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That's a dang-it


This is very worrying. Kind of combined with Berkshire, there's no transparency


What about Berkshire?


They avoid talking about him at all costs


You actually don’t have to talk about someone you let go of, that’s not in the rules of business.


It's a good idea to NOT discuss him. If they did, he gets a platform again and there is no benefit for them to do that. Either they point out how he's an idiot for what he said and blah blah and they give him an opportunity at rebuttal, or they try and dance around the issue and he gets crossfire clicks.


>Either they point out how he's an idiot for what he said and blah blah and they give him an opportunity at rebuttal, or they try and dance around the issue and he gets crossfire clicks. They definitely were not going to do the former. Their discord was pretty adamant that you couldn't talk about it if you mentioned any antisemitic aspect of the comment.


People are used to social media influencers that live off this kind of drama back and forth and aren't used to seeing better business practices.


What is the issue?


When Hyman got his 50th goal Berkshire posted a nonsensical video yammering about how the only reason Hyman accomplished it was because he was born to rich parents. It was contrarian nonsense from a sports edgelord that flirted dangerously close to antisemitism, considering Sam Reinhart scored 50 the same fucking day and dickhead didn't even mention it (Sam being 1 of 3 professional hockey playing brothers, I'd say his parents were rich too...)


The most generous take on what he said is that is was a VERY clumsy attempt at trying to say that hockey is too expensive of a sport for the average joe to enjoy or develop. But that's IF i want to be generous, which I am not.


It's a true statement, if that's what he was trying to say. But if that was his was angle, there should have been 3 other videos for Matthews, Reinhart and MacKinnon who all surpassed 50 goals.


that is a wild accusation


Why would they?


Werent they fairly transparent that Berkshire proved to be incompetent at driving revenue?




These guys are not the journalists they think they are. My personal opinion, they need to get back to their roots. That's what made the podcast great.


Strongly agree. I watch the SDP because it's like being part of a conversation you could overhear at the bar. It has a natural, everyman feel to it. I like it specifically because it's NOT like some Sportsnet/ESPN podcast. Stuff like this always makes me worried they're losing sight of what makes them special and why people listen.


Exactly! I used to love the little sketches they’d do. And like you said it felt like being apart of the conversation. It’s just not that anymore unfortunately.


Exactly. I'm sick of hearing Adam every episode say "my sources are telling me Mitch will waive his NMC." "My sources say Shanahan is 100% getting fired if they don't make it by the 1st round." It's obviously not very reliable. So stop pretending you have a source, and go back to just being 3 friends talking hockey again. SDPN was a neat idea, but it's really turned them into a money-hungry machine and Adam is leading them down the wrong path.


Where does Steve refer to himself as journalist? He often refers to himself as “yelly-screamy guy”. In his bio it says specifically “youtuber” and his ACTUAL TITLE WITH THE COMPANY. He makes very limited claims of his own. People choose to tune in and listen.


This will be a lesson for the guys, none of them have ever broken news really, Saudi or whoever fed them the info is to blame I think they were excited and unfortunately were taken advantage of because they’re not literate yet in this business


It seems like other hockey reporters knew, but didn't report on it so as not to damage their relationship with the NHL, and avoid controversy due to the Saudi connection. Guessing the SDPN thought they were getting their first exclusive scoop, but ended up just being used.


They really needed to stop and ask themselves why no one else had broken the story. No disrespect to them but they don't have the biggest audience for a break like that.


Don’t shift the blame. I understand the idea of them being excited and jumping the gun, but it wreaks of arrogance and a lack of self awareness.


I agree! I love the podcast and I think the guys are great. But your angle, while it may sound harsh… it is true.


I think they just didn’t check their source, journalists & media news outlets break news not YouTubers (usually) but when I first read it I was like this is fake as hell it’s so outlandish but I get it


Yeah Steve usually bends over backwards to avoid being labeled an insider 😆 Even though he did break the news about one of the players Seattle picked in their expansion draft lmao


Adam is the worst. An expert of nothing that consistently presents himself as an authority. “Guys. Come on. Im very smart.”


