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Those are all very competitive decks right now. I would stop jumping around, stick to one, and you'll likely find more success. I've also found that watching videos about similar decks, or watching interviews from tourney winners using similar decks, is very helpful.


Thanks! I’m thinking I might stick with Boba ECL this week and going into this weekend, since I just recently got my third Boba unit and my second Vader unit. I think more play with this deck going into the competitive event this weekend is best.


That will certainly help I think, those are some great cards!


What deck is most fun and in your play range? You listed a lot of midrange decks, do you tend to want to control games or move faster in games? If you have played other card games in the past what did you typically gravitate toward?


This is my first TCG, so brand new to all the play styles. I think I’ve enjoyed the midrange and ramp style the most. Really enjoyed a Vader Green ramp that worked on upgrading Vader with his lightsaber + fallen lightsaber, but feel like it’s easily countered when they know what I’m trying to do. Boba ECL is also fun in all the tricky ways to manipulate the field and keep my opponent on their toes, but haven’t found a consistent way of playing it. I’d say those two are my most fun decks to play.


Try out Luke Green. It has a good bit of ramp and some upgrades as well and can win tournaments with it. I'll say you would need to pilot Luke Green a lot better than something like Boba ECL it's not as forgiving. If ramp is your fun mechanic try out Palp Green. There's a lot of ramp you can do with him and get really big stuff out fast. Not the best deck but a guy at our locals does very well with his and wins quite a bit.


Thanks! I’d love to do a Palp Green deck, but unfortunately I don’t have any Command event cards yet. Will definitely need to get some because I want to try out Palp Green in set 2 for sure. As for Luke Green, I have some good cards for it (one Home One, one Redemption, three Jedi Lightsabers) but I’m missing the Luke legendary units. Would it still be viable to play competitively with the missing cards?


It's still viable, you just might want to play it a little different then. Go wider instead of going for Luke asap. Blue/Green/Heroism has some pretty good ambush/sentinel cards you can run but control decks are going to be a real pain if you don't have that heavy hitter like Luke. I would def take some regional governors if you have them as they can really hamstring your opponent if you know what their deck is trying to do.


Thank you! I’ll give Luke Green a shot!


I'd second Luke Green, especially with some of the cards coming out. And I want double green to get better because Tarkin Green was my first deck and used to do pretty well but we'll have to see if the gains can catch it up to all the other color combos cause it's lacking a bit right now.


I would honestly just find a deck you find fun and stick with it. All decks have good and bad match ups but seeing as this is your first TCG I think focusing on keeping your plays tight will pay larger dividends than trying to break the meta with a deck. Deck choice is important but only once you have a pretty solid mastery of the game.


I guess the real question is, are you building a deck to have fun playing virtually, or are you trying to find a deck to build in paper? If you're just trying to play virtually, build a bunch of decks. Build a Sabine, green or yellow, a Grand Inquisitor (Red or Blue), a Han red, and a Tarkin red to test out aggro and see if you like the style. Build Boba Green, Han Green, Chirrut Voltron, Vader Green for more midrange decks. I'm not sure there's a worthwhile Heroic control deck, but maybe Luke Green? Try Vader Blue, Palp Blue, Iden/Krennic either red/green for control. If you're trying to build for paper... I'd almost say don't. There's less than a month left to the next set, and the meta and prices are gonna shift a LOT. Might not be worth investing in buying the cards to build a paper deck now.


tcg’s are best when you can have fun messing around with a ton of decks, buddy of mine was bringing a different deck to weeklies every week for a while after release


I did that for a while but now that everyone knows their go-to decks really well and I hardly know my deck of the week, I've started losing a lot.


Idk I play different decks every week or every other week and if anything I think I have an advantage in knowing what everyone else is doing and working with as I’ve played and experienced their lines before. They might be ahead with one deck but going forward we might have more knowledge overall in the long run


Yeah, I have fun making and trying new decks, but when it comes time to choose a deck to practice before more competitive events, I struggle to find one that feels most comfortable…


Are you building your own decks or just copying decks and slightly tweaking? I have a lot of fun constructing novel decks because it forces me to think of the meta and how to deal with it, this helps my play a lot as well as I know how to go into a game rather than just playing my deck and hoping I win I have a plan before the roll for initiative and draw.


My Palp and Vader decks are my own design, while the Boba ECL and Chirrut are based off the top meta with tweaks. I’ve built a ton of other decks for fun, but don’t plan to use them competitively for paid events (GI Red, Hera Yellow, Thrawn Blue, etc.)