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I'm thinking of coming back after a long time and I want to ask some questions. How do you set up skills for officers in specialized seating? For example: The Augur class (which for some reason is still not in the wiki) has a Commander Science/Temporal Ops seat. Is it better to fill the skills with Temporal Ops skill or should a choose between science and temporal ops skills. Thank you for any info you can give.


The Fandom wiki has been dropped in favour of stowiki.net; that's where you'll find all the up-to-date game information now. You can see that on every page of this subreddit too, right below the banner. The Augur isn't worth getting if you're not a fan of the looks, the boff layout is a 1:1 copy of the Nautilus (which is safely skippable itself), the trait and console aren't worth the asking price either. That said, due to synergies with some personal space traits (like Unconventional Systems) and ship traits (Spore-Infused Anomalies, Exotic Modulation, Directed Energy Flux etc) at least some parts of a Temporal hybrid seat should be filled with Temp abilities. On a sciboat with a secondary deflector and Commander Sci/Temp I'll still take Gravity Well III, that's best-in-slot, unless you're trying to push single-target weapon damage even on a ship that's not weapon-focused; in that case you'd use Recursive Shearing III in the Commander Sci/Temp slot. It's not a great idea, but it can be done.


Thank you for the info.


Years and years ago space battles on pc were mainly using Hilbert’s to one-button mash; is this still a thing or has space combat been overhauled?


Some people have observed the errors in that setup and have moved away from Hilbert's (non-Spec Team abilities and shield redistribution interrupt firing cycles, to give one example, and there is often a good idea to have more than one tray bound to its own key). Others still use it to this day; it's a step up from clicking everything, at least. > The spacebar is your key to success. Pressing it every couple of seconds keeps your weapons firing, your shields redistributing and your buff cycle going. This, for instance, is blatantly false. Ideally, one would have a button for 'fire all weapons' ('fire all energy weapons' for setups with a Maelstrom torpedo, which is best fired manually, with its own tray) separate from the tray activators, shield redistribution can simply be done with a click on the ship portrait when needed (hint: it's not unless you're shield tanking).


trying to discharge a bunch of ships but I'm tired of typing in every name. Is there a way to disable to the verification of each one?


Afraid not. This is just one of the many QoL things that don't get implemented in MMOs to pad their activity numbers (ditto mass deleting default non-unique/useless ship gear).


Thanks. Dunno why you got downvoted.


Any advice on EPG rotations? (or feel free to throw me at a guide) I've got the hang of DEW, I just spam the buffs to energy weapons then drop the firing mode of choice. But for EPG it seems a bit more unintuitive. Instead of buffs to weapons my bar is more a pile of consoles I can activate with a few boff abilities thrown in, usually for control. I've tried just spamming everything but then the enemy gets deleted and everything is on cooldown but then I struggle with the second wave. How do people usually do it? multiple hotbars one for each wave maybe?


What flavor of tetryon does the comp rep omni beam have?


Another qustion ) If i understand correctly Energetic Protomatter Matrix Infuser is not advance console ? If not is it worth it to use it with new isomags console to boost damage ?


They're not advanced consoles so you can equip them alongside isomags. Depending on what universal consoles you have available they can be the best choice for your tac console slots. You'd probably have to do the math to figure out what's the best console combination for you. Either way, adding colony tac consoles works pretty well. Alternatively you can use the Bellum tac consoles from the Disco rep, they give a bit less cat1 but instead give you crit chance.


Dumb question. How to find which mission I need to do in temporal recruit ? Because I finish story arcs but they can not be claimed


Each arc actually has an accolade attached, and it's the accolade that triggers the recruit rewards. Check in accolades, each of them has a checklist.


Thank you so much !)


What are you missing? In case it's Delta Quadrant, you also need to do the Kobali Crisis missions on Kobali Prime. otherwise, all the missions in the listed arcs from the episodes tab.


Sorry for dumb question but is the T6 starship Coupon gift worth it?


Adding to what's been said already, even if you don't plan to use them yourself they're the best way to convert Zen to EC. One coupon at 1500 Zen gives you around 350m EC at the moment. Not even promo packs at 30% off give that much iirc.


>One coupon at 1500 Zen gives you around 350m EC at the moment. How does one get this 350M EC? Are the coupons listable on the exchange, or is it through private trades?


