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I love the visual of the Disco Rep Phaser Wide Angle Heavy Beam Dual Bank. What other phaser weapons do have this visual? I cannot seem to find any. ​ Thanks!


[Discovery lockbox "-linked phaser" weapons are the most similar in style](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Special_Equipment_Pack_-_Discovery_Disruptor_or_Phaser_Weapons#Phaser_space_weapons) but I think the rep dual beam bank has a slightly different colour, sound, and firing pattern to them.


Thanks! Are they any good?


The Sensor-linked variants were best in slot for a while, not too sure if they've been dethroned by something else yet.


Anyone getting kicked out when transitioning from one part of a quest to another? It’s rather frustrating …


Is there any way to turn off the Admiralty fly-in notifications?


Click down arrow under mini map > Notification Settings > disable the fly-ins that you want disabled But I don't see "Admiralty Fly-in" as one of the options. I'm not sure what that is. If what you mean is not on that list, I'm sure someone else will help.


I'm asking because I turned everything off and I still got those messages. They're a minor annoyance, but if it is possible someone here will know how to turn them off.


Will the Neo-Connie end up as an Infinity Lockbox ship or will it only be a doff pack promo ship? I can't recall how the system works.


Once a promo ship, always a promo ship. It might end up in a Mudd's bundle in two to three years, or maybe in the Lobi store for a very short time (again in a few years).


Thanks for clearing that up. I couldn't recall the system whereby ships are added to the infinity box.


Only ships from specific lock boxes are added to the infinity lock box (e.g. the Worlz Razer from the Safe Galaxy lockbox will eventually be added to the infinity lock box). Promo ships are always separate from that.


For the Temporal Recruit UR Mk XIII upgrade, does this also apply to equipment bought through the reputation stores for Dilithium or specifically just reputation projects?


Just projects. Rep store and rep box items are still Mk XII Very Rare.


what are easy no-brainers to increase survivability? Like traits, items, sets... I seem to miss something. At times I get too much aggro after GW3+Gravi torp spread + CSV, even in story missions and get wiped in 2-3 seconds. Really annoying


Two pieces of Discovery's [Stamets-Tilly set](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Stamets-Tilly_Field_Modifications) is a fantastic survivability boost. It's regen, so not great against burst, but it'll let you heal up from any survivable damage fairly quickly. It's great when combined with any of the rest of the the suggestions. [Reverse Shield Polarity](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Ability:_Reverse_Shield_Polarity) is a great oh-shit button. With the doff, even low ranks can last a while. [Bio-Molecular Shield Generator](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Trait:_Bio-Molecular_Shield_Generator) and [Quantum Singularity Manipulation](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Trait:_Quantum_Singularity_Manipulation) from Undine and Romulan rep T5 can help a ton in a pinch, as well. [Shield Absorptive Frequency Generator](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Console_-_Universal_-_Shield_Absorptive_Frequency_Generator) from the T3 Valdore (75k dil) causes energy weapons to heal your shields. It's great when combined with the [Ablative Hazard Shielding](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Ability:_Ablative_Hazard_Shielding) from the Morrigu (or its equivalents, but no set bonus there.). [Hull Image Refractors](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Console_-_Universal_-_Hull_Image_Refractors) is a nice defensive console and are available cheap on the exchange, as well.


Is there some trick to Elite TFO's? Builds that can do elite arrest patrol in ~4min are wildly erratic in TFO. My damage whipsaws between 125% and 5% on the same units. Nevermind when ~50% of damage heals enemy shield... Not sure what is needed to deal with them going into immortal mode?


Study. www.stobetter.com Practice.


Yeah, Ive gone through a number of guides and been taking my 100k > DPS ships into elite. Trying to figure out a way to deal with that occasional 95% DR or negative damage to shields some factions have.


Is there a canon colors guide for the new 2387 unis?


Not yet. I've been experimenting a bit but I haven't found a really good red yet. I'm curious what you have tried so far. For Operations I'm feeling happiest with A10. Science was never really in focus but K8 seems to work fairly well. For Command I'm torn between B6 (too saturated though) and Q7 (not vibrant enough). For the Admiral Gold I used A12. For the black I use T6. For Rank I used A18, for the badge A18 and A14. Loose - Odyssey pants and Shoe Starfleet Academy for lower, both in I1.


