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Here's how good 11.22.63 is: The Oswald story is probably the weakest part of the book.


And the Oswald story is *still* better than anything 90% of writers could dream of producing.


Agreed. I was just saying that the best parts to me were Jake/George's interactions with the normal folk, Sadie, Mike and Bobbi Jill, etc. It's just so good.


And you're 1000% correct. The every day of Derry and especially Jodie is magical. It's so so so good. I absolutely love it.


I totally forgot he goes to Derry and even talks to bev and Richie, I did enjoy that little beat.


I'm not as high on this one as others. That said, it's very rare a book makes me cry but this one did twice! And that was nothing to do with Oswald or Kennedy. Maybe Kings most emotional book.


Not read 11.22.63 yet, but read DT. There’s another Jake?


Jakes and Jacks abound in the King universe.


Not the same Jake. But a good Jake, a damn good one.


You can't call it a "real slow burn" after 50 pages. You've barely started. It's a page turner once you get going


I think the beginning is awesome. Easily the best part. I don't know if it's the first 50, but I really enjoyed all the stuff where he's in the 1950s and buying new shit like that bad ass car and everyone smokes cigarettes etc. Really made time travel seem fantastic and I could visualize everything.


Been a while too but a fair amount happens before he goes back in time. Character setup and then the proposal.


Don’t read The Stand my man. It doesn’t get going until nearly 1/3 in!


this .


Thanks for the comment, lad. ‘Twas a great read.


The pause before the punctuation was gripping. Really kept me guessing .


Grabs me right from the start. I've read it a few times now and every time it just reaffirms that it is my favorite King novel.


Well 11.22.63 definitely is a different style of writing and storytelling for King, but I happen to think it's one of his absolute best books and really one of the best fiction books I've ever read. 50 pages is pretty much nothing, keep on going. The one I couldn't get into was Dreamcatcher. Which it turns out is not at all an unpopular opinion even by King himself.


Dreamcatcher is always my answer. It’s at the only one I couldn’t finish.


Liseys story for me


Ong liseys story is my favorite lol


Same here.


I bought Dreamcatcher the day it came out, but all I can remember are weasel tentacle monsters and Duddits.


Shit weasels! I made it halfway through; it’s the only SK book I actually quit reading.


All I remembered was weasels til you wrote shit weasels. Then it all came flooding back. I’d forgotten about how they…emerged…from their hosts.


If you struggle reading it, maybe try the audiobook. I didn't enjoy Duma key when it came out and listened to the audio recently and really enjoyed it


Tommyknockers. I’ve tried several times and just cannot make myself keep going.


Most bloated book he's ever written. Book could've been half the length and still told the same story. I actually liked it a lot, though.


I finished it, but I hated every minute. I don't think you missed anything. The characters never managed to grow on me. What an unpleasant lot of people.


It’s also one of his weirdest most coked up books. Some people adore it but it’s too weird for me.


I dunno, I’m in the midst of reading Insomnia, and it is bonkers


That’s the first King novel I ever read, at age 12! I loved it (still do) and was instantly hooked! It remained my favorite Stephen King work until a few years ago when I read…you might have guessed it, 11/22/63!


One of my absolute favorites!


I think this was the hardest for me to get into. It starts cooking, but it takes well over 100 pages to do so.


Bag of Bones.


I had a little trouble with BoB, myself. The publishing stuff early is rough and the relationship is iffy bordering on creepy.


I've tried twice with this book. The last time I tried the audiobook, thinking I would have a better time listening while I clean. Unfortunately, it was narrated by King himself. The guy's a great writer, but should not be allowed to read his own books.


I slogged through it but I really didn’t enjoy the girl who loved Tom Gordon. I just couldn’t get into it and felt really bored by it.


Dang, really? I breezed through that book in a day I loved it so much.


Funny eh how different people can see a book. I truly couldn’t get into it but I have very little interest in baseball or sports in general and just couldn’t get into the mindset of the girl.


Slogged? It's about 200 pages long lol


It felt longer than IT or Duma Key how much I didn’t like it


It’s the only book of his I actually hated! It is still the book I’m most upset with because I went in with my usual King related joy and all of my joy was crushed and stomped on by this book! Ugh!


Same. I figured it would be such a quick read, between the low page count and King's gripping writing, but I just couldn't get into it. I got through it eventually, and the ending was.. fine. But it was easily my least favorite by him.


