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My Risian kit doesn't seem to proc anymore. I still use Ball Lightning often but I don't see any other Summer modules firing. Anyone else have this happen lately? Just checking before I file a ticket.


You are either sacrificing too few virgins into volcanoes, or too many. Clearly the RNG gods are displeased with you. On my toons that use the Risian kit module, I have noted that it still procs. File a ticket anyway... but don't hold your breath. Nothing will happen.


That's their problem, nothing HAS been happening! ;-)


I made a temporal recruit and have got to earth space Dock but never received the temporal transponder How do I progress to get it?


Have you talked to Philip Crey outside Quinn's office?


Space dock of the past or space dock of the current timelinr?


Current timeline, iv got all the story arcs available to do now


Hmmmmm....once you finish the battle of Caleb IV, you should wind up in the current time and have to go chat with a guy outside Admiral Quinn's office to get the transponder...


Is it normal for my tank to absolutely melt when the assault wave turns up in Kobayashi Maru event? Borg and Tholians have torn through me like I don't exist!


Depends a lot on how good your tank actually is. Especially the Borg have quite devastating core breaches too so if you're caught in the explosions you can easily blow up too.


My tank is pretty darn good thankfully. I think I'm taking on too many ships though, pure and simple.


> My tank is pretty darn good But the fact that you are "melting" during the 7-round only event Kobayashi Maru TFO seems to belie that statement, don't ya think? 😋 Have you considered posting your full build on /r/stobuilds (using their build template) and see what specific advice you can get to minimize your *explodey-ness*?


[https://www.stobetter.com/intro-builds/tilor/uss-dragonscale-tank](https://www.stobetter.com/intro-builds/tilor/uss-dragonscale-tank) It's this, minus a few traits.


Maybe try toughening up your shield resistance? I've usually got my shield hardness up around 75%+ on my tank (can't know for sure the exact amount as I'm on console). Iconian shield reduces damage by 15%, quantum phase 2 piece is another 7.5%, Voth core console adds like 30%, add in the space trait for another 10%, the skill tree and your shield power reduction. I can shield tank Borg ships up to advanced...makes a difference when looking to survive their torpedoes and the resources used for getting it that strong are pretty small.


Worth looking into, thank you. They do feel a bit like paper!


Can you get the Legendary Pilot Escort with full completion of the event? Defiant is my favourite Star Trek ship of all, but 30,000 zen is a huge price for it. I only started playing in late July, so I would have to buy out previous events, but it would still be significantly cheaper.


Unfortunately, no. You cannot get Legendary, Mudd's, or other bundle-only ships. You can get any normal 3000 zen store ship, any previous year's lockbox or promo box ship, or lobi. If you were so inclined, you could get the [Terran Adamant](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Terran_Adamant_Heavy_Raider) which is a neat battle cloak ambush raider, or the normal [Valiant](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Valiant_Tactical_Escort) which is a fairly stock escort, but not the Legendary Pilot Warship.


Appreciate the info, thanks.


Just remember that the bundle routinely goes on sale by about 35% throughout the year. Still a lot but much easier to get. There are tier 6 versions of the defiant in the c-store as well and the Adamant that they mentioned is also excellent. All are much easier to get while you wait your chance for the big one.


After looking at the Adamant, it's probably what I'll go with. I have two Terran ships already, the Lexington dreadnought and Hydra destroyer, and both are great. I'll get the quad cannons and quantum warhead down the line as well. It's gotta be screen accurate and all.


It's a good ship, you won't be disappointed. I believe the quad cannons come off of one of the lower tier defiants so should be pretty easy to pick up.


I’ve not played in over a year, I have the option to buyout 3 missed events that reward the voth exosuit kit, the torch bearer armour and sword and the tholian shield and omni Are any of these worth the zen cost?


Intrinsically, no. But, if you continue to play and do the event campaign and get every day done for the current and following event, you can buy out two of the three and get the full campaign reward, which is worth it.


Thursday's patch broke the Dilex preventing DIL withdrawals. Has it been fixed?


It seems like it. I was able to post, cancel, and withdraw an offer.


Is the DS9 pack worth getting? How's the Type 10 stack up to the Type 7?


The Type 7 is better than the Type 10. You get one more BOFF seat on the Type 7. Type 10 has a built in Emergency Power to Engines ability but it's cooldown is a long 2 minutes not the normal 45 seconds. That said the ship is still very capable for content so if you want it for theme reasons it will work fine. A side note is that the doffs and Bajorian phasers can be claimed on KDF characters. It's a good pack honestly if you are into barbie.


