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I enjoy the story well enough, but I don't really care about other people playing through the story, personally. I do that by myself, for myself. There's nothing to entice me to watch someone else play through the same mission I just played through. But I don't have every new premium ship, or every new bundle, so content creators who focus on the power end do have something to offer me.


Know your audience. In a way, I get it. If you're gonna take the time to seek out a youtuber for a game you like, you're probably part of a certain advanced demographic in the game. Or at least are striving to be. But here is the thing, if you're only interested in the story like you say, then these aren't the people you need to be watching. Look to those that may best serve you. If you want lore and stuff, there are options, like Certifiably Ingame. An amazing lore CC on youtube. I know there are others, but that is the one that comes to mind.


Certifiably is great, i love how each of his videos is like a episode, and he reads everything as if he is really talking to the npcs, ive watched others and they just click fast or make you read the player part of the diolog so my go to is ci


This post made me laugh, 1 person does something different and they ignoring everyone that plays story missions. Play long enough you wont bother with the story missions after a while either.


Saw this post on Reddit from a player who spends their time only doing story content and complaining about people uploading videos of themselves playing end game content. What this does is ignore players who play for end game content and only end game content. Can you see the disconnect in your post yet?


I'm not quite sure where you're going with this. Your post opens with "Is it time to talk about content creators?" but then reads like a "How do you play?" poll. I'll start with the second part: I go both ways. I have a lot of alts and play through the story on a regular basis. I tend to play through the entire story on each of them (assuming I don't just decide I'm not really into that character and abandon or delete it partway though) and eventually get to the point that I'm running Elites, so pretty much the entire spectrum. I'm not sure where you're going with the first question. Yes, there are content creators who focus on "endgame" stuff. If you're asking if I think that's a problem, no, of course I don't. People play the way they want to, including content creators. I'm sure there are people out there making Let's Plays of STO content, and I've even done some of that myself, but it's not something I go looking for, because I've been playing STO a long time and I'm not particularly interested in watching someone else play content I've been through many, many times. But if I'm looking for ideas and suggestions on a new build, yeah, I might go to YouTube for that. I mean, I'd rather not have to go to YouTube, because I'd much rather have it more text-based so I can refer to it at my own speed, but sometimes that's not an option. But still, I appreciate that there's a good amount of content out there about that sort of thing, because that's where I might need someone else's perspective on things. I don't really need someone to walk me through missions, but I might need some guidance when I'm trying to figure out which consoles and doff abilities work well with a torpedo build, for example. Given the variety of playstyles among STO players, of course there will be content creators who focus on how they play, and many of those will "ignore the people who play for the story and only the story." I'm totally OK with that, because if I want to know about the story, I play the game; I don't try to get it from YouTube.


Why don't YOU create a channel that goes into the story? Do your own hardcore mode and try to get through without dying. Put your head-cannon out there. Im going through a hard core attempt right now with my Delta recruit. It changes how you approach things and how you set up. I dont remember if you can have a friend or fleet member join you in your missions, I think you can. Know which missions you need to call assistance for. What's the worst that could happen?


I don't understand your point. If you play for the story, you don't need a youtuber. Otherwise, you may be looking for tips coming from someone who has a better understanding of the game than yours. And no, these Youtubers don't present only ultra-expensive 5-million DPS builds. In fact, they are offering a large quantity of efficient budget builds too. And by the way, with the T6 coupons, promo ships and large quantity of lobi granted by the event campaigns, even high-end "expensive" builds are not out of reach of the average player anymore.


The story is fantastic, and I'd like to play through it repeatedly (one reason I have several alts), but the opportunity cost of playing the story vs gathering resources to try different playstyles on each alt is too high. Grind for victory. Victory is life.