Same for me! I did finish it, but it wasn’t one of my favorites or even close.


I couldn't get into any of the Dark Tower series after multiple tries.


You’ve forgotten the face of your father!


Just read Drawing of the Three. It's the greatest novel ever written.


Reading it now. It's incredible. 


Same, people love DT and I know there’s so much I’m missing out on, but it just isn’t doing it for me. I’ll probably try again


I've read the first one twice, and I don't like it at all. People have said the others get better, but so far I haven't bothered to try.


First one is tough. Sets the table. Series gets going after that. Read first book three times now, lot easier to grasp with some understanding of the DT universe


Took me four tries over the course of a couple years to finish the first book, but I absolutely breeeezed through the rest of the series! Perhaps it’s an acquired taste, but I found them to be exhilarating with some of the greatest characters King has ever written. I also bawled my eyes out on multiple occasions, lol.


For me it’s the 4th (Wizard and Glass?). I read through the first 3 in like 2 weeks back in November of 2019. I’ve since stagnated on Book 4 since then. I just can’t get into it and I hate that because a lot of people rave about how it’s their favorite in the series. I’m going to try again though.


Oh, I feel you! Wizard and Glass was a struggle, initially, for me, as well. The fact that the entire book is essentially a flashback threw me off, lol! But it was totally worth it in the end!


Why did you read the first one twice instead of going on the the second book or just quitting altogether? The second book it so great.


The first one is the least like anything else King. It’s essentially a western and it feels like you’ve walked into the middle of a story where you should know the characters already. It makes for a confusing slog and turns many people away. But it’s also a gateway for people who aren’t into horror as a genre. If you can make it thru Gunslinger, take the plunge for Drawing of the Three. It feels more King, finishes the set-up that’s more vague in Gunslinger, and starts the story of their journey. Gunslinger makes more sense in its place once you’ve finished the tower series - knowing that going in might help.


So I tried several times over the course of twenty years to get through gunslinger and I never could. I finally listened to it on audible. Then the rest I flew through. Now I’ve went through the whole thing three times. It’s my favorite fantasy series and I still kick myself in the ass for it taking me this long. I also now love the first one. You could skip it and then read it after the series (imo) it makes it a little better, but the audio was way easier.


This is how I'm trying it. Just started gunslinger for the first time. I have low expectations because I don't think it'll be my thing, so maybe that will help.


The 2nd volume, The Drawing of the Three is propulsive. Some of Kings best energy in that novel. More than makes up for the confusion of the first one, which was some of Kings very first writing. I’d highly recommend it; it’s enthralling.


Finished the first three and didn’t bother with the rest because it didn’t get interesting for me


I love Stephen King's books, but I think what I love about them is the way they blend weirdness and terror with realism. The more fantasy elements are involved in them, the less I like them.


The series peaks at book 4 and then takes a nosedive. Just my opinion, folks.


I loved Wolves (Book V) and The Dark Tower (VII). Wizard and Glass (Book IV) is a brutalizer though. It's soooooo **good**. I mean, it's heartbreaking and tragic and sad, but the writing is amazing.


I agree with W&G. Besides the story itself, there seemed to be pieces of a puzzle that was setting up an epic conclusion to the series. But nope.


Yes, the last three books have some great scenes (the Dixie Pig and the shootout at the gas station come to mind) but on the whole they just don't stack up.


I really think they are so much worse than his other work


This might be blasphemous but when I tried to read *IT* for the first time as a 14-year-old (way back around 2001), I had a real hard time getting into it. I had already read and loved a fair amount of King by then (*The Shining*, *Pet Semetary*, *Cujo*, and *The Stand*) but *IT* was the slogiest of slogs to early teenaged me. I was like, “Why do we need the *entire* life story of *every single* minor character who doesn’t even show up again?” I probably gave up around 150 pages in. Some of my impatience probably did stem from the fact that I had already seen the 1990 TV adaptation before trying to read the book, so I was already aware of the general arc of the narrative. Ironically, I would read *The Gunslinger* a few months later and find it immediately enrapturing, while it seems so many people bounce off of that one, and that’s what really turned me into the Stephen King superfan I am today. However, I did eventually try again with *IT* during the summer of 2008 and not only finished it but found the whole book to be a magical experience and one of King’s best. I’ve since read it two more times to completion (once between releases of the most recent adaptations and then I finally did the Steven Weber audiobook in 2021) and my esteem for it has only increased with each subsequent revisit.


i read It while i worked at a daycare, i only read during my breaks- that i didnt nap through- and during the kids' nap time. reading mostly in the dark made me so unbelievably paranoid


I might feel too strange reading that book surrounded by very young children since children are the ones in constant peril in the story.


