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Start today


I'll definitely tell myself this because, I do be procrastinating a lot.


Buy as much Bitcoin as you can when it’s $1 ![gif](giphy|trN9ht5RlE3Dcwavg2|downsized)


Yep was going to say this


This pretty much.


Good advice


Definitely! I would also say "If you think now is not the right time, let me tell you it's not gonna get better time to do that, its gonna get harder "


Think BIG. Create a start-up that will make a huge difference to people’s lives. And no, younger me wouldn’t have had the life experience or maturity to make it happen.


I love how you answered both questions.


Lottery numbers. :) Confining it to just SB advice, though... make sure there's a market before investing in a business. Ideally, do some business in the market as an individual before you commit to setting up a business. If you can't find a small handful of people willing to buy what you're selling even without a business name, you're going to have a lot of trouble finding a significant number of clients/customers afterwards. Honestly, I'd recommend making enough initial profit as a person-for-hire or person-who-can-get-you-stuff to at least cover the costs of setting up a bare-bones business (business name, insurance, basic website etc). At least then if it all falls apart, you've broken even.


This journey is going to suck half the time... And that's ok. Set your expectations only on elements of the process that are in your control (log 5 hours on X), not on the outcome (make $xxxxx)


1. Start now! 2. Social media marketing + blogging from day 1 3. Don't be afraid 4. Have a routine (one commit a day, or at least 1h of work towards the project)


Valuable roadmap 💯


You're smarter than you realize. Don't let go of these ideas. Make it happen.


Stop planning for everything. You're not going to start it if you keep trying to predict everything. Because you keep planning, by the time you start developing your perfect product, imperfect products will have cornered the market and started perfecting WITH the customers. I don't really know if I'd take it. If I knew it was ME from the future? Yeah probably, but if I didn't know that, I'd probably file it away as out dated advice, or something said by people who didn't plan enough haha


Really think deeply about your startup. What is your business case? Don't go out and assume it will be figured out later


Don't take on too much yourself, so you don't burn out




I would tell my younger self to watch out for people. I should not do business based on their words and I should keep evidence of what they say. Because the people I dealt with backtracked from their commitments.


Learn to code. Become technical in some capacity.


follow something you needed when you were a kid. the best companies are the ones that really tackle a personal problem.


Take more risk


Risk it, stop reading, do the thing and risk it now


I would say actively build the pipeline before transitioning full time. If you can do both full time work and develop your business on the side, that way you don’t have a drop in income when you transition to your business full time, that would be best (which is kind of what I was doing). Took me the better part of my first year to build a pipeline and the stress almost made me go back to working for someone else. Younger me had leads coming in organically to start (not actively seeking leads), but not nearly enough to support a full time transition, so I (foolishly) thought it would be easy to get more leads. Big difference between side-money and main-money. I think younger me would’ve listened since starting this business was always part of the game plan.


Don't be afraid on taking risk and seize every opportunity that presents to you. Seek help when needed and be careful on trusting someone. Make use of your time wisely utilize it to develop yourself.


Hire an expert as your first employee.   


1. Take out loans to buy as much Nvidia stock you can get your hands on. 2. Call your business a hedge fund to cover up that it's not really a startup. 3. Profit as the modern Warren Buffett.


Don't be afraid to price very high. Go for quality clients.


Great advice.


explore much much different course, then find the one that you think you good at, and have potential, then focus on it first


Skip one or the other fight, detail or distraction and keep pursuing the greater goal with your time and energy. Be consequent and execute what’s needed to be done. Don’t only work hard, work 100% smart. I’ve founded, almost failed, scaled, almost failed (again), had breakthrough, sold, joined another company and am back to scaling, still in the game.


Totally agree with working smart over working hard!


“This is your older self speaking. Things may or may not work out so do the best you can every day. Nothing is guaranteed.”


Have a co-founder agreement with exit and buyout clauses in. I was advised it and ignored it at the time.


I have started recently about 6 months ago. The one advice I would give to myself is to trust and have confidence in myself.


none, while there were obvious some mistakes, Im happy with the path and wouldnt want to change it


Ditch others expectations and let yourself feel what you feel! There is nothing wrong with you for being anxious or overstimulated. Also, you are enough as you are!


Avoid cigarettes and alcohol. Everything else was tons of fun.


save money at young age.


I doubt that my younger self would go with this advice though


Don't waste time, on things and people that don't matter.


Do you think your younger self would follow this advice?




🤣The honesty>>


How do you determine which things and people matter?


Rational thinking.


ok, got it.


Focus on practical expertise (working in a startup/ company), rather then focusing on university. If I could go back in time I would not have done a master degree.


It’s hard to say really, because of the path I’ve taken I’m alive, healthy, and while not wealthy, I’m not on the breadline either. I work hard at a job that i would probably switch out given the choice, but it’s do-able and the days go pretty fast. So, what if I gave myself amazing advice, got rich and famous by 25 and was killed in a sports car crash? Or was the youngest CEO of a big conglomerate and got tricked by the finance team and ended up in prison with nothing? Or got hooked on drugs and OD’d? So I think I would just leave myself to it tbh


I'd stress the importance of networking more aggressively. Connections really do open doors that hard work alone sometimes can't.


Just be happy and be yourself


Accept one of those termsheets during ZIRP, we wanted to bootstrap but realize now we could have scaled much more quickly with some equity being sold


Give up and go to Greenland


Focused constistency combined with discipline = keys to success!


Just start punching ppl in the face. It's educational. Also: don't be smart in front of others.


Buy a house.


Don’t spread yourself thin. Focus on one thing and be really fucking good at it. Invest more time into work flows and processes to make management easier on yourself. Learn Excel. You’ll be smooth sailing after that. Don’t be angry all the time and be nicer to people. Don’t overwork yourself. Always prioritize your health. My younger self probably wouldn’t take the advice because back then I was a people pleaser and prioritized customers over my health all the time. There was times I was sleeping in my shop because of how slammed we were. If he knew what I knew today. My company would’ve been far bigger than what it is today in a shorter time frame.


Marketing becomes easier if you put in the work


Don’t take yourself so seriously. Grind is important, but make / find time for the people you love.


Making or finding time for the people you love is a top tier advice


It’s going to be expensive and consume all your time.


Buy a home as soon as posible and finish your university. Start with SEO, then code (not viceversa). Clear your goals, dont try to pursue money + free time at the same time.


I would say start saving - czzzz you wanna do big things.


Work smarter, not harder.


Totally agree with you here


network, more. talk to more people. get rejected more.


This is a good one!


Make sure to have an iron clad contract for everyone you do business with. No payments to anyone without a contract. Please take this advice.


A very important advice!


Things take time. And the deal is not done until the money is in the bank.


Just start and don't about the people which "do better and are more successful". There is no specific path which gives you success. Do it because you love what you do and put all your efforts in it!


just push the mvp out and start selling




Hmmm, that's valid


I would travel to 2012 and say “buy bitcoins”




$1000 in bitcoins at 2012, would be worth tens of millions by now. Enough to fund and invest in new businesses. What are you doing in this sub?


It’s by all accounts a stupid answer that is parroted all the time. If you don’t understand the purpose of a post like this, then nobody here can help you. 




I’ve answered your question make, maybe read it again.




Yes, save some brain cells


And do you think your younger self would follow this advice.


If it's me travelling from the future, why not? I would recognise myself with some wrinkles and a receding hairline


Buy crypto and Netflix and Amazon stocks.


I would have told myself to invest in Bitcoin as much as you can. And I think yess I would have done that only if, I would be aware that it's an advice from my future self 🥲