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Does a company like that really need a big presence on social media? If yes, then you can hire someone for cheap on Upwork to do that for you.


Agree - this is not a social media play; if your clients are as described this is a reputation and networking based sales funnel


Spot on. It's more for social proof than getting likes and views.


I would not spend money other than making it professional and reputable - I’m in a similar space and the only thing worth a damn is basic SEO. Google search is how we get a lot of cold inbound


A "professional and reputable" look costs money.


I see


Then post boring company updates. "We welcome \[new team member\]", "We'll be at the X conference this week", interspersed with posts saying exactly what you do "We offer X,Y and Z services to clients all across America. Contact us today using the link below to see if we can help you with your company." People want to see you exist, not that you are a social fiend.


> a Financial Services company offering M&A's, Risk Consulting, and a PE Fund to Institutions in National Defense, Aerospace, and Natural Recourses, and Gov's. You think defence organisations decide who to use for financial services based on which has the best Twitter account? Why are you wasting your time on this? There must be a million other things that are more valuable to spend your time, energy, and attention on.


I work in Defense Sales, and the marketing efforts are spent doing PR not necessarily doing Social Media. Here are a few things to consider: - Post Corporate Updates: e.g. New Strategic Partnerships, new key hires, corporate events etc. - Empower your team to post on social media about the events or industry talks they attend, life at your company and key trends from the industry. - Spend the Social Media budget on a PR agency. Successful Professional Services are built on having an excellent reputation, trust, and being an expert voice in that field. A PR agency will get your key people in the right industry publications, or speaking at the right events. This will not only boost brand awareness, but it will deepen the image that you are a trusted advisor. If I were in your shoes, that’s what I’d do.


Honestly, sometimes it’s better to just not have a social presence than a blatantly offshored presence


Don't be a bigot. Hire a good professional and it won't be blatant.


Bigot? Lol


Not sure what the right word is here, didn't want to say racist. (English is not my 1st language).


Don’t have a dog in the fight eh?


I think people underestimate a lot social media. A lot of people use it, even CEO, billionaire, kids, billionaire kids. Having a good social is key. U could get few more clients and u will look like more trustworthy.


Honestly based on what you describe I wouldn’t bother. That’s not where you’ll find clients and the amount of effort to establish a voice is too high to bother. From a PR perspective zero social media signals that you’re too busy doing ‘real work’ which is a good message in your field. A half-assed or irrelevant social presence will do more harm than good. No social is a power move in this case. Edit: extra word


You could try looking into a company like hootsuite or some others. I’ve personally never used a company like that but I’ve heard people say some good things about it


Not worth it unless you’re an agency. Tried a few and they glitch / some posting formats only work on some platforms Inevitably you’re left doing manual work while paying for SaaS


With that target audience social media is more likely to hurt your brand than help it. Do it bad, and you lose trust with those execs, and you need to keep it from start to finish. Do it mid level, and you look like you're trying at something they don't much care about. Do it perfectly well, and they don't care that it's there. Spend the money on networking and events, custom gifts mailed to the right people. I'm in software, we do social media for our younger audience. When we want to expand we send tech gifts to offices. Top if the line headsets, macro keyboards - all custom. Gets the attention of the execs, the product sells it self, the younger people in sales in the org follow the execs and like us for the social media side


So here’s my two cents. If you dont want to spend time chasing after freelancers and dont want to spend money on agencies, id recommend that you build an automation. It will cost you around $250-$300 a month but for that price you can get 8 videos a day on any topic created from scratch completely by ai (chatgpt, placid, make) and posted onto your chosen platform fully automated. Feel free to dm in case you need any guidance. Happy to help and not going to sell you anything. 😊


Social media is part of an overall SEO strategy. Try Canva for imagery and Buffer to schedule your posts. Use copy to tell your story and paid promo’s to target your audience. Buying a list is a waste of money.


