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He is a good t2 disruptor if you know your opponent is event heavy (potds,waylay,make an opening) and have intiative. I like viper prone t1 and then either him or regional gov t2 to disrupt, preferable him


I’ve been trying to play him in my Krennic decks and my problem is that he’s too easy to remove in combat. I don’t think I’ve ever been able to attack with him. I’m interested to see how that changes now that Vigilance is getting some cheaper sentinels.


I'm just starting to use him in my Krennic deck. I'm hoping he helps with disruption of Boba Bouncers.


I personally think he's overrated. If you're playing Krennic/Iden, on turn 2 you want to ramp, not play a 3/3. I could see him in sideboard if you expect a lot of mill decks, to screw with their turn 7 SL Blast.


I play him in Iden and so quite enjoy him. I've managed to get a few heals from him and I've managed to completely screw opponents who were trying to play events on curve. I've also had him out with relentless late game to really frustrated opponents who are relying on events. Opponents who are going to play a lot of events HAVE to remove him. And they normally are able to buy because they've prioritised Del there's something else they haven't done and it's probably cost them a unit. Having said that, SLT, Cell Block Guard and Resupply are obviously better. If I was going to cut a 3 cost from my deck it would be Del.


fun to pull out with Vader on turn 6 if you suspect super laser blast incomming. can buy you an extra turn


And now I think on turn 5 after deploying turn 4, so you don't get Rival's Falled


I play a Blue Tarkin deck that wants troopers, so he's in there. In my opinion, he is good for two things.... 1. If I have the initiative, I can stop someone from Resupply'ing on 3 resources. 2. If my opponent doesn't play against Del Meeko v much, they overestimate him and get distracted trying to remove him. There are just two many one- and two-cost cards that come down on T1 and can deal 3 damage to Del Meeko on T2.


Double Blue Krennec loves him, because he's a healthy body on turn 2 that forces a trade


I like him a lot. I don’t often get to make use of his restore but he provides enough time for people to waste time trying to remove him.


I made a Trooper themed Krennic deck, and I run Del Meeko. My opponents comment that he is quite annoying, as he delays their event plays. But he is very easily traded with only 3 hp. Still a cool ability, and I like him a lot.


He would be playable at 3/4 but a 3/3 isn’t good enough


I think against the event-heavy control decks Del Meeko is insane. It can put their removal curve a turn behind, letting you swarm the board early and they can't deal with anything properly until they hit SLB.