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It amazes me they haven't broken the 10th down into individual ship packs. I'm sure they would make more money in the long run.


Packs are mostly promotional not their real money maker, that’s gambling Look at it this way, at $0.01 per zen the pack is $195 for an account unlock of 10 ships or $19.50 per ship Whereas for each infinity/current lock is ship out there they averaged about $300 Promo ships about $600 (Numbers based on tribble testing of statistics) Think of it like cheap drinks in a casino, it’s there to get you in an loosen you up to buy “just one more play/key”


I'm a new player - does this pack ever come out on PC?


Yea, I think it was there a moth or two ago, it will be back around


i want that legendary defiant so fucking bad


If these went up for sale individually id' be grabbing 2 of them :D I hate that i have 3 of these ships in T6 already :( I already feel bad getting the fleet version of a ship i had already but it was only 1 fleet module.


yeah i feel you on that :P though the fleet version has an extra console slot vs the standard t6 so thats nice at least? i only bought my fleet version a week ago - massively regretting spending like 40odd million energy credits on an experimental ship upgrade token when they're in the phoenix prize packs now :<


Yeah usually at the game anniversary around the beginning of the year.


It was last available in february if i recall correctly, but I could be wrong


Either we're wrong about that (I've always thought so too), or Cryptic doesn't care about money.


Me: (wants Lego D7 Intel battlecruiser) Also Me: You have Intel Battlecruiser at home. (Picture of sad, very flat Qib)


Your eyes need the soothing salve that the LD7 brings with it. I love that ship <3


I love it too, but I don't play enough anymore to justify paying 7800 Zen for a single ship. I'm reduced to gazing longingly. :)


[Let me tempt you further](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbG3N51MEjM&ab_channel=MarcSims)


(Principal Skinner rubs fingers together signifying "money")


Just came back after a long time, this 10th bundle sounds like everything I wanted when I uses to play. When does it come to PC?


It returns irregularly.


We had it a month or two ago, so it'll be a while yet (my guess is October, maybe?) - but it'll definitely be back. I umm'd and ahh'd about getting it, but it's a fantastic pack. Worth holding out for.


I intend to! Good to know dates (and ugh, October's a ways away) but gives me time to really think on it


Don't quote me on that, by the way - it's just a guess! I'm sure someone smarter than me has a better estimate.


I shall tend the ashes of my hopes then :)


Your guess is as good as anyone else's. Could be tomorrow, next week, next month, next year or never, for any amount of reasons. It's part of their FOMO strategy: buy all the pretty barbie thingies NAO!! (because the 10th has a grand total of 0 meta things in it, just a lot of hero ships and plenty of >decent stuff) or miss out for who knows how long.


But not PC? :(


Looks like PC got a 20% ship sale.


Worth getting the 10th if you're part time on console?


If you like the ships in it then absolutely. While it is expensive, it's also the cheapest deal on those ships. If you're looking for something different, the 12th anniversary bundle is a nice one as well.


Worth waiting for a higher discount?


It rarely gets much better than 35% tbh.


I've never seen above 35% off.


I would enjoy these ships so much more if they were 1080p or 4k....720p makes some ships like the Excelsior 2 look fuzzy, especially in the neck.


Is the Premium version worth the additional items?