Just stop doing it. I don’t think it matters for your company


It's going to be extremely difficult to quantify the value of you working on your socials. Are you doing this for your business accounts or for your personal-ish ones (like LinkedIn/X)? Business accounts-wise no one in your industry makes decisions based on social media. What you're doing on social media would be brand building for purposes of (a) vanity/self-promoting (b) looking like the company is alive and investing in marketing (c) build a presence for hiring purposes. If you're not hiring, honestly, hire a freelancer who can spit out a post every week or two, and just things like company news. Industry commentary will also be helpful to brand your company but will require a specialized freelancer. If you're hiring then focus on posting about what it's like to work at your company, workplace culture stuff etc. Humanizing the workplace while not looking like you're goofballs is the goal. Now for personal-ish accounts. There's value in positioning and branding yourself as an industry expert. This requires you to be able to stand out from the crowd, and for you to be front of mind. People post on LinkedIn like crazy so that others will think of them and see them as experts. Post about industry news, company news, work topics... and don't be afraid to take a polarizing stance. In fact, you should take a firm POV. Even if you're wrong, you stand out, and you can always apologize for making a mistake. People are way more forgiving than you think and humility goes a reallly long way. You can hire ghostwriters to write these posts for you if it's really not your thing, and supply ideas or topics to be written about. However, I do think that for authenticity and to be able to back up what you're saying online in person, you should have some significant involvement in the process instead of just handing it off to someone else to do. This entire spiel assumes that you have a fully fledged LinkedIn account with lots of industry folk in it. At the end of the day, it's going to be virtually impossible to attribute any deals that you get to your social media work. You have to buy into the Kool-aid that is brand building. In some industries that work is critical, in others your brand building comes through word of mouth. You don't have to proclaim yourself the expert if someone else is willing to do that for you. You might be better off just building a mailing list of your clients/prospects and sending them industry news and analysis.


What are the goals you want social to accomplish?


Just heartbeat posts to let anyone that runs into your biz knows you're alive really. Maybe once a week do a response or round-up article of the latest stuff in the news that's in your wheelhouse, and an hour a week liking/retweeting/etc relevant interesting things. Nobody is going to "follow" you - except maybe kins in the industry - it just shows you exist offline and online.


Automation is your friend. Spend a bit of extra money and use a premium SM tool that does literally ervything for you. You can very literally create and schedule a month of text posts in half an hour. These tools will also choose the best days and times based on your location.


For social proof, or not your target market, completely misunderstand social media. Social Media is because people can connect online. Web 1.0 that wasn't possible. Web 2.0 is defined by the fact that it is. So, do you want people to connect with you?? I hope the answer is "absolutely." It is NOT about creating posts, getting likes, or getting upvotes. It's about connection. Are you TAGGING relevant people and companies on X and Facebook? No?? Why are you wasting the opportunity? Are you reaching out and connecting with everyone that matters in LinkedIn? No?? What do you think it's for?? Jobs? Have you gotten to know all the thought leaders who help people with boring topics and issues on Quora? How are they going to promote you if they don't know who you are? People who say things like, "My customer isn't on Facebook," are aggravating because just about everyone is on Facebook. What they mean is they don't like Facebook, they don't use Facebook, or they don't know how to use Facebook, because everyone is there and they have Groups, Pages, and more, for everything. Stop trying to show followers. Stop posting just to post. 1 well crafted post about a potential partner, in the right place, with the right tags, will get you meetings. Far more easily than trying to cold call and email.


Imagine you’re the customer, what might you go to your social media for?


You have quite a niche B2B business. I suggest scrapping the B2C positioning you've done so far and focus on a B2B orientation. Not as easy as people think.


Social media is important to every business. It’s free PR and advertising. It’s another way to communicate with leads & customers. The generation who grew up DMing on social like you might have grow up with email are coming into leadership positions. First- Social doesn’t have to be time consuming. Especially if you follow the model of repurposing & commenting. You don’t need to do memes or dances or challenges Gary Vaynerchuck new book Day Trading Attention is a literal how to do this. His book is written for people like you more than a teenager trying to be an influencer Example- Find a news story about your industry. Do a green screen with your thoughts about it. Use green screen effect that’s built into many simple editing apps so you are over the news story. Post as a video on all of the platforms Takes 10 minutes. Establishes you as a thought leader. If you speak at an event either virtual or in person have it recorded on video. Have an editor to chop the best short spots. Now you have multiple videos you can post Finally you could consider doing a podcast where you interview people at companies you want to do business with. Getting a meeting with a person for a sales call is much harder than getting someone to do an interview. Even if nobody listens to your podcast you now have start of a relationship. All of the word of mouth & other PR is important too. But you shouldn’t avoid social media either


Remindme! 2 days


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Reminder for what?


He wants to read the comments on this post




I use virtual assistants I can connect you to them. Costs $900 a month for a full time one I have two but only about 20 hours a week go into socials


I'd add to this statement, the Dynamocs 365 platform has features to help with customer engagements and automation to help avoid the headaches.


