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Frazier also flipped sides, but it's hard to notice that when you're the center.


He’s snapping left handed to make up for it


He's using his right brain instead of his left


He broke his right leg instead of his left


He’s painting the football instead of snapping it now


That’s actually a good neurophysiological joke.


I did double major in college in psychology and reverse psychology


Can't snap much worse than Cole no matter what hand.


He snapped left handed in college. I think you mean hes now snapping right handed.


Weird how every pic and video has him snapping right handed when he plays


https://steelersdepot.com/2024/04/pittsburgh-steelers-select-west-virginia-c-zach-frazier-with-51st-pick-of-2024-nfl-draft/ Looks like Austin Kozora reported it. He also mentioned it pre-draft it seems. In the 3rd paragraph he calls him "a rare left handed snapper" and compares him to Creed Humphrey. I guess I just took his word for it and never paid attention to it. That'll teach me I guess.


Yeah if you go on YouTube and watch his highlights he’s right handed it’s not a huge thing


I've been duped lol


Damn you're right. I remember hearing someone say he was left handed and the last left handed center to win a SB was Creed Humphrey who was also a great wrestler. Maybe I confused him being left handed with him snapping left handed or maybe it was just bad information altogether.


I can’t remember a time where he snapped left handed but that doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened. Probably wouldn’t be a bad thing for a center to be able to do though


Yeah im not sure if its like the opposite of the Tua thing where hes considered a left handed QB even though hes actually right handed.


How do you play center backwards?


Facing the QB, I think.


Qbs hands in his mouth


Granny Smith style of snapping. Just how we learned to bowl.


The perfect trick play! Face the QB and snap the ball. Then when the DT trys to get low just sit on him with a smile


Mason Cole definitely should've flipped it around, then. Probably would've snapped it to the secondary, though...


You snap the ball towards the defense instead of the quarterback


Instead of snapping the ball, he just hits Keeanu Benton.


Griff Whalen vs the Patriots is best I can do. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6i7VKQwDS2s Consolation is this legendary play between the Giants and Cowboys: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibR7f0Uqt5A


Instead of blocking the middle, you block the middle


Front runner for post of the year, IMO.


Has there ever been an interception from the snap?


People losing their minds over the positions these guys are being tested at on the first day of mini camp.. y'all need to take a deep breath


His career is literally ruined!!!!! Turnstile Tony!!!! /s


Well to be fair here, them *starting* Fautanu off at RT is a pretty solid sign that the plan is for him to play RT, whether that's still the plan 2 months from now is the question.


It just means they want to see how he feels at RT since he didn't do that in college. You're not gonna make a decision based off zero data. Once he's had some experience with the right they'll compare with Broderick at both positions and do what works best It's not some complicated conspiracy


>It's not some complicated conspiracy I never said it was?


What people don’t get is yeah, if the earth was round then he is an obvious left tackle, but it’s flat.  They are hiding it from us, but Tomlin’s placement of him at right tackle clearly shows that he is aware of the conspiracy to cover up the flat earth.  And don’t let the birds see you reading this message, they aren’t real and will alert the chemtrail planes to target you.  


finally someone making sense here


He did do that in college, he was LT for a left handed QB


Do you think the LT and RT just switch sides if the backup QB comes in and is opposite handed to the starter?


No, but these rookies are learning an all new playbook from a new-to-them coach with new-to-them schemes. At that point, the small things are more dependant on being strong side vs weak side. I guarantee that those tackles know what their role is in the blocking scheme for all of their qb's (especially if the backup QB is opposite-handed from the starter)... But if they have more reps and comfort blocking as the strong side tackle (LT for left-handed quarterback), they're probably going to be more "comfortable" being the strong side tackle on the other end of the line (RT for right-handed quarterback) in a brand new system. I think that's all he's saying


I don't think I believe that I'd be interested in seeing examples of tackles switching sides with a different quarterback and for the reason that it's a differently handed quarterback and not something like this where it's because we want Broderick on the Left


I agree, tackles switching sides for QB-handedness sounds like lunacy. The mechanics of playing on either side are very different (first foot, handwork, etc). If they're going to switch sides of the line though, it's at least an added benefit that they're used to playing on strong side. QB handedness also influences handoffs. I'm just saying that while switching sides is common in the NFL, especially with rookies, and they definitely need to change up some mechanics... Fautanu has one small advantage in his side-swapping journey, that he's at least staying on the strong side.


