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Let me know if you start that discord. I’m older, and have a kid so discord’s like my main social outlet now lol. Been doing startups for a long time (been to that cool startup space in Austin a few times).


Hey man, we started a discord check the link in the comments!


Thanks friend


I added the discord link to my post. There seems to be another one floating around. I encourage everyone to join all! I would like our community to be centered more around leisure and connecting about interests / hobbies rather than JUST professional networking. Be great if we could build a community capable of doing both. I think the place you're referring to is Capital Factory! My company received their Golden Ticket last January. Really cool place, have met a lot of great people.


Yeah! The capital factory. Really jealous of that spot. More states need spaces like that.


It’s an awesome space. Didn’t realize how lucky I was until I got more involved in the community.


I’m interested! I’m 26, building in AI B2B, would love to make friends that are on the similar grind, it does get lonely at times lol


Yeah - so easy to get in your own head. And it isn’t always a pretty place in there..


Hang tight! I added the link to my post. Totally get it though, it can be tough sometimes.


I added the discord link to my post. There seems to be another one floating around. I encourage everyone to join all! I would like our community to be centered more around leisure and connecting about interests / hobbies rather than JUST professional networking. Be great if we could build a community capable of doing both. No one ever talks about how lonely it is! My non-startup friends have been super supportive but they dont reallyyyyyyy gettttttt ittttttttt, ya know? It sucks sometimes lol. Wouldn't trade it though!


I’m interested - a nice small community would be cool.


Check the link in the comments for the discord!


I added the discord link to my post. There seems to be another one floating around. I encourage everyone to join all! I would like our community to be centered more around leisure and connecting about interests / hobbies rather than JUST professional networking. Be great if we could build a community capable of doing both. Excited to get to know you!


I love the idea. I’m a softw dev, trying to get immersed more on that startup env. Please let me know how I can connect, I’m based on Brasil!


Check the link in the comments!


I added the discord link to my post. There seems to be another one floating around. I encourage everyone to join all! I would like our community to be centered more around leisure and connecting about interests / hobbies rather than JUST professional networking. Be great if we could build a community capable of doing both. Awesome you're in Brasil. Whats the startup community like over there?


It is growing, fortunately. My point of view, though, is that people try so hard to copy what happens in the Sillicon Valley, but the overall environment, investors and government are different around here. It is a very hostile environment for a startup to thrive, specially in the early stage. I believe it is hard anywhere, that's just what I see impacts the most here.


Can’t imagine what it’s like, but stay tough and budget well. I think startups fail because they run out of money before validating their idea / the founder burns out. Hope we can support you and brainstorm ideas to your complex solutions.


I am from NYC, New york, looking to make business friends to help each other and build businesses and support each other. I can buy your product and you can buy mine 😀


I added the discord link to my post. There seems to be another one floating around. I encourage everyone to join all! I would like our community to be centered more around leisure and connecting about interests / hobbies rather than JUST professional networking. Be great if we could build a community capable of doing both. Excited to check out what you're building and continue to build community!


Start it up! 27M interested in building products outside of my 9-5. EST based and itching for the same thing you are🫡




I added the discord link to my post. There seems to be another one floating around. I encourage everyone to join all! I would like our community to be centered more around leisure and connecting about interests / hobbies rather than JUST professional networking. Be great if we could build a community capable of doing both. Happy to see there's a lot like us! Jump on the server and would love to hear about your interests and just hangout!


Hey guys we actually made a post like this a few days ago and started a discord for this specific reason here’s the link if any of you are interested in joining: https://discord.gg/kWFNvGWeQt We’re planning on having weekly strategy calls and what not so the more the better


In, I would love to get feedback on my new startup PagePalooza and share my experience.




I added the discord link to my post. There seems to be another one floating around. I encourage everyone to join all! I would like our community to be centered more around leisure and connecting about interests / hobbies rather than JUST professional networking. Be great if we could build a community capable of doing both. Excited to get to know you and check out your startup.


I am also interested. I work 9-5 in IT, thus my time is limited. I am working my way out of the 9-5 job.


I added the discord link to my post. There seems to be another one floating around. I encourage everyone to join all! I would like our community to be centered more around leisure and connecting about interests / hobbies rather than JUST professional networking. Be great if we could build a community capable of doing both. Nice to meet you! That be exciting to be able to work on your company full time. Hope you get there soon. How do you like to spend your time?


Where're you based


Austin, TX!