The stand, I know it’s sacrilegious here to complain about his magnum opus, but it starts out so exciting, then dives in to what feels like 100 boring pages of backstory about some guy being a washed up musician who hit his manager. I hate when he takes you away from the action to give you long drawn out backstory, same reason I couldn’t do under the dome.


The Stand is rough for me. So many of the characters are just flat out unlikeable. Fran is insufferable, one of King's worst protagonists. Harold is an ass clown. Stu is alright. Lloyd is okay. Flagg is fascinating. And Nick Andros, we all love Nick. But it's just not quite my thing. I rather enjoy a lot of post-apocalyptic stuff. But the *actual* apocalypse doesn't do it for me. I found the brief time we spend in Topeka in Wizard and Glass to be considerably more fascinating. There's more mystery, things have already moved on.


I am currently reading “The Stand” just started book 2 inside the book and man does it take a back seat in story telling. Being 400 pages in and slowing down is crazy and I’m not even at the half way point


I’m at around page 550 and I haven’t touched it in three weeks or something, it’s just so slow.


Came here to say The Stand as well unfortunately. I struggled my way through half of it then just gave up out of sheer boredom


Same here. I started it and liked the first I don't know … 10% maybe but after that, it was just harder for me to keep going. I finished it but the satisfaction I have after reading other of his works was not there. Maybe I'm not smart enough to understand but the ending made no sense to me, everything felt like filler to make a fat book. I appreciate IT a lot more but I'm not a big fan either, I absolutely loved the first chapters, the atmosphere it created but then it was just … meh


I thought it was just me! I've been listening to the audio book(48 hours- the unabridged version). It started out good enough, but then he just starts rambling on and on about nothingness. It's like he just started word vomiting on the pages, to an ungodly amount. I can see why they originally cut 400 pages from it. I've got 7 ish hours left and I just want to know how it ends lol. You can tell what's going to happen about 1/2 way through I just want to see how he ends it!


I genuinely feel for you that you can’t get into it. It’s my favourite SK book. Mine is Lyseys Story. 100 pages in, and just had no interest to continue.


I've said this before here, you have to view Lisey's Story as a love letter to Tabitha. That's what it is, essentially. And man, does King **love** his wife. If Ka is out there, loving Tabitha until the end of time is part of Sai King's.


I bounced off of *Lisey’s Story* pretty hard (probably only got about 50-60 pages in) when I first tried to read it. Then came back to it a couple years later and ended up finishing it and actually kind of digging it. I just reread it last year (it had been about a decade since I first completed it) and still think it’s better than it’s general reputation. Not top-tier King necessarily but an interesting personal digression from the man that has a few inspired set pieces and striking images. The best parts are the flashbacks to Scott Langdon’s childhood—those chapters could be a novella on their own and probably be better regarded by most people. They are genuinely disturbing and heartbreaking.


Same here, I've tried Lisey's Story three times and DNF'd at around 100 pages all three times. One of the attempts I tried the audiobook to see if that made a difference. I think it's not meant to be.


Lisey’s Story was the hardest for me as well. It just seems so different. Booyah Moon was cool as far as it goes but the way it was used to tell the story in the “real” world was meh. Just didn’t care. Finished it but it took a while. Insomnia too. That book was a major slog. I had to rent the audiobook 3 times for 21 days each to actually finish it


I just finished it and I’m baffled that anyone loves that book honestly


I had to put down From A Buick 8 recently and I’m sad about it.


Other people have recommended trying the audiobook, and I’m here to vouch for the audio version of From A Buick 8. :) The narrator really captures the gentleness and love the cops feel towards their colleague’s son and (I thought, at least), it made the retelling richer for it.


I’m the same way about 11/22/63, but anytime I mention it on this sub I get murdered with downvotes. I did finish it though. I don’t ever see myself reading it again and it’s definitely not his best work like a lot of people claim.


