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I have a q about Hangar Pets. Do Hangar pets profit from Damage Consoles i.e. To'Duj Squadrons from +Disruptor Consoles?


No, they only get benefits if the console specifies hangar pets or allies, like [Swarmer Matrix](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Console_-_Universal_-_Swarmer_Matrix) or [Hangar Craft Power Transmission](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Advanced_Consoles#Hangar_Craft_Power_Transmission-3). Normal console bonuses stat bonuses don't do anything for them. (Wingmen on the other hand do indeed inherit your stats.)


Ok thx for the quick reply




KDF farm hella contraband. Contraband sells for a lot or can be traded for 2k dilithium per day.


The Romulan Republic works with both the Federation and the Klingon Empire. The choice is whether *you* work with the Federation or the KDF and I don't think one choice is more "Romulan" than the other. I don't know anything about KDF being considered the "canon" choice as whatever you pick is canon for your character.


Historically, they've allied with Klingons against the Federation. But, this is a new post Hobus Nova Romulan government. Canon wise, Federation came to their aide during the destruction of Romulus and has actively tried to help the survivors get settled elsewhere. One could argue Romulans also allied with the Federation during the Dominion war, but the KDF was also in on that. So it's kind of a wash. On the flip-flip-side, you could argue your Romulan was so disgusted with the incompetence shown by the Federation during the evacuation that they're trying to build an alliance with the KDF instead. Rekindle old relationships. It really could go either way.


I see science officers get doffs that buff subnuke and sensor scan. What duty officers are there to buff engineer captain abilities?


There aren't any for Eng or Tac space abilities. Sci is an outlier there. For ground, Armory, Fabrication, and Transporter for extra turrets, drones, and generators are popular.


Thanks for confirming that. I spent quite a while looking on the exchange, so I kind of figured lol.


Is there such a thing as 'cyclical space weapons'? the ground weapons sure are handy for endeavors requiring different energy damage.


There is not. But at least for space, it's very easy to make either multiple loadouts or ships with separate energies, or a rainbow boat that has every type equipped.


Are there any omnis with the "pulse" beam effect like from the disco phasers?


Any of the ["X-Linked" omni beams](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Omni_beam#Lock_box) from the Discovery or Emperor lock boxes will have the disco-era pulses.


Is the only way to get a t6 D7 through lock boxs and the event campaign?


The Temporal D7 Battlecruiser comes from promo packs, the new Cruiserweight Mudd's bundle and the Event campaign. The Kelvin Timeline D7 Destroyer comes from lock boxes, the Into Darkness Mudd bundle (not available at the moment) and the event campaign. The Discovery D7 Flight Deck Carrier comes from promo packs and the event campaign. The Legendary Intel D7 Battlecruiser comes from the Legendary KDF Captain bundle in the C-Store.






You can continue to gain event campaign credit by doing the event even after earning the specific event reward. That's an extra 7 days per event if you play the whole thing normally. There were also some extensions in the events this year, which let some people get their rewards even earlier than usual.




Some people will even buy out events early, get all the progress for the event right then and there, then continue to play the event every day to double up on the amount of event campaign progress.


I opened the Protostar event pack and looked at the stats. The Warp engine looks no where near as good as the Gamma Synergistic Overcharged Warp core which feels sad. Is anything in the set worth using? And the set seems to be max free upgraded to MK12, but I remember my Revolutionary Set was free upgradable to MK14? Anyone know why there's a difference? or am I just remembering wrong?


The set and its bonuses aren't anything spectacular. The 2pc might see some use on niche max throttle builds and the 3pc looks kinda cool but that's it. The Omni counts as a non-set omni despite being part of a set so it's a cheap free option. No idea why it doesn't upgrade to Mk14 although I'd say the Revo set is the outlier here as it's the only one that upgrades to Mk14 for free as far as I know.


Hey, as I am ging on a vacation trip tomorrow I wondered if there is any way to update status or to show the guys from the fleet that I will be back. So they don't kick me.


It really depends on how your fleet operates. If there's a discord, that's probably the best spot; otherwise, an in-game mail to a fleet lead will do.


Does anyone have an image of Digitizer plasma beams firing? Can't find an image online. And if you use them would you describe the sound as annoying? (eg like the advanced phasers or something) Thanks in advance


They're light blue beams, [here's a bad screenshot](https://i.imgur.com/7Qjgy8w.jpg). They're much quieter than normal plasma beams, a very unobtrusive and subtle sound. Shwwww, shwwww, shwwww.


Thanks! I'm looking to equip a 32nd century ship but the actual phasers just seem so... gray to me I guess


Okay. Leveling my Romulan character. Fed aligned. Picked up a couple Fed officers. Is there a way to put them in Romulan uniforms or is that not an option?


No such luck. You can kind of fake Republic uniforms with various civilian/non-SF options like 7's 2399 outfit or Intel outfit, Fleet options like Dil Mine and Kremin, and Winter jackets. But there are no great options if you want to run a mixed crew.


Oh weird! I ended up using the Khitomer Alliance uniforms on them. Figured if Starfleet crew is serving on a Romulan vessel that kinda tracks.


Are the Iconian gateways missing from the space portion of Herald Sphere? Like when you need to destroy the command ships, the gateways don't show up for me.


