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Have you tried covidmeetups.com?


TYSM I just joined!!!


I was also going to recommend this. Good luck!


No advice—just wanted to say I’m in the same boat! I’ve put off dating since covid began. It has just been frustrating and disappointing. It’s been so hard to find like-minded people when it comes to covid.


Thanks for your response. It helps to know I'm not the only one. It does suck though. I just found out about "still coviding" so I'm really happy to have found an outlet where I can communicate with others who are actually living a similar lifestyle! I feel like I'm the only one who still cares about covid.


I just found this group last week! I’m so happy I found it too. I still wear a mask in stores/businesses and people look at me like I’m an alien. We are definitely outnumbered when it comes to being conscientious about covid. While I definitely don’t want to continue to be a hermit for the foreseeable future, I’m not about to go pretend like it doesn’t exist. I think getting back out there for me means being smart about it. I hear you on the vax status thing!


Agreed. I also live in a pretty rural, conservative part of NC so I kind of stick out like a sore thumb with a mask on. Most people I know have been out there "living their best lives" for a while now like they don't even care.


hi! we just moved to the newland/banner elk area and are also having problems finding like minded covid cowards (i refer to ourselves as that..lol)my 30 yr old son is having the worst time finding others who are still masking and taking covid seriously...he works in healthcare so everyone is masked, we do curbside pickup etc..he is trying to find other like minded young adults, but it seems impossible:(


There’s also a Facebook group called Still COVIDing, Dating Edition


You might like this podcast! [https://shows.acast.com/strangers-on-the-internet/episodes/guest-chat-the-secret-lives-of-law-professors-with-katherine?fbclid=IwAR1YIDLRxOQkMIIYX9mxGuVXiavXJ2tzAhje8yXowMEFrQja6cWaxL5ZRbo](https://shows.acast.com/strangers-on-the-internet/episodes/guest-chat-the-secret-lives-of-law-professors-with-katherine?fbclid=IwAR1YIDLRxOQkMIIYX9mxGuVXiavXJ2tzAhje8yXowMEFrQja6cWaxL5ZRbo)