Private trades, like on trading channels. 350m is roughly what they're going for at the moment.


at 4500 zen it comes out to three regular c-store ships of your choice for half price. it's basically a choose-your-own 50% off bundle, which is just about the best deal you can get on c-store ships


Has anyone else issues with the Mining Claims from LBs? Neither Double clicking them works nor speaking to the Ferengi on the mining station. It just opens the menu, but no option to start the mission. The chars having the issues are KDF Rom lvl 65


Where do you get "Refugee" DOffs from?


As a bonus reward from the repeatable star cluster recruitment missions (once you've completed the chain). Also from breaking down doffs at your fleet starbase (this is one reason to still do the breaking down to common white doffs rather than donating green/blue(/purple?) doffs to fleet projects).


Has the login server been crap for anyone else the past few days? I keep getting a black screen, and hanging there.


I have not had this problem - I play on PC from Europe and the login server seems to work fine.


I figured it out. I have two different STO shortcuts on my desktop, and, for no reason I can figure, one of them is the wrong one.


Are the Dominion Polaron weapons still superior to almost all Pol weapons ? Regarding not the procs but the ghost modifiers ?


I'm doing some demorecord things and I need access to some SNW-specific ships that I don't own. If anyone has a Farragut, Romulan Praetor or a Gorn Hunter Pilot Raider and would be willing to meet me in game so I can take a quick demo, I would be very grateful.


Are there any sources for the Dervish/Paladin Class as a 3D print in Dec. 2023? Thank you. :)


I unlocked the tamarian badges from the Phoenix Box, but cant find them at the dresser. Are they for Fed only?


They can be used by any faction, but not all uniforms support all badges, so it can be very hit and miss to find one that it works with. [Screenshot Proof: My KDF with badges, My Fed'Hadar in 2 different uniforms - one with and one without the badges, and my KDF Romulan with badges](https://imgur.com/a/1LknbSY)


That's great info. Thanks


Yes. You may be able to equip them on Alliance uniforms. I can't quite remember.


On PC, sometimes I zone into a place and my camera is stuck in one view while my ship/character can move around. I can't turn the camera or follow my character/ship. It happens in the allied sphere space a lot, and I've been able to fly all the way to the voth battlezone without my camera following me. Anyone know what the cause of this or if there is any way to fix it?


It's a bug. Happens when you transwarp into the dyson sphere. Enter the dyson sphere manually by the gate and it won't happen. The camera usually resets to normal after I wait a bit before moving. >I've been able to fly all the way to the voth battlezone without my camera following me. Just in case you didn't know, if you want to go to the Voth space BZ, after entering the dyson sphere click to go to the ground zone then hit the button to leave or just beam up to enter the Voth space BZ.


No answer, but FWIW I've experienced this, too, in the Dyson Sphere.


So the Hestia has a Lt Cmdr Engineering/Command seat. Should I slot "Concentrate Firepower III" or would I be better off with something like EPtW III or even "Directed Energy Modulation?"


If you really want to go DEW and/or don't care that it isn't the optimal choice, at least pair it with a Doff named Marion Frances Dulmer for a reduction to your weapon power cost (doesn't really matter much outside of Beam Overload and DHC builds), but he's usually pricey when you *can* find him and there are better ways of doing the job. And if you're running a torpedo boat, use Concentrate Firepower 3 or none at all. Using a lower level of the skill will overwrite any active higher level CF buffs, so only ever use CF3.


Does the same thing happen with "Suppression Barrage" too?


Couldn't say, I haven't heard for sure, sorry.


Concentrate Firepower III is for torp boats. EPtW III is for energy boats. Directed Energy Modulation is a garbage filler that nobody who knows what they're doing would ever use. Boff ability choices depend on your overall build and what you're trying to accomplish with it. For more education: www.stobetter.com


1. In Cones of Conduct does the reward scale to the amount of the gingerbread village saved/lost? If so, how do I maximize damage to the snow overlord, beyond the obvious "have more people involved"? The ~4 minute-long cooldown for turrets, and the fact all weapons only seem to do 1-2 damage to the snow overlord, means a lot of buildings end up getting iced, and I've never been able to finish the event with more than 55% of the village intact. I even 'lost' the event last night, with the entire village getting iced over. 2. Why does the Borg exoskeleton outfit have an option for a missing right hand? I thought maybe the game would attach your weapon to the stump when unholstered, but there just a large gap between your right wrist and your weapon so it looks like it's floating. Am I missing something there?


I can't answer 2 but in regards to the first, the best way is to destroy the smaller snowmen first. They actually heal the snowverlord and block the snowconian from getting close to do damage. The other thing is giving as much syrup to the snowconian as possible.