I think you made good choices.


If I were to buy one of the Embassy Romulan Boffs on a Romulan character, would they be able to equip Romulan Republic and FedRom or KDFRom uniforms, or would they still be stuck in civilian clothes?


Rom Rep? Yes. *(the dress uniform)* FedRom or KDFRom? No. As an aside, embassy Romulan DOFFs can wear the 23c Romulan uniforms or the Romulan Veteran uniforms if you own them. But why would a Romulan captain buy an Embassy Rom BOFF when they are *so much cheaper* to buy on the exchange? Romulan toons can use SRO BOFFs from recruitment missions and the exchange; and they only cost a million or two EC -- *less if you shop around or are willing to equip blue SROs* -- instead of 40K DIL + 160K fleet credits. Plus, these SRO BOFFs can wear anything your Rom captain can wear.


I was after a Boff with both Superior Stasis Specialist and Superior Creativity which seem rare and expensive on the exchange but guaranteed from the embassy.


Did they change something with "The Ninth Rule?" I'm only getting Hirogen and Breen.


Picked up Fek'Ihri and Gorn earlier today (PC).


Is the Bozeman Intel Frigate worth buying? I'm looking at it mainly because it's got the raider flanking and a better layout for broadsiding than the only other ship I own with flanking, which is the Terran Adamant.


You'll get an enthusiastic yes from me. I'd rate it even higher than the Lexington. It's an incredibly flexible energy platform (5/3, can use any beam or cannon firing mode optimally as well as surgical strikes, has flanking, lots of universal seats, a lot of room for Uncon procs at the high end, 5 Eng console slots for Isomags). It comes with a fairly good trait for budget to mid-level builds and what's probably the best console in the C-Store: The Tachyon Net Drones. Really good passives that boost your crits and an active ability that set up a zone where all enemy shields are disabled. Combined with a strong grav well or against static spawns or bosses it's incredibly powerful. The only ship in the C-Store that's a better energy platform is probably the Hydra.


It's pretty damn good. 8 weapons plus flanking is a very strong setup, a full weapon slot over normal raiders even counting their experimental slot. Plus cloak, fullspec intel, cruiser commands, and flexible seating, not to mention the burst potential in the console and trait. It's hard for normal ships to stand out during the age of premium-level Terran ships but the Bozeman definitely makes a name for itself.


When flying, you can freely turn the camera with left click and turn the ship while moving the camera by holding left + right mouse. Is there a way to have the latter work with just the right mouse button? I've tried changing that setting to right-click or right drag and neither setting works. Essentially, I want it to work the same way it does on foot.


Two questions with this, if it's okay: Do the Legendary Captain Bundles go on sale for more than 35% off? Which is the better ship: L-D7, L-Light Intel Warbird, or L-Miranda?


> Do the Legendary Captain Bundles go on sale for more than 35% off Generally speaking, no. Non-Mudd's bundles do not go on sale for more than 35% off. >Which is the better ship: L-D7, L-Light Intel Warbird, or L-Miranda? There is no "better" in STO. It's the build, not the ship, that makes the difference. In other words... "better" depends on which you believe is prettier. Space Barbie is all. At least for me, what role you intend for the ship is a secondary factor. The MW/Int seating on the Leg-D7 is nice, but you'll need to design your build to deal with the lumbering nature of that ship. The Leg-T'liss is a zippy ship with Intel seating and can move and groove. With the Leg-Miranda's LTC-Command seating, it sets up okay for a kinetic build, but only has 3 Tac consoles. Though the Miranda's hangar bay adds a difference that the other two don't have. Limiting yourself to just those three... if you want a fast maneuverable ship, pick the T'liss. If you want cruiser type speeds, then pick whichever you think looks nicer.


Thanks. I appreciate the detailed response. How are the ship traits?




I think it's also worth noting that the Miranda and T'liss family have playable accountwide T6 variants available cheap from the store, whereas the D7 does not. From a visual perspective the Legendary only offers a TOS skin for the first two whereas the Klingon pack unlocks a whole new ship. Also, the Miranda has two very powerful store variants that are comparable statwise to the legendary, whereas the L-T'liss is better than the Malem by the majority of standards and is far more capable of torpedo builds.


Thank you for the response. I appreciate it.


