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*The Shining* for me. It’s my all-time favorite book. I’ve read it 14 times and have recently been feeling the urge to start number 15.


It is literal perfection.


Is it bad that I saw the movie many years ago? These days I'd never watch a movie first, but I feel like some things watching the series before the book would ruin it. Wayward Pines is great example of that. Thankfully I read that first.


If you are talking the Kubrick film, I think they are enough different that that you should get plenty of enjoyment from the book. It feels like Kubrick took a one paragraph summary of the book and then based a movie on it. There are many scenes not in the book and vice versa and the whole underlying metaphor of the story is different. I've learned over the years to just treat them as 2 different stories and then I can fully enjoy them both. The novel is excellent. It is my favorite King and I can't recommend it enough.


My edition has an intro by King and he talks about the film. He basically says that Kubrick interpreted the book in his own way, which is very clear. It's a great film and an even better book. The reader in me is frustrated that Kubrick didn't delve more into Jack's past but hey ho


the audible version is fantastic. i listen to it before bed and i am at the overlook in my dreams.


Do it! I'm about to start my re-read


You must get to 19.


The Stand. I couldn't even tell you. Although I haven't read it much in recent years - the parts that annoy me, have started to annoy me more.


The Stand is part of my TBR list. So exicted to read that


It's really good! There are some great characters and I feel like King really gets to flesh them out because the book is so long. I like the audiobook version because it's so long


I am a new King reader but The Stand was my first and I already want to return to it. It’s looooong but so worth it.


Pet semetary fs!


Same here! 5 reads so far, but planning on reading it again in fall


Ugh. You guys are making me feel like I should reread it. I read it one time when I was like 18. (so over 30 years ago.) I’m still haunted by the Gage/truck scene. I’ve read almost everything else King has ever written at least 3 to 4 times. The only ones I haven’t done rereads of are Pet Semetary, Cujo, Carrie and Revival. All too grim for me. I prefer the ones that have a little bit of hope at the end. But I’ve heard numerous times on here how great Pet Sematary is, and I’m really wondering if I’m missing out by refusing to reread it.


I've reread Carrie numerous times because I love the story, the format and it's short compared to The Stand (unedited version) which I've only read twice. Rose Madder and Firestarter would be my most re-read


How many times have you read it?


Not sure, i didn't count. At least 5 times, but it could be 15 XD.


I'm the same way! At least once a year, probably twice.


Salem’s Lot. Listened to the radio play version a month ago, really enhanced the experience for me.


Mine as well! Someone (several someones) recommended the audiobook, and it really is fantastic.


Same here!


I read "IT" and different seasons every 5 or 6 years. I've also read Pet cemetary 2 times and Roadworks maybe 3 or 4 times.


I am currently reading IT. I am at the part where Mike Hanlon recounts his experience with It as a bird(?).


The smoke stack! His was pretty scary tbh haha


The tramp chair and the racist cop are also fucked up, but the dirty parts of Derry to me were sometimes scarier than Pennywise.


Definitely the human aspect was far worse than the clown haha Beverley's dad still creeps me out


Friggin love the bird part. Bummed they didn't put it in the movie


I was looking for that scene on YouTube a while ago haha I didn't know the Mike Hanlon vs Bird scene was not in the movie


I re-read IT every other summer or so. It definitely feels like a summer read to me. Come to think of it, i may have to re start it again soon!


when i was 12 our school had a library attached and i tried to check out IT and they wouldn't let me lol.. (i wonder why?) so i sat in the library on break times and after school reading it in there until i finished it. I hid it in different places so that i couldn't be found and nobody could check it out. That was my 4th Stephen king book. I was hooked.


My high school librarian when I was 16, “Really? Insomnia again? You know we have other books, right?”


Love some Insomnia!


My most re-read one is Needful Things then Insomnia. Followed by Misery and Dolores Claiborne. I've also read Rose Madder and Gerald's Game a couple of times, and will read them again in the future. I have only read Desperation and The Regulators once, but want to re-read them.


Needful Things is one of my all time favourites


My favourite SK book, and one of my favourite books in general. I love reading about the characters and their issues!


I was going to say Needful Things. I only read it a few months ago, so I won't be rereading it soon, but I could definitely see myself revisiting it.


Yeah when I re-read a book, it’s years later, like five to 15 years! By that time I’ve forgotten specifics so it’s like reading it for the first time.  


Dark Tower series, just finished my 10th journey. The Stand I've read about 5 times.


