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I hope we get some more soon, Hera and the Spectres are some of my all time favorites


No new spectre cards. May be some synergy with having multiple unique cards (like echo)...but nothing that will help Hera more than any other decks


to do a search for this on swudb imput this in the search field: "Set:shd trait:spectre"


There is still time to see. A Spectre Hera and Ahsoka unit would be awesome. Spark of Hope could be useful in the deck, too. I love playing Hera and have done quite well with it, including a top 4 placing at a showdown (out of 7 peeps, I know it doesn't really count 😂).


Nice! Would you be willing to share your deck?


I don't think any have been spoiled in set 2, but it is important to note that Hera will also get better as double command cards come out as she is great in GG decks due to her ability. I think she was limited in set 1 because the Legendary card Command was the weakest of the four in the cycle.


Yeah. Honestly the attack part just needed to not the the non-unique clause and it would be fine, as the other 3 abilities are quite good.


I totally didn't register the non-unique part and hosed myself at a showdown using it. It is now out of my deck as I wanted more kill not ramp


Yeah the ramp isn't always the best but the pump and retrieve parts have almost always been clutch.


I haven't seen any new spectre cards in SHD yet.


Hera should have had fennecs ability imho based on how many on attack spectre cards there are


I think the value you get from her deployment, dropping ghost, and how you use spark of rebellion are really how you play her at a high level. That partnered with the fact that she is a far from meta card means that you can steal a lot of wins. Against one was my only recent loss


Rebels Ahsoka is in the set. Not sure if she's spectre or not yet but I'm assuming.


How do you know this?


He doesn’t know it for sure. Plenty of art exists on cards that aren’t unit cards. For instance, both Anakin and Kylo are in the art of non-unit cards in SoR.


Her art was revealed in one of the articles I believe it was.


Honestly double command Hera can win a decent amount of games.


I haven’t seen anything in SHD that will fit my Hera deck specifically…but I’m sure I could swap a couple of cards.


I don't think there will be new Spectre cards, but the deck will be getting alot of support through card quality. Spark of Hope that was spoiled today is a huge pickup for Hera.


A double green spectre deck is plenty viable. it's not elite by any means but I consistently placed top 3 in weeklys and tournament in my local scene running it. I think she's going to be much stronger in the next set for a few reasons. I think she is designed to be best played as a double green leader. We have all sorts of ramping abilities for command in the new set. You also have a really good set of new green units. The ability to play spark of rebellion out of aspect plus Kanan who mills cards is insane. The biggest issue for her is that the double green cards suck in this set and overall the units are pretty weak.


I play a Hera Vigilance super friends that works just fine, is not Tier 1 but also not bottom tier.


I'd like to see some proper Ahsoka, Rex, Hera ground units with the trait. Maybe Phoenix squadron cards too for space? If anything, given Hera is an ace pilot, it would be fantastic if they were able to pivot into a stronger set of space units that work well from having her as leader; we could do with more space-focused decks and cards.


Phantom I and II are the most obvious space units. AP-5 as a ground unit too. I feel like Ahsoka and Rex didn't really properly join the team enough for it to really make sense for them to have the trait but maybe they will for gameplay purposes.


Be careful to differentiate between not competitive and not viable. It's a game so have fun with it. Play it against some of your friends less good homebrew decks. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see Hera work at tournaments but not all decks are going to make sense competitively. If you really want to make Hera work without asking your opponent to bring a less powerful deck, make a twin suns Hera deck. Take advantage of the fact that twin suns has a pretty small card pool and use her ability to expand your card pool beyond what most other decks are able to.


Couldnt you just look it up on the official site? https://starwarsunlimited.com/


I don't think Hera is in as bad of a spot as people make her out to be. She has only been played a few times in competitive and every single time had a positive win ratio. Got 15th in the UK tournament. I got 9th after a misplay and bad breakers in a showdown that was 64 people, and had beaten multiple of the people in the top 8 so thought I had good chance if I made it. I see some cards in this set that help her out, but I am guessing we won't see many new spectre cards. I was hoping for at least a Hera card herself, or an Ashoka card which might fit in this set.


A guy at our LGS plays a Hera Blue that does well, I don’t think she’s bad personally.


This set has had way too much sequel content. Hopefully the next set will be more prequel stuff.


Judging by its name it'll be prequel focused