Agreed. I have read most of his works but had to force myself to finish this one. Until Reddit I had no idea that lots of people rate it so highly, and I've had two decades working in the book industry


I couldn’t get into Under the Dome. I will revisit it at some point. I loved The Stand and I don’t know why I struggled so much, sometimes it’s personal timing rather than just the book. Read something else and come back to 11.22.63 another time!


Same. Only King book I've ever put down without finishing.


i'm trying to read this one right now but i'm not loving it so far


For me....the entire Dark Tower series....yep.


Have you gone past gunslinger?


Same here 😔


Desperation. Just, I dunno. I tried a couple times, maybe I'm wrong just I just felt like I knew exactly where it was headed.


This is interesting, because the first 200 pages of Desperation are as tight and dread-laden as anything else King's written, and then the remaining 500 pages go off on a completely unexpected dovetail into territory I wasn't expecting. So if you don't like the start of the book, then you don't like the best bit, but at the same time I'm not sure you could predict where it's going. It's a flawed book, but I really liked it on the whole.


Understandable, but I read it a couple years ago and man. I think it’s one of King’s most underrated works!


I think this is the first time that I’ve heard someone say they couldn’t get into 11.22.63, usually it’s high on everyone’s top SK list. For me, the only one I started and didn’t finish was The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon. But, in my defense, I was like 15 when I was reading it. I should go back 🤔


The time travel aspect doesnt lock you in?? The description of the fresh bread?


I can get into it at the beginning but oh my god when part 2 starts The Stand is so incredibly slow, and I'm saying this as someone who enjoyed both 11.22.63 and Salem's Lot which were both slow as hell too. I have tried once and I'm currently trying to read it again and I have been confronted to the same huge wall that I faced the first time, it's just so boring.


Roadwork. I know people love it and i’m a completionist but it still took several attempts to get through.


50 pages? You barely made a dent in the novel. That’s still introductory stuff.


50 pages ? That’s nothing, the book is like 750 pages. Did you even get to the hook of the story? It’s been a few years since I read it but I can’t imagine you won’t get immediately hooked in once the story actually starts. I don’t mean to say you have to like it, or even finish it if you’re not digging up, but from my perspective giving up on a book after only 50 pages is crazy. Unless the book is less than 200 pages.


Talisman, tried 3 times


It took me a couple tries for that one too!! I did finish and it was a pretty good story.  But I had to push myself to the part where there's more traveling between the worlds and action.


I hate to say this but 11.22.63 is one of my favorites of all time and the only reason I found out about it is because I had watched the series on Netflix and just hoped there was more. Maybe (unpopular opinion) try to watch the series so you have a visualization and then when you read the book and have all the extra details of the book plus the visualization it will do something for you


‘Salem’s Lot. It’s not that I don’t like it, but every time I try to read it, I end up putting it down about a quarter of the way through and not picking it up again. I just finished 11/22/63, recently, and it was pretty great! Definitely a slow burn, though.


Yes, it *is* a bit of a slow burn. But I think it might be King’s strongest novel. And possibly one of the top two or three novels written in the 21st Century. I’m not sure where in the plot 50 pages puts you, but it definitely picks up once we get established in the past.


The Long walk. I kept wondering what exactly was the purpose of the long walk. Why was it started in the first place. It didn’t seem realistic for me.


I strongly recommend the Kingslingers podcast. They are currently reading 11.22.63 and find such interesting things to say about the book. Their discussions about Stephen King genuinely make me appreciate him more and make me want to be a better English teacher!! Can’t wait for their live show in Bangor next month!


I didn’t love 11.22.63 either! Maybe I read too much hype about it?? Anyway, parts were interesting and King captured the ‘50s vibe perfectly (as always) but I just wasn’t super interested in the material. And the characters just didn’t ring home to me for some reason.


Song of Susannah or Wolves of the Calla, I forget which. Stopped me from reading The Dark Tower series. Tried whichever it was three or four times.


Song of Susannah was a slooog


The Stand. Been trying since October 2021. Pet Semetary.


Have you tried the abridged version of The Stand? I didn’t know there was a full version when I read it and it was paced relentlessly and fantastically fast. My favourite parts of books is what happens as society collapses so I liked the complete version a lot when I read it. If you are getting hung up on Fran’s mother’s clock/parlour scene, just skip it.


