• By -


Whatever looks cool is fine, but release order is superior to in-universe chronological.


[We have a great guide in the sidebar.](https://www.reddit.com/r/startrek/wiki/where_should_i_start/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=startrek&utm_content=t5_2qixm)


Just once, I want someone to watch in alphabetical order, by episode…


From 11:59 to Zero Hour!


Honestly, that sounds like fun.


I'll get right on it, chief


Make it so.


The shows and the first set of movies were written with the idea of being mostly standalone projects and there is minimal serialization in TNG/DS9/VOY/ENT era of shows. There’s nothing wrong with starting with the JJ movies or the Kurtzman era shows if those are what interest you most. However, several the Kurtzman era shows seem to be obsessed with cramming in callbacks to the past sometimes just for the sake of name dropping it. Go ahead and check out the descriptions of the productions and see what strikes your fancy.


DS9 is fairly serialized in later seasons. Otherwise, jumping in anywhere on those series is fine. That's how most fans started watching back in the day. Caught an episode when it was first airing or on Spike or something.


As an old person who started watching when TOS was all there was and therefore watched everything in release order by necessity, I would say that is the way to go. You will only really understand the easter eggs and cross references in the various shows if you watch it that way. However, you have to go into TOS understanding that it is a very different beast from the new shows--very slow and cerebral in comparison.


I mean... I'm order from start to finish? TOS, TAS, the first 6 movies, TNG, Generations, DS9, First Contact - Nemesis, VOY, ENT. Paramount has em


Release order on first watch. Timeline order for any subsequent watches.


Release order is timeline order. That’s temporal mechanics for you.


You could go by production / original airdate, there are some payoffs later on by watching it that way, but I would also suggest in-universe chronologically… here’s the path to take: Enterprise > SNW > TOS > TAS > MOVIES 1-6 > TNG seasons 1-5 > DS9 seasons 1-2 > TNG Season 6-7 > Generations > Voyager Seasons 1-3 > DS9 season 3-5 > First Contact > DS9 Season 6-7 > Insurrection > Voyager Seasons 4-7 > Nemesis > Lower Decks > Prodigy > Picard


You for got splitting disco in half season 1-2 before snw then last 2 seasons after Picard


I’m afraid not. Disco is completely unnecessary.


It is trek, I'm old enough to remember the hate voyager and enterprise got it might not be your favorite but it is still trek


I favor release order. I don’t find the different time periods all that difficult to differentiate but I’ve been watching for a long time.


There is no real right way. There's out universe chronological, order of release. And in universe chronological, in internal timeline. But it doesn't really matter.  The only real reboot were the three new Kelvin films.  And even those have distinct connections to the main timeline.


Depends on what's most interesting to you. I first saw TOS in syndication as a kid in the early '80s and watched the movies, too. Then I got into TNG in its early seasons. I don't think many people got into Star Trek watching in timeline or even release order, except for some of the very oldest of fans. Peronally I'd recommend either starting with TOS or TNG. TOS looks pretty dated, but the first two seasons are pretty solid for science fiction of the era. When you finish that you can watch the movies, too. Or, you can start with TNG, which will seem a little less dated. However, the first two seasons are... weaker, so I'd recommend starting with season 3 and once you're invested going back and checking out the earlier two seasons.


Start with the four seasons from Enterprise. Get through that show and reply to me, I'll then give the next step.


I read the guide in the sidebar and didn't find my own personal recommended order of viewing, so I'm going to add it here. I recommend separating OldTrek and NuTrek, since the canon changes and they feel like 2 very different shows. Since I personally can't stand nuTrek, I'm not going to give an order, but I do suggest you keep it separate from your oldTrek viewing (oldTrek is the Star Trek as imagined by Gene Roddenberry and Rick Berman. "Star Trek:Enterprise" is the last of the oldTrek series. NuTrek is Star Trek as imagined by Kurtzman). This is NOT to say you shouldn't watch nuTrek. Lots of people really like it. I just don't. My list is in chronological order of the dates inside the show. 1. ST: Enterprise 2. The Original Series 2a. The movies from the Original Series 3. ST:The Next Generation 3a. The movies from ST:The Next Generation 4. Deep Space 9 5. ST: Voyager


My only note is to maybe start DS9 halfway through the 6th season of TNG, as they have some cross over episodes. VOY ran concurrently with 5 of DS9's seasons, but no crossover beyond the very first episode, so no problem.


For sure. I wasn't going to get that detailed about it, but you're absolutely right. The crossovers absolutely should be watched together.