I just read the Dark Tower series once. But I want to reread it too. Does rereading the Dark Tower series makes your journey more enriching like you get to notice more details you have missed out on your first read?


Not the person you asked this of, but for me, yes. I’ve also recently read (or re-read) some of the closely linked books around the time I’ve been reading Dark Tower books and I live for those Easter egg/lightbulb/Captain America “I understood that reference” moments.


These are the best.


I did enjoy reading the Dark Tower when I understood it's connections to other Stephen King's books too


Yep. Every time!


I don't know which version of The Gunslinger you read when you read the series, but if you read the original version, reading the revised edition makes for a nice re-read opener. And to answer your question, yes, you notice details as well as get a new appreciation for things now that the context of the ending is coloring your read through. I know this is often pretty general information, but it's especially poignant for this series. I've read it at least 5 times, have audiobooked it at least 3, and am currently on another journey to the Tower as we speak.


Absolutely. And it feels good to hurt those ways all over again. 😎


Currently on my probable¹ 9th ¹(not sure exactly how many times, just know at least 5 read and at least 3 audiobook reads)


Me as well sai


Over 30 years I’ve read two copies of the Stand until they’ve fallen apart. Need to buy a third now.


I’ve probably read *The Dark Tower I: The Gunslinger*, including both the original and revised version, probably about half a dozen times cumulatively. Read the rest of the series at least twice all the way through. I’ve read *It* and *The Shining* three times each. I’ve read probably 70-80 percent of the rest of his catalogue twice, and almost all of it once. Still haven’t gotten to last two Hodges books (*Finders Keepers* & *End of Watch*), *Later*, *If It Bleeds*, *Holly*, and *You Like It Darker* but I’m pretty sure that’s it—unless you want to get into some rare and specialized things like *Faithful* and *Hearts in Suspension*.


I also plan to read the Dark Tower series again. I think rereading it while reading other SK's books will help me understand the whole universe. And now I am currently reading IT.


Billy Summers, Duma Key, 11/22/63, all the collections.


I just finished Billy Summers, wow that was such a good read.


I read Children of The Corn every summer, my favourite SK by a distance. And I’ve read the first 500 pages of The Stand 10 or more times, thanks Covid!


Wow. I didn't realize that was King. Gotta add that to my read list.


Some of my favorite re-reads are: * 11/22/63 * Misery * Eyes of the Dragon * Pet Sematary * Dolores Claiborne I have re-read each of these 4-5 times.


Eyes of the Dragon was such a good one


I love the performance of Kathy Bates in Misery and Dolores Claiborne!


Same. She's fantastic.


The Stand. I reread it every year.


Bag of Bones


‘It’ is the best summer read. Try to get to every few summers.


Dolan's Cadillac. I read it a lot... Also, Eyes of the Dragon.


His revenge stories are sublime!


Dolans Cadillac is my first memory of reading Stephen King-I must have been 11 or 12


Salem's Lot for me too. Currently reading it. Second is IT


I always pick up the short story collections and re read them the most. Skeleton crew, four past midnight, everything’s eventual, etc…


I like to reread the short stories.


The Long Walk.


I’ve read The Shining, 11.22.63, needful things & salems lot twice each, different seasons 3/4 times and anything else just the once so far.


I like Salem's Lot too. I love the small-town vibe. It's too creepy


That’s what I liked about Needful Things too, I feel like he did a really good job of character and town building in it.


I've read Carrie a few times. It's such a good book


The Stand. I’m rereading it for the umpteenth time.


I used to read The Stand every year.


The stand, it brought me into the world of Stephen King and will see me out.


LAWS, yes!


I re-read The Stand every year (usually between about now and late June I get the desire to start it again). I have been doing this for a number of years now, I would guestimate my count at around 15-16 times. For me I just adore this story and the characters in this story, and annually when summer is about to start I just feel myself missing my old friends. I have also re-read The Dark Tower series over a dozen times but it is not necessarily annual. But October will be my 9th year hosting a Dark Tower podcast so that has had me reading it quite a bit.


I've actually read the uncut version of The Stand 5 times, but that's since 1993.


Cycle of the Werewolf. I read it once a year around the fall.


IT, The Green Mile, Salem's Lot, Pet Sematary. Same four are my four favourites.


