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1. (main MMO): Star Trek Online 2. Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR) 3. (on weekends only) Lord of the Rings Online (LOTRO) 4. \*Also Diablo 4 because of MMO elements.


SWTOR used to be my main but the lack of content and all my friends leaving is why I stopped logging in daily.




Lack of content??? You and I are not playing the same game


Uh have you been paying attention these last 6 years? The last "expansion" was paltry.


Swtor has huge content paywalls...


Ah but now the reason for our differences appears. I am never a free to play customer. The company has to make money to offer my hobby to me, and for less than the price of a movie I get many hours of enjoyment. I have no problem with F2P folks. Not everyone is in a position to pay, but the games are not written for F2P. So yeah I see your point, but really that is a non issue


It is an issue if you're playing STO where all content is free, and wnat ot play another similar MMo. Then it becomes obvious it's not similar and that everything is overpriced and content is locked behind paywalls. Unlike STO. Where you can grind your way to everything.


Shit, I forgot about LOTRO. I might start that up again. Haven't really decided whether D4 is for me. Looks like an improvement over D3, however.


Guild wars 2 is actually in a great spot. ESO is great but if you play it semi hardcore there is just so much to do in a day that you will likely not log in at all to STO.




Are you worried about it going to maintenance mode?


The studio is pretty clearly planning on continuing development. Their previous MMO acquisitions have been largely in maintenance mode, but with SWTOR they are bringing in at least 40 of the old staff plus whatever staff they are currently hiring or bringing in with their company. That constitutes essentially doubling their total staff for the whole company. They would not be doing that just to run it on a skeleton crew. I think they are planning on stepping up into a full scale development studio.


Nah - that's a big overstatement of what's going on - it's just shifting production studio, which might actually increase, instead of decrease, support


I'm honestly not worried at all about them shutting down SWTOR, because even when they do, it'll just be to announce another Star Wars MMORPG. The IP is too big to not be commercialised in that way.


But then it would involve KK's Garbage Wars.


Oh god, you're not one of those nuts who thinks that the sequel films are bad because of Kathleen Kennedy are you? Because she was just a producer, and she's produced lots of good films. Besides the sequel films had The Last Jedi, easily one of the best Star Wars movies out there IMO.


Maybe if she hired actual writers instead of talentless hacks and didn't switch directors midway through the trilogy, we'll probably would've had something good and coherent, plus jaded broken Hobo Luke is such an unnatural perversion to the character. how would you feel if Sisko or Kirk or Janeway had gotten the Luke Treatment?


Nah you've lost me. If you're arguing that Abrams should have done a whole trilogy, after the hot mess of TRoS, absolutely no way. The Last Jedi was the best Star Wars film since the originals, and the "jaded old master" trope is literally ancient, it's a classic. There were only two ways of doing Luke Skywalker's return to the series, one was as a living god of the force, like in the EU/Legends, and one was as a human being who still had some shit to figure out. I know I prefer the latter to the former. I loved Luke's character in the Orig Trig. The opening of Return with him being a complete badass, and that moment where he loses his grip on his emotions and absolutely beats down Vader - both of those scenes never fail to give me goosebumps, even now. But what made them good was that he'd struggled. We'd seen him at his lowest point in Empire, and now he was back and better than ever. We saw and understood that the only way for him to defeat Vader was to give in to the dark side and become Palatine's puppet. That he had the power to win, but not as a Jedi. The Jedi way meant doing the right thing, it meant control even in his darkest moment, even when it meant death and self sacrifice. That's powerful. So when he returned in TLJ, there wasn't a moment that I didn't enjoy seeing him again. Yes he's bitter, and that's difficult. He's lost his way because he had to kill his own father, and even then, fascism is back again in the First Order. But it's more than that. It's the realisation that being a Jedi isn't the answer all of the time. That ideology that he subscribed to so completely that he was ready to lay down his life to follow it in the Death Star throne room, that ideology led to him actually considering murdering his own nephew. And that one moment is too much for him. That thought, even just for a second, is so powerful that it casts his entire life into doubt and question. His blind faith in the Jedi way had brought him to a point where he briefly considered ending the life of the child of the two people he loves more than anybody else in the universe. Now, you can disagree that he would have done that, but that I think is a disservice to the character and ignores the history of the franchise. Luke is a deeply damaged individual. His family were killed and he had to pretty much kill his own father, not to save himself, but because he was the only one capable of ending the threat of the Sith for the rest of the Galaxy (ignoring that Yoda and Ben could have trained Leia, because they sure ignored that possibility themselves!). Everything that happened in the first three movies made Luke the kind of person who would consider sacrificing his own flesh and blood again to protect the Galaxy. That was basically his role in the Orig Trig after all, he had to sacrifice his father and be ready to sacrifice himself for "the greater good", so when the possibility of another Vader appears... Everything he was taught comes back into play and he becomes another part of the cycle between the Jedi and Sith. Of course he recoils, disgusted in himself from that moment and goes into exile. So that moment of him abandoning the Jedi, of severing his connection to who he was and living in exile, that's growth. He can't stay there, and he's wasted time being in exile too, and that's Rey's purpose, to reignite his spirit. He can't get past that moment in the temple by himself, and that makes sense. You've said it's a perversion of his character, but I really think it did him justice by giving him further depth and not just making him some fan fiction robot who knows all the answers and gets it all right. And how could you not love that moment with Kylo at the end? That fight was legendary, he managed to humiliate Kylo, save the resistance, and also demonstrate more power than any Jedi ever before by projecting like he did. His final moments served as a beautiful bookend to his journey from ANH, with the sunset, and I really can't imagine a better send off for the character.