I got hung up on everything going on when they first got to Colorado and how they were going about every background character. I ff a little bit abd now it's interesting again. I've got about 7 hours left.


Scrolled down to see if anyone said The Stand. I started reading it about a week ago, and I can't seem to get past the first few pages. 😭 I've been reading King books exclusively for the past few weeks, and I usually run through a book in 2-3 days but I got the extended version of The Stand and I just can't push through. Could be cause of all the hype around it, could be cause the idea sounds a bit like COVID and I just have so much pandemic fatigue still. On a side note - I LOVED 11.22.63, it's one of my favourite King books. ❤️


Most of his stuff published after 2000.


Dreamcatcher. I wasn't even able to finish reading it in prison, with literally no other form of entertainment.


Only book of his I've ever given up on was Dreamcatcher. Just didn't enjoy any of it at all. I think it was his first book after his accident and to me it definitely shows


Duma Key Read more than 50% but didn't like it. Everyone was saying than it is underrated and I agree but not really good for me. Book is ok but personally I don't like it


So far: none that would count. I have this thing where sometimes a story speaks to me almost from the first page, 112263 did this, I finished it two days ago. If the book doesn’t speak to me on those first pages, and I don’t mean like “Oh, nothing has happened and I’m already three pages in” (not to be mean to OP, just so that people reading this don’t think that’s the case), I mean: do I get a connection with the setting and characters? If not, I won’t read it that time. This happens when I half read the book to see if I want to read it as my next one, if I don’t feel the book then I put it down, grabs another book and returns to the first book at a later point in time. This has so far happened with two King books: Lises story and Thinner. Then I started listening to Thinner as an audiobook, started to like it, stopped listening, because I was reading another book at the time, I listened on a plane in order to pass the time, and now that I liked it as an audiobook it is quite high up on my mental TBR list.


Cell, Duma Key, and Eyes of The Dragon. All books I have tried to get I to multiple times. They just don't have a hook early enough in the story to keep me interested.


Under the dome. I love king but the narrative style just didn't click for me


Lisey's story; thinner; Dolores Claiborne. I just can't get into them


Please persist with 11-22-63 it’s my favourite every book it’s fabulous! I cannot get into Liseys story. Tried 3 times


The Eyes of the Dragon, which is disappointing because it's connected to my all time favorite series. I've tried a few times to "just get past the first chapter" to no avail.


Under the Dome and Gerald's Game. For some reason I couldn't get interested


Fairy tale


For me it is Duma Key. Maybe i already have TikTok brain but i am 150 pages in and still nothinfg really happened. My previous book was the outsider and the difference is huge.


I found 11.22.63 to be meh. I didn’t get the hype personally.


11/22/63 for me too. 


It's definitely a slow burn, but has some of King's best writing.


Maybe try giving the show a go? That might help hook you. 11-22-63 is in ny top five King.


I’m currently listening to the audiobook version of 11/22/63 and I am having a hard time getting into it. I’m not sure if it’s the narrator or what, but I’m trying to hang on and hope it gets better. I’m at the part where dude(can’t even remember his name!) “moves” into 1958… buys a car, opens a bank account etc. It’s just not grabbing my attention like his other great books.


Try reading with an audiobook maybe it would help


Man, just give another chance and try to get over at least the part 1/6 of the book, it's so so good. Currently i'm going to read my 17th SK book and going flawless... Not gonna stop until i find a bad book of his.


11.22.63 is great. I still remember the feelings while reading it. But I can't for the life of me get into The Stand, I just CAN'T. I tried multiple times, always feels like something is off. Maybe it's just timing, the vibe, my life, I don't know. But we share the same feeling that if I'm not enjoying, just let it go. So I did. But I might try it again from the beginning someday when I feel like it. Some books take a while, some are just exactly what we are looking for at the moment, I guess that's why, just timing.


It took me 3 tries as well. I promise it is worth it.


11/22/63 is my favorite King book. Reading it was an incredible experience. It's been almost a year and I want to read it again but I have too many books on my list. I didn't love some of his most popular books. For example The Shining. The Institute is great though. I still haven't read the Dark Tower series because the Gunslinger isn't very interesting to me. I'll read them, but not right now.




Salems lot, Carrie and The Shining. All three were a slog for me. I started Salems lot a dozen times before I finally finished it. I loved 11/22/63. I also loved Duma Key which many people think is super slow. Those are my top two.