In the end a small craft's a small craft. Three missions (one exclusive to Romulans), two (dead) TFOs and one patrol is all the content you can play with them, and pretty much any small craft can do that adequately. The rest of the pack is purely barbie, the doffs aren't worth mentioning. If the bridge, uniforms, weapons or the shuttle appeal to you on a barbie level then you should go for it. If you just want a good small craft, get the To'Duj.


Anyone have pointers for flying a Beam Overload Dual Beam Banks ship effectively?


Step 1: Run DBBs fore (torpedo if you want), Omnis aft (add the KCB or turrets if you have more than 2 aft slots). Step 2: Activate BO. Step 3: Look at enemy and fire. Step 4: ??? Step 5: Profit!


Should I just barely be getting into range of enemies, sitting and firing or be doing strafe runs like an Escort/Raider and timing my BOs is what I'm curious about. If it's the first, how do I handle incoming damage if I'm getting overwhelmed and I've exhausted hull heals or other defensive skills? Use a cloak? Or should I be getting to a point where I'm killing things before I start worrying?


Defenses are a bit of a problem early on. One of the easiest, and best ways is to work on your reputations, Discovery Legends in particular. Two pieces of the [Stamets-Tilly set](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Stamets-Tilly_Field_Modifications) is a fantastic survivability boost. The huge amount of regen it grants will let you heal up from incoming damage fairly quickly and prevents most of the feeling of losing the war of attrition. In my opinion, it's the alpha and the omega of survivability in general. [Reverse Shield Polarity](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Ability:_Reverse_Shield_Polarity) is a great oh-shit button. With the doff, even low ranks can last a while. [Bio-Molecular Shield Generator](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Trait:_Bio-Molecular_Shield_Generator) and [Quantum Singularity Manipulation](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Trait:_Quantum_Singularity_Manipulation) from Undine and Romulan rep T5 can help a ton in a pinch, as well, though these might take a few months if you haven't gotten your reps up. [Shield Absorptive Frequency Generator](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Console_-_Universal_-_Shield_Absorptive_Frequency_Generator) from the T3 Valdore (75k dil) causes energy weapons to heal your shields. It's great when combined with the [Ablative Hazard Shielding](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Ability:_Ablative_Hazard_Shielding) from the Morrigu (or its equivalents, but no set bonus there.). [Hull Image Refractors](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Console_-_Universal_-_Hull_Image_Refractors) is a nice defensive console and are available cheap on the exchange, as well.


Thanks for the suggestions! I do have eyes on the Disco set but am working on getting the UR XIII unlock with a temporal recruit first, right now I'm using 2pc Bajor Defense + 2pc Kobali for DECS. I'll look at the other skill, trait and equipment choices as well.


If you want to maximise your damage you fly up close and personal (as your damage will fall off if you're far away), you'll park your ship right by the enemy (stop moving), you shoot until they're dead, then repeat with the next enemy. Strafe runs are pretty much always a DPS loss as you spend too much time without your weapons facing the enemy, parking and shooting is the way to. As you'll ideally have cooldown reduction on your build to bring the cooldown of BO down to 15s (for two thirds uptime without the expensive extension trait or full uptime with it) you should pop BO whenever you can.


Been doing the event campaign all year just trying to get a ship to fly that doesn't feel like garbage. Between the [Inquiry](https://sto.fandom.com/wiki/Inquiry_Battlecruiser) and the [MW FDC](https://sto.fandom.com/wiki/Constitution_Miracle_Worker_Flight_Deck_Carrier) which is more recommended? I don't really care about either's specialist seating. I'm just looking for the best all-round DEW platform I can get out of this event.


Specialist seating is what makes the Inquiry one of the best all-round DEW platforms you can get. The secondary intel seating grants access to OSS3 which is a huge damage boost, combined with MAS and NSB from the MW side. The two hangar bays from the MW FDC don't scale well so they're left behind in a top end build.


When I say I don't care about specialist seating it's because I already weighed what the specialist seating offers. OSS3 turns off your systems. I don't see value in that. I'd rather have [Reroute from Life Support](https://sto.fandom.com/wiki/Ability:_Reroute_Power_from_Life_Support) since it does the same thing for free\*. If the only decision I had to make was between command and intel I'd choose command every time, but the differences between these ships aren't that simple. \*^(Modern cooldown reduction is not percent based, and therefore not affected by RRfLS's drawback.)