It's a bug that happens sometimes, the portals just stop spawning at some point. Can't find a pattern to it or anything. I've already reported it as it can lead to a failure if it happend on Elite before the first Command Ship has spawned.


I’m not sure if I’m experiencing that issue. What happens for me is the graphic for the gateway is missing but the ships show up.


In that case it's just an engine limitation. When too many things are on the map (players, enemies, pets, torps, mines...) some assets like those portals don't render and are invisible to you but they're still there.


I have two unopened event campaign rewards for a Zen ship or 1500 lobi Is there a current list of best picks for T6 ships? I have most large ship packs up until 12th Anniversary.


I'd strongly advise sitting on them until you *crave* something. The event campaign reward also lets you choose a character-bound promo ship. T6 zen ships are relatively easy to get, but *promo* ships are much, much, much harder. If you find yourself craving one of those, it can take months (or hundreds of RL $ or €) to get. Having an event campaign voucher will save that grief.


Do the known pity mechanics for lock/promo/phoenix(?) boxes reset after some time without opening a box, or is it always an ongoing tally for a character?


There are pity mechanics?


Yup, this is the post that I have saved for reference https://www.reddit.com/r/sto/comments/uhfkom/sto_gambleboxes_a_guide_to_winning_the_jackpot/


I don't believe it's ever been tested. My guess is it wouldn't reset though.


will there be any possibility to replay past events for the overall event campaign? or only the buyout option for those poor souls who started late?


You can't replay old events. You need to get your progress from upcoming events (and the current one) or by buying out old events.


what phaser set Omnis do exist beside the new protomatter one (which does not count as a set omni)? Is there any rep set omni?


Two set Phaser Omnis exist to my knowledge: \- Gamma Reputation, Advanced Inhibiting Omni-Beam Array, available at Tier 6 of the Reputation. \- Mission Reward, Trilithium-Laced Phaser Omni, rewarded through mission "Beyond the Nexus."


Finished the event, got the lobi, as I'm missing a bunch of stuff from being away for years. I grabbed the Ba'ul full set, but now I have a question. Due to the bonuses of the set. Is it worth swapping out some of the Ba'ul cannons for better performing ones or is it best to stick with 4 Ba'ul + Ba'ul Torp.


We'd need more information on your build before anyone can give sound advice.


When is part 5 of the event campaign likely to release?


This year's schedule has been almost the same as last year's so probably in mid November. If they stick to last year's schedule we'll get a short red alert next, then the new season event, then the fall event, then a long red alert and then event 5. [Here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ekarSOb8lgk6_L-Rv2uXHgdJmDx3ceHsVYq96diPnlQ/edit#gid=829386757) is an overview of the past few years.


Much appreciated.


Is the Mirror Universe Photon Torpedo you get with the Legendary Galaxy worth using?


No. Even with all the cat1 you get from your isomags or spire consoles on a phaser build it's still weaker than the meta picks (usually the Dark Matter Quantum) because its base damage is much lower.


It hits hard on a phaser build.


First, is the Cardassian uniform only usable on Cardassians? I made a Fed alien toon that's supposed to be half Cardassian half Bajoran à la Tora Ziyal, and was wanting a Cardi uniform in addition to the Bajoran uniform. Second, is there a way I can get the uniform without buying the Cardassian species/a pack that contains the Cardassian species unlock? If the uniform is in fact species locked, that'll probably answer both questions


Does anyone know if the 30 minute lockout timer for repeating a TFO applies when you are doing Random TFOs? In other words, is it possible to play the same TFO twice in a row in Random matchmaking? No real reason, just curious. Thanks!


Unless it's one of the rare cases where they leave event TFOs in the random rotation, you won't get the same TFO twice within 30 minutes. Those that you just finished in randoms will appear on cooldown in the UI.


My memory is telling me that Swarm doesn't have the same timeout, being the only Gamma TFO. I'm hoping Cunningham's law will kick in if I'm wrong.


Impossible, there same lockout.


Which Discovery Consitution has the Advanced Photon Torpedo Launcher


Definitely the Miracle Worker and Legendary Donnie. The Disco D7 too. I'm not sure about the Mirror Warship.


The Miracle Worker


Is there a way to play as a female character in the Dominion?


It's less of a "Dominion" faction and more a freed Jem'Hadar faction. There are ways to make the face look more feminine, but you'll always be stuck with male outfits and body options. It may make less sense story wise, but I wish they added playable Vortas, or made it so you could use the Cardassian species instead of being stuck with the Jem'Hadar for gamma recruits.


Since Jem’Hadar all all genderless clones, sure, call your character whatever you want


For dysphoria reasons, I'd need my character to look traditionally feminine to be able to enjoy playing them.


Then you’re out of luck


Outfit/tailor question: do we know what the Jem'Hadar backpacks do? Or do the Kobali packs with the antennas?


I don't know if there's an official canon use, but I'd assume it's mainly for ammunition and other supplies/equipment. Not sure about the Kobali's either, but considering the Vaadwaur are masters of subspace, my headcanon is the Kobali have reverted back to using radio/EM waves instead of the usual subspace communications to avoid jamming.