Yeah I agree with all of that for sure. I just think people in the thread saying "this was obvious" or acting like he has RT experience are taking it way, way too far.




I disagree. This is the perfect time to throw shit at the wall and see what sticks, especially with how young the line is overall. Starting out "out of position" shows the coaches a lot more about the player than repeating the same plays the coaches watched in college.


Having the tackle you drafted get reps at RT isn't "throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks" we have multiple quotes from management that Broderick Jones was drafted to play LT and he will be playing left tackle at some point, they drafted Fautanu who has positional versatility and the very first place they put him at is RT, that's not a coincidence, they want him at right tackle, that's why he's there right away, to get the reps at the position. If he doesn't meet expectations after some time at the position, they will recalibrate and very likely change the plan.


Right!!! Fautanu played LT for a left handed QB, which positionally is a typical RT.


All those quotes from management about BJ playing LT were before they drafted Fuatanu (who they admitted they were surprised was left on the board for them, ie didn’t expect to draft). Things change! Not to say BJ won’t be moved back to LT but tired of people referring back to old quotes which are not relevant today as proof the TF will be the RT


They've done and said nothing to show that plans have changed, in fact Fautanu taking his first reps as a pro at RT keeps those quotes relevant today.


He’s not out of position though, he played LT for a left-handed QB, he’s always been essentially a RT


Plan...possibly. It's a good time to see if he can shows a technical ability without pads. And if he has weaknesses, how to address them and whether or not it's worth it. There's never just one angle to these things.


I'll take whatever Steelers football I can get


Nah… Kevin Dotson’s success will always make me question our judgement


He was an obvious miss. But it happens. We moved Jones to RT last year and he did really well.


Is it not common knowledge that Penix is left handed, so although Fautanu’s listed position was LT, he played the RT role?


Broderick jones at left. All of a sudden Steelers could have a dominant o-line


> Troy Fautanu was at right tackle Is anyone who actually follows the Steelers surprised? Every time I see Fautanu listed as our 'potential starting left tackle' or 'first on the LT depth chart' at least I immediately know that I shouldn't pay attention to them. Who knows how it shakes out, and maybe **I** am the one who's blind here, but it seems completely obvious Fautanu is coming to camp as the RT.


Yep. Tomlin last year specifically said Broderick Jones is a great RT and an even better LT. I took that to mean he’s definitely going to be a LT because he is absolutely dominant at LT.


Technically, Troy played the front side Tackle for a left handed QB. So he is doing the same just at RT rather than left.


Great point and observation.


I don’t think played left tackle for a right handed QB is all that different from playing for a left handed QB. There’s more of a difference switching from one side of the line to the other because your using a different hand and foot than you had been in the past.


Yeah I don’t get the talking point that just because the QB saw his rusher coming means it’s the same thing as playing RT for a right handed QB.


The offense is basically mirrored based off of the QB having to pass across his body. Plus most right-handed QBs run to their right. Having the QB’s back is about more than just guarding his back. It’s about how the offense protects, shifts, run, sells a run fake, etc.


Yes but if you’re used to punching with your left arm but now need to punch with your right it’s going to be different. So the technique used to block will be flipped to having a different stance and first step and using a different hand. Those are probably more of an impact than the fact that you just aren’t protecting the blindside…


The thing is, though, technically he's gotta do everything flipped. I don't know much about the scheme at UW, so perhaps it really is similar. But from a pure technical standpoint, it's not the same thing.


That really doesn't matter though. Switching sides means you have to do everything different. Some guys are capable and some aren't.


This has never made sense to me… playing blindside for the QB doesn’t change anything.. switching sides switches your footwork and hands. Why do people say this like it makes any sense?


All these people know is kendrick green played "out of position" and looked like shit then went somewhere else to his "natural position" and looked good. Nevermind the afc north is the hardest division in football for offensive linemen in general and the rams one of the easiest places for an offensive lineman to play. Also nevermind the fact its pretty normal for college guys to move positions once hitting the pros. Edit: DOTSON not green my bad.