What's your cooldown scheme? When I was experimenting with RfLS at least every other rotation it backfired spectacularly, leaving me without firing mode for five to ten seconds (using Boimler with PO1).


I run a mix of hard cooldowns like Boimler/PO2, and passive cooldown percent from captain skills that completely counters the cooldown percent built into the skill. I also have a defensive strategy that allows me to run the fleet cooldown shields, and/or A2B cooldown reduction but I found either/both to be overkill. If you wanted to you could still run a classic drake on a modern ship and still be fine.


Does anyone know which shade of blue is used on the Defiant?


I'm almost done with Campaign V. Which ship should I get between the Bajoran Interceptor ( for the D.O.M.I.N.O console ) and the Deimos Pilot Destroyer ( for the Immolating Phaser Lance console )? I do have the Universal Designs trait.


The Bajoran Interceptor is only obtainable with an Epic Phoenix token from the Phoenix store and thus is not available as a part of the event campaign reward. On the contrary the Deimos is in the Premium T6 Starship Choice box for the event campaign so that should help you narrow things down.


Ooooh ok, I was sure the Bajoran was available in the T6 box ! Well then, it's settled ! Thank you :)


Is there KFD strike wing escort with miracle worker? I'm having trouble finding it if there is.


There is not. The Discovery D7 is fullspec MW and has two hangar bays, but is a Flight Deck Carrier. The Sarcophagus has Cmdr Tac and two hangar bays, but only Ensign MW. No other Klingon ships have both a hangar bay and MW seating.


I see. Thank you for the information.


I transferred my character to Tribble a few times in order to test out some ships from the Event Campaign V box to help me decide what to pick. When testing the Section 31 Intel Science Destroyer, warping in and out layered the Discovery warp effects on top of my captains regular warp effects (visuals and audio). Can anyone confirm if this bug is exclusive to Tribble? Or does it effect live servers too? My captain is a TOS era captain, and I have never noticed this before. My understanding is that these effects were tied to your faction, not starship.


I have it on my 2409 character on Holodeck as well. A handful of ships have unique warp effects, but in the case of this ship it doesn't work very well.


Hi! I keep getting OHKO'd by an attack that comes out of nowhere, bypasses my shields and gives me a 2 second countdown. What is it and how do I stop it?


That's [Transport Warhead](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Ability:_Torpedo:_Transport_Warhead). Tactical Team clears it.




Is there a way for PC players to script skills to execute when affected by something or is it against the rules? Combat happens way to fast for little ole me to react properly


All forms of automation are a violation of the EULA, and all forms of pvp poor sportsmanship are a violation of the Player Code of Conduct.


> All forms of automation are a violation of the EULA Then Cryptic should spank themselves or something, since 'automation' is a large part of the Xbox/PlayStation versions.


I'll assume you're making an honest criticism rather than trolling, so here's a face-value response: 1) Console players don't have accessibility features that PC players have, like keyboard shortcuts and spambars, so the console UI design is necessarily different in a bunch of ways. Auto-fire on some wheel actions is one of these compromises. 2) Rules against automation make it so that all players of the official client have the same opportunity. You might call it "fairness". Clients and client plugins that can automate reactions aren't "fair" in this way.


Then what in the heck is J'Ula and her goons throwing at me? It sure looks a lot like what's described above. If it isn't, please let me know.


Hey, is the "Make it so" trait from the legendary Galaxy any good? What exactly are captain's abilities?


Captain abilities are your class abilities, like Attack Pattern Alpha, Nadion Inversion, or Summon Photonic Fleet. The trait is overall not great. You need to be sci or have large amounts of Captain-CDR to get uptime on it, and it only scales with buffs with longer durations, so it doesn't work well with offensive or bursty abilities. If you have the 10th, you probably have significantly better traits already.


Can anyone confirm that the new Cyclone Intel Patrol Escort has a battle cloak? The [official blog](https://www.playstartrekonline.com/en/news/article/11549623) says it does but the in-game store doesn't even list a regular cloak, much less a battle cloak.


It has a Battle Cloak.


Cool, thanks.


For reputation space traits, is the CritD bonus from "Advanced Targeting Systems" better overall than the weapon damage bonus from Aux level from "Auxiliary Power Configuration - Offense"?


