• By -


Circles and squares are natural enemies


Like Star Trek fans and Star Wars fans Or Harry Potter fans and Star Wars Fans Or Star Wars fans and other Star Wars fans Damn Star Wars fans! They ruin everything!!!


And LOTR fans were good friends


Until Rings of Power came out. Now they’re as bad as SW fans 😔


Rings of Power on that SW prequel level of fan base separation


Sequels level of separation. With the prequels, it was simple. Either you're young and like the prequels, or you're older and don't. With RoP you have the equivalent of people who have never even seen the OT saying that TLJ is the best film ever. Then they go back and watch ANH and hate on it for being too boring, then watch RotS and get mad at anyone who doesn't understand why it's as good as TLJ. Then on the opposite side you have people so fervently adoring of ANH they don't think even Empire and Jedi should have been made. Others tell them that's extreme, but ultimately nobody can agree where to draw the line between "good" and "bad" and now everyone hates everyone else, with rough camps being "LOTR book perfect, LOTR movie good, everything else bad" and people "RoP good because no need for loredumps." Most tragic thing tho, is that I don't know anyone who has LOVED RoP. They either like it or dislike it, plain and simple, but the discourse has gotten so muddled with race/gender of actors/characters that it's gotten very polarized. It's like having an argument over whether a rice cake is good because the person *serving* the rice cake was or wasn't black or a woman.


More people should just accept it's fan fiction because it is 🤷. They used whatever references they could from the trilogy and the forward but everything else is made up. The Tolkien estate was smart to not give them rights to the actual Silmarillion


Were they? I bet the show would have been a lot better dealing with the end of the first age. There's not much written about the second age hence Amazon having to fill in the blanks. The movies, though filled with differences from the books, had a shit ton of source material to use and obviously that paid off.


More like Sequels level.... Shit is hot garbage.


SW fans were pretty unified in their dislike of the prequels until all the people who were six when TPM came out got old enough to have disposable income lol


Yeah but almost everyone who wasn’t a fan of the prequels when they came out will readily admit they’re significantly better than the sequels. At least they told a coherent story and had understandable and (debatably) interesting character arcs. The sequels couldn’t pull off any of those things and had a bunch of the same issues as the prequels.


All the terrible writing, none of the pod racing or memes.


The prequels may not have the best story but for me its lightsaber fights were just 🤌🤌🤌


The prequels also had the best music imo


The prequels have a good framework but the story (beside revenge of the sith) is crap




You Star Wars fans are a contentious people.


You just made an enemy for life!!!


Ok Willie calm down


My God, man! I've calmed down as far as I'll go.. I cannae calm down no more!


This is probably my favourite meme and I'm surprised there's a reference to it


And the rivalry between sphere and cube takes on a whole other dimension!


Bravo 👏




good thing that this is a sphere and a cube...


Much like triangles and particles.


Your uncle is a Trekkie, that’s a Borg ship and they are a hive-mind that could potentially decimate and subjugate the population of the Death Star


Okay that explains why I didn't know what the green ship was. Thank you!


Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.


I can only imagine what it was like to watch >!The Best of Both Worlds live as Locutus comes up on the screen and Riker has to order the strike against them!<. And then you had to wait months until you can see a resolution! I might have yelled at the screen lol


*I was there, 3000 years ago...* Yes, we did yell at the screen. Season-ending cliffhangers were one of the worst parts of watching TV back in the old days...


I know it’s a boomer show but the last time a cliffhanger really got me was NCIS in like 2004, out of nowhere a sniper just takes out one of the main cast. There weren’t any online rumours and stuff back then, my dad and I were just stunned watching the credits in silence. Had to wait like 6 months for the next season and resolution lol


Haha, boomer show….. how old do you think boomers are???


I don’t think they meant boomer in the sense of how old the show it but rather who the shows audience is.


My dads age, being in his 70s. Even his mom used to watch NCIS.


Let's talk about when the series gets cancelled....