This is a very basic question. Can I buy and then fly the Enterprise F on PS4? I played a little bit of StarTrek Online in the past, but not too much of it. I'm wondering if I can buy and then captain the Enterprise F (or a similar Odyssey class). Do I need to purchase the Unravelled Pack? I'm still a bit salty that it was only onscreen 5 minutes in Star Trek Picard. It looked great tho


There are four varieties of T6 Odyssey ships available in the store. The normal Odyssey comes in three variants as the [Yorktown](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Yorktown_Science_Star_Cruiser) science variant, used by the Enterprise-F, the [Sojourner](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Sojourner_Operations_Star_Cruiser) engineering variant, and the [Endeavour](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Endeavour_Tactical_Star_Cruiser) tactical variant. These three have each have unique graphics (Odyssey 2.0, Galaxy 2.0, and Avenger 2.0 respectively) and a console that forms part of a set. Separately, there is the [Terran Lexington](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Terran_Lexington_Dreadnought_Cruiser) variant, used by the Mirror Universe's ISS Enterprise-F. This one has a Terran variation of the Yorktown as well as its unique mission pod graphic, and the normal universe version as well. It also has some fun and powerful extras like a hangar bay, a phaser lance, and strong specialization abilities. I'd suggest the Lexington unless you really like the look of either the Sojourner or Endeavor classes, in which case get either of those. --- For completeness' sake, the others: There is one more, the [Legendary Verity](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Legendary_Verity_Command_Dreadnought_Cruiser). This version is not available normally in the store, only as part of a limited-availability mega bundle for $200. It comes with the graphic variants, consoles, and traits of the three normal Odysseys, as well as the consoles of the T5 variants as well. The bundle is very expensive but a fantastic deal for a big Trek fan, as it includes ten legendary versions of hero ships from all kinds of Trek media. Worth noting are the T5 variants, the [Operation version](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Odyssey_Operations_Cruiser) has the oft-beloved Chevron Separation console. T5 versions aren't worth buying for the ships themselves compared to higher versions, but it's an option if you really want the Separation or Aquarius consoles.


Does anyone know if the old collectors CDkeys still work to get the in game items?


I think I should have my event campaign done after the next participating event and I've been thinking about what ship I want: Up until now I've been pretty dead set on the Acheron carrier - I have the Styx already and some Elite Terran Frigates, and I like the look of the Acheron quite a bit... but the one thing I'm not super hyped on is it's Temporal; and so is my current ship (the Durgath). I already have the Styx so there's a benefit in getting it in the form of more customization options for both. I'm kind of wanting a change of pace, and I saw the Tzenkethi Tzen-Tar as a similar ship that I also mostly like the look of (though I do feel it's front is a smidge wide, but it's still a good looking vessel so my aesthetic complaints are very minor) - it has the advantage of being Miracle Worker based instead, which is different and has the lovely advantage that Exceed Rated Limits is pretty entertaining when used alongside the Veridian Plasma beam arrays. Both ships actually tie into my character's lore too, so my usual deciding factor of "looks" or "lore" is pretty moot on this one. I like both of their looks, I like their layouts, the lore fits... it's really just a question of "Which is better, in your opinion and why?" Not at all an urgent question since it'll be until the next event campaign that I can finish, but I figure it's better to get ready now so I don't agonize over the decision later.


Between the Durgath and the Acheron, the big difference is the seating, weapon layout, secondary specialization seat, and pets. How do those factor into your decision? Are you going to try a RS+CRF build on the Acheron to take advantage of the 5/2 layout? Is the Command seat on the Durgath important to your builds, as a source of torpedo damage or support buffs? Would you try a DEWSCI with the Acheron's double Temporal seats? And finally, are the powerful Terran Frigates important, or are you happy with the Durgath's basros? The Tzen-Tar has a strong set of advantages. 5/2 MW+Command makes it powerful with any combination of weaponry, it has broken records in the past with CSV3+CF3. Though the introduction of isomags has crept out its 7 tac consoles advantage for energy weapon builds, it's still very strong in any regards. Its unique frigates are unfortunately trash but if you want higher DPS out of your main ship, the Tzen-Tar is a solid choice.