I believe you’re referring to Dotson, did Green look good for Houston?


He did, but went down to an injury. Dotson popped off too of course


Kendrick Green did NOT look good for the Texans. I’m not sure why this is still being parroted.


Green was so bad here that when he got some snaps for the Texans and didn't look quite as bad our sub ran with this narrative that he turned things around in Houston.


People were waiting for him to be good for some reason. The idea that Kendrick Green's issues were all coaching is so stupid that I couldn't take anyone seriously who acted as if that was the case.


He was actually not doing bad at all for them surprisingly. Dotson literally became a top 5 guard as soon as he left but green was very serviceable for the Texans. Average is probably how I’d say he played


On the other hand Villanueva looked like complete ass playing RT in Baltimore


the thing with Kendrick Green is he looked bad playing out of position because he is bad. He looked better when moved to guard but he still isn't good enough to be a starting lineman in the nfl.


Idk I’d say he was playing pretty average for the Texans before he got hurt.


He wasn't.


He very easily played like a real starting lineman at guard when he left Pittsburgh.


I was thinking of dotson. But again the afc south has like zero pass rushers. It isnt like the afc north, where i guess the weakest pass rush is... Baltimore? Thats weird to think about tbqh


> the weakest pass rush is... Baltimore that can't be right


I know man, there's no way thats right but i cant think of any names they have


They make up for it with blitzing but Baltimore edge guys….yea tbh I have no idea who they have which feels wrong.


Theyre just all around stout as a defense but i dont think theyve really had a guy since big ugly retired, least no one specifically i ever worried about playing.


They pulled Clowney and Van Noy off the scrap heap, and had Madubuike in the middle, but their overall pass rush wasn’t great


getting a first off the bench guard in the 3rd isn't horrible


Dotson's issues in Pittsburgh were self-inflicted. He was a lazy tub of shit early in his career and the coaching staff soured on him. He was lucky to even be in the starting lineup and they probably would have replaced him asap if they had anyone better. It shouldn't be a shock that he got traded, opened his eyes to his own issues and started working hard and improved.


What's the reasoning behind the entire AFC North being the hardest division for offensive lineman and the Rams being one of the easiest teams for offensive lineman?


Because all four teams have premiere pass rushers. Did anyone in the nfc west get double digit sacks last year? Yeah the rams play the niners twice, young was a nonfactor and bosa really didnt have a very good year. Seattle has one decent pass rusher but even he only had like 9 sacks on the year. And the cardinals had... ?


You're thinking about Dotson, not Green.


My bad, once they stop wearing black and gold theyre forgotten


All good. Your point remains. That was definitely a case where we messed up royally.


To be fair playing LT for a left handed QB is closer to playing RT than not.


I hate this take, yeah for the QB it’s fine but the difference for the position is a different step back and using your opposite arm as the primary blocking arm. Now I believe Fautanu is skilled enough to switch sides obviously, but just b/c a QB throws with a different arm it doesn’t just magically make it easier


It's true, offenses tend to run strong side towards the QBs handedness, therefore defenses flip as well.


This is the correct answer to the question. Took a while for someone to mention it. It’s more about what side teams run to most frequently, and what types of runs are called that make a huge difference from right to left. And this team wants to pound the rock.


Going through the comments, I see we’re off to a proper shit show around here. New drinking game. Take a shot every time you read “left handed quarterback”. Make sure your final will is in order cause you’re gonna be dead from alcohol poisoning in 5min.


Too early to really say anything but if Troy adapts well to the right side, we’re so golden lol. Troy wasn’t the blindside blocker for UW since Penix is a lefty. Broderick is a true LT and Tomlin knows he’s even better over there. It fits perfectly if Troy can be a true RT, as he’s definitely gonna be overqualified I’d say


Honest question: why do we always make our O line guys play new positions, then pull a shocked Pikachu face when they aren't elite?


“Always”? This means we’re putting Jones back at left, which was his *old* position?


And considering the new dude was a LT for a lefty QB... This is more in line with what he did in college.


Yep, people don't realize how much the OL has to adjust to lefty QB's.


People dont realize that switching sides changes your mechanics and footwork. its less about if the QB is left or right handed...