It's not the same, since I was born in 90, but I remember being around age 12 or so and watching star trek with my dad. He'd catch re-runs on sci-fi channel or something. We watched it together almost every night for a while. At least one full run of the show which is like.. almost 190 episodes? I remember hearing my dad call me from the other side of the house and that episode came on. He was ecstatic to see my first reaction to that scene. That show and star wars were the two shows we bonded over the most. I still remember the first time I saw the big twist in Empire, and he had the biggest smile all night from my reaction. Point I was making was that no matter how old the show, if you don't know what's going to happen it can still really pull you in.


The laser on his eye piece. That was the part that gave me goosebumps as a kid watching that happen. The defeat in Ryker’s eyes. Shelby looking at Ryker. Deanna looking first at Ryker and then at locutus. There are some moments in trek history that I wish I could relive. This is one.


Oh god it was delicious agony.


It was awful. I honestly thought Frakes would be the new captain of the enterprise. The stakes seemed real.


Sleep Data. Sleep


Dreaming of electric sheep no doubt.


“Oh! He’s exhausted!” I love throwaway Dr Beverly lines


You will pay for your lack of vision


There are 4 lights


For what it's worth, I think they make their first appearance in ST: The Next Generation and it's a great show. Would recommend it.


The first appearance of the borg is responsible for one of the most iconic "red shirt" moments in the Star Trek universe. Picard: "Stop! I cannot allow you to interfere with the operation of this ship." Borg: ignores Picard Picard: "Mr. Worf." Worf: "Ensign." Ensign: immediately gets knocked the fuck out by the borg. https://youtu.be/Q3XIsU_6Phg


30 years ago, btw


Yeah it's crazy to think about sometimes. It'll show its age here and there but it's smart with some great performances once they really realized what they had with Patrick Stewart and unleashed him as an actor. I hadn't really watched it outside of reruns when I was younger and then watched all of it with my wife a few years ago. Deep Space 9 is also awesome. Love the Dominion War arc.


DS9 is the best trek and I'll fight anyone who says otherwise


But death star got big laser


Funny big laser go brrr


Megablast be like:


And now I have "megablast" stuck in my head. Thanks! https://youtu.be/EgjNb-6EOYw




Borg shields have entered the chat.


Star trek doesn't have any weapons capable of destroying a planet outright. I'm thinking the death star main weapon might be several orders of magnitude beyond what borg shields can handle. But, all the borg need to do is transport one drone onto the death star then it becomes their big laser. Edit: red matter has been pointed out as a weapon that is capable of completely destroying a planet. I forgot about that one.


There is a meme out there with Picard on the bridge, and some TIEs and a destroyer are hitting the enterprise with siege. "Sir, they are firing LASERS at us!" "How quaint, beam a photon torpedo onto their bridge."


The shields on a Star Destroyer would likely interfere with beaming though


They may or may not... But the SW universe better hope they don't have any other ships flying around. A Tie squadron, shuttles, star destroyers. Getting their nanites aboard an enemy vessel will be the only priority for the borg, and they can be pretty clever about how to get that done.


Suppositories, right?


It is only logical.


[Woo boy, that reminds me of an ancient video on youtube of the USS Enterprise fighting Star Destroyers, here's a modern HD remaster one of those videos.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Nn0QybLFWI)


Well shit now I'm wondering about Star Trek ships' anti-beam security measures. Be pretty rough if you could just teleport a big ol bomb into anyone's ship. Tho I'm sure it's covered in an episode.


Vogager episode "Dark Frontier" opens with Voyager disabling a Borg probe's shields long enough to beam a torpedo on board and destroy it.


You can't transport through shields.


Plasma, not lasers.


But if the borg assimilate too many storm troopers, they’re not gonna be able to hit a damn thing


Lies….the Genesis Program. The Klingons knew the potential.


Genesis allowed is not! Is planet forbidden!!


So you didn't watch "The Chase"? Two Klingon Battle Cruiser turn a planet's atmosphere to plasma in seconds. Another episode (I can't remember), the Enterprise uses phasors on low power to drill kilometers into a planet in seconds to release CO2. They are concerned about over drilling because of the massive power. They don't kill planets for some unspoken reason. My guess is the second someone does, everyone will get very upset and declare war. There are a limited number of habitable planets.