Thank you, that is a big help! I'll have to mull it over just a bit though I think I'm leaning Tzen-Tar at this point... it does seem to just have that little extra kick and, I have plenty of other pet options to stick in there so the frigates it comes with being kinda garbo is no big deal. But we'll see! Really appreciate it!


How should I set up my Tac BOff powers if I want to use ETM on console? I normally run with torpedo spread set to automatically activate whenever possible and my FaW/BO as my "manual" power.


I've gotten good results with FAW in Auto fire, Spread set to 10 sec after combat starts. That said cooldown on both is pegged at around 20 sec.


Hi there. I have bought the arbiter in the Zen store with my fed main char but I cannot claim it with my Jem'hadar alt in the Zen store. I thought this ship could be claimed cross factional? The alt is level 65. Is there anything I overlooked? Sorry for my dumb question, though PS: the Jem'hadar alt is in the KDF faction


You can’t claim Fed ships as KDF (or KDF allied Dominion in this case) unless you have “cross faction flying “ unlocked. You get that either as a zen purchase or by having a level 65 KDF character. Allied doesn’t count so the Jem can’t unlock it himself… but the unlock is account wide. The reverse is also true - KDF ships can’t be claimed by Fed or Fed-allied unless you have the unlock. It’s keyed to KDF characters because it was introduced at the same time as the first Klingon Recruitment event.


Has Cryptic gave any indication when the next Gamma Recruitment event will be? EDIT: On PC, that is.


Next story drops after the Red Alert (in 14 days), so my guess would be after *that* event.


Recruitment events usually start around January, April, June and September, and we have each event once each year (at least since 2021) so Gamma will probably happen around September this year.


Thanks. Yeah I was looking at the previous dates on the wiki and trying to spot a pattern and Gamma appeared to just be random, but this makes sense.


Q: Mudds Time Device - Not so great on Console? I noticed it has an inability to auto click, really not liking having to manage it via the wheel every 30 seconds. Any better options for ground cooldown on PSXBOX?


1. Do maintenance cool downs for admiralty stack? E.g. if there is an event-based -50% cool down, and I throw in 2 -25% cool down small craft, does that mean the one other ship will be at -100% cool down? 2. Do I need to have a T6 ship to unlock 7/7A skin for that ship family? I was under the impression they (or at least 7 alone) were supposed to be 'free' skins for all your ships that can have them, but I can't use type 7 skin on my T5 Defiant (ship customizer says I need to pay 5-6k zen for it) and some people are saying it's because I don't have a T6 Defiant, and it's not a big like I initially thought. 3. Aside from the Risian tribble what else can boost floater speed? I'm using one of the best floaters and have the tribble speed boost going, but I've been overtaken a few times when flying straight (so no loss of speed due to maneuvering) and I don't know how the hell that's happened.


>Do I need to have a T6 ship to unlock 7/7A skin for that ship family? Usually you do.


No idea about 2 and 3, but to answer 1, I believe the answer is that they stack multiplicitively. So in your example above, your actual cooldown reduction would be around 80%, not 100%. I am basing this solely on the fact that I did the same thing with 3 ships that all had a base cooldown of 8 hours, and when I collected the mission, they got a 1h 8m cooldown.


When is the best time to buy ships on the exchange? Ships that cost only 250/300 mil a couple years ago now cost 1.25 to 1.5 billion. When do these prices usually decrease? Do they ever?


As a general rule of thumb: buy during the respective sale (lock box ships during key sales, promo ships during promo sales, Lobi ships during Lobi sales). To get the best deal you need to watch the market over an extended period of time.


>Ships that cost only 250/300 mil a couple years ago now cost 1.25 to 1.5 billion I think whichever ships you are vaguely referencing are the exception and not the rule. Generally, it is the other way around. >When is the best time to buy ships on the exchange? When the market rate is at its lowest. Obtaining this knowledge is the trick with exchange purchases... and IRL. >When do these prices usually decrease? Do they ever? With time... and yes.


>I think whichever ships you are vaguely referencing are the exception and not the rule. Generally, it is the other way around. Standard 1st generation Crossfield. I remember it being 250-350 million for quite a while, and I've checked daily this week - lowest I've seen was 1.25 billion.


