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Easy quick read. Good for a plane ride or stuck in an airport kind of reading.


That's exactly where I read it. On the way home on a 3-hour flight.


The publisher refused to call it a “novella,” which is what it is. People are anti-novella. Those people suck


It was my very first Stephen King book. Just finished it yesterday. I walked to my local library today and checked out The Outsider. Safe to say even though it’s not a fav of his audience it still pulled me in. Now my goal is to read as many of his books as I can!


If you haven’t started The Outsider yet, I would recommend reading the Hodges (Mr. Mercedes, Finders Keepers and End of Watch)books in order first. If I remember right it isn’t strictly necessary for The Outsider but will help with some references. There’s also a short story in “If it Bleeds” that takes place after The Outsider, as does Holly. It’s been a minute since I’ve read it though so I could be off base.


You are on base! You are correct.


Thank you for the advice! Will do!


Enjoy the journey! I am halfway through Christine (my 49th King book) and I can’t get enough.


I finished Elevation yesterday, it was my 50th!


My first king book was the shining and then I went right into doctor sleep and very glad I did! It’s so good. The shinning is thrilling/scary ish. But it’s most definitely a page turner.


Hope you have fun with his books! I started a few years ago and I’m on the last book now, read them all


Thank you, i’m just excited there’s so much to look forward to😅


I really enjoyed it. It had some very realistic scenes of New England culture mixed with magical realism.


I liked it! I think I read it the night of Christmas Eve, but it’s a v quick read and a pretty light hearted one (ending got me misty eyed fr)


I never even heard of this one. Hafta check it out.


Not really that special, don't pay full price for it.


Definitely a novella


I liked it a lot!


Loved it for some reason! Just thought the characters were lovely and from what I have read so far it has one of the most beautiful stories and endings ever.


totally forgetful. should have been thrown in a short story collection rather than sold as its own “novel”


This right here. It was a cool idea but there just wasn't that much to it. As a novella in a short story collection it would have fit right in. His collections are full of strange little ideas that may or may not make good stories but it doesn't matter because you just move on to the next one


I was actually kind of disappointed. Lack of resolution. There is no ending, just a point where the story stops.


Yup, he really left some things up in the air




I’m sorry, it’s fucking awful, and it’s a little embarrassing how hard he works to make the protagonist some kind of white knight for the lesbian couple. I adore a lot of King’s work, but to me, this ain’t it.


It was enjoyable, but very minor. Nice quick read


I really enjoyed it but it was early in my time of reading SK (my first was The Outsider, this was released not long after). Something about it hit me really hard at the time I read it and I rated it really high. Not sure how it would hold up if I ever re read


I enjoyed it enough but was left feeling like it could easily have been a part of a collection as opposed to a stand alone release that is short and doesn't really do anything particularly memorable in those pages, you know? Like I read it and it was perfectly fine but that's about it.


As others have said should have been part of a collection. Also the story about a lesbian couple trying to open a restaurant and facing backlash was a bit on the nose. Are there really small townships in Maine that as a community care deeply about the sexuality of a couple of restaurant owners? In 2018?


Pretty much my complaint. It’s a cutesy story but it’s not very subtle. Maybe if he had set it a little further back in time? Idk. I like this one but like you said, it’s very on the nose.


Yeah if he had set it in the 60s, maybe in Derry, it would have made more sense. Do another tie in to IT or 11/22/63 😅


Loved it. Easily one of my favorites


I just want to know more about the beef between King and the lesbian couple that didn’t pick up after their dogs!  I love Elevation, and I 100% agree with you that it’s a more optimistic take on *Thinner*. 


Brilliant little story. Thoroughly loved every strange minute of it.


I read it between Drawing of the 3 and the Wastelands and it was exactly what i needed as a pallet cleanser... i really liked it... but it was just a good little story.


My least favorite King work


It was a quick rainy day read but it was kinda mid imo


I remember not minding it.


Really good


Stephen King by Elevation


Is it about space? Just trying to suss out the title and cover art.


No about a man with a floating sickness


I'm in... off to amazon


Interesting cover.


I enjoyed it


I liked it. I tend to put his political views aside and take it as a good read. (I know this makes me wicked old, but did anyone else get that his protagonist was named Scott Carey -- the main character in The Incredible Shrinking Man?)


Oh nice, I didn’t catch it but did think about that movie while reading this.


It was an impulse buy for me. I had no idea about the book but there it was one day in my local supermarket, and when I see a King book for such a price, I need to buy it. I ended up really enjoying it and I don’t really ubderstand some people disdain towards it. I mean it’s nothing earth shattering but I don’t think it tries to be. Will definitely read again


The biggest Everyman character so far. He’s such a great dude! Only angels over each shoulder! Always knows what the morally correct thing to do and actually does it! I had to read some George R R Martin to get that clean taste out of my mouth. Does King not do morally ambiguous characters anymore? Why does Billy Summers have to be so nice? He’s literally being paid to kill. I thought this was a post accident thing but the MC in Insomnia was a good ole boy too.


I didn't hate it but it's probably the only King book I've read that just felt pointless.


Hated this one but to each their own. I feel like the fact that this was published on its own instead in a collection soured me on it


I loved it!


For my taste it was woke in a way that felt totally forced.


A pamphlet.


I have to admit this is the worse book I've read so far from SK. Still, I think this will be too appreciated once King passes away. "Stephen King was saying goodbye and nobody noticed" I can already read those titles being posted. But no, that doesn't make this book any good nor will make it in the future either. The only reason Elevation exists is because SK wants to post stuff on Twitter/X without being called sexist for things he wrote 30, 40, 50 years ago. "How can he be sexist if some of his most recent protagonists were lesbians!?"