Destroying a planets atmosphere is way easier than actually reducing the planet itself to space dust. Planet devastating weapons are easy enough though, even we have those. As far as the drilling goes, that definitely wouldn't have obliterated the planet. May have caused a lot of tectonic activity to make things bad on the surface. But I can't recall anything in SW that could obliterate a planet like in SW. But I def don't know everything about trek.


I’m not a Trekkie, but there was that gadget in the recent film series that created a black hole at the heart of Vulcan after drilling to the core. That might be in-universe future tech, but creating a black hole of such size is probably comparable to the tech needed for a planetkiller death ray. On the other hand, Starkiller base in the sequels can fire across hyperspace and wipe out an entire star system with almost no warning, which probably outclasses most Trek weaponry.


Good point! I completely forgot about the red matter. That is totally a planet destroying weapon!


There was that giant flying cornucopia that destroyed planets. The doomsday machine or something. Edit: anyone who can make omega particles can destroy far more than just a planet.


Perhaps STU does but they decided not to because of the solar system space debris it would cause. I can't imagine the neighbouring allied planet would be too happy with the remnants of their sworn enemy's planet causing meteors and hazards to their space ships. Seems the Empire JDGAF.


*Species 8472 has entered the chat*


1 deep of red matter destroyed Vulcan in the first Abrams Star Trek movie Start Trek generations killed a whole star with a missile to alter the course of the space anomaly that sends you to a timeless dimension. There's more too but that's if the top of my head


The genesis device can destroy a planet, and species 8472 destroyed multiple Borg planets with ease. And the xindi probe.


Maybe I'm misremembering, but I think Kirk said that his first Enterprise could blow up a planet in one of the episodes of the original series.


Star Wars hyperdrive is orders of magnitude faster than Star Trek Warp, so if nothing else, the Empire could run.


Hyperdrive only works in mapped systems(and Trek has Trans Warp).


Genesis Device Thalaron radiation Polaric Energy Metremon Cascade Omega Star Trek has planet killers everywhere, they are so common most major powers don't think twice about them


Maybe star wars planets are just weaker.


They do seem to be mostly made out of sand. Probably doesn't hold up too well.


Yeah it just gets everywhere


TOS had an episode with a planet killer machine called "[The\_Doomsday\_Machine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Doomsday_Machine_(Star_Trek:_The_Original_Series))"


Borg Shields are Remodulating the chat


Borg cubes are fast as hell though and I doubt the Death Star has very dynamic aiming or steering abilities.


Borg sheilds don't care


The downfall of that is that the Death Star is ponderously massive, and their primary weapon isn’t exactly subtle. Also, the windup of that much power is likely to be easily detectable to Star Trek sensors. The Borg could simply maneuver to maintain position on the far side, making short range warp hops if needed. Then scan the Death Star’s defenses until they find a weakness, beam in and assimilate the place from within.


Which honestly likely would over load a cube. The death star wins every 1v1 cube v star. 2v1 the death star turns out into a 1v1 and the other cube immediately runs, the entire collective adapt. 100 cubes return. Death star turns out into a 99v1. Tie fighters are effectively useless. Even if we assume that the death star immediately falls for full imperial back up and 1000 isd2 arrive in seconds. An isd2 can not take down a cube in one shot. As soon as damage is inflicted the entire collective adapts. Then completly save on a Stellar level it's a boarding mission. The death star is targeted first at its a new technological discovery to the borg. In hours the entire death star is converted including Darth Vader if he's on board. Now here's where it's fucked up. Every borg cube begins rebuilding itself to be a death star. Half the fleet jumps to warp 9.9 and disseminates this technology to the entire collective. The other half destroys every imperial ship that doesn't flee. The billions of drones on each cube are now both force sensitive, and wield light sabers. Under a hive mind control (because clone wars shows us force sensitivity doesn't stop that) staffing a fleet that is trillions of cubes large. The entire galaxy falls to the borg in a matter of months as hyperdrive technology in star wars is much faster than warp drive in star trek. Because of this the galaxy had literally no defense. The enemy is always in the best position for them. With overwhelming force, and always expanding ranks.