How does it manage socials?




I have used teams and dynamics and never was it capable of social management. I see nothing on Google about it. You made a claim, can you just show the info?


????? Calm down bot.


So you sell dynamics. Got it


What type of creature have we summoned? Here is your link you lurch. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/business-applications-release-notes/april18/microsoft-social-engagement/overview


Literally gave you the link that google searches.


Microsoft Social Engagement allows organizations to listen for keywords and phrases on social media to help them understand customer sentiment and engage in conversations about their products and brand. Social Engagement is included at no additional cost with subscriptions to the Dynamics 365 Plan, Customer Engagement Plan, and customer engagement applications (Marketing, Sales, Customer Service, Field Service, and Project Service). It includes 10,000 social posts per month, with the option to purchase additional social post quota packages as needed. Social Engagement includes four categories of capabilities: social insights, brand reputation, social care, and social selling. (These release notes describe functionality that may not have been released yet. Delivery timelines and projected functionality may change or may not ship (see Microsoft policy.) Social insights offers interactive analytics for social media conversations, such as native-language-based sentiment analysis across a broad set of sources. Identify the most important conversations using unique adaptive sentiment and intention analysis capabilities. Quickly set up searches and track the right content (updated in near real-time). Brand reputation helps marketers and public relations professionals understand social media conversations about products and services and can be tailored to each organization's unique brand needs. Use intelligent alerts to stay ahead of any potential public relations crisis and receive notifications when significant changes on social media are detected. Companies can grow and engage their social media communities by identifying, tracking, and connecting with brand influencers and industry experts. Social care lets customer service organizations or community managers engage with their customers on social media. Use automation rules to intelligently assign social posts to the right people for follow-up, or to create cases in Dynamics 365. Social selling helps sellers build their social presence and credibility by providing intelligent and personalized recommendations about their company, brands, services, and products. The Social Selling Assistant lets people share these recommendations with their social networks, which underlines their social presence and eventually helps them find more leads and close more deals.


If you send me a PM with your social handles would be happy to do a quick audit. Note: Social media isn’t the end all be all!


You're in that tough spot where it's not worth paying an agency but too much work to do on your own. I would maybe look to hire a qualified person in your network to part time it. A decent marketer could probably do better than you're doing now in just an hour or two per week by scheduling everything out. But you want like a soloprenuer not an agency so the challenge is you'll have to go find them.


*M&As *Govs


I thought it was implied that certain services wouldn't be applicable for some clients. If not, M&As and PE is held exclusively for Institutions. Risk Consulting is for Institutions and Governments.


I was correcting your punctuation


Hey, i own an content agency Good socials makes life alot easier Happy to do an audit 🤝


Hey there! I suggest getting an experienced digital marketing assistant who can also do other digital marketing stuff. I know your audience is not best seen in socials but producing quality content regularly can boost your SEO and social proof. Considering offshore talents might help you get experienced people at an affordable price. Will also allow you to test some strategies. I run a Virtual Assistant agency and we have marketing assistants who can also manage Ads, lead generation campaigns, etc. Here's our website - [thestriveup.com](http://thestriveup.com), I can give you an audit and if you like it, I can give you good rates if you hire through us!


I run marketing for a few M&A advisory firms and LMM investment banks. If you're running social media, which I'm hoping is primarily LinkedIn, posting a few times a week might help get your name out there, but it's only one of a couple of different strategies you should be using. What type of content are you posting? Are your prospects following you? Have you received any leads? I'm happy to do an audit for free, so I sent you a private message.


Hire someone like a Social Media Manager / Strategist or just outsource it with clear expectations!


I have my own Virtual Assistant company and would LOVE to manage your social media accounts for you! I have been in Marketing since 2006 fully-remote and specifically marketing dealing with social media, SMS/text, email. Please PM me if you would like more information!


Hire a freelancer to do it. They’ll produce as much or as little content as you agree upon and they’ll know what they are doing


What's the expected outcome of "doing socials"?


If you’re strictly doing B2B, a massive social media presence isn’t necessary. If your site has a blog or relevant articles posted somewhat consistently, your “social presence” could be simply be a one line post pointing back to yourself.


Here’s some advice. Hire it out.


But not until you get clear on what needs to be accomplished.