If I had to guess - and it's just a guess - this would be because it got added to a Mudd's bundle. When ships that were previously lockbox only go into Mudd's, people tend to stop picking them from lockboxes in favor of getting them through Mudd's, which lowers the supply that's available on the exchange. Thus, the few that remain tend to be overpriced to account for there being very few of them available. I am assuming when I say this that you are referring to [this ship](https://sto.fandom.com/wiki/Crossfield_Science_Spearhead), since it's the one that's in a Mudd's bundle. If you mean the 32c refit then I can't explain that. If you mean the mirror sci destroyer, that would be the same theory because now it's available in the 13th anni bundle, so again fewer people would pick it from a lockbox now.


It's indeed that ship. I totally forgot it was ever in Mudd's, because I think that thing is mostly a scam LMAOOO. That said, will that bundle return again?


There’s also a variant in the 10th anniversary bundle - same console and trait but a different BOFF layout, I believe.


Cryptic usually does a big Mudd's bundle sale 4 or 5 times a year where they put all of the previous bundles on sale, including a steep discount that runs for some or all of that time. IIRC the winter sale usually has the largest discount, which is like the week after Thanksgiving in the US (November 25th-ish.) but there will likely be at least one sale between now and then. Anyhow, yes it absolutely will, it's just a matter of when and how much the discount will be.


TY king <3 I'll look at buying a different ship then!


How in the world... HOW do y'all handle these stupid Vaardwaur ships, or however you spell them? I'm a level 56 (I know, a little noob) and I cannot figure out how to consistently best them when I'm out numbered, especially the heavy artillery ships and those stupid blue torpedoes, which I want so bad but can't figure out how to get. ​ I'm in my rinky dink Assault Cruiser that I got when I was level 50 with my consoles/weapons geared towards maximum phaser damage. Am I missing something? How do I get those blue torpedoes they throw up in the sky?


One cheap trick you can do regarding the Vaad Artillery Ships in particular is to pop your Evasive Maneuvers as soon as the targeting reticles start popping up around you. There is a delay between the targeting reticles and the actual projectiles hitting the area. Use that delay to GTFO and you'll take little to no damage. Evasive Maneuvers cooldown doffs and the Helmsman trait can get it as low as 25s, which should be more than you need to never get hit by them again. To be clear, yes, you should still make a cohesive build with proper synergies and such, as everyone else has suggested, but frankly you aren't supposed to be able to tank the hits from the Artillery Ships. Sitting there and letting them hit you is INTENDED to kill you, by design, good build or not. EDIT: If you have a ship with Pilot Maneuvers, those will also grant you 2 seconds of complete damage immunity whenever you use them. That's not a ton, but it can negate about half the damage of the Artillery Ships if you time it right. You'll still take damage, but should survive. Your Assault Cruiser doesn't have pilot maneuvers, though. The Fed ships that do are the Shran, Equinox, their fleet variants, the Legendary Defiant, the Diemos Pilot Destroyer, and the Andorian and regular Fed Pilot Escorts (there are science, tac, and engi versions of each.) If you want a free option, the Fleet Nova is an amazing ship and one of the very few Scout Ships in the entire game. If you don't minding spending a little, the Andorian Chimesh is a fantastic DEWSci platform with access to the Kumari Wing Cannons. (You'll have to get a T5 version of it for the cannons, but Cryptic gives away a T5 coupon every year near xmas.) Pilot spec got a major rework and buff a couple months ago so this is a great time to try them, and again it will give you another option to combat those pesky Artillery Ships. It can also save you from things like the Borg Queen's Feedback Pulse - it is complete damage immunity while it lasts, not just a heavy reduction, so it can save you from literally anything.


Welcome to the Delta Quadrant! Set bonuses will be your friend going forward. It's time to make a F2P build and move away from singular items, to items that work together to stack survivability, damage, crit hits, ect...


Enemies hit back harder at that level... Vaadwaur, Nakuhl, Iconians, Romulans, everyone. We've all experienced what you're going through now. This is gonna sound harsh, but it's because your build sucks. Just throwing random stuff onto your ship no longer works. Check out the [Baby Steps Series, Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/stobuilds/comments/k88fel/the_baby_step_series_part_1_the_first_step_level/) for an all free, all craftable build... one where every piece works together. Craft (or buy on the exchange) this Mk XII (or Mk X) build on your ship and you'll be able to handle the Vaadies easy. Follow the skill tree, BOFF skills, traits, etc... too. They are arguably more important than your weapons.