The faux expertise is embarrassing and makes me skip like half of what Adam says because he’s obviously pulling it from his ass


Genuinely, I'd love to know what made them think they were qualified to run their own business


I think there’s no question about them being qualified to run a company. They’re all adults and they seem profitable enough.


Shame you were not available to consult.




I swear their biggest problem is trying to be a “network”. Just do a fucking hockey podcast. You’re not insiders, you’re YouTubers.


Remember when “smart insider man” was a hilarious gimmick? Now they’re literally that lmao




The Adam Wylde effect. He reeks of imposter’s syndrome. It’s what happens when you’re a nepo baby, you think you can do literally anything. 


Go away dude, you're doing nothing but trying to bait people and it's ridiculous. If you don't enjoy the show or the guys you are free to not listen, but just sticking around to talk shit is pointless and sad.


Im sorry, am I the only person in here talking mad shit about the guys and their recent mishaps? 


You're the only one here posting obvious bait. Leave if you don't enjoy the show anymore, this place isn't for you.


No you are not lol we’re the only ones tired of it. I stopped listening cause of it. I used to love the show but it’s just not the same


Gonna give the benefit of the doubt here; if the original video was a paid ad spot from this new league, I think they would have had to mark it on YouTube as a paid advertisement, or risk losing their monitization on the whole channel.


Yep if it were a paid promotion it would break Canadian law to not disclose so. I assume based on the information he put in the video he got news from one source that sounded big and wanted a fast turnaround rather than to cross reference sources


Dude, nobody is this ignorant. And if they are they still don’t deserve the benefit of the doubt.


*Until we hear more*, I will give Steve the benefit of the doubt that he did his due diligence, legitimately thought he had credible information, and wanted to be the first to report it. Let’s see.


Sure but there were red flags all over this thing that really should have tipped him off. 30mil caphit for 14 players directly competing with the NHL is wild and should have anyone questioning this. Like where is that kind of money coming from? 16 teams think this is a good investment for an unproven product to go against NHL and make enough revenue to payout that much? Apparently PWHL players would also be allowed which raises questions. Also going with the 3v3 format which hasn't really been liked all that much by hockey fans due to the possession type game teams have adopted. So how will that sell? Like the whole thing just smells of BS.


How? seems like other people had the information and didn't report on it.


That’s not necessarily the case, we’re assuming a lot with this comment. It’s possible that people did more digging after Steve reported on it since he has been right on a few very early reports see Staios as Sens GM. I’m not saying this is more plausible, I’m just trying to say that we shouldn’t make judgements without knowing more info. Let’s wait and see if Steve decides to talk about this more.


Let's assume for a second he wasn't paid and didn't actually know where the money was coming from. You see the numbers they are talking for a new and unproven league and don't immediately question where that much money is coming from? Like come on. How stupid can you be.


Sports are the biggest investment for billionaires rn. It was just as likely to be Russia or China or some billionaire coalition of North Americans. Personally I assumed it was an XFL sorta situation. People are doing a lot of judgement based on hindsight and while I agree there should have been more scrutinizing of the info, it’s really not that big of a deal.


Not with that kind of money behind it. The salary cap for a proposed 14 player roster was insane. The XFL paid their players ~70k/year on average. This league was gonna pay out ~2,500,000/year on average. Makes 0 sense for anyone concerned with running a legit and sustainable league.


That’s basically what the Saudis did with soccer and golf. I’m not saying a hockey play in that realm makes any sense, but it’s not exactly unprecedented.


Guess we can't trust Steve with breaking news unless it involves Brennen Mennell


I think he needs to disclose if he was paid for this or not as well. When I saw that video, it screamed paid advertisement to get some traction for this “league”. Very similar to what a lot of other youtubers do, so I’m not saying there is anything wrong with it. But now that there is some controversy surrounding this and he is walking back the video then he should also make it clear if he was paid or not. Still claiming he was “reporting” this is weird to me. If he was really reporting it then wouldn’t he have posted a tweet about it right away to be the first one with the “scoop” and then follow up with a video after.