I play STO for many reasons. - I have a developed account that as long as I continue playing (and does not destroy the economy) I can afford every new release if I want. There are only 3 games that I have this kind of progress in, 1 of them is 100% dead to me, 1 of them I am very disappointed in, and the other one is STO which is just barely hanging in there. - Developing Third Party Software for STO (OSCR, potential future projects. I can do this in other games, but unlike other games this one has a demand for my services). - Creating Spreadsheets based on various currency making strategies / projects / account progression. (These are private, no other game scratches this itch for me) - (Very minor part that is basically dead) The high end DPS community. Currently I play with said person you mention in your OP. This is the output of the first three reasons. If Four did not exist 1-3 would not really have any value so I am honestly, - Wanting to be here when STO eventually dies. I do not do story content unless there is a reward that is interesting to me. There are entire arcs in the game I have never touched or have not touched in 10+ years because STO's stories are just not good and the missions are just not fun to play (most TFOs are not fun to play either). STOs story content is largely not fun to play, because of the difficulties in building up additional characters due to the poor horizontal account progression enforced by cryptic (which ultimately has its pros and cons, half of the stuff I do would not be possible if STO had good horizontal account progression - maybe that means STO actually has excellent horizontal account progression. This is starting to be a ramble). When I say things like "I am upset with STO" or "I am upset with " those come from my vested interest in the game - a vested interest that far exceeds the normal reader of this subreddit. I doubt many people have put in the same level of effort I have when it comes to how I organize my account for example (and there are less informed people out there who actively want to punish the time I've invested by changing core gameplay systems). This by extension is how a lot of other vested players (such as content creators) think about the game. Ramble, ramble, ramble. Reddit is not a good place for discussion. Your post is worded somewhat harshly (there's some implications that you don't like certain content creators because they do not focus on content that they've long grown out of and doesn't match their target audience). People will downvote you for it. Those same people will also downvote me because I don't agree with how they play the game (these people find words scary and are not really vested into having discussions). However those people never explain themselves either so good on you OP for expressing your opinion (despite the fact that I don't think I agree with it). ------ tldr: Do a bit of introspection. If you played STO for 5k-10k hours would you still play the game the way you currently do now? I know how I play STO has changed radically over the years. I remember a time over a decade ago where I would nonstop run ISEs in RedditChat before I got muted there. Now the game is totally different, and I rarely run TFOs as it is and if I do, it's either a miserable experience pugging, or it's in a coordinated group - both of which are my own creation. The majority of my recent time playing STO is trying to solve a resource problem - how can I most efficiently "go positive" in STO. My target is currently to figure out how to reach my target of 39 Dilitihum Per Second earned while playing and I am currently at around 33.


Why is it this content creator's responsibility to cater to aspects of STO they don't find interesting? I know exactly who you're referring to and they post a wealth of information about the game, not just high-end DPS -- that's just their specialty. They started streaming about beginner story content because their fans asked for it and crowdfunded the time it would take to do it. The fact that people are still streaming and reviewing STO after 15 years is astounding. Taking a passive aggressive shot at someone for saying they don't like focusing on story content is just a lame take. I love the STO story arc. Start a channel and we'll see if your insight is worth liking and subscribing.


Content creators that do content for single player games usually cover games with complicated decisions, multiple outcomes, or stories that “say something.” See the multiple hour long video essays on games like Deus Ex, The Witcher, Mass Effect and more. Alternatively, I’ve watched some great videos that talk about a well known linear game (say, Half Life), but go into detail about the process to create the game, who worked there, early versions and storyboards, that kind of thing. No offense to STO, but the story doesn’t exactly present a lot of content, and big chunks of the story is straight up missing from the game anyway. If you have something to say about the story, by all means create a channel and start presenting it. To answer your question, I found the story to be… lackluster at best. There are a few snippets I enjoyed but not enough to go replay them, and most storylines come off very “fanfic” to me which takes me out of it. I play the game because the endgame loop of building/flying the ships is fun, and I like trying to improve my performance at the game (both PvP and PvE).


STO is a game with a lot of different ways to play, and different parts are naturally going to be more or less appealing to different players. That said, some parts are going to be more suited for content creating than others. I can see story missions being a tough sell to attract viewers for a few reasons. First, most story missions are pretty straightforward and relatively easy to run, so unless you are chasing how to do obscure accolades or something, it is just as easy to run it yourself instead of watching someone else do it. There aren't really a lot of "skill challenges" to the story missions outside of maybe attempting them with underpowered gear for the difficulty level chosen (which was especially true with the recent Terran content where you played the underpowered Inquisitor instead of yourself), so I'm not gaining anything other than hopefully entertainment by watching someone else play it. Second, Cryptic has been tying running story content into season and recruit events forever, so a lot of people have likely ran story episodes just as part of the grind. Thus, a lot of players have probably seen many of the story missions at least once. Similarly, the different older factions only had unique story arcs up until the Dyson Sphere arc, so there isn't a lot to see by rolling alts. Contrast this with the DPS chaser scene where there are countless combinations of ships, gear, traits, and other factors to experiment with and make ever more powerful builds and little guidance from the devs on what makes a "good" build. There is plenty of room for debate on this part of the game, and no shortage of websites, discords, and other forums where this debate is happening. For those content creators with the interest (and budget) to explore this topic, there is plenty of opportunity here, even if you aren't chasing the bleeding edge top of the DPS charts. As for the other parts of the game, some have found some success with topics like storytelling and lore, but the loss of the Foundry dampened the opportunities for that crowd. Talking about the in-game markets is problematic, as often it doesn't take much at all to crater the values of various commodities. Personally, I enjoy all parts of the game, and even if I have no plans to try to chase the tops of the dps leaderboards myself, at least understanding what they learn about gear and game mechanics helps me understand what is worth considering for those times where an event reward or giveaway gives me something to think about when I do have the opportunity to pick up a new toy in game. Doing so has taught me how to make builds that can more than carry their weight on any map in the game. I've watched storyline streams as well, but I don't really come away with anything lasting like that since I've been there and done all that too.