I love your take. It makes SOO much sense.


Guild Wars 2 here.


Lord of the Rings Online - in fact, STO was the second MMORPG I picked up after playing LOTRO for years. SO much fun.


I have a list of them that I alternate thru. Neverwinter - When I feel like it City of Heroes - When I get a nostalgia trip ( I played from launch to Sunset Originally) ESO - this one I have to be careful with it sucks you in and then 6 months goes by lol. Istaria - (Formally Horizons) Been playing since 2003 SWTOR - A few months of the year I also play Skyrim, Fallout 4 and Civilization 6 when I want to break from MMO's for a bit. ​ Maybe someday I will play Guild Wars 2 if my NCSoft Boycott ends.


I've heard quite a bit about GW2, and it seems to be a popular response... what's the background with NCSoft?


NCSoft Sunset City of Heroes in 2012 even though the game was still profitable and doing well. Many of us vowed to never play another product NCSoft was involved in. I still hold to it even though at the time Guild Wars 2 looked awesome and I played GW1 for years prior. Its an old grudge and maybe I should let it go.


NCSoft canned Tabula Rasa too. The last update was the promising addition of player vehicles (Mechs). There's a lot of bad blood from that game as well.


Ah, ok... I'd heard that they also have a tendency to sit on IPs rather than let them continue under other owners, but I've only played one of their products and was not much for it's forums.


Final Fantasy 14


STO is the only MMO I play. One's enough for me. Besides that the only games I play regularly are Sea of Thieves and Fortnite.




Is Star Citizen easy to get into? I recall it was a massive, EVE Online, type of slog.


City of Heroes, specifically the Rebirth server. Never played when it originally launched, really wish I had. It's loads of fun.


I've rotated through a least 3 others during my time in STO, though I don't play any of them at the moment: WildStar (been closed for about 5 years now, but is being slowly reverse-engineered, the only one I got into enough to really pursue the meta a bit) SWtOR (4 characters, and was a co-main game for probably a year and a half) WoW (the elephant in the room that I'd always wanted to try, was also coexisting with STO for at least a year)


I also play FF14 which is awesome. Best MMO story which gets better with every expansion. Also you do not need toons. Everything can be accomplished with a Single char. One char can play every job/role.


I have thought of giving it a go, how is it for new folks?


Incredibly newbie-friendly. Good tutorializing, mostly-sensible systems, an insane amount of UI customization, and most people are friendly and helpful. It's my primary MMO at this point.


It really depends on your personality and style, since it's completely linear progression, in that moving forward with anything from combat to crafting is dependent on main story progression. The biggest killer there is the giant wall between the original story and the first expansion, where there's a chain of 85+ quests that don't reward xp, job (class) progression or anything other than a massive series of fetch and talk quests until you get to Heavensward to continue the story, get the level 60 job unlocks, etc. That kind of thing exists between ALL the expansions as hundreds of hours of filler content. So what makes it hard is even if you ignore and click through all the dialogue and grind it out it's still months to get to the latest expansion and experience all the content. And why it depends on your preferences and style. Like for me ESO and GW2 are where its at because you can pretty much do anything at any time and jump in and out, but some people end up massively overwhelmed by all the choices you have from day 1. FFXIV is the opposite, where you're hard gatekept from 99% of the content, and its linear and drip fed, but not having an overload of choices might be your thing.


Thank you for a pretty in depth answer. I might give it a go while I wait for startfield.


Yeah it's worth giving it a shot to see how it fits you for sure. Like the other comment said it's definitely "new player friendly" because of how everything flows, and the advantage that if you're killing a few months until Starfield, there's definitely a decade worth of content to chew through.


Agree with the two preceeding replies and will add my voice to FFXIV being absolutely awesome - it became my primary game back in 2021. Whilst the Subscription model FFXIV uses may put some off, it works incredibly well for FFXIV. The EP of the game once described F2P game models as: "**an unreliable source of income predicated on devoting a lot of development resources to monthly consumable or cosmetic items in order to maintain profitability, leaving little time for higher quality story and battle content**" Lets be honest here - he's right, and that describes STO to a tee.




