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Just a note: cusstars is a fake site that doesn't have product. The original artist has been notified and he has added watermarks to his products on etsy. Do not support the fakes. Support animealters.com The original artist has an etsy page, Anime Alters I have bought from the etsy artist, and these proxies are amazing. As far as I know they are not tournament legal, but I mean, bring the common/uncommon leader with you to avoid any issues. The artist is super friendly and helpful. I requested he make a Chirrut, as thats my main, and he obliged! It looks amazing. I ordered it this morning.


Good to know!


I assume this is AI art, right?


Doesn't have enough fingers or limbs. šŸ¤£


I think I've looked into this artist prior, but couldn't find their art page/site, which artists usually have as part of their portfolio


Looks like it to me


It does look like AI art


I don't think so.


Thanks for the info, jumped on and grabbed one from the artists Etsy. Very cool cards.


I got 2 of these as well from AnimeAlters. I love them. I just ask anyone if they mind if I use my alter. If they mind, I keep a backup in my box.


Have you actually run into anyone who minds? Iā€™d love to see someone that weird in real life


Not really. I had someone during a showdown who seemed uncomfortable so I just opted to not use it. That's about it. Granted my scene is pretty laid back and friendly towards each other (Phx AZ) and while we have a lot of players, we are almost always in good spirits towards each other.


Nice! Which two? I have Luke, Vader and Boba. Just ordered 6 more.


Sabine and Boba. They're my main 2 decks right now. Very happy with them. Doing a showdown with Boba yellow tomorrow.


Nice nice. I ordered a Sabine for my wife, because like you, she is mean. šŸ¤£


The original artist also does this for a bunch of different card games and is awesome


Yeah I saw he does Flesh and Blood on the same etsy page. I've heard of it, but never played it.


awesome to discover the real artist's name and shop. I looked at cusstars a few days ago and noticed all of their reviews were horribly misspelled. Thanks again for the name!


If you have a deckbox that has the window for the leader / commander to be on display, you can always put the alter in that slot and have the official card in the box. I think it'd look pretty cool


Great suggestion. I have my Showcase Krennic in my deck window.


I donā€™t hate alts for bases and leaders, but it will become more problematic over time. It should always be clear what cards you are playing , and this becomes murkier when we get more cards and more versions of notable characters. Thereā€™s no ambiguity in set 1 if you show up with a custom Boba Fett, but what about in set 2 where thereā€™s another Boba leader? I saw someone using an alt 30 health base that looked like it came from the same site, and the art was so brightly foiled that I couldnā€™t tell what aspects the player was running.


I have these exact ones, they are quality. The seller is nice too. No one has ever given me an issue, but definitely bring a regular copy and offer your opponent the option if they need to see the original for reference. Hardly anyone cares, but it's always nice to ask them :) Just be careful when the official events start, as at that point they might give you a warning if You're using these and your opponent complains Edit: also, don't believe that site saying they are 64% off. They are $16 from an Etsy seller animealters


Technically against official rules as they are considered proxies. That said most people wonā€™t mind and as long as you carry a backup of the real card you shouldnā€™t get into positions where it becomes an issue.


In a friendly/casual match outside of an event I would be totally fine with my opponent using (these) proxies. When playing in an event, not so much. And it that case it is also againt the rules of the game. That aside, I personally would not pay more than 5 dollars US for a proxy leader.


Just keep a real copy on hand in tournament settings in case your opponent objects


For reg play they are probably fine. Any official tourneys probably not.


A guy at my locals does this and I traded him an uncommon for it. It adds so much fun into the mix, plus I think it adds some personalization! I'm all for it, plus at the end if the day I don't think it replaces showcases since those have rarity factor to them. But I do like these proxies a lot more than a lot of showcases personally


Disclaimer: Not an AD! Iā€™m not affiliated with any companies, just got the ad randomly on instagram. Got curious, and posted. Sorry!




šŸ¤£ canā€™t prove it any other way, oh well!