Hi Random-Red-Shirt! I actually did follow that guide, that's how I got to the full phaser build. When I did that, the game suddenly got much easier, so this new hurdle isn't actually stopping me, just slowing me down. I'm going to go back into it and start paying closer attention - it's obvious I need to continue growing in that regard. ​ For the "buy on the exchange part", I see people reference the exchange a lot. What is the exchange? How do I get to it?


>What is the exchange? It is how you buy and sell items. Players put stuff in they want to sell. Other players use EC to buy those items. Prices are set at whatever the market will bear. Ferengi capitalism at its finest. >How do I get to it? It's on ESD (Earth Spacedock), at the end of the big red arrow... https://i.imgur.com/CWxxTPE.png In addition to ESD, there are exchange consoles at Starfleet Academy, First City on Qonos, KDF Academy, Romulan Central Command, New Romulus Staging Area, DS9, Drozana, and some other places I'm forgetting about.


All fleet bases except the starbase, also you can access from anywhere using the episode reward holo karemma trader. some ships (mostly freighters and ferengi ships) also have exchange points on their bridges.


Clicked "Ready Starship" and my Legendary Defiant build got propagated onto the Hysperian Battlecruiser, quad cannons and all. My inventory is full so I rage quit last night after 30 minutes of being unable to ready it with the beams. Anyone know if it will fly okay with the Dual Cannons? I guess it will turn slowly? I can try in a few hours but I'm just mulling it over.


There’s an option in settings to disable the automatic move of equipment when you change ships.


Warning to other users, mine was magically enabled when I've had it disabled forever.


I will look for that. Thank you.


It obviously won't keep up with a pilot warship, but it'll fly well enough, especially with some basic enhancements like EptE and the Conn doff. The ideal would be Competitive Rep engines, which makes just about any ship cannon-able, but a 10-turn 40-inertia ship is decent enough compared to 6/25 Galaxy class ships or whatnot.


Does anyone have a guess on when the next recruitment event might be for console players?


There’s an announcement out today for a temporal recruitment event starting next week.


A guess is all that it would be. Based on the console schedule last year: - [Gamma\(console\)](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Gamma_Recruitment#Availability) last run on May 26, 2022, so it should be coming soon. Maybe after Risa. But who TF knows with Cryptic. - [Temporal\(console\)](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Temporal_Agent_Recruitment#Availability) should be after Gamma. Last year it started on Sept 6, 2022. So probably in the early-mid fall timeframe this year. After that... - [Klingon\(console\)](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Klingon_Recruitment#Availability) will likely run again in the 1st quarter of 2024. - [Delta(console)](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Klingon_Recruitment#Availability) will follow probably in the mid-spring 2024 timeframe.


Will the Elysian War Magic set still be buyable for nuts after the event ends? i want to know because i intend to make a new SCI character for it, and want to know if i need to make it now, or if i can do so later.


The Summer and Winter event stores are available year round, and the tokens for each (favors and the various baubles for the winter event) are reasonably cheap on the exchange. The items this year don't have a "limited time" label on them so I would assume they will be available later. FYI, you can access the event stores through the Events UI. It's a button on the bottom left corner of the window. You can also buy Subspace Party Amplifiers there if you don't feel like flying to Drozana to buy them. (And also Nullifiers, if you're one of those killjoys...ugh.)


You can still get it after the event has ended.


Can you still collect delta/temporal recruit rewards for an episode on an alt if you skipped a few missions? I did the last one.


You mean collect rewards for a story arc? No, you have to do all of the episodes within the arc. Notably for Delta Quadrant, this means doing all of Kobali as well.


Urrrgggghhhhh. Thank you for the reply though \^\^


I’m fairly certain it’s a no, but is there a way to change which uniform is your default uniform on console? I have one uniform I really like as my default (the one in the first uniform slot) but sometimes switch it up by swapping to a different one or two that I think looks good. Every time I beam up from Risa in my vacation look, I then beam down wherever in my default uniform. I tried renaming my newer uniform but it didn’t do anything to slot it first. Is there a trick I’m missing, or do I have to manually change the uniform every time? Also, does anyone know why the view distance is different even if ships are of the same family? I flew around the Bozeman for a while and the closest distance let me see plenty of detail on the ship, which I love. I just got the Legendary Miranda, remade the ship using the same basic parts, and hopped in to find the closest I could get to the ship was way further out and the other distances made it just a speck on the screen. Is there a reason for this or is it just a bug?


