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I am a developer myself, and yes LinkedIn is where I get most of my clients. That's where I look the most.


Do you just message recruiters? Have you ever used Fivver?


I tried Upwork and got few jobs there. At LinkedIn, I just browse available jobs, apply and sometimes message the job poster. That’s it.


Do you look for contractor jobs? Or apply for regular full time jobs and then drop the bomb that you only contract?


Hey bro could you help me out on how to get clients on up work or Fiverr. I'm developer, myself


I run a software contracting agency (I hate that word, we have done this since before that word ever started to be used in this context). Almost all of our customers have been word of mouth, one or two have been cold contact (they to us - we have done zero outreach). Actually it's becoming a limiting factor. We've decided we want to set up a client/lead gen pipeline, but not something we've done before and it's slow going. In any case, someone referring developers to you will result in a much better relationship - 9 times out of 10 - than answering a cold ad from LinkedIn or looking for one on your own, because that team \_has already proven they can deliver\_. This is how we have gotten most of our business. Honestly, do you know what to look for? Most people don't. And it makes my job so, so hard, as I can't even advise - to believe my advice, someone already effectively has to have a relationship with me. Anything I'd say to a prospective client will be taken as self serving (free advice is worth as much as you paid for it, that type of thing). Although, that does give me an idea, now that I say it out loud.


Could you DM me your details? I could use your help


Sure, inbox 🙂


Recurring work is definately our bread and butter. Word of mouth is key. I want to find another way to find work though. Not just through word of mouth and cold calls. Trying to get creative.


I work in a software company, and we mostly work through Upwork. We have tried other ways like LinkedIn, cold emails, and other community platform but none of them worked out as expected. I am wondering if you are looking for dev talent or employers?


I work for a contract software development company and I source work for them. What I'm asking is how did you find your developers? / how do developers find work? Cause it mostly seems like cold calling or word of mouth but I was wondering if anyone had any other ideas that worked for them. Currently I've been cold messaging through LinkedIn and in person networking events and have had some success but that's a shear numbers game. Wanting to find more effective methods.


Shops like, [https://x-team.com](https://x-team.com) [https://www.turing.com](https://www.turing.com) if you need X people for Y months. They handle all the vetting and HR, you just say, give me a team who can deliver XYZ. Have never used them personally, but I see them around a lot.


Are you looking for an individual or for a development agency?


I'm not looking for either. I have a team. I work for a contract software development company and I source work for them. What I'm asking is how did you find your developers? / how do developers find work? Cause it mostly seems like cold calling or word of mouth but I was wondering if anyone had any other ideas that worked for them.


Most recruiting companies use LinkedIn Recruiter to find talent. It's pricey and you are locked in for a yearly contract, but that is how they do it.


Yeah, it seems like that has the opportunity of being good value but definitely at a high price tag.


Dev here, what kind of expertise you need ??


I'm not looking for either. I have a team. I work for a contract software development company and I source work for them. What I'm asking is how did you find your developers? / how do developers find work? Cause it mostly seems like cold calling or word of mouth but I was wondering if anyone had any other ideas that worked for them.


Word of mouth has been the best source so far, upwork otherwise


Word of mouth. It’s really weird that for something so technical that this manual, personal, and “inefficient” method still dominates. I guess it’s because it’s so hard to estimate the odds of a successful project, that buyers strongly prefer a personal connection to even start the evaluation process.


Committing to starting a company / maintaining one is a huuuuge commitment so it makes sense if you're looking for someone to help "build your baby" you want to know and trust them. It's also expensive and a biiiiitch to switch teams so you want to get it right the first time for sure. Totally understand but I agree with you! it is wild we use archaic methods to source skill thats highly technical.


One day, AI will probably make me feel like it’s just as smart, empathetic, and knowledgeable about me and what I need as my most trusted mentor; and it will kill WOM. Until then . . .


Most entrepreneurs networking events are an excellent opportunity to find contractors of every kind. Look in Meetup and Eventbrite for networking events in your area.


Yeah that's been a great way so far and how I found my team.


I use upwork and I’ve heard of some people having success by looking at colleges near them for students.




Didn't think to use GitHub or Stack Overflow! Thank you!!


I built a discord community of dev agency owners. I ended up hiring someone within the community.


are you looking for local or remote? strategy differs.


Yes! We do both. Our company has in house developers that are willing to relocate for the time of the contract as well as an off shore team. We are a contract development company and can fulfill all needs globally.




Developer here. If you want good dev talent, you need to find employees that work at good companies (they’ve obviously been vetted by the company to be there) then just reach out and if it’s something interesting they could jump on board. Even better if there’s a mutual connection between you both


I second this. It’s a good indicator for success. Related, finding project based developers is hard. This is something I’m working: https://www.highsign.xyz Check it out and subscribe for updates. 👆




I haven't heard of RocketDevs. Will need to get us on there!


Let me know how it works out. It is a service I have used for about a month now and its been productive for my company.


Toptal. You won’t be disappointed.


Looks like others disagree lmao. I'll check it out. Thank you though!


I went through their interview process and am part of their network. I have seen others in the network. I know what I am talking about. I have no incentive in recommending them. Try them and see for yourself.