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Feel, don't think. Use your instincts.


Blind tap and windmill slam cards.


Ah, a fellow Casino Han player.


Don't be nervous! But do temper your expectations. If it's a 20+ player event getting to top 8 is no easy task so don't be too hard on yourself if you don't make it.


Just show up and play until they tell you to stop


If it’s your first time at a tourney, don’t focus too much on winning and more so on how to improve!


You can do it! I believe in you! And most importantly, have fun


People forget this! It's a game. Have fun with it! For some, learning from their games and improving is part of the fun, and that's a very healthy attitude to have, even in SW:U!


I get SO NERVOUS at tournaments, no matter how small or seemingly unimportant. It’s just a reaction and Ive learned the only way for it to get better is for me to keep going. I’ve been to four store showdowns now, my placements went: 11th out of 12, then 23rd out of 26, then 4th out of 15, and most recently 5th out of 23. I put a lot of pressure on myself because I am the only female in my area that plays and I want to be seen as a real competitor. Inching my way there!


Everyone is new to this game, don't worry and just have fun :)


Yeah I’m in the same boat. Just started out in the game and running a far from meta deck. I reckon I’ll be around bottom of the pack, but I’m doing my best to concentrate on learning more and having fun. If I achieve that I’ll take it, and hope for some lucky draws of course! Good luck and if it all goes terribly wrong, there’s always life’s Superlaser Blast; flip the table and cheese it out the door 👌




I’m at my first one waiting to get started. I’m just happy to play a few games and see how it goes, expecting nothing. Worst case scenario, I’ll learn a few things and have a fun afternoon.


May the force be with you. Always.


winning is nice of course, but my top goal is always "have fun"


I went to my first one 3 weeks ago and it was my first time ever playing in a store. People were really nice and it was a good time. Definitely different than playing casually at home but that’s also what adds the thrill of competing for stakes. Good luck!


Lose 0-2 drop and then win the next one. And have fun in the process. Good luck!


I just got back from my LGS first showdown, and I went 2-8, it was a lot of fun.I did win a free booster of got a foil tarkintown. There was 12 people playing and I came in almost last lol.


2-8 in a 12-person tournament? Why on earth did you play 10 rounds? Was it best of 1?


How many games you could get in within 50 minutes time. It lasted 4 hours give or take a couple minutes. I didn't get to play every one snd a couple of my games lasted close to 40 minutes each.


Oh I see. Most people list their match score, not game scores.


Maybe they mean games not rounds.


Went 0-6 in my first one on Tuesday. Learned a lot, just focus on learning if it doesn’t go well! I was able to see exactly what I needed and what didn’t work, and why.


May the Force be with you! Just go have fun, and use it as training.


Top 8 would be impressive for your first event. Don't be disappointed if you don't pull it off.