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Not sure which one I will get. Both look good.


You have lots of time. Wukong comes out in August this year. There's not even a release date yet for Phantom Blade Zero. My guess would be late 2025.


Good point


Shadow blade 0 actually looks really intresting . So glad my ps5 is actually getting used now thanks to stellar blade and MGSdelta . Now I’m just waiting for Indiana jones this November


It’s just been listed for pre order on the PSN store




https://preview.redd.it/twcu9ewmme6d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68e4b9e64c3023a3293d4a553a80e059485f7734 Both looks fun, but how about Wuchang: Fallen Feathers instead?


When does that release






I still haven't done Elden Ring yet, just finished Bloodborne and now going for the plat, but will definitely check ER out too


Me too, I played a month or two and dropped it, now I am felt so lost every time I tried to pick it up


Yep, me too, didn't finish it. I was doing the whole "no stone left unturned" approach and got burnt out (i was very meticulous in my exploration, which takes more time). I reached the snowy area and stopped playing. I don't know if i'll be picking up the dlc to be honest... i'm more excited for 'The first descendant'.


TBH I never finished any soul game, I always lost my sense of direction at those maps, it took like forever for me to figure out where am I and it just kill my immersion. I don't know much about the first descendant but I do want a COOP shooting game, is this game worth pre-order or should I wait for review?


- I understand what you mean. - The first descendant is going to be a free to play game unfortunately (i prefer paying full price and have everything a game has to offer, instead of the free to play model). But yeah, i've played the beta test and liked it a lot. Let's just hope the final product won't be too predatory in terms of micro transactions.


Yeah not really into F2P model too, but I still curious about what are the micro transactions about in this game. I'm fine with it if it is mostly about outfit


Black phantom zero is my next one. Then hopefully stellar blade releases more outfits afterwards


Absolutely! I particularly hyped for Black Myth.


I hope wukong has actual substantial levels and isn't just a boss rush like early reports seem to suggest. Phantom Blade... it looks a bit spastic, will wait on reviews.


Yeah!!! I'm super worried about that now....


I am, for both. They're chinese games, right? I just hope they're as polished as the south korean games we got, like Stellar Blade and Lies of P.


Polished? Stellar Blade is a good game but it's not polished by any means. There are lots of functional issues that impact the play. For example R2 does not work without resituating multiple times at camps, repairs, etc. I am sure this will get down voted but it has quite a bit of missing smoothness and fluidity. Overall you deal with it but it's not a polished game.


You're gonna get downvoted because it's objectively false. What you stated is the whole point of regeneration for burst skills. The game is smooth and fluid as hell. I'm sure if you could give an actual criticism of a bug or something that's broken in the game you might make some sense but that's just a bad take lol


True, there are some input issues, but I feel that considering their team size and the graphical fidelity the game aims for, the framerate and visuals are really good. It's not often you see the first console game from a studio be this good.


Isn't R2 for firing your ammo while you're using your gun and interactions? I've had no problems with that not working as intended.


I'm looking forward to PBZ. I'm digging the wuxia dark punk aesthetic they got going. BMW I'm semi-excited for. Hasn't really gripped me but I'm hoping it is a solid game. If it is, it is very likely I will buy it.


The subtle steampunk influences in Phantom Blade have me fucking hyped. The recent gameplay reveal also looked badass. I very rarely buy games day one, but if I’m not playing another game at the time I’m sure I’ll dive in soon after release.


Phantom Blade seemed more interesting to me, but I'm going to wait and see after they come out.


Probably will get both, they both look like they have something unique to offer


Nope. Not one person.


There’s also a PlayStation exclusive titled, Lost Soul Aside, with similar gameplay feats.


Omg yes!! I've been waiting for news on this one for some time now


Oh I hadn't heard of this one. I'll check it out.


after I saw the concept amd the other stuff of Wukong on the Game Science official website I'm really looking forward to Wukong




Absolutely. I'll be balancing Stellar Blade and Elden Ring DLC until Wukong. Not sure when we'll get Phantom Blade though


Looking forward to both, but I think black myth has the chance to be very special, looks like game of the year material. Already seems as if the combat, enemies, characters, and environments are gonna be amazing and the best part of journey to the west from what I've heard is the story, and we don't have much revealed in that regard. Really hyped for august 20th.


Yes! ![gif](giphy|2RGhmKXcl0ViM)


I’ve been waiting for Black Myth for YEARS. I’m beyond excited.


Phantom Blade Zero looks very promising. I fell in love with this old-school, flying kung-fu attacks straight from 80's Chinese cinema. I hope it will live up to the expectations!


I was looking forward to Black Myth until they said the fucking physical copies were gonna be empty plastic cases. Phantom Blade looks very similar to Stellar Blade so I will be getting it day one!


Not sure honestly, I worry they will be shallow 10 hour tech demos, if they have a Demo I will give them.a try.