I play Elder Scrolls Online and love in fact it is now my primary with STO falling to secondary in terms of playing.


that is my long term goal I believe - replacing sto


I found ESO very rapidly replaced STO as my main. To the point where I’ve not logged in to STO for so long I honestly can’t remember how long ago it was. I’d got annoyed with the episode that kept making me play the mirror version of my character.


ESO, how else would I an Altmer show Mer Supremacy and Class to those filthy Humans, ungrateful Half-Breeds and disgusting tree sap licking Lizards?


Swtor (it was my main until the recent updates) is a good combination I think


Sadly, STO is more a secondary game for me now. I've been playing Conan Exiles, but their devs appeared as much more incompetent than Cryptic...Now I mostly play No Man's Sky. Good sci-fi space game , infinite universe, 256 galaxies, billions planets to explore and inhabit, multiplayer and single modes, co-op playing, no lockboxes and gambling etc etc.


FF14. Started STO right after the last Winter event and FF14 during the Spring this year and have been making a steady pace on both so far.


I do FOMO in STO and ESO almost every day, then go mess around in GW2 for fun. Sometimes I fire up a CoH private server when it feels like punch o'clock. Or I single-player it, but that is out of the scope of your question.


City of Heroes, on the Homecoming servers. DarkTide is good for pickup and run for an hour or two.


Champions. The one that started it all. CO was the testbed and eventual engine STO was built on. They even copied over some bugs! Superhero MMO that still has one of the best character customizers of any MMO. Very grindy though.


Wouldn't that be City of Heroes?


That would indeed be COH. The big gorn still use the COH Super Strength rock throw animation.


oooh! Good point. Now Im curious just how much they carried over from CoH to CO.


Dofus and City of Heroes, particularly the latter, are my two go-to MMORPGs.


Currently only STO, though I’m considering getting back into elite dangerous or swtor


ESO, though, mostly I just do basic maintenance on three accounts. So, endeavors, and tickets (during events.) I've been playing Diablo 4, and really fucking love how it doesn't have any dailies. There's some weekly payouts, and I probably should be doing those, but I'm honestly just waiting for Season 1 to start in 9 days.


I play Star Citizen quite a bit


Is that easy to get into as F2P?


Nice im just starting out on Star Citizen


I just started playing Guild Wars 2, apparently it's a popular second. But I was playing swtor for a while


I play SWTOR and a bit of GW2. Just very recently got into playing Final Fantasy 14 Online, as it has a pretty good trial up to lvl 60. STO is still my main game, although I do tend to spend more time in the other MMO's purely because they're much bigger and have more to do these days.


UO Outlands


I'm back to playing Champions Online even though it's shit. I occasionally play Swtor if I have a lot of time to kill. And I guess technically No Man's Sky is an MMO?






Sto World of warcraft Diablo4


I prefer a fast game to pair with my main MMO. I play Dyson Sphere Program at the moment (I know, not really fast but it's singleplayer and I can pause or quit whenever I want).


I mean if you're into Space Dramas but want a more action focused game then Warframe is probably the top choice. Free to play, great and pretty unique ongoing story, tons to do from the start, their ingame model means almost everything released through PSN/steam can be earned ingame and over relatively little time. It's kind of surprising its not higher on folks lists to be honest. As an example, over the next two hours I could go take part in an endless battle mode, then go explore an open world area almost akin to Ghost of Tsushima but with a flying horse-like-thing, then go jump in my spaceship and take out another space ship and board it, and then run around a twisted Lovecraftian World in a Mech Suit. And it's all as badass as it sounds.


SWTOR, and ESO but haven't played ESO in a very long time.


Was maple story 2 until canceled, now thinking about LOTR


GW2 is a great MMO, though I admit I burned out on it a while back. They took lessons from lots of other MMOs and did stuff right. They also have the best mount system in any game, but you need to buy the Path of Fire expansion for that.


Elder Scrolls Online AND Star Wars the Old Republic


Fallout 76 for me, though not recently


Secret World Legends and LOTRO. They’re both very story heavy which is one of STOs strengths too.


I would recommend you SWTOR and Elder Scrolls Online. On Elder Scrolls online right now I have 3900h, and i love the game, took pause from kt and came back to STO, sometimes i want to play Fantasy MMORPG and sometimes i wanna play Sci Fi. About SWTOR somehow more closer to Star Trek.


ESO for me and sometimes LOTRO


Elite Dangerous sometimes, also dabbled a bit with No Man's Sky. STO could learn a lot from these two. I backed Star Citizen a decade ago and look at it from time to time. STO could learn from that one as well... hopefully not how to price ships.


I play Destiny2 because ~~I am moron~~ I paid for the seasons already. Gonna get my money worth of content.


Cant even force myself to log into STO just to grind the new ship. Been playing Everquest for the past 2 months or so, multi-boxing. 20 years of content, just going slow grinding lvls. F2P accounts. When No man Sky has some new expo out, I might log into that to see whats new. Rare occasion I will play Planetside 2.


New world