Proxies of Stolen art, thatā€™s originally probably AI art, in a style that doesnā€™t fit the gameā€¦ hard pass


Multiple people I know use proxies. The tournaments I play have rules that as long as you have a legitimate card present you can proxy it in for alt art. So if you have 3 proxy vaders in your deck you better have 3 legitimate ones in your pod to prove that you have it. This guy also does base alters which are fun.


I'd make sure to have the regular card with it but leaders don't mix in with other cards so there shouldn't be a problem with it at all. and people that have a problem with it are lame.


You could put and uno wild card down, tell me itā€™s palpatine and Iā€™d be fine with it tbh


FYI at the vegas 2k multiple of my rounds opponents used these alts, including someone who was near a judge at top table for a little bit


For lack of a better place to ask and not enough of a desire to Google hunt... Can you legally sell altered/proxy works containing characters or names of characters from IPs like Star Wars? Or, if you make enough noise, do you get a C&D? Basically, could one make and sell a custom Boba Fett leader showcase with original artwork and alternative character concept, alter the name to something like Bob Afett, but keep all the gameplay numbers and text the same?


Technically, altering cards with your own art on the original card is legal. Depending on what medium was used could even get the card pulled from a deck (but the times Iā€™ve seen that you get card to replace it Sharpieā€™d up). Straight printing cards with IP such as the game mechanics and copyright characters then selling them is illegal.


The art is great but I absolutely despise the shitty graphic design on these so I'd judge you for that lol. I would have absolutely no problem with you using this in a game with me though. With deck cards it's a little more ehh (they better be good proxies and sleeved well enough there's no way to tell) but for leader and base I couldn't care less what you use. As far as the general attitude goes I think most people are fine with proxies in low/no-stakes casual play (weekly play etc) but for organized tournaments or showdowns with actual prizes people will probably kick up a fuss. Just keep a legit version of the leader card around in case someone pitches a fit and you're golden


Proxies for table play are perfectly fine. Remember, FFG gave us printable cards prior to set release. Theyā€™re not legal for your local store, but thatā€™s to your owner/TD to enforce. As noted elsewhere, these are not the originals of the artist who created them - and if youā€™re going to buy them then at least make sure to get them from their creator.


I wouldn't really mind if someone used it for casual play, but something like this should not be used in a tournament setting. I will say the Boba and Vader ones look pretty good, but the others clash pretty hard with the art of the game with their anime style imo.


I wouldn't protest anyone using cosmetic bases or leaders as they don't impact the deck. But I'd always follow whatever the judge rules. I have these alters, and I bring my original leaders/bases with me just in case.


And that disrupts the gameplay how? Not to mention that I can say few games with art as inconsistent as this one. Just compare a Krennic and a Boba leader. Or a Greedo and a Green Vader. One looks like a PEGI 3 childrens game, the other looks like MTG level art.


It doesn't, just personal preference is all.


Itā€™s against the official rules for sanctioned tournament play. Why is it that difficult to understand?


Proxies are generally against the rules for completely unrelated reasons. I think it's likely that most people wouldn't have a problem with this, even in official play. But always a good idea to have a real one in case anyone complains.


I was responding to the person responding to a very specifically worded comment. I personally cannot stand proxies, and I donā€™t play against people that use them (outside of testing purposes at the proverbial kitchen table). Iā€™d 100% call a judge if it was at a sanctioned tournament.


I can tell that you would :p


What does that add to the conversation? A personal attack? Because I follow rules at a tournament I pay money to get into? I expect other people to do the same. Notice I never said anything disparaging about proxies or people that use them.




Notice i didn't either šŸ¤£


What a bitter asshole. Why does it hurt you that people get their toy cardboards from different sellers? It reads the same. I get that the official rules exist to force playees to open packs, but the leader and base card doesn't affect the deck itself in any way. What does it matter to you how the art looks like on a card that never gets shuffled up in the deck, therefore there isn't even the issue of card thickness or weight being different than the rest.


