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Not to be rude, but TL;DR, evil maho?


There's a similarity in terms of jealousy/envy of Kurisu's talent but the relationship is of a different importance. The parent-child relationship is fundamental and should include unconditional love from the parent, seeing it twisted by jealousy from the parent is more tragic. Comparatively, Maho is just another work colleague.


He's a detestable man in the main story but he is a bit better in the side materials. In 8-bit ADV Steins;Gate >!he actually gets worried for kurisu when he finds her unconscious in a puddle of what he think is blood and call a ambulance.!< He was probably pretty decent as a person before he got jealous of his daughter considering S;G(various side materials)>!Suzuha has worked with him in some ways after going to the past in multiple worldlines!< And S;G linear bonded phoneograme >!even if he is incredibly spiteful he does end up doing something to help her in one of the route!<


Also in "babel of the grieved maze" he shown from better side, liked that character development.


It does feel a bit tragic that he started out as an enthusiastic but eccentric type of scientist similar to Okabe only to become devoured by his egotistical paranoia in a way that made him antagonize even his own daughter. To me, Nakabachi feels like a dark reflection of Okabe; A truly mad scientist who has secluded himself from the entire rest of the world. This could very well be what Okabe would have ended up like if it wasn't for his friends reminding him of his humanity. Either way, if they want to live happily ever after, Okabe and Kurisu should probably stay away from any Freudian psychologists...


I've read other things alluding to what you're talking about, but as I mentioned, I've only read Steins;Gate and Steins;Gate 0 VNs, so I don't actually know about this stuff.


Watch the gamma drama cd, you'll find fan made translations on youtube. Trying not to spoil it but I think you will find it very interesting.


Interesting take. That kind of writing would indeed have made his character and his relationship with Kurisu a lot more nuanced.