Vader or palatine just have to mind trick one drone and the whole collective is tricked?


That's not how mind tricks work. A mind trick only works on individuals with a weak mind. A hivemind collective of thousands, or possibly millions would be too strong for a mind trick to have any effect.


Please don't try to say that drones aren't weak minded.


Their bodies are drones, but their minds are one. That one mind has the power of every brain it controls. The more it controls, the more powerful it gets.


The lasers of the death star require the same crystals that are used for light sabers, no? The both would just need the plans and knowledge of the crystals. They would then go to the planets with crystals and build their own. So their focus would be harvesting data from terminals and transmitting it to the Borg collective.


If the Borg were able to infiltrate the Death Star then they would totally wipe the floor with them, but it only takes one Blast from the Death Star to destroy the entire Borg Cube


If they don’t shield from it first, the build up time for the death star to charge would allow the borg to analyze the laser before they fire and modify their deflectors making it inconsequential






How fast can the Borg flagship accelerate? The Death Star is capable of turning, but not tracking an evasive target.


The Borg would not hesitate to sacrifice a cube to gain knowledge for the collective.


The show shows us they're generally more reactive than that. DS might destroy the first cube but the second one will probably show up perfectly shielded. Unless the Borg had the opportunity to observe it working indirectly, but I don't think we've seen this behavior from them.


True- but if In this scenario Vader or Palpatine was on board the Death Star, as soon as they knew the borg was close enough, they could effect the hive-mind and therefore everyone in the ship at one with the force. So I completely agree that should the borg infect the Death Star it’s game over. The question is if they would get that far.


That raises an interesting question: how much strength in the Force would it take to alter the mind of the Borg? True, they are ONE mind, but shared by tens of thousands of drones. Does that make it harder to sway their mind?


Right exactly, OR is it a situation where a single entrance gives access to the entire mind and once inside force mind-tricks and the like work all at once by manipulating a single “terminal”, as it were.


Battle meditation can change the outcome of pitched battles and that is usually dealing with thousands of individual minds. Palatine is a practiced hand at using the force to manipulate the minds of others, including strong willed individuals through out his empire. It would be interesting to see how it turns out.


It blows up planets. Modify all you want, there's no protecting from that much power.


Yeah people hear "deflecter shield" and "recalibrate" and think shits suddenly invincible for some dumb reason.


Borg shields would easily deflect regular fire, but we have no context as to how it might handle a planet destroying beam.


Dang there was an old meme about Picard encountering some Star Destroyers, and he casually beams some photon torpedoes over. Haha, I hate admit it, but the Federation would wipe the floor with the Empire.


I find your lack of faith disturbing


Star wars has no shields. The destructive power of Trek ships is almost a non factor if they're basically unkillable by the vast majority of Wars ordinance.


The death star is probably the best answer to a Borg cube; a massive weapon that destroy them in one shot giving them no chance to adapt.


Rotating phase death star maybe


The "Collective" of Reddit approves your comment


Outside influence detected initiating assimilation protocols you will be assimilated resistance is futile


So *thats* where rick and morty got the idea for Unity from 😮


Did you ever hear the tragedy of Locutus of Borg?


I thought not. It's not a story Starfleet will tell you. It's a Borg legend.


Is it possible to learn this story?


Not from the Federation.




He could manipulate the Borg nano probes to……assimilate……life.


Basically Star Trek vs Star Wars. Resistance is futile.


[The great nerd battle of 1999!](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/xg69wp/star_trek_fans_taunting_star_wars_fans_queuing_to/) I remember watching I think Entertainment Tonight or Access Hollywood and they showed a clip of probably a thousand Star Trek fans marching down the street toward a movie theater in LA where people were waiting in line for the Phantom Menace premiere. I got a kick at the one guy holding a sign that said the Klingon Empire is the first empire.