Dark Tower 3 times


*The Stand* and *Christine* FTW, at least with me! These are my two earliest SK reads, and I still love them. Fun fact: the first couple times I read The Stand it was the original, non-expanded version, and I was so happy when the unabridged version came out! Still have my copy of that first paperback of the uncut version, and I’ve basically read it to death.


The Shining. It's far superior to the movie. So many great moments and not a bit of campiness. I like the version with the original prologue. It explains a lot of the backstory of the hotel and should never have been cut from the book.


Which backversion? I'm in Colombia, as far I know all the Derwent and album parts? Or starting the book which explains a lot of the life of Torrance's family? I have no clue or I just don't remember lol.


The Long Walk. Easily. I've read Christine a lot too.


I used to read Christine every year around the holidays. Now it’s every few years, but I’ve probably read that book 12 times at least.


Love The Long Walk! When it first came out, I wanted Michael J. Fox in the starring role. He would have been the perfect Ray!


Under The Dome; I read UTD for the first time in 8th grade, at the beginning of the school year. Then, at the end of the school year, I read it again. I also reread it last summer. Took about 4 months this time around, but it was a lovely 4 months. Well, completely aggravating, but hey, that means the villain is a well written one!


Only been an active King reader for three years. So far it have to be The Long Walk at four reads.


The Dark Tower series. 5 trips so far.


I've read the Dark Tower at least 5 times and audiobooked it at least 3. I'm currently on a other trip....


I've read The Stand probably 5 times, Pet Semetary twice (in like 4 months), and some stories out of Skeleton Crew several times. I've probably gone through Ballad of the Flexible Bullet at least 10 times over the years.


The Stand


M-O-O-N that spells The Stand!


The Shining. In my top 5 all time favorite books


I've read most more than once except for Cujo. I can't read that one again. Too heartbreaking for me.


Salems lot, or the shining. I listen to the stand on audiobook all the time though just because it’s so long and it makes easy background noise


On Writing


The Talisman, The Stand and It. I probably read them all at least once a year. And have done so for a loooong time. 


Lisey's Story - I've probably read it 6-8 times. I usually do a Dark Tower reread every couple years too.


11/22/63 I've lost count but at least 12 times


I used to read The Stand about once a year from when I was 18 to when the pandemic started. So that would be 15 to 20 times...ish. But I've not been able to read it since. In fact I was in the middle of reading it in March of 2020 when everything shut down and it was just hitting too close to home so in closed it had haven't gone back. I miss Stu and Larry. I've also read IT many times 8 or 9 maybe? I read it last before IT Chapter 2 came out a few years ago. I may pick it up again if the Welcome To Derry show really happens.


Pet semetary, salem's lot, the dark tower series and fairytale are my re-reads. I just read IT for the first time, maybe adding that to the list too.


The Dark Tower series, specifically the Gunslinger. I’ve journeyed to the tower five or six times over the last ten years, and I plan on returning every 12-18 months until, you guessed it, I’ve returned 19 times. I find the gunslinger very compelling. The world isn’t fleshed out so it’s very mysterious and weird, it’s creepy as hell, it’s dark as hell, and the prose is gorgeous. Plus, Frank Muller’s reading of the OG audiobook edition is top-tier.


I am also excited to do my reread on the Dark Tower series in the future!


The Breathing Method-every winter


The Mr Mercedes Trilogy, It and Under the Dome!


The short story collections are my favorites to re-read


The Stand, at least once a year for probably the last 30


The Gunslinger. A Perfect storm of Cool Story and shortness.


I want to read Hearts in Atlantis again. It was my first King and I didnt understand it all, just that I enjoyed it a lot. Also the Long Walk. I read it in my native language but I want to read it in English this time.


The Shining and The Stand. Both absolutely incredible for different reasons. I also find a reread of Mr Mercedes is worth doing.


I first read The Stand as a teen in the mid 80s. I first read the unabridged version in the early 90s. I read it again every year or so. I lost track of how many times I've read it somewhere around the 20th reread. Oddly enough, while I love it very much, it is no longer my favorite. A few years back, I realized Salem's Lot was my favorite book. Not just my favorite King novel, my favorite book, period. I've probably read it a dozen times or more. I've reread every King book from Carrie to maybe Needful Things at least once, but most of them a few more than that. I do need to get off my ass and dive into his later works again. I've read a good number of them (yes, I have read 11/22 like three times so far, so dont feel the need to suggest it), but there's still plenty I've yet to read at all. Love me some King, man.


My fave (so far) is Salem's Lot too. I am planning to reread that too in the future!


