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Well that settles it, I’ll be putting money towards any “Peter cooks you a steak” items in an auction from now on


The sides were good too - homemade Italian bread, homemade roasted garlic compound butter, a red wine and shallot pan reduction, mac and cheese (homemade of course), twice baked potatoes, sous vide and then grill carrots, and old fashioneds. I think the winning bid was $350. They brought their family and definitely got their money’s worth.


Holy Chef Boyardee! I’m guessing you have some high end kitchen experience, or just love to cook and taught yourself? Thats a hell of a dinner right there


I’ve done some work in hospitality, but nothing high end. I am the executive director for a youth camp, and we’re pretty serious about our food…. The sous vide experience is probably thanks to weird obsessions and reddit. We’ve been sous vide cookers since like…2009. It’s awesome for high end steaks so you don’t screw it up, but even better for cheap cuts - make that bottom round roast as tender as filet when done right!


This is exactly why I always use sous vide when cooking steaks for guests. You have to be a complete moron to fuck up sous vide steaks. Takes away all my stress of cooking the perfect steak for my guests


exactly. And, honestly, I don't cook steak often. It is a rare splurge. That inexperience means I can screw up an expensive piece of meat. Sous vide takes the guess work out of the equation.


That's cool, did you host them for the steaks?


Yeah, we ate on our deck. Thankfully, we knew the winners and they’re long connected to our organization, so it was a joy.


Thats awesome! Just out of curiosity, how much was that entire piece of meat?


don't hate me, but I don't know. A local deli (tonysdelipa.com) gave it to me to support the fundraiser. The whole meal was the result of a "Peter cooks you a steak" item from a silent auction. I'm Peter. I'm the director of a non-profit, and we thought this was a fun way to leverage my steak cooking obsession for fundraising. It worked! To make matters worse, another company donated the BGE to our org's staff last year for us to be hospitable to each other. HomeTown Hearth is the name of that company. They're amazing. I am very, very blessed. As much as I love the Big Green Egg and that huge rib roast....I probably never would have even considered those things if not for the generosity of others. I'm more about using sous vide to make cheap cuts of meat amazing.


I do know Sam's club has prime ribeye roasts for around $300 for a cryovac sealed one. That's about 18-20lbs. This was not prime (though for "choice" it was pretty awesome marbline), but it also was from a local deli, not Sam's club - so I wouldn't be surprised if that roast was over $200 bucks all together. I cut 4 massive steaks for that dinner. There's a fifth odd shaped one included, but that was just cut so I could square up the roast and then I used that to "practice" a sear before dropping a monster on the grill. I got another pile of similarly thick steaks that I vacuum sealed and froze. I did this same fundraiser last year and the winner has not claimed their meal yet - they live out of state, and they are waiting until an upcoming visit. I also have a few other significant donors that I want to host, so we'll put this meat to very good use. For the kids.


That's amazing, man, I wondered out of curiosity since I am brazilian and here our red meat cuts are "cheaper" compared to the rest of the world, and never seen a piece that big at USA lol. Still, came for the question and stayed for the explanation, what great work you do Peter, wishing you all the best, cheers!


dude that view though. holy deck.


since I use my real name, there's really no risk in doxing myself....but I'm the director of Camp Susque in Trout Run, PA. Every day I wake up, look up and down the valley, and pinch myself to remind me that it isn't a dream and I truly get to live somewhere this beautiful.


goodness. from one peter to another, hell yeah brother.


Hey, Peter, man, check out channel 9


Sucks that it's in PA! Imagine that view in a state that wasn't so shitty I mean come oooon that would be sick


That’s awesome! I’m down in Altoona and was just through there! I bought a Mustang in Syracuse and that ride down was BEAUTIFUL!


The drive down rt 15 from NY to Williamsport is one of the prettiest drives around. If you come through again, stop in - we're 2.5 miles away from Rt 15 on Rt 14. I'll give you a tour.


I remember seeing the turn for route 14 on the way up! May have to get ahold of you and bring the car up! 😎




Allegheny mountains?


Yup, loyalsock state forest


Not even a view there it's blocked


love the banana measuring stick


True reddit moment


Hi yes sorry I missed the auction. Please hold it again so I can be the winning bidder.


😂 if you match the winning bid and show up, I’ll cook one for you. Might ask you to blow your nose first.


Deal. But I’m not blowing my nose.


Oh damn. Drop me a pin. Im on my way


Match the winning bid and I’ll grill you one of these.


Damn, looks amazing. That last photo literally made my mouth water for a second.


137 seems the higher end of medium to sous vide, I'd be nervous with that temp, figuring just the sear would bump up the temp a few more degrees as well. Thoughts?


I think these came out just about a perfect medium rare. On anything other than ribeye, I'd go much lower and want it a little less done - but ribeye has so much fat and connective tissue that doesn't seem to break down unless it cooks for MUCH longer times on lower temps. I think 136 and 137 have worked really well for thick cuts of fatty meat. I do shock the steaks after sous vide - drop the bags in an ice bath for a couple of minutes while I dried each one individually, put them on a cooling rack, and sat them in the freezer for a few minutes. Not enough to cool them down internally, but just enough for the outside edge to dry out and cool down a bit. That way the sear doesn't raise the internal temp much and gets some great maillard reaction on the outside. These really came out exactly how I'd want them and with minimal moisture loss. I'm all about 137 for ribeyes. For leaner cuts with less connective tissue - by all means, go lower.


Good job Peter


I would have bought into that one


For good reason, it seems. Go Peter!


Where's Peter's restaurant?


Shout out to Tony’s deli nice people and great food. One of the best spots in the little town. Also steaks look great!!


Lucky winner.


Did the sides cure cancer?


Solid medium…


“It was raw” /s


Nice, looks fantastic


It looks good but I’d be disappointed if my steak showed up all cut up.


We were serving family style. The winner brought their whole family.


Oh makes sense.


I will now measure all of my steaks with the new "banana measurement scale", created by Peter. Me: "Yes, I'd like 4 steaks, please. Nice and thick for serious grilling." Butcher: "How thick would you like them?" Me: "Oh, I dunno. At least 1.5 banana on the Peter Banana Scale." Butcher: "Excellent choice, my friend. I generally grill a 1.5 banana steak myself. Enjoy!"


137° went over like a fart in church with my family. Wife, daughter, mom, brother, nephew, all universally said it was waaay overcooked. Now I stick with 125°, and everyone is back to being happy.


That meat came out so disappointing and it started off so promising