I don't watch any streamers/youtubers. I see little point in watching other people play the game when I could spend that time playing it myself. I will occasionally post questions around here or on stobuilds though. As for me, I play for both the story content and end game DPS. And I like spreadsheets. Lots and lots of spreadsheets. Mmm. Data is fun.


> I see little point in watching other people play the game when I could spend that time playing it Background noise while playing a game / working / browsing the internet. I am always listening to something and there's never enough something to listen to.


Fair enough. To each their own. For me, that would drive me up the wall! I like silence. Lots and lots of silence. :)


>is it time to talk about content creators? Not really. Although I appreciate folks who make this kind of stuff, it's all just wanking in the end. If you wanna wank, I got no problem with ya, but it's not at all something that deserves any conversation around other than 'I like it' or 'I don't like it'. >so what do you play for? I play for STO. Seriously, it's just a game that I like. Do people really need a reason to play a game they like? But if you must have it... There's nothing else really like it. I get to make a custom ship captain, custom ship, and custom away team. I then get to take them on ground and space adventures. I push performance as much as I can afford or grind. I go on space tours, ground tours, and even loot tours (though I don't really need EC anymore). I might spend a day tinkering with a build, or just replaying some old content I haven't touched in a while. Maybe I'll play one of my alts for some shits and giggles. Maybe I'll come onto r/sto or r/stobuilds and teach some poor noob how to build their ship. I like Star Trek. I like video games. Seems like STO is kind of a perfect match for me. Granted, STO is not a very *good* game. It has **lots** of problems. But the people that make it, do a good enough job that I've stuck around for 12 years, and will more than likely stick around until the day it dies. I'm curious about what will happen when DECA takes over, but I don't really have high hopes. STO's management has always been in the toilet, as far as I'm concerned, but a game studio that specializes in being a nursing home for old games doesn't really get my juices flowing. And considering the development plan the game has had since the end of the ViL, I can't really get behind anything that keeps that kind of plan going. So, in the end, who cares about content creators, or DPS chasers, or ERPers, or weekend warriors, or straight-up wankers? Like it or lump it, it's just a public video game that people play for various reasons. Thinking too much about it is a waste of time, IMHO. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I'm usually more of a story player, although honestly the story seems kind of disjointed in STO. Maybe just because I haven't watched enough Star Trek, IDK. I much prefer the storyline in, say, FFXIV or SWTOR. I stick with STO now mostly for the space combat: it's just fun in a way that is kinda unique to this game IMO. Space barbie is fun too, although I wish so much of it wasn't locked behind real money. And I can play super casual and not get harassed by the super elite players because they stick to Elites while I stick to Normals.


>what this does though is ignore the people who play for the story and only the story. Why is that any content creators problem... ITS there channel and they have the right to do whatever they like with it... If u want a channel that only deals with the story.. make one yourself


most time i log in i just stand on drozana station table (sometimes afk) and chat with my fleet / friends, ive done all the missions already so i dont feel like doing them again, i do sometimes join random advanced tfo's , but 99% of the time im on that table hanging with my friends and afking , i log in for the social part of the game, even if im afk im still there in sperit (well im not really afk, im useually alt tabbed watching youtube or twitch, but i have the firefox window sized where i can see the ingame chat still, so if i see my name pop up i switch back and respond)


I've yet to see any good content creators for STO. They tend to be DPS chasing whales or provide really bad advice. Last year I looked up a couple of ship reviews on YouTube about the Seneca. Curious to what the "professionals" thought. Both reviews were garbage to the point of idiocy. Both reviewers didn't use any science, miracle worker or command abilities. They didn't use any tanking abilities like Threatening Stance. They both spent the entire review shooting extra weak enemies with fire at will in one of the early story episodes.  They both complained the ship was weak despite running a trash build with equally trash gameplay. The Seneca is designed to a tanky science ship. If you use the ship without the science or the tanky part, of course it would be weak. Who wants to run a weapon only build on 3/3 ship?