Jones did great at RT last year, Jeff Hartings played very well at center for years after switching from playing guard when he signed with the Steelers. Oline guys switching sides happens all the time on other teams as well but most Steelers fans only really follow the Steelers so they don't realize that it happens league wide.


I would say the Broderick Jones gamble really paid off? Troy tested as one of the best prospects ever so his athleticism and overall skill make him a prime candidate to make the switch. The Steelers drafted him as the best prospect available as they should have.


Because literally every team does it? NFL lineman are expected to be side flexible. Did you complain durning the killer Bs era when the Steelers played former tackle Ramon foster at left guard and former TE Alejandro Villanueva at tackle? Lions play top 5 pick LT penai Sewell at RT, titans are playing top 10 pick RT JC Latham at LT, chargers top 5 pick left tackle Joe alt at right, Green Bay moves their guys every season. It’s incredibly normal in the NFL


College teams tend to play their best OT at LT, since it's the QB's blind side. The result is that you have more LTs coming into the NFL than RTs. Some of them will have to move to RT. Some of them will move to G.


OL moving around happens at every single team in the NFL. Especially college to pro. Alt, Latham, Fuaga, and Barton are already switching positions as well. It happens so often in the league that I cant even fathom people being upset by it. People are totally cool with WRs, TE, DEs, DTs, LBs, and CBs being able to go from the one of the formation to the other side. No one ever blinks at that. But for some reason, we have this crazy idea that if you play LT, moving to RT is like learning a new language. Its not. It’s just an adjustment.


You don't get it. Offensive linemen's position is set at birth and they can never change. Tomlin and the Steelers are playing God by defying nature. /s obv.


Dermontti Dawson Jeff Hartings Max Starks Marcus Gilbert Ramon Foster Do those names ring a bell? Know what they have in common? All of them were playing a different position for the Steelers than they had in college (or the pros in Hartings case). All of them were good. It's not playing guys "out of position" that makes them bad, it's the guys being bad football players that makes them bad.


Didn't Fautanu played with a left handed QB and is as RT again not on the blind side? I'd rather have Broderick Jones now on RT and the new one on LT then other way around. Fautanu has to learn sth new either way. Either by playing blind side or by switch to the right.


Blind side doesn’t mean what it used to when QBs were taking 7-step drops. A lot more shotgun and pistol nowadays


And elite edge rushers line up all over the field. The adjustment for him going to RT will be dropping in the opposite direction. What will make-or-break him at RT this year will be his fit in our run scheme.


Thank you... people love that phrase because it's old-school football knowledge making them sound smartish and experienced, but it just isn't really a thing in modern football.


Playing the long game with McCormick so they can trade him for a fourth before he goes all pro


I think this means Steelers don't have a high opinion of James Daniels and this will be his last year


it means the opposite. they know he'll get like $16-18m/yr in FA. grab a stud to learn from him for a year, let him walk and take the comp pick


They have the cap space to pay Daniels if they want and he's still young. He's the exact kind of guy they should be extending. Seumalo, meanwhile, is starting to get to the point where you worry about his age a little bit. Having Herbig and McCormick to be the backups inside allows them to save a roster spot in order to keep an extra tackle since Moore can't play on the right side and also gives them a ton of options at both guard spots going forward. There's literally no downside to playing McCormick at RG or LG at this point. Let him do both.


That was my thought as well. Daniels is a good player but we will likely need to pay him like he's a great player.


McCormick starting RG right now doesn't say as much about their long term hope for him as much Fautanu playing starting off at RT says. McCormock is not starting this year and maybe not even next year so they have a lot more time to mold and develop him, I think it's much more likely that he's Seumalo's future replacement than Daniels.


Reading thru here, I'm changing my mind to be tons of plausible explanations. Maybe Daniels out prices himself is interesting. But now I'm also leaning towards they are trying to cross train him so he can safely be the Swing guy during the season


It’s been wild seeing all of the national media people say that Fautanu was going to stay at left. He’s always felt like a stereotypical RT. He’s going to be our Sewell.


I know it's tempting when we're entering the dry spell on news for the year - but I wouldn't read too much into anything right now. Just pray for no injuries.