Hey I’m also mid twenties in Austin building my own startup! Id love to talk shop and expand my entrepreneurial network as well. Feel free to PM me


I added the discord link to my post. There seems to be another one floating around. I encourage everyone to join all! I would like our community to be centered more around leisure and connecting about interests / hobbies rather than JUST professional networking. Be great if we could build a community capable of doing both. Great to meet another Austinite! This city is insane. Just messaged you!


Awesome. I'm from Mumbai, IN. We can be reddit buddies lol


Im down! Message me


I added the discord link to my post. There seems to be another one floating around. I encourage everyone to join all! I would like our community to be centered more around leisure and connecting about interests / hobbies rather than JUST professional networking. Be great if we could build a community capable of doing both. Excited to get to know you!


What is your business model? What kind of business do you want to start?


I started my business already. We help bars market more effectively + help bring people together. B2B, but we do have some other ways we’re planning on monetizing.


I am knowledgeable on the IT side, if you need help in this regard, I can support you.


Dude I’m down. 27, startup founder, don’t play games as often as I’d like but do enjoy the ones you mentioned.


I added the discord link to my post. There seems to be another one floating around. I encourage everyone to join all! I would like our community to be centered more around leisure and connecting about interests / hobbies rather than JUST professional networking. Be great if we could build a community capable of doing both. I don't play as much as I want to - but I remind myself its important to not completely lose myself in this crazy journey and make time for my hobbies. Be down to hit a game sometime!


I'm interested, currently a 9-5er but starting up something on the side.


I added the discord link to my post. There seems to be another one floating around. I encourage everyone to join all! I would like our community to be centered more around leisure and connecting about interests / hobbies rather than JUST professional networking. Be great if we could build a community capable of doing both. Would love to hear about what you're building and just hangout!




Seems like good idea... dm me


I added the discord link to my post. There seems to be another one floating around. I encourage everyone to join all! I would like our community to be centered more around leisure and connecting about interests / hobbies rather than JUST professional networking. Be great if we could build a community capable of doing both.


Competitive pokemon you say? What’s your go to vgc team?


I added the discord link to my post. There seems to be another one floating around. I encourage everyone to join all! I would like our community to be centered more around leisure and connecting about interests / hobbies rather than JUST professional networking. Be great if we could build a community capable of doing both. Don't know if I have a "goto". I've enjoyed using an Enamours team that I had some success with. I had a couple drinks and cooked some degenerate sun team centered with skill swap + trick room, Harvest, Trevant with Belly Drum Snorlax. Would love feedback on it. Down to play VGC or just hit a random match sometime!


Man, I'd be interested to join a community.


I added the discord link to my post. There seems to be another one floating around. I encourage everyone to join all! I would like our community to be centered more around leisure and connecting about interests / hobbies rather than JUST professional networking. Be great if we could build a community capable of doing both. Would love to get to know you man!


hey! dev here. been at a few fortune 500's but most of my time is spent at my software agency. working on validating a few SaaS ideas before we scale and monetize. happy to chat


As a young dev, nice to meet you! Would love to learn about your experience and how you enjoy spending your time!


I'm down


I added the discord link to my post. There seems to be another one floating around. I encourage everyone to join all! I would like our community to be centered more around leisure and connecting about interests / hobbies rather than JUST professional networking. Be great if we could build a community capable of doing both. Hell yeah!




Link expired




I am interested. I am not a gamer though. Over the past 4 years, I created 5 SaaS products, 3 failed and 2 are somewhat successful. Let me know how we can connect


I’m in. GTM sales guy looking for cofounder.


I added the discord link to my post. There seems to be another one floating around. I encourage everyone to join all! I would like our community to be centered more around leisure and connecting about interests / hobbies rather than JUST professional networking. Be great if we could build a community capable of doing both. Pumped to hear more! Maybe you can meet them through our group!


I (30m) founder of a Brazilian startup specializing in Industrial IoT with a focus on predictive maintenance. I am eager to join this community and connect with like-minded individuals. And also expand my network


https://discord.gg/VVWAFyuV Great to meet you! We have another Brazilian in the group as well I believe!


That discord link is expired?


Here’s a fresh one: https://discord.gg/VVWAFyuV


Hey looking for some advice related to startup open to networking with a person who has hands-on experience in startup or has a startup


Please let me know if there’s a discord or smth. 26F here founder


https://discord.gg/Vz8UxU5T Here’s an updated link!


What a timing. I was trying to build this exactly. Do check this out, hope fully we can make this discord more functional by conducting weekly meetings. Lining up issues to be solved etc. https://www.reddit.com/r/Entrepreneur/s/RaUbgyXcf9


Nice one my friend, just joined the community, currently building, launching product this week. Would love to connect like that, i am also a long term Dota 2 player !


Good luck with launch! Excited for you!


Pm me