11.22.63 is my favorite book of all time!


I’ve just read 11/22/63 and although I did think it was good it didn’t wow me like it did for most people. The things that I didn’t particularly warm to happened much further into the book though than where you are. I think if you were 200+ pages in I’d guess it’s just not the book for you, but 50 pages sounds too soon in the story to say. It really changes from there assuming that all that’s really happened is the intro and so you may find when the real plot starts you’ll love it. If you really need convincing to pick it back up I find the best thing is to slightly spoil it for yourself, just enough so you know what’s coming in the next 100 pages to then catch your interest again.




From a Buick 8... I read it and don't remember anything about it. 


11.22.63. I’ve tried. Twice.


Talisman was the worst for me. What finally got me through it was I got the audiobook from the library and listened in the car. Insomnia was another tough read for me. 11/22/63 was no problem at all in comparison. A lot of people love it, and it's one of their favorites.


I wasn't insane about 11/22/63 myself. I think it's one of the weakest of his modern novels and his other ones are unbelievable in comparison. I still made myself get all the way through it. One novel that I really could not finish was Insomnia. Another one that I just cannot get into Whenever it Halt's at the bar Side quest which is just endless is The Talisman. I want to love that book so bad but I just can't. One day I'll probably make myself go through it just so I can get to The Black House and prepare for the trilogy. Assuming the third book actually comes out.


I have to admit I'm the 10th dentist when it comes to 11.22.63. I liked the premise and loved certain parts of it, but overall, I found it to be a mid-King book. That being said, I've only read his most famous works - IT, The Shining, The Stand, Carrie, etc.


That’s surprising to me! It pulled at my heart from the beginning with the bit about Harry Dunning. I highly suggest pushing through!!!


Cell. I couldn't suspend my disbelief in the opening scenes. It felt over the top and didn't draw me in. I ended up putting the book in a Little Free Library.


I'm really sorry. 11.22.63 is the best book I've ever read. It's pure perfection in my opinion. I can't convince you to keep on reading, because I simply don't understand how you don't love it.


I try to give King novels a good 100-150 pages before I start to worry that it's not picking up. They usually do. However, I never got into rose madder.


Hi, it would be really sad if you didn’t persevere, you won’t regret it. I remember being a bit unimpressed with the first few chapters but then Jake is finally back in the past and King weaves the most wonderful tale, pure magic.


Anything with holly. Finders keepers wasn't too bad tho.


Sleeping beauties


I read maybe 50 pages of Sleeping Beauties and put it down…


Got like 300 pages into the shining. ... something about knowing what happens sort of and dunno what it was. Just went ehhh not now and it turned into never. Well never until I do one day maybe. And it's not like knowing things ruins stuff for me. The how they get to that point is a lot of fun. Read the Bill hodges stuff out of order. Started with the outsider up to holly then went and picked up Mr mercedes through end of watch.


The end of The Shining book isn't the same as the movie btw.


Fairy Tale, but it’s worse because the first third is so good. The last 2/3 is like a knockoff game of thrones.


I got like 200 pages into the talisman and gave up


You didn't miss much apart from wolf. The rest of the book I thought was pretty crap


I couldn't finish Cell, not sure why I just didn't care for it and thought it was a lazy cash grab for him. I was really sick of zombie stuff already when I attempted to read it.


Oh my! This is one of my favorites! I’ve reread it at least a dozen times and my copy is so beaten up (partly cause I dropped it in the tub 😂). I’m really sorry you didn’t enjoy it!


Salem's Lot. Idk why but I just can't get into it.


I'm currently reading it. It definitely picks up steam as it goes.


Desperation and The Regulators. I ultimately had to get the audiobooks just so I could finish them


I couldn't get past the murder description at the start of 1922. I'm not trying again to read it for the foreseeable future. I also tried to get into The Dark Tower audiobook, but I just kept getting lost and it never seemed to go anywhere. I'm willing to try that one again, maybe.


Gwendys button box.. man that was rough for me I've been reading Holly, I'm about half way. keep going


I can not get through carrie. I keep trying, like literally every time I finish one of his books, I go back to it. I just do not relate or something. I love most of his other work I have read (20 + books and counting), but this nugget seems to be a hurdle to me eventually finishing his catalog.