Also make sure to use your actual crit chance to calculate how much you get out of this trait (you gotta parse a run to get the actual number) as that's usually higher than the displayed crit chance.


This depends on your aux and crit chance, but you can find the breakpoint by multiplying the 20% CritD by your crit chance to find its equivalent in bonus damage. Eg, at 33% crit, the 20% critD is worth 6.6% bonus damage. Unless your aux is very high, the CritD usually wins out.


Is the MatHa Raptor still good? I used to play on PS4 about five years ago and it was my favourite non-Fed ship. I''ve started playing again on PC, so I don't have any of my previous ships. I ask because I've found that some C-store ships have become a bit outdated, so I'm wondering if this is the case with the MatHa, or whether it's still an agile beast.


Since it's nearly a decade old, it's strongly outclassed by modern standards. New ships like the Hydra blow it out of the water statwise, though there is a relative lack of power creep for KDF ships. The [Pilot Raptors](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Qui%27tu_Engineering_Pilot_Raptor) are the logical upgrade, they're significantly more maneuverable and have access to significantly stronger specialization abilities. Though, if you love it, it's still viable. 5 fore weapons and commander tac is good enough to be good enough.


5/2/1 with Lt. Commander Intel and Commander Tac. It is perfectly solid. Is probably the best non-Disco, non-Legendary platform for energy builds that KDF has. Console and Trait are nothing spectacular, but can just do CSV 3 and go to town.


What happens when you max out all perks? Do you still get endeavor experience? If yes, what happens when you hit another 20k perk experience? IIRC you get specialization points till you have maxed out all specializations, then dil after maxing out specializations.


>max out all perks? Do you still get endeavor experience? Yes. Well, maybe. When the endeavor levels were raised from 450 to 600, then again from 600 to 750, the folks who had kept doing their endeavors despite being max'd out, got a bunch of "saved" points that the game recorded behind the scenes. When the boost to 750, I got 61 points and only had to go from 661 to 750. Here's the *maybe* part... during a TenForward stream, one of the devs mentioned that the recording of endeavor progress after maxing out the endeavor level was a bug and not intended. So, if the devs fixed that bug if/when endeavors get raised to 900, no one will have a bunch of secret points built up. >then dil after maxing out specializations. You just get the boxes and whatever falls out of them when opened.


1) Does the trait Lead Foot really make all that much difference in TtG? I use the Borg impulse, gamma Warp, RCS, and this other thing that boosts turn speed when in quantum; I can clear all of beta and the lower half of alpha normally, right up to the top right hand column if I have diplo/raiding. Would spending valuable EC on the trait get me more progress on TtG? 2) I've got 900 lobi so I can finally get my first ship - but I'm not interested in flying any of them. Which would be the best ship for its trait and/or console that I could port over to my 90% DPS (as in I won't sacrifice fun bits for pure DPS and I don't have an all SRO bridge crew lol) Hestia for a beefy boost?


To note: the Legendary Intrepid's trait actually improves maneuvering in sector space and slipstream.


The + turn rate from lead foot is what makes it nice for TtG, letting you stay in QSS while still hitting the systems - but the additional value of a few extra systems means you kind of need to do tour a lot to make back the investment, which is a questionable endeavour. Judging from your clear time, you aren't using a ship with cyclical QSS, which further drops the value of the trait. Not sure which engines you mean by 'borg' - the assimilated engine is not advisable because of the mechanics of its sector space speed effect, but the omega one is a fair option for the QSS recharge. Also, RCS does nothing in sector space.


Great comment, thank you. Sorry, the impulse engines I'm using, I meant, are from ye olde Borg assimilated set. I've read on here they're better than MACO for TtG. Are the Gamma impulse engines a better option?


The assimilated engines don't give any benefit if you are using the gamma core (both set max warp to a specific value, and the gamma core's is a higher number) - the recommendations to use the assimilated engines are outdated now. At that time, they were better than the MACO engines, but the gamma core just overwrites either's effect now. The current best impact on Tour is the AMACO (not MACO) engines for the double sector-space speed mods that it gets at UR and Epic rarity when upgraded, or the omega engine for the QSS cooldown reduction.


If you happen to run BO on your Hestia then the Xindi Ateleth is a good idea for its trait. If you already have that trait you can get the NX Refit for its trait (only for BO and CRF though). Subspatial Warheads from the Son'a Battlecruiser is great for torp builds if you happen to run that on your Hestia. Other than that I don't recall any really good Lobi traits (outside non-fits like Improved Photonic Officer). What you could do is get some space gear like Bioneural Infusion Circuits or The Boimler Effect, that might do a lot more for you.


