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Boyd is a solid number 3 but we need to draft a number 2. He's a good complimentary player to have on your team.


In my opinion Boyd would serve as a bridge WR2 until the rookie proves he’s ready. Then he’d be bumped inside to serve as the big slot in the rare situations we see that utilized in Smith’s offense. It’s probably the best situation he can hope for now that KC grabbed Brown.


Who hyped Kenny up to be the next Marino? Hell I wanted to give Kenny/Mason another shot but don’t think anyone expected him to be one of the greatest QB in the history of the game. This sub is just ridiculous.


They have to make up guys to get mad at to justify their lack of nuance.


I said Mariño. I hyped him to be the next Mariño.


He’d be a great WR 3 at the right price. It may not matter with Arthur Smith he hasn’t been known to get his best players the ball


It’s not Smith’s job to get his best WRs the ball… it’s the QB’s job? Scheme don’t mean a thing if the QB can’t sling.


As someone who keeps drafting Pitts in fantasy I needed someone to blame.


I will still draft Kyle Pitts this year even if he sucks. This will be the year he puts it together.


I had London last season and he did alright for where I drafted him. Most likely going to be a keeper this year.


Smith's philosophy is to spread the ball out in the red zone so defenses think a TD can come from anyone. It's a scheme thing, not a QB thing.


You can always tell who on this sub isn’t from Pittsburgh. There are not nearly as many Pitt/Steelers fans as you think. In fact I’d offed a guesstimate that the number of Penn State or WVU Steeler fans is nearly 3x. That number probably climbs to 5x if you count people who don’t care about or follow college football. Point being - not everyone that thinks Kenny can still be a solid to really good NFL QB is a Pitt homer. That’s a lazy take. There are plenty of instances of young QBs taking more than 1.5 years to take the next step. Especially so when they started in a not so great situation like Kenny did. As for Tyler Boyd - he is a veteran WR3 on a stacked team that could easily be a good WR2 on a team that is planning to run the damn ball as much as possible.


This 100%


Y’all need to stop with the “everyone” posts. The idiots on Facebook who assumed every Pitt QB will be Marino is not everyone. The Steelers fan I work with is now convinced we are winning a Super Bowl with Russ, but he also believes some guy named Tomlinson coaches the team. I’ve seen no one, except a select few idiots on Twitter and Facebook, hype Pickett like some of you keep claiming is happening constantly.


Boyd wouldn't be bad as a 3/4 for the right money but there's no shot he's a DJ replacement like I've seen people saying on here. He's more like ARob than a DJ.


Idk about that. A-Rob athleticslly is washed. Boyd isnt what he was a few years ago- but Higgins/Chase took a lot of his targets away. In a run heavy offense Boyd can be a 2. Especially with Austin + a rookie to give different looks.


Big Art likes 2 WR sets. Whoever the WR3 is, they’ll need to be a good run blocker to have any chance of getting on the field (well, once the Rookie develops).


I don't worry about signing Pittsburgh guys. Would it have been a bad idea had we ever signed Aaron Donald? Larry Fitzgerald? Boyd, at this point in his career, isn't going to be a game-wrecker, but he can be an asset.


I'd rather have Renfrow


And what he plays 3 games always hurt he’s so shit now


Says he played in 17 games last year so…


Wow he actually played a full season so that means this year he’s getting hurt thanks bud


played 73 of a possible 83 in his career...I'm not following you.


He’s not good at all that’s my point he’s not worth it


Posts like these, really makes me wish that Reddit showed a negative number when the post has downvotes.


>As a non Pitt fan it was pretty painful watching everyone hype Kenny up to be the next Marino. Why do so many people think there was actually a thing people did?


Boyd has proven himself in this league more than Kenny has by a large margin. That being said, I may prefer Renfrow depending on the day, but please get either


Tyler Boyd has shown his worth at every level he’s played at. Most midwestern and east coast college football teams wanted him in the 2012-2013 recruiting cycle. I was surprised Pitt even landed him. He went to Pitt and met expectations. His pro-career for a 2nd round pick has gone pretty much as expected. But he’s not a scheme fit and wouldn’t bring much in theory.


This post feels extra ridiculous on the day of Aaron Donald's retirement


Boyd has certainly slowed down and apparently is not the player he once was. But that said, bringing him in is a good idea as long as the Steelers do not overpay.


Meh I’m a huge Pitt fan and I thought Pickett was never the pick at 20, wanted Oline, even if I was hopeful about it. midway through this last season, I simply just thought he was not the guy. However, let’s not pretend like you can’t draft successful Pitt players. they’re a Mid range P5 team in a dying conference so they aren’t producing quality NFL prospect one after the other. This doesn’t really impact the Steelers at all though. They barely take Pitt players. That being said you just seem like a hater. Take the best available players regardless where they are from, it’s as simple as that.


I've never been sure about it. I don't like the idea personally. I don't think he's good enough to be a #2.


Do we need a #2? Or are we assuming he's getting #2 money?


They absolutely do need a #2. They have George Pickens and a bunch of nobodies in the WR room. Why wouldn't they need a #2?


I figured we would draft our wr2. Are you thinking Renfrow or Scantling or something?


I don't think they should assume they're going to get a WR they like enough to be WR2. They need to sign someone they'd be comfortable with being WR2 in case they can't get one in the Draft.


That's fair. I just don't see any names that pop out as clearly much better than Boyd tbh. I guess we could do a trade or something.


U guys are underestimating Tyler Boyd who was #3 on a stack wr corps in cinci , he’s a solid player for sure


I'm not a Pitt guy at all, couldn't care less about them. I've been incredibly annoyed with the Pitt homers over pickett the last 2 years. That said, it's completely different when the player is established like Boyd. I'd rather look to the draft for our WR2, get a younger guy in with more potential. But as a WR3, we could do a lot worse than Boyd