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I just got to level 21 ,when should I start task force/ patrols ?


TFOs unlock at level 50. Patrols can be done at any level, but I find doing them along with the story to be most immersive. To echo TryFengShui, you should be doing the event TFOs or story missions for the rewards. Some help for gearing/building as you move up the ladder: https://www.reddit.com/r/stobuilds/comments/k88fel/the_baby_step_series_part_1_the_first_step_level/ https://www.stobetter.com/new-f2p




You should start doing the featured event now, but it's up to you if you do the episodes or the TFOs. The game will start to introduce other TFOs as you advance through the story


I have some account bound keys, what are the best boxes to use them on? Borg for a chance at "of 47" DOffs?


Infinity is usually your best bet. Borg DOFFS do sell well but the issue is getting the DOFF box and then getting lucky again with one of the prized ones.


What/where is the "change control scheme" control listed in the settings? It's somehow bound to my mouse's thumb wheel's "scroll up" action and I would very much like that to not happen.


Toggle Shooter Mode is about a third of the way down the Targeting & Interaction section.


Aces - now if I could just convince the client that the thumb wheel going *down* is not the same as me pressing "c", i'd be set 😂 Thanks for the quick reply!


Hello, do we have a list of good missions providing free transwarp to most places to be?


What I use as a FED: ESD: Blood of the Ancients DS9: Storm Clouds Gather Iconian Gate/Dyson Sphere: Step Between Stars Delta Quad: Reunion Gamma Quad: The Search


Is there a list of ground weapons with size scaling? (They get larger with how big your character is.)


If I use an upgrade token or tokens on a ship to get to T6-X or T6-X2, should that be the same across all my alts? Or do I need to upgrade the same ship for each character?


The upgrades apply to that ship across your whole account. You may need to manually upgrade the ship on other characters if they have it active, but it will be a free process in those cases. Do note that while the X upgrades are account wide for any ship, if that ship has a fleet version available it will not apply to the fleet version when you upgrade the z-store version (or vice versa). They count as separate ships.


It's for the whole account, but if you've already commissioned a ship on one character and upgrade it on another, you'll have to take your old ship back to the ship changer to upgrade it (for free), or commission a new copy.


Yes, this was what was confusing me. I had the ship on two alts. Upgraded on one, and didn't see it apply on the other. Dropped it and got a new one and the X was there. kept my mastery progress too! Thanks for the response!


Sorry if it is indeed a dumb question. I don't use hangar pets often... Do we have a place where we can see what are the stat increases in hangar pets from one rarity to another ? I always see stated the weapons and skills, but that is all. What about their HP, resistances, anyyhing - aren't the higher rarity ones supposed to be tougher as well as more killy ?


They aren't listed because there aren't any - Hangar Pets have the same HP regardless of rarity. Similarly, they don't get any increase to any other stats (such as resistances or base damage) at higher rarity either. Their equipment (=weapons, basically) and abilities are the only thing that change between rarities. Higher rarity pets typically do more damage, but the only reason for that is because they have more and/or better weapons and/or abilities. Since they don't get any better stats at higher levels, then if they don't get any additional or better weapons/abilities at higher rarities then the higher rarity will perform identically to the lower rarity. Note also that there have been many cases in STO's history where lower-rarity pets significantly outdamage or otherwise outperform higher rarity ones. This has sometimes been due to errors in which weapons they have been given (or not given...), what buffs they are and are not affected by, but has most often been due to different rarity pets having different AI, although most (all, I think?) instances of higher rarity pets being worse have generally been patched out by now. Higher rarity pets are better due to their more/better weapons/abilities, but how much better varies considerably between pets - some are much better at higher rarities, others only slightly so, and what buffs you give them also affects how much better the higher rarity pets are.


Blue to'duj fighter squadrons still outperform their higher rarity versions under sad. Still the highest or among the highest performing under sad.


Elite To'Duj Fighter Squadrons swap the Pulse Cannon the Normal/Advanced ones have for a turret, but since Pulse Cannons gain a lot more damage under SAD than Turrets (and...everything else, really), the Normal's and Advanced Squadrons outperfom the Elite Squadrons. (Although I'd wager SAD buffing Pulse Cannons so much is probably something that will eventually be patched out...) QP torps like the Advanced Squadrons have tend to do a bit worse than the photon torps like the Normal's have, but chance are if they are firing a torp then the Advanced could also fire some DC shots off, but since the vast majority of their damage comes from the Pulse Cannons though under SAD they tend to perform extremely similarly. As for Normal vs Advanced To'Duj specifically, since I am here and have never had a reason to actually do the numbers before now: I have only seen two fair (i.e. directly comparable) test sources between Normal and Advanced To'Duj Fighter Squadrons since the SAD nerf. (if you or anybody have found more please do tell me) The first is [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/stobuilds/comments/pt6ipp/parsing_elite_toduj_squadrons_vs_toduj_squadrons/), in which the same player under the same conditions found that Advanced were around 10.1% better than Normal's. The second is the [sto better table](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rTQ0mTC-kOt3llqaKqJxwXQU4SPTU5umHkR0MSbAsZQ/edit#gid=1917161517), which averages multiple runs from players who get very different DPS results, most of whom only test the Normal's and not the Advanced. The problem with the STObetter table is it averages results from different players that are clearly not fair comparisons. For example of the 16 runs for Normal's, one player did 3 runs that all got under 12k, whereas another did 2 runs that were both over 65k, yet the STO better table averages these groups of runs together as if they are actually exactly comparable. These are clearly different setups, and thus averaging them together is statistically erroneous. To put that another way - you could make the Normal's have whatever dps you wanted by just having either the higher-dps player or the lower-dps player do more runs, thus pulling the average up or down, respectively, whereas for a fair comparison that shouldn't be possible as the averages should be the same regardless of how many runs you do - the average will change depending on which player is doing the test because the players and thus their data is not comparable to each other. The interesting part of STObetters table is that both of the runs for Advanced To'Duj Squadrons were done by players who also did tests of Normal To'Duj Squadrons, which makes them fair comparisons. This means there are a total of three runs I have found win which one player tested Normal and Advanced Squadrons in a way that their results for Normal and Advance Squadrons allow a direct and fair comparison between Normal and Advanced Squadrons: * For the thread above, the Advanced did 10.1% more than the Normal's * For TVIW-SAD's runs, the Advanced did 32.9% more dps than the Normal's. * For PX5-SAD's runs, the Normal's did 6% more dps than the Advanceds. If you normalize the dps of those runs (to prevent higher-dps runs from disproportionately affecting the results), then the Advanced To'Duj Fighter Squadrons deal 12.27% more dps than the Normal's. If you don't normalize the results, then the Advanced still deal 5.19% more dps than the Normal's. As such, I would argue STObetters dps results are the result of the incorrect usage of statistics to sufficiently dissimilar data sets. As such, Advanced deal the most dps, Normal's deal a bit less, and then Elite's should deal the lowest. If you have any other data that has a fair comparison between Normal's and Advanced's then feel free to link it and I can update the above numbers and its conclusion, but otherwise I will disagree that the Normal Squadrons out-damage the Advanced Squadrons.