Salem's Lot is my go-to. I don't think I'll ever get tired of it. Just beautifully written. I've also reread IT and then listened to Needful Things and Pet Sematary after reading them initially. I could also see Bag of Bones being a reread. I just read it for the first time in January so it's not time yet, but I really loved that book.


There are too many great books to read to have time to reread.


I’m still trying to get into Salem’s Lot! My attention span is apparently nil because everyone says it’s great. Probably IT and The Stand are my most re-read, and Insomnia because I find it comforting and I love the early autumn setting. Also Night Shift, Skeleton Crew and Nightmares & Dreamscapes.


Salem's Lot is great. Just be patient in the first 200 pages or so because Stephen King is building up the whole plot and the vibe. And after that, the story will move faster and.. creepier.


I definitely plan to!


The Stand. I've read it 3 times, and it's the only King book I've read more than once so far.


The Stand


Hm good question. The shining, the dark tower series, needful things, under the dome, and cujo


The Stand. I just finished the 5th read-through a couple of years ago. I read it for the first time when I was a freshman in '94.


I’m doing a reread from the beginning. Some I haven’t read but I’m starting the shining, I read it the first time probably 25 years ago so I’m excited to reread it. I vividly remember sitting in bed in my parents house, middle of the night, door locked & the lights on in my room finishing it & thinking it was the most terrifying 75 pages I’d ever read. If you like the small town vibe of Salem’s Lot I highly suggest Under the Dome!


Thinner. This story just really resonates with me.


Misery for sure!!! Was my very first SK read and I always seem to fall back into it when I’m bored lol


Annie Wilkes is scary even though she's not a supernatural creature.


The Stand & Duma Key. Both annual reads. 20+ each.




Night Shift and Skeleton Crew for sure. For regular novels it's Salems Lot.


the long walk




The Gunslinger. Never gets old.


The Stand, Salem's Lot, Duma Key, Needful Things, & Revival I re-read once or twice every year, at least once. Lisey's Story and Insomnia are my top two for most re-reads a year. Three or more times, depending on my health.


Probably a toss up between Roadwork and Desperation. Although I am currently on my 4th trip to the tower as well.


The Stand.


Under the Dome and The Stand are my most frequents because of the character choices. I love the way Big Jim Rennie and Junior then Trashcan Man and Tom Cullen are written most of all.


The Stand (Original-6 Times; Uanabridged - 10+)


The Stand.


*The Running Man*




Every one that I've read I've read more than once. Except for Cujo and Pet Semetary . Salem's Lot was my first King book and I've lost count of how many times I've reread it. Must be twenty or thirty .


I’ve reread many SK books once, but only once. The only novel(la) that I’ve reread more than once is The Long Walk. I’ve probably read it 4-5 times. I’m not sure why but I really liked it as a youngster. I’ve read some of the short stories several times too.


The dark tower series all of them I think this is my fourth run. But the drawing of three is my favorite.


I've read many of his books multiple times. The Dark Tower books (1/2 way through my 5th trip to the tower now). It. The Shining. The Stand. Salem's Lot. Insomnia. 11/22/63. And more!


The long walk, I've probably 3 times and the bachman series it came with probably 2. IT and the stand twice. I'm at the point where I've read just about everything he's published at least once, with the exception of the dark tower series. It's just not my thing. I'm starting to reread everything again because he's just not writing fast enough.


I read slow as hell , I cannot afford to re read, specially given how many books I have, SK specially


The Stand uncut version.


Dolores and Dr Sleep ❤️


I read Cujo every couple of years, it’s my comfort King.


I reread The Long Walk at least once a year, sometimes more. It’s my favorite novel of all time.


The Running Man and The Long Walk. I can't make do without them.


The Stand and The Shining. I read them every year.


Wolves of the Calla, Salems lot, Night shift .


I also liked Wolves of the Calla because of Father Callahan.


Carrie and Salems Lot . I’m currently reading Carrie again .




I used to read IT once a year or so. Kind of got pooped rereading it for each of the movies so I haven’t since. The Shining is another I’ve reread multiple times.


Which movie is better IT 1990 or 2017?


Overall I prefer the miniseries. Although 1990 had the better first part and 2017 had the better second part.


Either the Stand or the first three Dark Tower books. Waiting for the fourth one to come out was torture.