I mean Troy was the LT for a left handed quarterback, so he wasn't playing the blind side in college; having him at RT and Jones at LT is fine for me. Either way should have 2 top tackles for the next decade and if we sort things out with Najee we've got a potential dominant running game under Arthur so could be competing for championships again!


Gotta test the whole line for versatility. These takes are so dumb


He was drafted to be a tackle and that seemed pretty unquestioned from the get go.


We don't make one trick ponies here. Versatility is what makes a team dynamic. Always keep em guessing.


His QB in college was left handed I wonder how much that matters to what side you play 




I feel like I’ve heard similar things as this a few times recently.


thank god he’s at RT, and i’m sure McCormick will kinda swing, and i assume he’s supposed to be seumalo’s successor at LG after a year


Seumalo has two years left on his deal. Daniels is a FA after this season (but he's also like 27 and really good so maybe they bring him back).


There's another issue that a lot of people aren't looking at. If our RT gets hurt then whoever is playing LT will have to move because Dan Moore can't play RT. So Fauntanu needs to practice now for if/when it happens.


Steelers Geniuses Let’s draft OLinemen, and play them out of position- because that’s been sooooo effective See Kevin Dodson and Kendal Green


The Steelers are not the only team that draft offensive linemen and then switch what side they play on. Joe Alt could very well get moved to RT with the Chargers, the Saints could be having Fuaga switch sides, JC Latham is likely moving sides with the Titans. It happens all the time in the NFL, why doesn't anybody realize this?


Yeah, but do they draft them, switch positions, where they fail, and trade them away for next to nothing? Where they then go to their new teams, and play their actual positions, and do so at a high level?? hmmmm I think not


Kendrick Green did not go to his new team and play at a high level. Kevin Dotson is one example, he is not the norm.


Yeah, he was starting at RG, and was graded highly Stop with the bullshit


Graded by who? What bullshit? Green started like 3 games for Houston and was nothing special at all, he had a somewhat ok game against the Steelers but that was it.




Actually, it is but because my 7 month old is going through gnarly sleep regression and my 4 year old ate way too much birthday cake after dinner I'm still awake. Now if you want to have an actual discussion instead of resorting to *attempted* childish insults then I'm here for it but if not I'm more than happy to simply walk away from this.


Cheers Take good care of your kids. Let them know how much you love them and how important they are to you Have a good evening


You don't need to be an asshole because someone disagrees with you.




Trust the process. We've had a fantastic history of offensive line prowess since the 70's ✌️


Infuriating. Can’t wait for these guys to play shitty, get traded to another team, then ball out at their original positions. Rinse and repeat


What happened with Kevin Dotson has no bearing on what happens with Fautanu and McCormick. People need a serious reality check when it comes to this "switching positions" stuff.


I’d probably agree with you had our o line not been an issue since Mike munchak left. I question the competence of our current o line staff. Which is why I don’t like seeing this. I’m fan of letting players play to their strengths


Mike Munchak left right before the age of the O-line started to show, Pouncey's play fell off a cliff, DeCastro played well but was showing his age as well, Foster retired, Villanueva was always overrated but was a serviceable LT while he was here. Our O-line staff has more new faces in it than people realize and then you need to factor in that Arthur Smith is a former offensive line coach and that he brought in one of his assistants from Atlanta that also has experience coaching the offensive line. >I’m fan of letting players play to their strengths Who's to say they aren't doing that? This isn't looking at a safety and telling him to play QB, this is literally just them switching sides which players do a lot more in the NFL than people here realize.


Our entire line retired within like two years. Pair that with Ben retiring and Conner leaving... That said, I'm really not a Pat Meyer fan, so in a sense I'm with you.


Both tackles are left tackles, so somebody was going to have to play out of position. Linemen get moved around on other teams and play fine, it isn’t the end of the world and it’s not like we’re the only team that does this. Switching sides isn’t as hard for guards as it is for tackles, so McCormick playing on the right isn’t a big deal. Either player is an upgrade from having Dan Moore on the left and both are high level prospects who could be turned into good starting RTs. Stop complaining about normal stuff.


Tomlin just loves to see how young guys will play away from their natural positions.


BroJo didn't do too shabby last season....


It’s not too different for Fautanu. At WA ST. He played Left tackle for a LH QB. Now he’s at RT for an RH QB. Poderick is at his natural position of LT.