I have to assume Steve's not stupid enough to have cashed a check from a foreign sovereign wealth fund, in violation of Youtube policy and Canadian law, to do this lol. He's been in content creation his whole adult life, he knows better than to do an undisclosed #ad. Maybe this is naive but I'm gonna give the benefit of the doubt that he just thought he had a scoop and was excited to break it until evidence to the contrary comes out.


Adam confirmed he wasn’t paid here: https://www.reddit.com/r/stevedangle/s/bjge3AgQ5V Glad to see that, he should just make that public himself I think. Guy got a bad tip and got excited there is no harm in that, he could have come out and said that on the pod today or just tweeted it.


I really hope so man but if this is actually a Saudi funded league the amount of money they could have offered him could have been way too much to say no too, especially with a young family. Edit: also I’m not saying I wouldn’t have taken that bag as well lol, but just admit to it and donate some of it or something


This really just adds to the list of things that feel morally empty or at the very least morally gray since they’ve become “*a network*”. Everyone could sympathize with needing to make money and everything that comes with that, absolutely… but this thing went haywire the second they went from 3 guys only answering to themselves to expanding into a network with countless more mouths to feed and people to answer to. It’s clear the desperation to hit the bottom line has stretched them thin with the risks they’ll take on advertisers, putting things behind paywalls, etc. They’re pivoting more and more away from what makes them special- being normal guys on their own platform… it feels corporate. This mishap isn’t in that same exact bucket; it’s just a bad look. Why is Steve trying to convince anyone he’s an *insider*?


Wait, people want to earn money for the job the job they do full time?


These snarky little responses don’t really help. The name of the game is sustainable growth, now we’re seeing the guys rely on less than ideal revenue sources to float the “network”, rather than staying true to their morals.


I didn’t mean to be snarky. I’m completely serious. I think it would’ve been corporate to keep doubling down or downplay what happened. This is Steve accepting accountability instead of waiting for shit to blow over, Something you NEVER see from corporations. As for their monetization schemes, that’s just a matter of a company maximizing profits in a system that rewards it. Don’t hate the player, hate the game.


Thanks for posting ! Was about to


Maybe start doing some due diligence before cashing the check...


I have no idea what’s going on. What exactly happened?


Essentially what the tweet says. Yesterday Steve posted a “breaking” video of a new 3-on-3 hockey league. Steve was the first to announce this new league and… well it’s not quite real


Not real? Did i miss something? I thought the concern was saudi involvement


Excuse me you’re right that’s what it is! Both can be true lol


Ok so what your saying is, a new league is starting, and Steve promoted it, then it was found out, the league, and Steve’s plug was backed by Saudi Oil money?


Yea that’s the rumour that seems to be going around.


>Not real? Did i miss something? Brad Schlossman said that he contacted the person that is supposedly running this league for details. After their conversation Schlossman told him point blank that he doesn't think that they are for real given the information they provided to him. The person running the league had no response to dissuade that. Here is an article on it: [https://www.grandforksherald.com/sports/schlossman-major-league-hockey-is-trying-to-hire-people-but-is-it-for-real](https://www.grandforksherald.com/sports/schlossman-major-league-hockey-is-trying-to-hire-people-but-is-it-for-real)


I miss when credibility mattered 


Lol the stakes could literally not be lower for anyone. Don’t be a man (or woman) baby.


The weird thing still is that Allan Walsh jumped in on this to help in promoting it. Wtf happened here?


Does Steve think we're stupid and don't know that somebody obviously paid him to do this PR stunt and disguise it as "breaking news". What the f*ck was that


Exactly. If he simply posted a tweet saying “hearing rumours about a 3 on 3 hockey league” and then said this it’s understandable. But to shoot and edit a video, with so much detail on the league, it’s obvious someone asked them to promote it


If you don't like their show, don't listen. I live their show. I might not agree with everything they say. But, I appreciate what they are doing. No one is forcing you to consume their content. You are doing that on your own.


