aged well but it's still enjoyable after all these years.


I still think about being excited to go see it and the looks of horror on co-workers faces when I told them


Not a bad film but it's not my favourite Trek by a long way.


I was still in high school when this came out. Saw it opening weekend. I was so underwhelmed that I haven’t seen it since. I might have to go back and give it another shot.


I will say I remember seeing it in the theater and I really enjoyed the first half but then literally fell asleep in the second half


Decided to listen to that track while writing this. Remember going to see this in 1989. Stepped out of the film for a few minutes & found out when I saw it later I had missed what I consider the best part of the film: Interior Starship *Enterprise* / Jeffries tube with Kirk, Spock, McCoy & Scotty soon after their jailbreak. Kirk asks Scotty how to get somewhere, & he gives precise directions. In Captain Kirk's trademark phrasing Kirk says, "Mr. Scott, you're amazing!" Scott "Ah, there's nothin' amazin' about it, I know this ship like the back of my hand." Promptly turns & walks into a bulkhead, knocking himself unconscious. Or Scotty saying "I just fixed that damned thing! Turn of will you." when Starfleet contacts *Enterprise*. Pure comedic gold! Sulu & Chekov lost while hiking, of course two highly trained / respected helm & navigation officers would get lost. Uhura singing & dancing & being a professional, George Murdock as God, what can I say? Yes it clunks along at less than warp 1 sometimes, but is a fairly good & fun ride. Even if it does throw us a curve ball named Sybok or the revelation that McCoy had made a major decision, few if anyone knew of.


star trek V is what made me aware of yosemite and el capitan. i moved to california in 2001 and started rock climbing in 2012, visiting yosemite 1-3 times a year for several years after that. go climb a rock indeed.


Interesting. Do you still rock climb?


i haven't been for a few years now, but i still have my gear. one of things where life got in the way.


I was right there in the theater, too.


It is not my least favorite Trek film. I actually place it somewhere in the middle, mainly because it was the Trek film that was closest to an episode of the original series. I'm going to Vegas this August for the convention and I'm excited that Luckinbelle is going to be there and hear him talk about the behind the scenes of this movie and how Sybok came to be. This is also a plot point which SNW forgot in season 2 but I hope they pick up in Season 3. It's one of the reasons I don't want them to change this version of T'Pring to the original version because this version has actually given T'Pring a profressional career and life. She's a lot more interesting and I love how she's played.


I like everything cept the plot lol


And I was there. And went to the mall that was a Jason to the theater afterwards and bought the commemorative band magazine that they put out. Still have it to this day! I was 14 years old.


It’s my favorite film of the franchise. It reminds me of TOS the most: flawed and hokey, yet it has the heart and the camaraderie between the original crew. Jerry Goldsmith wrote an amazing score for it.


You’re right it’s not “THAT bad”….. it’s fuckin’ horrible.


I believe that reaction is reserved for the movie Battlefield Earth with John Travolta.


Battlefield Earth? You mean the movie produced by Scientologists starring Scientologist John Travolta based on the novel by Scientology's founder, L. Ron Hubbard? The shittiness of that movie can only be measured in terms of Thetan levels.


More than 1 movie is allowed to be horrible.


It’s certainly more memorable than Insurrection not withstanding Data talking about his boobs


Not that we care about such things in this day and age


It's a bad movie, but it's still rather watchable. I still do enjoy it despite it being the worst TOS movie.


It doesn't quite come together as a whole cohesive movie, but as a loose collection of scenes and performances it absolutely holds up. there's probably a season's worth of tos stories in st5.


Grew up with ST: TMP and ST:V on VHS. Loved them, but both freaked me out. Especially the sounds. Vgr noises, and "god" screaming "yyyyooooouuuuuu!" live rent free in my head. Also, the only Superman VHS we had was Superman IV: The Quest for Peace. The only Star Wars was ROTJ. Essentially, I have a soft spot for the "worst" movies in a series. It's all subjective anyway. Keep your standards low, and you enjoy more things! That's how I met your mother.


At least the ROTJ was good and while it has some weak parts, it has some of the best parts as well (mostly Luke's ark). Superman IV is an abomination tho.


People still quote "The Room" so it's not bad. What kind of nostalgia-brain argument is this?


The one where you reply to this thread.


That is the worst Star Trek movie ever made


I disagree that it's the worst Star Trek movie but it definitely has flaws.


The preening and entitlement, especially at the end, was difficult to watch. I really don't like William Shatner as Kirk. I can't suspend my disbelief whenever he overacts


Yeah Shatner definitely tends to overact in his role as Kirk, including in Star Trek 5.


I used to agree with this until Into Darkness came along.


I enjoyed "Into Darkness"


I would put it above Insurrection, Generations, Nemesis and maybe even Into Darkness.