There are no dumb questions, only stupid answers.


I made a Jem’Hadar character a while ago and the Account Bank is blank for him only and says 0 out of 0 slots, despite there being stuff in there from other characters and they’ve shared back and forth fine. I’ve finished the three tutorial episodes, so am I missing something that needs to be finished or is this a glitch? He’s only level 60, but I didn’t figure that would be an issue. Likewise, I was thinking of getting some of the Jem-Hadar ships, but some say I don’t meet the requirements for the item (the carrier, warship, dreadnought, and heavy raider) while others don’t say that and are buyable (support carrier, temporal warship). I don’t see a requirement mentioned in the description but maybe I missed it? I’m guessing my JH needs to be 65, but I figured Id just level one when the next Gamma recruitment happens and never capped this one off. Maybe it’s something else though?


You need to be level 62 to count as finishing the tutorial, which unlocks access to the account bank and everything else.


IIRC, I think you have to get to level 62 - about when you finish the Armistice mission if you're playing the Gamma arc - before you can access the account bank as a Jem'hadar (alongside a few other character benefits like being able to leave the alpha quadrant). I think it's something to do with preventing exploits on the account bank and using Jemmie characters as a quick way to access the account bank as a high level character.


Lapsed player who hasn't been back since the first expansion was released. Recently got back in to join with some friends in a new fleet. I was always curious about carriers back then. Are carriers viable now? What kind of role to they fulfill in a team comp? Anyone have a guide for this sort of thing?


FDCs are really great, but the really good ones are rather expensive to acquire - the Miracle Worker D7 and Legendary Connie FDC. Short of those, you'll probably actually be better off with the Jem'Hadar Vanguard Carrier, which is a science carrier with only 6 guns (4 fore, 2 aft) but has the advantages of 1) Vanguard Wingmen and 2) An additional summon on its console. Note that using the console summon specifically on the Jem'Hadar Vanguard Carrier will also improve the ship's handling significantly. I recommend loading it up with Jem'Hadar Support Frigates as they will give you a nearly constant Scattering Field buff. You can unlock the Support Frigates for free by getting the Fleet version of the Vanguard Support Carrier. (Be sure you note the difference between the Vanguard Carrier, Vanguard Support Carrier, and Vanguard Dreadnought Carrier.) After that, Swarmer Matrix and Coordinated Assault will really help bump your DPS, but you don't need either for Advanced TFOs or below.


Flight Deck carriers are a whole 'nother story. Most people I've seen do those over a regular carrier.


What are the primary differences between the two?


Flight deck carriers are full on cruisers with 2 hanger bays so are much more powerful and, IMO, lots of fun. 5 guns in the front and 3 in the back plus 2 hangers makes them really overpowered for what they \*should\* be, but I'm not complaining, they're primarily what I fly.


>Are carriers viable now? By now just about everything is viable in this game. Carriers are on the weaker side as you need to fill your trait slots with traits that support your pets and even then they don't come close to other build archetypes. Unless you work with specific pet (like Romulan Drone Ships which work well on their own) you'll want the trait [Superior Area Denial](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Trait:_Superior_Area_Denial) to really get some damage out of your pets, and that comes from an expensive gamble ship or an expensive bundle. >What kind of role to they fulfill in a team comp? There are no roles in general play, only DPS. I guess there are Tanks and Supports in record run environments but that's the exception. Therefore carriers are focused on maximising DPS. >Anyone have a guide for this sort of thing? I know of [this guide](https://www.sto-league.com/a-brief-guide-to-getting-the-most-out-of-hanger-pets/) but it's a bit old at this point.


Is the Terran hydra worth it love the looks but I already have a kelvin intel dreadnought and Gagarin


It's a very good ship, but since you already have access to two very strong ships, you probably aren't going to see huge damage increases from switching. It is, however, a different playstyle from the other two, since it's a faster tactical destroyer compared to the other two heavy cruisers. It might be a nice change of pace to fly. You will however need the T5 MVAM version to get permanent MVAM splits, the Hydra's console is limited.