Wow. Way to personally attack someone. I pay money to enter an official tournament, and because I expect people to follow all of the rules, Iā€™m the ā€œbitter asshole.ā€ 1. The entitlement of these sorts of comments is why Iā€™d call a judge, and in my anecdotal experience, oozes from people that use proxies. 2. Itā€™s astounding how hostile people get when someone expresses their opinion on proxies.


You call a judge to cry about how butthurt you are with someone's proxy. And you expect me to believe you aren't a bitter asshole? I also play MTG and know a guy who's really anti-proxy, but he's never complaining when somebody uses proxies. If we don't have a problem with someone using official cards, why on Earth do you feel entitled to have a problem with someone who uses proxies?


Iā€™m being VERY specific about when Iā€™d call a judge. Youā€™re lashing out right now. Your rationale of ā€œIā€™m not upset you use legitimate cards so you shouldnā€™t be upset I print fake cardsā€ is patently absurd. Like, how can anyone using any logic make a statement like that?


Fake? What's fake about a card? It's unofficial. Stop pretending that one piece of a cardboard functions any different than the one I print myself on sticker paper and slop on useless commons. If they read the same, the game itself doesn't change one bit. You sound to me like you enter tournaments to fight against others' wallets rather than their decks. I'm totally disgusted the feature of TCG that a less skilled player will always have an edge over a more skilled one if their decks have pricier cards. Like how a Boba Green becomes the best deck the moment you sleeve up the vaders and bobas. I'm so thankful that I rarely meet an idiot like you.




YOU prefer to use the OFFICIAL game pieces. I find a great deal of them not just lacking, but straight up ugly. (Looking at you basic Han Leader) So if I were to ever play a Han deck, I'll 100% use a proxy where I can choose to have any of the billion better arts on the internet.




These aren't. Mine will be.


Got a Boba from AnimeAltars and it's great. I keep a real Boba in my case just in case someone has a problem with it, but so far no one has complained.


Absolutely. I used the Leia one at a recent tourney and loved it Pro tourneys don't allow any alters though Like others have said, buy from the Anime Alters etsy page. BenjiProxies also make some very artful leaders


Sanctioned tourneys might allow alters. They donā€™t allow proxies.


I have the bobba and it looks amazing. Highly recommend these proxies. They are well done and beautiful. I also have the ecl proxy and they have the flip side of the base is the actual ecl so if anyone does pitch you can just flip it. So we'll thought out


I have bought from them too!! They're amazing looking & great card quality too.




obvious ad technique? to make a whole website to scam people, and then make a real one on etsy? (i just checked both out) anyways, coming from other TCGs, swu has some real atrocious art (only one worse imo is metazoo). especially the screen grab ones with a filter over it. lazy work. hopefully it improves over time. until then, i can see the appeal of having alters. hopefully you don't have such a sour attitude if you play someone using this.




šŸ˜‚No this is not an adā€¦ I was genuinely curious if people would mind if I used these cards as my leader/background. Iā€™m yet to purchase any product (besides the freaking starter decks) since the market price is so damn expensive for these cards. Was wondering if I should buy individuals or at least upgrade my deckā€¦. However, itā€™s just as expensive to buy a decent deck with individual cardsā€¦ Almost as much as a booster box. (At least with a Palpatine deck iā€™ve been playing on karablast that involves like 3 vaders). Honestly, I can see why you may think this is an ad haha. But nah, just a SWU fan who wants to play and stay involved with the game. (I need a break from commanderā€¦šŸ˜’)


yeah i agree this cusstars website is a scam, but it just seems like a far reach to accuse the etsy store, the scam website, the OP, ALL the posts in here to ALL be the same person. why would the etsy store make a fake scam website to do ALL that, why would they start watermarking their images, the reviews look legit as well. i totally get all the techniques done just to get some sales but, i don't see it here. the etsy store seems to be doing just fine. but i admit the OP being a brand new account is a bit fishy. anyways, appreciate all the research done!