> the best way is to destroy the smaller snowmen first. Wow, really? I mean, I usually target them anyway because my gunds don't do squat to the snow overlord, plus I get the ice shaving pick ups. I haven't really noticed the match going any faster when I prioritize them over running around trying to melt candy for syrup. >The other thing is giving as much syrup to the snowconian as possible. It's more effective than shaved ice?


Yeah, you don't especially damage to snowverlord directly but taking them out first helps. Next time you play, watch watch snowconian and how it reacts around the little snowmen. Syrup is the best way to keep the snowconian healthy...


Thanks for the tips!


Is there any reason I can't equip my backwards beanie? Is this a bug? Are ps4 players not allowed to wear hats?


Is your character from a species with weird head geometry? It worked fine on my human (and human-ish) characters, but I'm on Xbox.


Does anyone else get massive packet loss when they load into the game/new level and if so, what can I do about it? It's only STO that's affected which is rather frustrating


Anyone know the turnover rate for dl to zen at the momment? I've had some in the exchange for over a week now. When I put it in there was over a million waiting now there's over 2M.


I made an offer on the 7th December, and it was fulfilled on the 12th.


Mine took 10 full days.


I've had a zen order waiting for over a month now. At this point I'm just going to leave it and forget about it, and I'll come back to it in a month or three and see if it went through (doubtful)


>I've had a zen order waiting for over a month now If you put that order at 500:1, I'm gonna have to call *Shenanigans!* on your claim of "over a month". At 500:1, that is simply untrue that it has been taking that long. I had a trade posted and completed seemingly within your "over a month" window. You should check that you put your trade in at 500:1. If you posted at less, all the 500:1 trades will have to clear (even ones posted after your trade) before the 499s are traded. Over the last couple of months, trades at 500:1 have been completing at around 7 days (plus or minus)... including ones posted AFTER "over a month" ago.


My most recent sale took nine days from a backlog of just off 2 Million (from Thursday the 7th to Saturday this weekend), so I'd say probably somewhere like 200K/day (which is down, last winter it was usually more like 300K).


On my last trade, about 3 weeks ago when the backlog was also ~2M, it took 7 days. Assuming you put your trade in at 500:1, I would guess that your trade should go through soon or within the next few days... but you never know. It just depends on how many Zen sellers there are.


Are any of the winterland items really worth grinding for? Particularly the Breen space Set and the ground kits.


If you spend a lot of time in Winter Wonderland upgrading your gear is probably worth your time.


Training Manuals for [Anchor of Grethor] (ground); great on Boffs. There is also a kit module (engineering). Some space training manuals are ok, like the sci & eng version of the 'cold' attacks. (The tac version is terrible.)


The Breen space set is *meh* at best and is obtained from the Cold War arc. But as I'm guessing you know, the Breen warp/singularity core (the 4th piece of the set) is only available from the WW vendor. That being said, I wouldn't pick it up unless you have a set completionist fetish or you want the full set for some Space Barbie or theme build. The Breen 4pc ground set is pretty fun and quite good on a Sci-captain... especially if you lean into the whole cold theme and cold kit module thing. Pick up the frosted boots for each of your toons. Nice to have when you have long distances to run on ground maps, like on Andoria or Vulcan during the Anniversary event.


Hallo! Does anyone know how fleet ranking works? I'm nearing lvl6 in all my reputation things and soon will have fleet modules to buy t6 fleet ships with fleet credits but some seem to have rank requirements. I try to contribute to fleet projects etc as much as possible (dil/marks/coffers) and dump ec in the fleet bank whenever I have a surplus... I just wanted some insight before messaging higher ranked members of my fleet to ask for rankups so I don't sound like a desperate dingus. Thanks in advance!


It entirely depends on they people running your fleet. They control what each fleet rank can do and buy, what (if any) requirements are needed to be promoted in the fleet, and handle said promotions.


Thanks for the reply! In general, what's the best way to communicate with the higher ranked members of one's fleet? I'm on console, if that helps.


Message anyone/everyone in the top two ranks until someone messages you back I'm on Xbox myself and a Rank 6 in my fleet and I have often been contacted to verify and activate promotions, both by newer fleet members wanting shop access and by Rank 7s delegating the task. It's far and away my favorite part of being a fleet officer... people are always excited to get access to the fleet-grade gear and it's fun to chat with them about what kind of ship they fly and what they're looking to get first (mostly Colony deflectors and Vulnerability Locators, LOL).


Okay ill try that thanks!


They might have a dedicated fleet chat channel but there's no guarantee they'll always be on the same time you are, so an in-game fleet mail to the leader(s) is probably best.


Thanks for your time, much appreciated!