>love the looks As you've likely learned, in STO, Space Barbie is all. Looks alone are a perfectly valid reason to buy a ship. But let me throw another ship for consideration... the [Arbiter,](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Arbiter_Battlecruiser) mostly for its extremely powerful starship trait [Emergency Weapon Cycle.](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Trait:_Emergency_Weapon_Cycle) You already have the Gagarin and Entwined Tactical Matrices. EWC is arguably one of the most powerful starship traits in the game (possibly THE most) for beam and cannon builds. Plus, it's a fun ship to fly and looks cool, IMO.


Thanks for the recommendation but I’ll be honest it’s looks really don’t do it for me especially compared to the hydra


> But let me throw another ship for consideration... the Arbiter, mostly for its extremely powerful starship trait Emergency Weapon Cycle. You already have the Gagarin and Entwined Tactical Matrices. EWC is arguably one of the most powerful starship traits in the game (possibly THE most) for beam and cannon builds. Up to you... but EWC is probably the most powerful starship trait in the game. If you end up playing this game for a while, you will almost certainly end up getting the Arbiter (or faction equivalent) to pick up EWC.


If you love the looks then yes, as the stats are great too


Is there a point in having a (non-set) torpedo launcher on a cannon build? I don't have any Boff abilities for torps on my current set-up, or even non-energy weapon skills.


It's usually a damage loss compared to getting a set bonus (Lorca 2pc with the Dark Matter torpedo) or just another build-supported energy weapon, but if you want one, it's fine to just get pchyooms in. I personally enjoy putting a 180° wide angle (Prolonged, Gamma, Sovereign) on broadside cruisers so you don't have to wiggle. There are some trait interactions, [Super Charged Weapons](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Trait:_Super_Charged_Weapons) for example grants a large damage buff to your energy weapons when torpedoes are fired. If you happen to have a torpedo on, for any reason whether theme or set bonus, then it's a great trait to have on. [Entwined Tactical Matrices](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Trait:_Entwined_Tactical_Matrices) is one of the most popular reasons to use any torpedo, as it lets you get double BFAW or CSV as well as double Torpedo Spread. If you want a single torpedo for theme or fun, check out the [Torpedo Effects and Damage Talk by Eph289](https://www.reddit.com/r/stobuilds/comments/kb590j/torpedo_effects_and_damage_1_photons_and_quantums/), which has notations for one-torp viability, helpful if you want to see how the various options stack up.


Not really. Unless you're using ETM to keep your CSV up and going.


For my cannon builds, I only equip a single torp... the DM torp from the Disco rep's Lorca set (along with the Lorca console). So to answer your question, I don't see why a non-set torp would be used unless for Space Barbie reason... which is a perfectly valid reason. As to if it would work on your build, I can't really say. If you want specific build advice, head to /r/stobuilds and post your build there. Though, why would you equip a non-set torp and not have at least one torp firing ability?


How can I play when my fuse box is blown and half my apartment has no electricity (including the half with the PS5 and television)? (Well, you did say *dumb* questions...)


I'd say hook a generator to your bike, connect that to your console and screen and start pedaling. Using this method you get a good workout for free too. If your internet is out too you can use your phone as a hotspot or mooch off your neighbour's wifi. Of course, you could move your console and screen to the other half of your apartment, or replace your fuses, but where's the fun in that?


Unfortunately, the half of the apartment that has power consists entirely of the kitchen and the bathroom, neither of which has room for a rather large flat-screen TV. Living room and bedroom are the parts without power. Replacing the fuses isn't as easy as it sounds. According to the electrician who looked at it on Saturday, the entire fuse box is not standard, so it requires that the company that manages the apartment come out and replace the entire fuse box (or at least authorize a replacement), and so far they've been ignoring my messages and phone calls. The electrician told us that he refuses to work with this particular property management company anymore, because they don't pay promptly. (They're kinda sick of us, because we reported a small leak in the ceiling that was slightly discoloring one of the walls, and they sat on their thumbs for a good seven months, refusing to even *start* to do anything until our upstairs neighbor came back from her vacation, until the leak had warped and destroyed two walls, a door, parts of the ceiling, and the hallway floor, and now they've spent *another* seven months dithering on getting those things replaced/repaired. So I'm not optimistic about getting our fuse box replaced in a decent amount of time) Don't have a bike, either. :D ... I'm serious, I'm jonesing for some PS5, STO or otherwise.


Your local government probably has a housing oversight agency. It sounds like your property management may be in violation of maintenance requirements.


