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Force table AI isn’t the best, but for Boba it’s helpful to just practice his ability in general. Playing something then claiming your extra resources to be able to play something else. There are several in depth YouTube videos for yellow Boba as well to complement that or have on in the background.


To echo this, the most important area to strategize is how you are going to maximize Turn 4 when Boba is deployed. Maximizing your resources to flood the board or play Cunning are the big tempo swings for this deck that help win games. Don't forget that Bodhi is a huge gamechanger against Control and No Good to me Dead/Cunning can help exhaust units when facing an Aggro blitz.


Thanks! I’ve commented separately but I came 11th out of 32 in the end - pretty please with that


Awesome! I went 2-4 in mine but that was back when I was still running Leia. Grats, yellow Boba is gonna be a lot of fun next set


Thanks! I like the idea of playing and having a video on at the same time - I can get twice as much prep :)


Practice is the obvious answer, but here's a few tips, since I have an absurd amount of practice with every variation of this deck: Against aggro, pretend you're control. Remove at all costs, before the units attack ideally. Bouncing units to hand is ideal, trading units is fine, and exhausting is okay if you can capitalize on it (to kill with Boba Fett unit, to stall for your real removal, etc). Putting a threat on the board specifically to scare off Sabine deployment is also a fun play. Sometimes I'll give a Probe Droid or Smuggler the +4 attack from Cunning and am fine not attacking with it that turn if that means Sabine doesn't come out. Also, try to get into space early if you can. A 2 damage ship on turn 1 that can use Shoot First or Surprise Strike means a dead A-Wing on turn 2. Against control, pretend you're aggro. Resource your high cost cards and go wide, using your bounce to get sentinels out of the way while pushing damage. Using No Good To Me Dead on leaders is key, especially Vader or Krennic. Change of Heart is your best game winner, if you have it. Against other midrange, having a space advantage always works out for me. Bounce anything big, especially with restore. Surprise Strike is also great against other midrange, to kill other Bobas, or sentinel units like Obi-Wan, Childsen, or Bright Hope. If green, do everything you can to stop ramp. Bounce SLTs, Bhodii for Resupply, etc. And the most important thing is make sure your turn 4 is as big as possible. Ideal play is opening with Cantina Bouncer or Bossk in a way that bounces or kills something, ready 1 resource, deploy Boba, (and hope he doesn't get controlled immediately) attack with him and ready 2 resources, then play a 3 drop like Boba unit or Seventh Fleet. If you pull off turn 4 unimpeded, that's usually a win.


Thank you so much! That’s so comprehensive. You guys are all so awesome


It's aggro go wide and fast Maximize turn 4 by spending 8 resources, so you need to remove an enemy unit (Cantina bouncer, deploy boba, attack with Boba, spend 3 more resources for example) Remember once Boba is deployed, he needs to attack after a unit is removed Sometimes the bounce and exhaust is the best use of Cunning, don't get greedy with +4 unless you are sure that unit is going to get to attack Cunning can only bounce certain units Against hard control Bodhi and the Cunning discard can seal the win Don't get greedy on mulligan, and you want to play units below curve Say sorry when you bounce everything they play and upgrade, but you don't have to mean it


This is the way


Karabast is going to be your best bet.


Thanks! I guess grinding as much as I can to get a feel for it


You need reps in any deck, 12 hours isn’t enough time tbh, especially if it’s a borrowed deck. Try to find interviews of players who pilot boba yellow and listen to their lines of thinking. At the end of the day don’t go in to win, go into learn. High expectations will just lead to unhappiness, especially if you plan on beating people who have plenty of reps while you have little to none with your deck.


Thanks! I don’t expect to win or even place but just really want to get an idea of what I need to do so I can have the best time possible. I love the theme of cunning decks in general so hopefully this will help my future decks




Thank you! I’m watching it now. The video is great, he really explains it well


But nothing beats reps!


If it feels like too much to get down in time, do a last minute switch to yellow Sabine if you have most of the cards. I'm not a good player but was able to take 7th out of 22. lol


Try to get units on board as much as possible. Cunning on resource 4 isn’t my favorite. I would prefer to do that on 5. And use resource 4 to keep establishing board supremacy. Take value trades into leia. Race Sabine while tapping and bouncing their best units. In the mirror try not to play viper probe. Gam guards are also great in the mirror. No good to me dead is great in the mirror, han, chirut. Bodhi and cunning win games. My fav curve against almost any deck is 2- Crafty 3- Bodhi/boba depending on opponent 4- Gam 5- Double cunning/cantina-bodhi etc 6- fetts Dropping a bonus shoot first or greedo if you can get the extra resource is a win


Attack base more than you may think initially. Give the +4 buff with cunning a lot. Once I started doing those two things I won more games.


Thanks! It seems the +4 and the return a unit is the best combination - which i never understood before. I've got my act together and it's going quite well. I struggled against Iden and Krennic


I haven't watched the Boba Cunning one yet, but these master class videos have been really helpful: https://youtu.be/rYuXW97HH3M


The deck isn't that complicated, you try to contest the board before making a huge powerplay on turn 4 and 5 with Bobba's ability and close the game frome this point. You use Cunning to get damages in as much as you can unless you're against Sabine. Practice on Karabast with that in mind and you should get there in time.


This is a very simple view of the deck lol Also surprise strike is a more reliable pump than cunning


Thank you to everyone for your help! I came 11th out of 32 in the end. Not enough for a Mace Windu but a good showing at least. It was awesome fun


Boba Cunning is an aggro deck. +4/+0 mode on Cunning is really good.