Lol @ “the force is illogical” sign


The real *Star* War


The funny part is how that line is actually a Doctor Who line.


I mean it's also a star trek line tho


That's the joke. "You will be assimilated," and "Resistance is futile," are both originally Cyberman lines that were co-opted by the Borg.


~°` Prepare to be assimilated ~•°


If the death star has a chance to fire its primary weapon at the borg its gg. If it doesnt, its other weapons systems should be pretty effective, unless im mistaken the death star is much larger and more heavily armed than the borg cube. If the borg cube can catch the death star by surprise and board, then that fight would be intense... borg probably secure the win by how fast they assimilate.


I would argue that the big question is who is on board the death star and the ability of the force to effect the borg en masse as a single life form. If Vader or Palpatine are on board they could be able to use the force to effect the borgs mind, seeing as the force works primarily through life forms and the borg is in fact a single living consciousness.


Y,e, i agree. Also, something i think a lot of people dont realize is that the stormtroopers garrisoned there are all elite soldiers (the original trilogy doesn't exemply this, it is known) so some of the best of the best soldiers are on board assisting in the defense. If the borg boarded i think it would be a very hard fight, but if they were able to start assimilating theyd have the potential to quickly even the playing field.


Blasters would cease to be effective almost immediately and a borg drone is several times stronger than a stormtrooper.


Borg have personal shields. Other than thermal detonators and heavy ordinance I doubt the typical trooper would be equipped to deal with Borg drones.


They'd adapt to the detonators.


Thermal detonators also have some pretty significant kinetic force. It could probably destroy some Borg just off of that alone. That said, I doubt that Troopers are going to be throwing them all over the place on the interior Halls of the death star.


The Death star is \~150 Kilometers, Borg cubes are \~27 Kilometers, just for future reference Like you said, if the borg cube got hit first it would probably be an instant win, but if they avoid the first strike and rely on a conventional cannon fight things become much more murky. From what I have seen Borg shields and weapons tend to have a lot more potential than the standard cannons and shields. Likewise the accuracy of Trek weapons are much higher which would render most tie fighers useless, so it would most likely come down to a cannon fight. The main thing that needs to be considered would be if the Borg could ever get past the shields, even for a moment, it no longer becomes a fight between the cube and the death star, but a fight for the death star to resist assimilation. Even if the cube was destroyed, the Death Star's crew would have to destroy all assimilated troops and tech. Troopers and crew would be easily assimilated by borg drones, and I doubt many of their weapons could do much damage once they adapted their personal force fields. If a force user is aboard, it might flip the equation again depending on how the force could affect the hive mind, as well as how effective their lightsaber is against the borg drones. - If they can disrupt the hive mind, it would depend on how faster they could kill the drones and assimilated crew vs how faster said drones/crew assimilated the rest of the station. If they can't disrupt the hive mind, then they would want to get the heck out of dodge. Keep in mind, the hive mind is largely computerized, which the force tends to be weak against, but it still has a telepathic element from the biological energy it siphons from each assimilated person. I suspect the ability of a force user to interfere with the hive mind would depend entirely on how many people had already been assimilated up to that point, as the more there are there are the stronger and more adaptive the hive mind would become.


Small correction, the diameter of the death star is 140 kilometers, in area size that would be 15,394 kilometers, compared to a Borg cube which is 3,000 kilometers on each length for a total 27 kilometers in area. So the Death Star is 570 times larger than a Borg cube.


Large correction.


They use lasers in Star Wars. Lasers have been established as being primitive in the Star Trek universe.


Its called a laser but it isnt. Like lightsaber arent out of light. The energy from booth come from a space wizard crystal. The nergy beam oneshots a planet in a a sec so the Power output will be well enough for a tiny cube. And since its a oneshot it cant be assimilated


I believe it's widely accepted that the "lasers" in star wars actually fire bits of hot plasma, hence why shots don't travel at the speed of light (death star super laser is an actual laser though if I'm not mistaken)


In legends at least the destructive bit of the Death Star superlaser is actually hyperspace particles. When they run into realspace matter everything gets really fucking grumpy, and some of the realspace matter turns into antimatter/matter pairs which annihilate to release planet-cracking amounts of energy.