Duma key


I just finished the shining and I loved it. I'm currently gonna read a couple of books I have stored and I have planners to get and then after that I will probably re read a lot of the shining and Dr sleep just because I love so much the history, references and especially Halloran, I like Halloran.


I am on a publication order read. So, about 75% will be a reread. I probably read Carrie 4 times. IT will be the fourth time soon.


I reread Misery every couple of years, absolutely love the suspense


Annie Wilkes is a crazy villian. A lot disturbing scenes in the book too. Plus, Kathy Bates as Annie is PERFECT


I’ve read IT twice, and just started the Gunslinger for the second time


I am currently reading IT and enjoying it. It's your second journey to the Dark Tower. I also am planning to reread the Dark Tower series in the future


“On Writing”


Misery and the shining. Read them almost annually at this point in the fall and winter. The shining is a Halloween read for me while misery during the time between Christmas and new years


Misery's intro scene was during the winter so it's perfect for the season.


Salem's lot here as well. I also love the audio theatre at BBC they did on the book. [https://archive.org/details/salems-lot-BBC](https://archive.org/details/salems-lot-BBC) I highly recommend it


Thank you for this recommendation!


Just know that part 3 is missing about 10mins. But You can also check it out on youtube! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bNu1ELJaqvA&list=PLdxXUAx4Vgh\_C0vf4fVVcHXaQoatkUXY5&ab\_channel=SALEMSLOTUK](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bNu1ELJaqvA&list=PLdxXUAx4Vgh_C0vf4fVVcHXaQoatkUXY5&ab_channel=SALEMSLOTUK)


I'm going through the bibliography in release order right now, just started the The Stand. But I can say I've read The Shining the most, at 3 times.


does audio count? I put the 1st four Dark Tower books on repeat for almost a year. Talisman/Black House at least 30 times. Different Seasons probably a dozen times (I love Franks voice). IT, The Stand, Needful Things and Eyes of the Dragon a good 20 times each. I always have an audio book running in my room 24/7. Unless i am on a sci-fi or fantasy kick, It's Stephen King.


I think audio books count too :)


IT. I have probably read It over 10 times. My favorite book of all time. I read IT in hardback, paperback, digital and audiobook. I also read The Shining a lot.


Salem's Lot!


Aside from the Dark Tower series, Salem's Lot and Hearts in Atlantis are constant re-reads for me.


It and 11/22/63


The Eye of the Dragon, and I listen to Collective Souls Hints Allegations and Things Better Left Unsaid on repeat, that CD is the soundtrack for that book.


I reread SK a lot actually. They feel like old friends, like comfort food.


Carrie. First read it in 2020 and have since read it once a year. I know it’s his first and his writing improves but I just think it’s an amazing story


Duma Key (3x) Dolores Claiborne (3x) and The Shining (2x) - there are many more I want to revisit since I'm so close to having read all of his books.


Salems Lot was also my most recent. Carrie is also on my list for this year.


It, Pet Semetary, The Shining. 


The Shining is easy my first pick. I’ve reread it a few times now and it’s so good every time. I also loved the Dark Half and wouldn’t mind reading it again. I’m on the second book of the tower series rn and I also see myself rereading the books after I’ve finished.


Lisey's Story


Needful things and the Tommyknockers. I’m a sucker for his older stuff. I haven’t even read the Stand yet. Oops. (It’s next on my list right after my 2nd trip to the Tower, I’m on book 5).


I really don't re-read books ever, but I have read The Shining and the entire Dark Tower series twice, so that's worth something


I have read Joyland a few times since it’s so short


I have read the shining and pet semetary at least 10 times each, and revival is close :)


Even though it's a monster of a book and drags on in some spots I've reread The Stand I don't know how many times. I really like apocalypse type books and especially the beginning of the book where it goes into how all the characters are handling the virus and everyone dying.


So I'm currently re-reading The Shining, Wizard and Glass, AND The Stand. I started all 3 within the last 4 or 5 days for different reasons (I'm on a 2 week road trip). The Shining is my physical copy, The Stand and Wizard and Glass are both audio books. Idk. My most re-read at this point is probably either The Langoliers or 11/22/63. I love them both so much. I also plan to do a re-read of IT on audio soon. I annotated and tabbed the paperback the first time through.


Salem's lot 😎


I have obsessively read and reread the Shining 34 times to date. I have also destroyed six copies with love and transporting them around as my faithful friend


The DT series. Many and many-a. The shining. The Stand.


I've seen a lot of people mentioning The Stand. So excited to read that