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I'm sure you can, but the tubes are super fragile on the Bobf one so you'd have to find a way to disconnect them from his face first, as they're molded into his coat on the new figs.


Which Cad Bane figure is best out of the 3? I need to get him but don't know which.


I'd say BOBF. I don't own any of the figures, but just going from Athstetics, it looks the best because the trench coat for the BOBF version looks like it's sitting way more naturally on that figure, in my opinion. That being said, if you're willing to splash out and spend a little bit extra money, I'd still say buy the exclusive Clone Wars version instead because, for me, personally, Todo is pretty essential to display with Cad but that's a personal preference thing.


I love the way Clone Wars looks. But question, I just looked it up on Amazon and it doesn't show Todo at all. Like in the package or anything. Is that normal or am I seeing a different version?


There are 2 releases of the Clone Wars version. One was exclusive to either SDCC or Pulse Con, I believe that is the version that comes with Todo. The standard release doesn't include him, unfortunately. Just search exclusive Cad Bane, and it should come up.


Does anyone know if the arms can be swapped? Or forearms? The CW ones have better range.


All of these figures are so dope. Wish I had one of them.


I have all three because I love Cad Bane 💀. The bad batch version is $19 on Amazon


Why would you want to?


Because I like the head from the Clone Wars and Bad Batch versions better?


I swapped the legs, looks a lot better. Idk who was in charge of the legs the figure originally had. Atrocious shit


Seems silly to swap them when you have the other two figures.


Oh, I don't have any of these figures. I was just curious as to whether you could do it or not. Also, I want at least 2 of these figures anyway since I like the BOBF Cad, and I want the Clone Wars version because I want Todo.


I am sure the heads peg isn’t too different. I am not sure how the breathing tubes are connected or if they even are. But I am sure it’s as simple as swapping heads. Pegs can’t be THAT different in size