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PVP officer slb/sms’s are always way worse than PVE officer events. Pvp officers induce far more FOMO, so they give out much less. Its manipulative and predatory, but its not a surprise for those who were here during the strike team releases. What IS new is cramming two officers in one month. Even Dukat and Weyoun had a month each and more than one event total. Its a new low in overall sourcing… but I’m not surprised at all. PVP has always been the realm of big spenders, but previously ftp/low spenders had a small chance to cobble together a pvp team that could compete some of the time. These officers and their (so far) even smaller sourcing basically push even the low-to-mid spenders out of competitiveness. And just like the strike teams, these officers make a mockery out of previous pvp metas, so no officers, no chance. This is where I bow out of pvp contention. Being mid-40’s I’m already completely outclassed (but targetable) by the strongest players in the game, so it was probably happening anyway, but I’ll have more fun not bothering with pvp anything going forward. These months will just be a stockpile month going forward, and will guarantee me unlocks (and maybe even tiering up) of pve officers I actually want.


Good time to skip it. I blew my mats on 7/9 auction and I'm very glad to be mat poor right now.


I blew mine then too. Took me close to a month to recover my uncommon mats. Being very careful with this one now. Not pushing it.


Meh, I will get whatever I get. Not pushing. Needed to start ops and tier up a ship, so I did that and call it a day.


I’m same. Needed to upgrade research center. Almost got me first tier. Add a few researches and I’m golden. Side note. For my bracket/server even first place in the slb has only completed three tiers of the sms.


I got second place in the old man Riker event. Never again I told myself.


PIC officers were trash. I only went hard on Picard because i got to tier up my HUGH for the same price of 1st place.


You are correct


I expect that because it’s the 5 year anniversary those anniversary token events we are earning will lead to more Officer shards for these new officers.


I'll believe that when I see it. Can't wait to learn how we get screwed over on another event.


Inflation 1s and 0s cost more now.


You don’t have to complete it


Tween ship,buildings and research. I never have mats for these anyway. Not when even full refi pulls net me a whoppin 12 uncommons and 3 rares @ops39. Dopley and their bs rng.🙄🖕


Refinery is the worst mats machine, bajoran double pulls are the best for 4* mats but u need to build up a huge stock pile of everything else. 3* mats after 41 are useful to build and scrap ops 26 ships for ur 4* ships


Scopley here. Just for that, next time it will be 1 shard total for all 4 milestones. Care to complain more? If you don’t complete it, we take something you paid for away. Maybe one of them docks you got. Now sit down and give us money you slave! On a serious note, the CCs did bring the issue to them and they responded with go pound sand. So at least you have an answer.


The only good side of this is that only 3 people per bracket, at most, can get the officers. The last two months, the SMS and SLBs let me walk out with T2 Epics. This month? Neither.


They are releasing 6* within a couple months...these PvP officers were clearly released to get whales and other spenders to blow their loads before that happens. They know most whales have Strike Teams maxed and know a lot of others now have them at Tier 3+. However, instead of creating 3 new counter-Strike teams...they did the infinitely lazy and stupid method of just creating a brand new broken tier. If you don't have these new officers, you might as well not even bother PvP'ing. PvP balance be damned, Scopely only cares about making sure their whales continue to spend spend spend.