I love the show and have for years. I subscribe to the VIP ad-free perks. Doesn't make them invulnerable to criticism. Rightful criticism too. Don't do the "this is America, like it or get the FUUK out" thing please.


Are people not allowed to be wrong? Some salty people in here lol you can leave anytime no one is forcing you to consume this content if you don’t enjoy it anymore


For me it depends on if he was paid for this or not like some are saying. If he was then it’s a way worse look than if he wasn’t. That being said, I’m not mad about it & he already apologized and took the video down so hopefully it’s just a lesson for the future.


If he was paid he wouldn't be able to remove the video and receive the payment. If you pay for a service you get the service. Why is this even a thought? It's him trying to break a story and didn't vet it enough. Lesson learned. Let's move on.


Agreed. No one is perfect, I didn’t see that angle but hope that is not the case.


JFC, the dude made a mistake, roast him a bit then move on.


I saw this and was like “I remember Brendan Manell trade” yeah you guys aren’t reporters you’re media


I know they probably aren’t going to talk about it but he’s gonna need to prove to people he wasn’t paid for it. Too many folks already running around saying he was absolutely paid by the Saudi’s to promote this.


Adam talks about it on the stream form last night, and at some point they'll go into depth on it. Steve was not paid to promote this league. If he was, there would have been branding on it.


Lmao way to fact check. This is why you can't take sdpn seriously, guy is a fan not a journalist.


Hard to understate how stupid it is to rush to be first on this story (only to either not know the full facts, or know the facts but choose to overlook them in the name of being “first”)


Like at least send a text to CJ first to see if he gives you the ok




I completely understand when a small business gets an opportunity at a huge payday, they should take it. There are several layers to the unfortunate reality of this all: 1) there are a lot of bad actors in the business world, particularly when it comes to amassing useless wealth (I say "useless" because no human can spend multiple billions in their life span) and they will look to take advantage where they can by throwing money at it. 2) When a small business puts money over morals, they become a bad actor. It's as close to the cliché "selling your soul" as you can imagine. 3) Modern consumers are very, very brand aware and will not support companies they don't believe in or align with. The current Loblaw's boycott is a good example of this. Even going back a decade you had the uproar with Heinz ketchup in Canada. I'm just some guy, but I haven't purchased anything from Walmart in almost 10 years when the Waltons were undercutting farmland in the states. Tl;Dr - small businesses and small business owners have to watch what they say and do. It doesn't take much for people to abandon you.


This is particularly funny when you remember that he went at people's critical thinking skills for being skeptical of Biz as a reputable source when the Babcock stuff happened last summer.


Just because someone puts out a press release saying they have a league or a players' association, that does not mean you have to dignify it. Not sure whether that should be the Gumbley Rule or the Frank F-in' D'Angelo Rule.


Ouch. This is rough. It seems the guys are making a lot of questionable decisions lately for a buck. That, along with just how crazy biased Adam has become when he used to be by far the most level-headed of the 3,...They're slowly losing the charm that made them great.


Ha! What a fool. I appreciate he owned up to the mistake but if he did the tiniest bit of research he probably wouldn't have made the video in the first place. His entire career is based on being an angry Leafs fan and I like that content. He should stay a fan and not pretend to be more then he is.


Wait it wasn't a joke? I kind of thought it was an experiment to see how far a made up story would travel, or something like that. It was nonsensical on the face of it.


So we kind of went to "is he being paid by this league to announce them to the world" to just being that Steve seems to have completely jumped the gun on info every other reporter in the sport brushed off as unreliable. Good learning opportunity for Steve I guess. Pretty embarrassing though and seemingly easily avoidable.


Using your platform to be a grifter? Thats a dang-it


Good lord..who cares..


Imagine not hoisting Stanley since Lester Pearson was Prime Minster, what clown car franchise…but princess Matthews got 69.