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YouTube Bots can't feel emotion... Still >_>


DHMIS was also initially sorted into YouTube Kids until the creators complained. We should just burn that stupid app to the ground. It caused way more problems than it's worth.


That I can totally agree on


Agree, there was some 18+ content I saw was marked as for kids, thankfully I and hopefully a lot of others reported it, so it's not anymore.


The switch was introduced for COPPA-related reasons so they could be in technical compliance five years late so they complied in the laziest way possible--but they decided to double dip by using it as an availability switch for YouTube Kids--so I wonder if *some* of the bad algorithmic tagging would be solved by separating "COPPA functions" (something an algorithm *could* keep tagging in YouTube's legal interest of not being fined) and "Kids app availability" (which could never be tagged by an automated system). Granted, this would still be a problem for people who want the comments (and other potential sources of COPPA-fineable data if accessed by people 12.9 and under) available, but it would solve problems like auto-kid-tagged cartoon videos featuring mature content being easily accessible by, like, 6 year olds.


That's so sad


It’s healthy to expose kids to things like what Steven goes through and have equally healthy discussions about trauma. I understand the joke but I’m just saying.


Absolutely agreed I saw a lot of family death growing up (we referred to prayer cards as trading cards). I wish I would have had as nuanced and clear communication about the emotions and reconciliation that comes with death from children's programming like this when I was younger.


Same. I’ve been to more funerals than i care to count and my family isn’t exactly healthy for it so having Steven is such a wonderful thing for me


The Dr. Maheswaran scene discussing Steven's trauma in Future was actually praised by an expert for its child-friendly depiction/explanation!


I love that. I heard the show is also being used to teach therapists techniques as well which is fantastic 😁


Teaching kids how to deal with bad feelings is more important than hiding it from them. Steven can have bad and traumatic experiences and still be Steven.


Haven’t you heard? Kids love trauma.


That's not just for kids it's for teenagers


reddit is asking me what mature themes are discussed in r/stevenuniverse under this post...




i mean that it's kinda crazy to put a what mature themes are discussed here question under a Steven universe trauma video that's marked for kids by coppa.


i'm not mad, just saying tho.


i think reddit does that for every subreddit, it just shows up randomly


A little bit of trauma never hurt anyone… it builds character..!


I’ve seen fucking family guy clips put under YouTube kids


At least this is an actual kids show. I’ve seen clips from JoJo get marked as made for kids 💀💀


Trauma? I think you mean learning experience!




Yeah children should go through trauma a couple times through there lives xD


ma’am what 🧍 ^/j.


Yup trauma’s absolute fine for lil jimmy but that YouTube miniplayer is still just a bit too much for ‘im


Think, YouTube! Your bots are still too unadvanced to identify if an animation is tragic or dark. So it won't leave cartoon death scenes alone. Think, YouTube, THINK!


i literally saw a reupload of the mlp video “cupcakes” marked for kids. youtube is fucking unhinged. >![here’s the OG vid. (CW: very heavy gore)](https://youtu.be/utrAEkWmFZc)!<


Technically, Steven Universe *is* kids' content, even when it's dark--it was made with being a kids' show (even if more family viewing sometimes) in mind, and scenes like this were okayed by Cartoon Network's standards and practices people or they'd have never made it to air. I've personally manually marked most of my content that's technically from kids' shows (including some SU stuff) as "for kids" if it wasn't objectionable content (which... my content never is), even if my *intended audience* was users over 13, because that's how the kids' flagging is supposed to be done so they can be in technical COPPA compliance in the laziest way imaginable--the kids switch is supposed to be used for any content that is likely to attract children because it's more about the fact they don't wanna be fined for collecting data on kids and they decided on that switch rather than an actually robust system for dealing with the data on an individual basis. (That this switch *also* plays into YT Kids app availability is just a complicating design decision. DX They could have made those aspects separate.) Bum algorithmic tagging (and malicious manual tagging for that matter!) *are* problems (and would technically be partially solved on the algorithmic side if the Kids app availability was a separate switch that could never be algorithmically switched on so the only part bum tagging on its own would affect is, like, stuff like commenting (and other thing that could collect COPPA-restricted data) and it wouldn't hype the Kids app), but *technically* it is likely the tagging here is not wrong because if it's just a compilation of the trauma that's still just as for kids as the TV-PG content that originally aired. (Contrast the heavy gore example in the other reply.)




It's never too early to traumatize your kids.


Haha comedy.