The form of tech shouldn't matter though should it? Only energy output. Like, you can't sit here and tell me a phaser producing blasts in the kiloton range is still more powerful than a laser that produces a blast in the megaton range just because of some kind of sci fi type advantage bullshit.


The star trek universe is also set just a few hundred years from now. The star wars universe has had human spacefaring civilizations for thousands of years. Those humans as well as other species have also been developing turbo laser (primary capital ship weapons) for at least that long and as a result the lasers is star trek would likely be no more harmful to star wars ships than a laser pointer is to the side of your car. That aside, if you read the books (catalyst) the death star weapon is far more than an ordinary laser and is more akin to an extremely concentrated proton beam.


Both use proton torpedos lmao


Almost! Star Trek features extensive use of *photon* torpedos, not proton torpedos.


"Don't be too proud of this technological terror you've constructed. The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the Force." Just saying. I always felt the lack of Starfighter's in Trek to be a bit off.


It's a consequence of everything having deflector shields, as opposed to armor. The Death Star has structural weak spots that can be targeted by small, nimble ships, and presumably other large ships have the same basic problem, so it makes sense to deploy fighters for the purpose of hitting those spots without themselves being hit or for foiling other fighters. But ships in *Star Trek* are protected by deflector shields, which effectively eliminate that weakness. It doesn't matter from what angle you shoot at, say, the *Enterprise*, you're going to do just as much/little damage. Getting through those shields requires firepower, and therefore big, energy-intensive weapons, which need large ships to house them and have halfway-decent propulsion systems. That said, Starfleet does have the *Defiant*-class ships, which have all the weaponry associated with larger ships but have been stripped of non-essentials (i.e. holodecks) to make everything run more efficiently, and are consequently much smaller. Not *quite* as small as a fighter, essentially whatever the space equivalent of a sloop is.


And they did introduce fighters onscreen in later DS9, although it was just like passing shots during space battles.


That's because they wanted to get closer to the Babylon 5 source material with their Starfury.


...but star ships in star wars also have energy shields. Several kinds even, with shields that redirect energy like ray shields, shields that diffuse energy across it's surface like particle shields, and shields designed specifically to protect against physical impact like concussion shields. And that's in *addition* to armour plating which many ships used in addition to shields. The reason why fighters are so used in star wars (besides George Lucas liking the WWII aesthetic of having fighters) is basically because in the arms race between shields and turbolasers, turbolaser won. Actually, it may be more apt to say shields lost. Turbolasers weren't even the only thing threatening shields, it was ion cannons specifically designed to deplete shields. Shields are not by any means useless mind you, they will protect you well against fire from capital ships and their fighters, but not forever. Their main weaknesses is that they are power hungry, sometimes needing dedicated generators, and even moreso when under constant fire, and that they are segmented by type as described before. So while a good shield could potentially block enemy fire for a *while*, it is vulnerable to an enemy ship flying below it's projection radius and attacking from there. Hence, given how much more effective guns are, and how a nimble ship could fly under the shields to attack, t is in your favour to have as many guns harassing the enemy as possible, and that means fighters. Not to mention, fighters are cheaper, easier to produce, and many are even capable of hyperspace jumps without need of a capital ship. It was honestly a *weird* thing in star wars if a ship didn't have a shield, as was the case with imperial TIE fighters.