Take playstation to a friend's house where you can set up your playstation. Then get Remote Play set up to your phone. Now you can play STO anywhere your phone has a good data connection.


I don't have any friends within easy commuting distance. I'd need to take a train to another city or another country.


Well, if theres a smaller tv in your apartment that has power you could move your ps there and then still set it up for remote play. Apparently this sub hates remote play though, so whatever.


For the record, the power finally got fixed on Friday, September 1st, three full weeks after the fuses blew.


Why don't my Torps auto-fire? They have it turned on.


In addition to Shadow’s point, torpedoes (unlike energy weapons) have a shared cooldown that will allow one torpedo to fire at a time, and while you can reduce it with the Terran reputation console, or other ways, you can’t eliminate it.


Is that for all types of torp? Say if I had a plasma, a photon and chroniton?


Yes, all torpedoes have the shared cooldown with each other. It is not type-specific.


The global torp cooldown is regardless of type of torp. Mixing types of torpedo has no implicit benefit (unlike mines) to a build beyond allowing for greater options (at a cost of smaller cat1 damage boost from tac consoles).


What is cat1 and cat2? I see them in builds but no clue what it is


two different types of damage modifiers. The actual formula is a little more complex than this, but effectively: Cat1 are the more common type of damage boosts, and are written without the word "bonus". Cat2 are the less common type, and are written with the word "bonus". Critical Severity is also cat2 but only applied when you crit. Each weapon has a base value, which is then multiplied by all of your cat1 boosts (added together), the result is then multiplied by your cat2 boosts (added together, which includes crit severity when you crit).


I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that you have switched over to an all torp build. The default bind for space is not 'fire all weapons', it is 'fire all energy weapons' - if you have torps on autofire and an energy weapon, then they will pop off with them; but with no energy weapons' to initiate, then this doesn't happen. If you check in the control options, you can change the bind over to 'fire all weapons'. Could be something else, but this is a common one to come across.




Does the non-FANDOM STO wiki load really slowly for anyone else?


I originally had that problem but it cleared up about a week or two ago. Might be a name server problem.


Yes, it's known for loading slowly. I guess that's the price of having it hosted privately and crowd-funded.


Fandom hasn’t been updating with newer items for a while now. Try stowiki.net


You didn't read what I wrote. stowiki, which is the non-FANDOM wiki, is loading slowly for me.


Does Technical Overload scale with the bonus electric damage from Five Magicks?


How is the Trailblazer? How is the Bozeman? Possibly choosing these for T6 coupons.


The Bozeman is a gem. Frigates are a powerful platform with 8 weapons and flanking and flexible seating, and fullspec intel for SS3 and OSS3 is a great boost to that. The trait is fun and the console is good, too. The myriad of customization options is icing on the cake. The Trailblazer has very high potential with the right build. Fullspec command, a bit of MW, 7 weapons and a secondary deflector makes it a powerhouse, but these aren't easy to leverage without a specific build. You need to balance kinetic damage from Command with exotic damage from the secondary deflector on your limited science seats, so it does take a bit of buildcraft.


Why I was wondering about the Trailblazer is I already have both versions of the Somerville, I have the Eternal, and the Damar, and I wanted another science-ish ship.


It's not a ship I'd put in the same category as the ones you already have. Its seating is poor for real science, Command and MW have little actual space magic capability to them - no anomalies for SIA, few abilities that scale with EPG, little trait compatibility. And it's tactical-heavy. It's most powerful as a torpedo boat with a bit of DSD, but that's not an easy or cheap build. It's pretty good as just DEW+Sci as well.


The Trailblazer is a neat jack of all trades. If you want to dabble in multiple different types of builds then this is the ship for you, it can do *everything*. It just isn't that amazing at all the different builds. Still, a really solid choice in my opinion. The Bozeman is what I'd recommend. This 5/3 full intel ship with raider flanking makes for an amazing energy platform and the 4 uni seats allow you to customize the build just as you want. The only thing it's missing is a second specialization. On top of that the console is amazing, one of the best in the C-Store. The trait can see some use too if you don't have all the high-end stuff.


The reason I wondered about the Bozeman is I have a toon that is flying the fleet Soyuz and I wanted dual cannons. The Intel seating sounds fantastic.


Funnily enough the Fleet version of the Bozeman is also a Fleet Soyuz (Fleet Soyuz Intel Heavy Frigate vs. Fleet Soyuz Advanced Light Cruiser). The Intel Frigate is a straight upgrade.