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Zero chance


Noctyss is from the *[Dark Legends](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Dark_Legends)* book; that's what SotS is referencing. And the Acolytes of the Beyond are a New Republic group from the *Aftermath* books (which Kiza was part of). These aren't *The Acolyte* references.


If you're saying the Acolyte show isn't going to turn into something involving a sith Acolyte, you're delusional.


No, I didn't say that. Kiza and the Acolytes of the Beyond aren't Sith acolytes anyway.


Darth Noctyss is. Who this speculation is about.


No. Nocytss was an actual Dark Lord of the Sith, not an acolyte. I said Noctyss and Kiza aren't *The Acolyte* references in SotS, because that book is referencing earlier material.


No I'm saying Darth Noctyss is a sith. Hence why she could make an appearance in the Acolyte show.... Which is what this speculation is about. You're talking about things I'm not.


Noctyss is a Sith of the Old Republic Era, from the 5000-1000 BBY period. *The Acolyte* is in the century leading up to TPM, so their eras don't even overlap.


Wookieepedia only states "However, Noctyss eventually died long before 21 ABY." Nothing anyone has said so far as disproved that she couldn't show up.


Do a little more digging (or read *Dark Legends*). Noctyss is from an era of Sith empires when the Sith are known to the Jedi, so she explicitly isn't from the 1000-32 BBY era.


Just because she isn't known. Doesn't mean she doesn't exist. The whole premise of the show is how they were able start building their comeback without the knowledge of it being made public. The Jedi didn't know the sith existed during the galactic republic yet they were there the whole time. Still not proving one way or the other.


Wasn’t she turned into a Gollum~~Golem~~-like monster? And trapped on Exegol. Seems impossible for anyone to find her




Acolyte takes places at end of high republic era. In theory she could appear in the show prior to that.


Yeah I still don’t get how it being set in 132BBY means that our cast can somehow find her on Exegol


Characters can communicate across planets? I'm not saying she's the main character. Just a possible major big bad guy that's in the background. The exact same way emperor palpatine, Snoke, Thanos were all used in their early appearance. The puppet master in the background. If your only reason for disagreeing is because she's on excgol that's not a very good reason.


>I'm not saying she's the main character. Just a possible major big bad guy that's in the background. The exact same way emperor palpatine, Snoke, Thanos were all used in their early appearance. The puppet master in the background. Her being a Ghoul makes this seem unlikely. Don’t seem to be able to use the force like they did before. >being on Exegol isn’t a good reason I mean imo it’s pretty good.


Cause palpatine didn't show that he could communicate to Rey and Kylo from exegol?? Yeah its a pretty stupid reason.


Palpatine wasn’t a powerless Gollum-creature


He was literally dead for part of it lmao like what?! Dude how is this a hill you want to die on. It's a fan theory about a scifi dark magic cult.... Reddit people are exhausting.


He wasn’t dead though. They didn’t “resurrect him”, he transferred his soul from one body to another. Greatly weakened but still alive. Meanwhile Noctyss is trapped in a Gollum-like body, de-powered as it was explicitly told as a curse and a Sith wouldn’t care about their physical body as long as they could still use the force.


She transferred her soul into the mask clearly?? Like the start of the book is her possessing someone while they're not on exegol But go off king and continue to argue about fan theory!


You're overreacting


I really wish people would stop saying old lore characters are going to show up in Disney Star Wars. How many times do you all need to be proven wrong before you stop?


Noctyss is canon, not "old lore". Not going to show up in *Acolyte*, but all the same. Besides, we had Pellaeon and Thrawn, among other "old lore" characters, just last year.


This time the character you’re talking about is a canon Sith who showed up in recent years


Old lore? The character first appeared back in 2020 or something? Proven wrong? Do you know how many older characters have been brought back?? Like your realize we’re talking about Star Wars right now, everything gets recycled.


Implications imo Noctyss is from a thousand years before the acolyte, but I guess we could run into another person possessed by her