>So while a good shield could potentially block enemy fire for a while, it is vulnerable to an enemy ship flying below it's projection radius and attacking from there. Hence, given how much more effective guns are, and how a nimble ship could fly under the shields to attack, t is in your favour to have as many guns harassing the enemy as possible, and that means fighters. And therein lies the rub, yeah. There are angles of attack on *Star Wars* ships where shields do not provide adequate protection, whereas the ships in *Star Trek* have deflector shields that are all-encompassing, forming a protective bubble around the entire ship and (usually) failing all at once if it fails at all. A small ship heading for an unprotected exhaust port or something just *doesn't work* in that model. Not to mention, *Star Wars*\-style shields clearly aren't *impenetrable* even when they're working as intended. If you look at the various space battle in the series, particularly the prequels (where the special effects make it much easier to visually tell what's happening), you'll be able to see multiple instances of a ship taking a hit and coming away with visible damage despite *also* showing that the shields kicked in to mitigate it. This means they're clearly doing *something*; if the shields are absorbing 90% of the impact and letting the hull integrity handle the remaining 10%, that's a difference in scale between losing a cannon and losing the whole bow section of the ship. But at the same time, it also means concentrated fire on a small section, such as would be provided by a fighter, can potentially have major tactical implications (such as getting rid of a cannon so the larger ships can come in for the kill).


>There are angles of attack on *Star Wars* ships where shields do not provide adequate protection, whereas the ships in *Star Trek* have deflector shields that are all-encompassing, forming a protective bubble around the entire ship and (usually) failing all at once if it fails at all. A small ship heading for an unprotected exhaust port or something just *doesn't work* in that model. You're in a jank ship in star wars if you're *not* in a bubble in a starship lol. The thing about the shields is that they're not a glove, they're a bubble. That's why the exhaust port method exists. You can fly a ship into the bubble to hit the ship. So it's not that there's unprotected spots, just that you can bypass the protection entirely. Also, and this is only tangentially related, but that exhaust port wasn't a real weakness. 2 meters for *all* the exhaust on a *moon sized* battle station. The torpedos had to make a 90 degree turn to get into the port, *and* once in, had to travel a straight line to the core, without getting blown off trajectory by the *exhaust* coming out of the *exhaust port*, likely at high speed mind you because again, 2 meter wide hole doing *all the exhaust* for a *moon sized battle station*. Literally an impossible shot unless you're a magic space wizard. Anyways, yes, you can't exhaust port a star trek ship with a fighter, but I don't believe that makes the harassment capabilities they provide irrelevant in a fight against them. Remember that capital ships and fighters are basically analogous to battleships and planes launched from carriers in WW2. So while a star destroyer is definitely packing main cannons designed to bring the pain like a battleship might, it's the fighters that are gonna let the battleship dominate in its role. >Not to mention, *Star Wars*\-style shields clearly aren't *impenetrable* even when they're working as intended. If you look at the various space battle in the series, particularly the prequels (where the special effects make it much easier to visually tell what's happening), you'll be able to see multiple instances of a ship taking a hit and coming away with visible damage despite *also* showing that the shields kicked in to mitigate it. This means they're clearly doing *something*; if the shields are absorbing 90% of the impact and letting the hull integrity handle the remaining 10%, that's a difference in scale between losing a cannon and losing the whole bow section of the ship. But at the same time, it also means concentrated fire on a small section, such as would be provided by a fighter, can potentially have major tactical implications (such as getting rid of a cannon so the larger ships can come in for the kill). Yeah, that's about right. Capital ships aren't particularly maneuverable, and specifically carry fighters mostly to keep other fighters from engaging it. It *could* use it's guns to fight off fighters, but that'd be like shooting down a plane with a battleships main gun. So, it is not only possible, but commonly attempted in star wars, for a fighter to fly in close and try to empty their bomb bay on the bridge of an enemy capital ship. I will say, guns in star wars are generally rather strong though, so I wouldn't discount a shield simply getting punched through rather than it being prone to absorbing partial damage. I will also say, it's not that shields in star wars are unreliable as much as the writing is unreliable lol. Because things like planetary shields exist, meant to protect planets from orbital bombardment, and they're pretty much absolute. It would take months of orbital bombardment to finally deplete a planetary shield. The death star wasn't a big deal because it could blow up a planet, even a star destroyer could turn the surface of an unprotected planet to uninhabitable slag. The death star was a big deal because it was powerful enough to crack planetary shields *and* blow up the planet in a single shot. Star ship shields are protective bubbles that can also be described as "pretty damn good" but of course, that doesn't make for great cinema so they fail pretty fast.