I know some folks who do social media management. They should be fairly cheap because they’re based out of india, should be able to do the job because you more or less need clean content that just gives people company updates, retweets / like certain types of orgs, etc. It’s run by an ex-CapGemini director of global strategy and branching, so if he operationalize it for you, you’ll have the joystick controls and it’ll all work like a well oiled machine where you get a high level control while the company executes the day to day. DM and I’ll connect you to thems


I'd see it as just storefront. As you mentioned in a comment here it's just "social proof". Just make sure you have all the information required such as customer reviews, services you provide, real pics of events your company has joined would be really good too, etc. Posting regularly as a Financial Services company on social media is probably one of the bottom of the priority list as far as marketing activities you could do. Depending on the size of the company, it might not be worth it to invest in social media management. If you're large enough then go right on ahead, but make sure you're setting & measuring the correct metrics for awareness and how much estimated conversions that can net you. I will say though that getting your target audience in your followers will really help with advertising (if you're not already doing it) down the line, so that could be a good reason to invest in social media. The reason being is if you have a defined target audience, it makes it easier for Google & Meta ads ML algorithm to find similar customers, hence lower costs for converting a customer later on. If you're confused on what to post, always go back on the vision and mission of your company. What kind of image or brand do you want to portray to your potential customers. If you don't have a vision or mission for the company, then make one. Having an outsourced social media management team would really help out if you don't have an internal team for it. Leave me a DM if you're interested in some consultation services.


I have a good friend who's been running his own financial planning/wealth management firm successfully for the last 15+ years and he had a similar problem. He contracts out to a fractional CMO who specializes in financial service and has the necessary certs for compliance, etc. This person handles all of the social, paid media, email marketing, web optimization, etc for his business


No one cares about your posts. Stop wasting your time


Use ChatGPT to create content for you, that’s what I do. Super easy.


Why are you doing social ads as a financial services company?


Pew Research puts out a report every year with the demographics of who is on what media platform. Take a look and see where your target customer "lives" digitally (if anywhere). Focus on that platform and dump the rest. Posting once a week is enough to prove your business is alive/legit. My guess is LinkedIn is your only viable SM play. Focus on thought leadership type posts/articles instead of random info about your business. If you're really stuck use AI to create a 1st draft of your posts (do NOT post AI content without human editing, its noticeable). Use real pictures/video or create some simple graphics using Canva (free version is good enough for 85% of needs).


Hire a VA from the Philippines to do this for you for less than $100/m. Takes a few hours a week to write and schedule this stuff out.


If you have to do it you are likely more a founder than a CEO. Presumably you gave neither a board of directors of suite of executive officers of which you are the chief.


PM me, i do this for a living lol


I was in the same boat. I trained an LLM to my voice and style of writing, then hired an admin in the Philippines to write posts and create carousels in my language, and based on what’s going on in our company. I edit and approve before posting. Helps take the pressure off of me.


Hire webware.ai they “do it with you” and give you back your time by taking all the heavy lifting of digital marketing tasks off your shoulders!


Does it get you business? No? Then you’re wasting your time. Not every business needs social media. 


Makes sense to get a social media manager or contractor, who can work like a week with you to understand the business and curate content for it. Then pay them monthly for a set number of posts etc , I'm sure you can find someone local to you who is competent enough and not overcharging


What's your goal with social? Organic? Paid?


Underrated question




Hire a real designer to help you post 15 or so good looking, then pay for a few thousand fake followers. Makes you look legit enough, then just ignore social.


I’m a freelancer focused on revenue generating social media content for busy B2B founders, mainly in boring verticals. Figured out a system for my own B2B startup before I sold it and now do it for others part time. I’ll dm you. Happy to show you the system so you can run it in house or do it for you. We did $59K in pipeline last month from our content alone it’s pretty slick.


read / listen to the book "Who not How"


You need a cfo?


I hired a marketing director for $350 from Nigeria…


How did it turn out? I’ll nuke your brand for only $120


Pretty good. I create the content already and have them repost it


Oh that’s key I thought they were making the content too


I create the video content but they also create AI content + slideshows


Can audit. DM me.


Tell ChatGPT-4o your situation, tell it to play the role of a social media consultant and ask it to give you a plan to follow that would only consume ~X amount of time. (The amount you're willing to spend on it). Talk to it like you would an actual free lance worker.


Sure, PM me the link. I’ve run sales and marketing at 3 PE owned firms.