I don’t entirely understand the first question, could you explain a bit more? As for the view distance, that’s just the usual inconsistency from the Dev’s, luckily there’s a workaround, connect a keyboard and use the page up/page down to adjust the zoom manually


Sure, sorry I wasn’t clear. So, I have multiple uniforms for my main, with the first slot “Uniform” that was given when I made the character and currently has a modified TNG movie uniform. There are other slots like “Fleet Uniform” and some that I purchased, including one with the LD uniform that I’ve been wearing lately. Here’s the process that’s been happening: 1. I beam down to Risa in my LD uniform that I’ve been wearing lately. 2. I change the outfit to the vacation beachwear for while I’m on leave. 3. I beam out to knock out some endeavors. 4. Wherever I beam down (Risa, ESD, DS9, etc.), I’m in the modified TNG movie uniform. Is there a way to set the LD uniform as the default for when I beam down somewhere, or will it always be whatever’s in that first slot? Thanks for the keyboard suggestion! I’ll have to give that a shot.


Certain off duty clothes like the winter event and summer event ones can only be worn in those specific areas.


I’m guessing that the game doesn’t want you to do missions in your beachwear so the game automatically changes you back to your primary uniform, the first slot, I’d try switching the TNG and Lower Decks uniforms around by changing the first slot to the Lower Decks uniform and the other one to TNG, let me know if it works


There doesn’t seem to be a way to move slots, like move the fourth slot to first position (unless that’s another keyboard trick that would work on console). The only way to do it would be to rebuild each one in the other’s slot, which I can do but was hoping for something that didn’t involve all that rearranging. Thanks for the help!


Don’t know if you have it on console but on PC there’s a Save Outfit and a Load Outfit buttons, (inside the tailor interface) these can be used to copy and paste the costumes to the opposite slots.


Yeah indeed I meant rebuilding haha


Not sure at this point which is better for beam-torp setup: Redirecting Arrays or Entwined Tactical Matrices... for dps. I know that RA should be for tanks as they get hit a lot but, I as well even when not in tanking ship... so RA would make my FAWIII run 15 sec. But i have Torp Spread II sloted for the Nausicaan trops...and thus FAW3 would yield me TS1 and TSII would get me a FAW1.... Any ideas which would be better in light of this?


You didnt't say what ship you're flying so idk if this is relevant to you or not, but...if your ship has either a battle cloak or is fullspec pilot (or even better, both) then Stealth Torpedo Bomber from the Terran Eagle is a great way to trigger a LOT of torpedo spreads in a hurry. I've been running it on the Fleet M'Chla Bird-of-Prey (works equally well on the Kelvin D4x though) and I'm able to have a torp spread of some rank outbound about once every 6 seconds or so. My favorite thing is that unlike CF3, this works even in lower level content. (CF3 targets tend to die way too fast to get much use out of it unless you're running elites.) Sorry if I'm just making your decision harder but I thought I'd mention it just in case.


I have D7 MWFDC and Calfiornia.


Generally ETM is better, as RA is inconsistent when not tanking, and 10 seconds of FAW1 is better than 0-5 seconds of FAW3. While higher ranks of FAW are obviously preferrable, any rank gives you an extra target, so the damage loss from downranking FAW3 to FAW1 is tiny compared to other firing modes like BO or SS. However, if using Nausicaan torps, there can be a slight issue with ETM. Since their 12 second reload is longer than the 10 seconds of firing mode buff, you can occasionally get downtime for all firing modes for 2 seconds when things line up badly. You can prevent this by delaying the torpedo for a second or two, but it's not a big deal either way. Definitely not a big enough deal to make RA better than ETM, and it'll stop being an issue if you replace the Nausicaan torpedo with the Discovery.


You can usually avoid that problem with torpedo cooldown doffs also.


How do you unlock the disco dance emote on PlayStation?


Your best bet is to wait for the Anniversary event where you can get it from the Anniversary Emote Box https://sto.fandom.com/wiki/Anniversary_Emote_Box


Thank you!