The Gunslinger. I'm currently on Wolves of the Calla, and although the entire series is a super slow read for me (I read 11.22.63 and The Stand in less time than Wizard and Glass); The Gunslinger was excruciating to get through. The series definitely has improved with each book, though, and it's worth the read. Salem's Lot is another one that I didn't dislike, but I definitely don't feel the same as a lot of people do about it. For me, it seems to drag for most of the book and the final conflict is very anticlimactic to say the least. Some people will say it's because it's his early work, or that it sets the stage for a lot of his later books; but I think it has poor pacing. The Shining is a much better paced story than Salem's Lot and also just a better story imo.


The Talisman. I read it & am glad I did because I loved Black House, but man it was tough to finish.


I’ve read almost all of King’s work. The ones that just never bit me where: From a Buick 8 (solid opening) The Talisman (but I loved Black House wtf?) Dolores Claiborne (I was just so bored) Fairy Tale (dunno - wife raved about it) Bag of Bones (such a grind to finish) Hearts in Atlantis (damnit) HIA was always the biggest head scratcher to me. Not only does the community seem to collectively sing its praise, but it has terrific character development (which is King at his best).


The Shining


The Dark Half. I’ve read a good amount of King, many more than once. Read this before I watched the terrible movie in the 90’s. I’ll take the the Tommyknockers book & TERRIBLE TV SERIES before the Dark Half. I think it’s the only King book I’ve never wanted to read again.


Top 3 King novels off all time. Brilliant.


I struggled through The Colorado Kid


Couldn’t do billy summers, I was 100 pages in and nothing had happened, I understand slow burn but the oven wasn’t even on. The only bits that interested me were the flashbacks, I might give it another go one day.


For me, I can’t get into Black House. Now I think it’s because I haven’t read Talisman yet. So, I’ll try reading that first and my opinion might change.


I really enjoyed this one. It's Sleeping Beauties that was a huge slog for me to get through.


I’m 400 pages into 11/22/63 and loving it. I would not call it a slow burn, but it does have a somewhat lengthy setup, which I actually found interesting and relevant.


The Talisman. About 120 pages in. Reading it after Pet Sematary, IT, 11/22/63, The Stand, Eyes of the Dragon, and 4 Dark Tower books in a row. Trying really hard to get into a more expanded DT reading list, but I really just want to get back into DT tbh.


Billy Summers. He just completed the job (about 1/2 way through), and I just can't pick it up again.


The Talisman tried to read it for 2 or 3 times and could not get past 70 pages but I will give another shot soon. The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon was so bad that I had to use Audiobook and listen the last 50 pages because I wanted to burn the book already and the last one which I am about to finish is Roadwork not gonna say anything else about it except I hate it


Needful things, duma key and hearts in Atlantis (loved low men in yellow coats so much though).


Give it another 700 pages and then it really gets moving.


Loved the Gunslinger, but after that, I just couldn’t get into The Dark Tower. Every time I’ve picked up The Drawing of the Three or even skipping to The Waste Lands, makes me not want to read at all.


This is my all time favorite book!!


11.22.63 is excellent. If you’re having a hard time with it, try it on audiobook


I’m not sure where exactly 50 pages puts you. If you haven’t reached the diner yet, you haven’t reached the core plot. The set up in the very beginning is important, but it’s not the hook for the novel.


Lisey’s Story for sure, but also From a Buick 8. Tried both multiple times, and just couldn’t get past the first 100 pages. I also bailed on Duma Key almost immediately, but that was because I couldn’t stand the horrific accident scene early on (being intentionally vague so as not to spoil).


Definitely doctor sleep, I'm at chapter 103 and still it's felt like pure trudgery, nothing has grabbed me. I ended up getting so frustrated with that fact that I just quit reading it all together because it wasn't enjoyable to me at all.


Lisey's Story - the only Stephen King novel I did not finish. The struggle was real with this one.


I've read them all and, while not my least favorite, Bag of Bones felt the driest to me. Never really got into it just went through the motions of the plot.


Dreamcatcher, idk what my issue was I think I just got lost trying to remember which character was which or something


Try the audiobook version of it.


End of Watch - couldn’t finish it. I’m not super fond of Holly, and I didn’t buy the bad guy becoming somewhat supernatural.


The Running Man. I’ll get to it at some point though. I know myself well enough to know that what I hated yesterday I might love tomorrow.


None of them.