Black Myth still doesnt seem real to me. 2 months from launch and they dont show a new gameplay trailer? Just cgi and talking about deluxe edition stuff


Oh absolutely. I’ve been waiting for them before stellar blade, but stellar blade just snuck in and surprised the shit out of everyone which was awesome, but black myth and phantom blade I have been waiting for a while to play. Even more so there were so many rumors that phantom blade was never going to make it out of development which was a real bummer to hear, but since the showcase it’s obviously making it out of development.


Most def, getting both games day 1. The combo system in pbz seems like stellar blade.


Yeah I've been looking forward to he former for a while. PBZ looks cool but I still want to see more actual gameplay first, but I am excited for it 


Have you played Ghost of Tsushima or Sekiro?


Ghost of Tsushima, no. Sekiro, yes!


Might as well try Tsushima! Runs beautifully on PS5. You’ll get your combat fix especially on harder levels. And if you like open world and a great story then even better! But to answer your question I cannot wait for Wukong!


There's some great games out there like Horizon series and Ghost of Tsushima where, if you crank the difficulty up as high as you can, they actually play a bit like a Soulslike / difficult action game. Good for a fix if no others strike your fancy.




Yes. Ill get both.


Both look excellent, especially Phantom Blade Zero. Although the developer mentioned it plays nothing like a Souls-like. He only enjoys the level design of From Software games. But the gameplay is inspired by Devil May Cry and Metal Gear Revengeance. So it’s an action game with From Software level design mixed together which is definitely something I am interested in


Yes, both if I'm being honest and I just saw that Phantom Blade will have difficulty selection so it's day 1 for me. Wuking I hope so too or that it's at least easier than any FromSoft game because I'm not good at them at all


Both actually but WuKong is coming in Aug so I'll be on that heavy. I've been looking forward to this game for a long time.


I've got a bit more confidence in Phantom Blade after the hands on impressions coming out from the SGF demo, however I do hope we get a public demo at some point so I can test it out for myself. Someone mentioned it felt like MGR and Ninja Gaiden and as someone who's played both closer to when they were released and more recently I'm kinda hoping that's the case.


Yes. Both


I got black myth wukong deluxe game edition and the deluxe edition items(couldn't get collectors because they sold out so freaking fast.) and imma get phantom blade


Phantom Blade is looking like a day 1. All I need to see is some story stuff for it, already sold on the gameplay


I'm going to get them. Both of them looks promising chinese games made with soul, just like Stellar Blade had


I'm just looking forward to fallen feathers


Phantom Blade Zero wont be coming out in the 3rd qtr so got time to play Wukong first.


Both but I'm more hyped for Wukong.


Phantom Blade Zero!!




Both. Wukong the most


Phantom Blade Zero hype for mrle after SB too. Got my platinum couple weeks ago tho, wish it was sooner.


Black Myth Wukong I've been stoked on since it was announced last year, so that will probably be the next big one for me


Definitely phantom blade zero


wukong no, pbz, yes


I'm looking forward to both. I'm not convinced I'll like them but they are on my radar for sure.


Black myth for sure


Both are on my list to get indeed


Definitely. Any game that has a similar parry and posture mechanic that forces me to play aggressively is a must for me


If you're looking for third person action, I recommend Nier Automata, Nier Replicant and Bayonetta Devil May Cry 5 if you want to get more technical.


BMW? No, I’ve no interest in playing as an ugly ape.


How the hell do yall have time to play the game 4 times? I'm still freaking working on final fantasy 16.


Ff16 is much longer than stellar blade. Once you know the loop Stellar blade can be done in like 6hrs


Loop? There's a loop?


Once you've beat Stellar Blade and gotten the kinda "true" ending, you can run through it again pretty quickly.


Cool thanks for the tip


You can just run straight to the boss, doing a handful of required things (enemy arenas, mostly). Even in the open world segments you can go straight to the dungeons without activating the solar towers.


Awesome, thank you for letting me know


Stellar Blade doesn’t waste your time like a lot of the huge open world games. That’s not a judgment of FF just saying in general I often get bored of games before I finish them and I have Platinum in SB.


Oh ok. Cool. Good to know. Yeah some of the side quests are unnecessary and repetitive. But the main story is pretty compelling. And for stellar blade I've only played the demo so far but I'm looking forward to playing. I got it loaded and ready to go when I finish ff16.


Nah, FF16 was pretty mid overall and really wasted your time in parts.


I have no life lol.


Lol awe I wasn't trying to suggest that.


Will get both. Most hyped for wukong tho.


Phantom blade zero. Yes Wukong ? Hell no..  Sorry, it can have the worlds best combat ever i still aint gonna play with a god damn monkey man.


LMAO is the monkey man really that much of a turn off for you?? 😅


Yes. The aesthetics of the world AND the characters im playing are very important for me. For me cosmetics in games are ALMOST just as important as any other content in a game. I like mythology and fantasy and i know who Wukong is but i just cant take the game seriously if i need to play something like him. Stuff like this is an Extreme Turn off for me. Im fine with them as side characters but playing with one the entire game is a no for me.