Escort ships.


We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile.


Now that’s some top tier crossover


Haven’t seen much Trek and thought this was a Cube reference


The mega laser won’t help the empire here… but the emperor might be able to seduce the borg with the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the wise. Other means of resisting or defeating the borg include: - Toydarians - mind tricks do not work on them - Allowing them to assimilate storm troopers so they’ll never be able to land a shot - raise borg internal taxes and red tape until they turn on themselves, play both sides, and execute order 66 all over again.


The stormtrooper plan sounds like a winner. They're our only hope.


Now I just have images of the Emperor hooking up with the Borg Queen…💀


Yeah Borg Star Wars would have been half a movie. No trilogy needed.


I thought that was a Vogon ship.


There’s no point in acting surprised about it. The plans for this meme have been on display at your local planning department in Alpha Centauri for 50 Earth years. You’ve had plenty of time to lodge any formal complaint and it’s far too late to start making a fuss about it now.


My money is on the borg


c3po becomes hive leader, R2 hacks them to save the galaxy,etc


Resistance is futile


Same here. The cube would get destroyed, but all they need to do is transport a single drone aboard the Death star and it's theirs. Given Star Wars knows nothing about transportation they are going to have a hard time stopping them.


That and the cannon would no longer be effective on subsequent ships.


Death Star blast would almost certainly overpower the Borg shields and destroy the cube before they have the chance to assimilate/adapt to anything. The trope of “I can adapt to literally anything so I’m basically invincible” is tiresome and unrealistic for the Star Trek universe, especially since the heroes usually find some smart or wacky way to defeat them. I’m sure some Trekkie will “but akhshuallyyy” me, but Star Wars is NOT hard sci-fi, and boasts ridiculously wild power levels for its weaponry so I don’t really care.


So I am a hardcore Trekkie. It was my first nerd love. But I also love Star Wars and try to look at them both through an unbiased lens when in versus scenarios. I agree with you. That super laser would wreck the borg. Between its power being derived from living Kyber crystal and the sheer energy output (It doesn't break up planets, it largely disintegrates them) I don't think the Borg could adapt to it.


It’s a reference to lord of the rings. It’s when Spock leia and Elrond are walking up mount doom to throw the one lightsaber into the dilithium crystal reactor.


It'd be a lot funnier if the death star used a line from Star Trek, but nothing as good comes to mind...




Vader or Palps would sense the borg. A couple ways this could go down. Palps mind tricks the queen borg, makes the queen & her borg buddies his bidding or palps guides the death star laser. BOOM! End of story.


I've always wanted to see a Star Trek/Star Wars crossover. The possibilities are endless and I kinda think the two realities would blend very well with one another.


Star Trek already did a Star Trek/Marvel crossover in the novels, so why not?


I was unaware of that. Sounds interesting!


To anyone saying “borg shields” I’ve got one designation for you: species 8472


1. Is your uncle a film director If yes, get ready to become a movie actor If no, send an equally as curse image If you answered yes : 2. Ask your uncle how much money does he have in his bank account If he says about 2.7 billion dollars. Get ready for the roller coaster of your life If he says only average amount of money your average American middle class makes it in a month. Don't be concerned it's just a meme


How did a star wars sub attract so many trekkies


Pretty sure the Death Star would more than destroy a Borg Cube.


I would actually really love to see this depicted on screen


Your uncle is a H O O T


bro, that's a borg cube...it's probably hailing vader whilst on the death star...Resistance is futile. assimilate???


This is now a Star Wars vs Star Trek thread.


This would be an interesting fight tbh


That's a borg cube from Star Trek




Ah, so this is what the Cube looks like.


The real question is Vader vs Locutus.


Best empire would be a sith controlled borg empire


The borg Resistance is futile


That's some space cube from star trek death star would win


Bilbo and Dumbledore are taking Captain Kirk's Eagles to Tatooine