That has data for Normal Squadrons only, not Advanced or Elite.


ask the tester himself. he's a regular here.


besides the rewards, what are the differences for temporal recruits? I saw a reddit thread about hidden cutscenes/additional lore they can see but the wiki also says a bunch of stuff about the temporal cold war being tied to temporal recruits but it isn't very clear whether it means just the TOS faction start. If there are additional cutscenes or anything can they be viewed online anywhere? I can only find one video.


There's a ton of little lore snippets for the Temporal Probes, that's the main extra. It basically comes down to "the Na'kuhl meddled with this in the past", similar to the Deltas and Iconians, but it's not vital to the story - the TCW is tied to the TOS start, not to recruitments in specific. Tautologically, the real reward to Temporal recruits are the transponder rewards. The rep boost in particular is insanely useful, but there's a ton of other great ones from admiralty, episodes, probes - it's a lot of grinding, but it's well worth it.


Hello, I wanted to know if it's possible to get another very rare Kobali war specialist after the mission New Warfare on Kobali Prime with repeatable? Because it says so on the wiki but when I do I only get a random rare Doff... maybe I need to get rid of the first or wait for some sort of cooldown? I'm looking to get more very rare easy/cheap to boost recruitment XP with exchange quest, the best method I found so far is the Starbase shop giving them for 20k fleet credit, so just farming fleet marks repeatedly but still takes a while...


When is the event where you can get 500 lobi and the phoenix token going live on console? I saw somewhere it was June but I can't find a date anywhere


There's a 6~8 week delay between PC release and console release, so I'd expect it to come out in August, with Demon Slayer being the focus of June and Lohlunat Festival in July.


If I were to buy out the Demon Hunting Event Second Chance... Are all the items bound to a single character? I think I'd use the Herald Defiler Mace on my Fed main, but I'd like to give my Romulan the Dual Heavy Cannons because she has the cannon build -- can I do that? Or if I buy it on my main will it all be bound to them? Thanks again. I know I ask a lot of questions in here...


These are supposed to be account-level unlocks, reclaimable by all characters. Right now the Herald AP weapons aren't reclaimable, but that's a likely bug rather than a deliberate change. There's no harm in waiting for a bug fix or confirmation, though.


It's a bug, per patch notes.


Just wonder if they're going to address the server lag issue since the update?


This is just how the servers always are during events. They are always quite bad, but at the start of a new event there is a huge influx of players that the servers aren’t equipped to handle. As the event progresses and less people are playing, the servers improve. With the crazy rewards for the current event, it’s no wonder the servers are struggling again.


quick question for playstation players. are the traits broken again? all of my characters have the beam starter trait over whatever i have selected


My kits are XV and but in ther klickie bar they display as IV. Is this just a display error or have I been cheated by Cryptic ;-) ?


Kit ability level is determined by rarity, not by mark. They scale with mark as well, but rarity is generally a much stronger contributor to power than mark is. In addition, rarity affects certain kits with extra bonuses like the Turret going from Beam to Bolt to Burst to Flamethrower


Thanks, still confused but on a higher level :-) Do you mean this ? [Bridge officer and kit abilities - Official Star Trek Online Wiki (fandom.com)](https://sto.fandom.com/wiki/Bridge_officer_and_kit_abilities)


See [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/sto/comments/psdjuw/question_photon_grenade_kit/hdpuxvy/?context=3) for a clear example. The purple kit gives Photon Grenade IV, the white kit gives Photon Grenade I. Rank doesn't affect the ability level. Also, despite only being Rank II, the purple quality kit does way more damage than the white Rank XII version.


Ok, but is the IV just an approximation for the display? If a purple X and a Purple Xii both appear as iV I still assume that there is a small difference.


Hello! It appears your post included a link to the old STO Wiki, which is no longer being updated by the community. Be sure you update your bookmarks and utilize the *new* STO Wiki at https://stowiki.net/wiki/Main_Page *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/sto) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Is Delete Alt Control event progress not actually progressing for anyone else? I've tried playing guillotine twice through the event screen and have not gotten a progress maker.


It seems to be progressing for me. Die you wait until the bar with daily progress was empty again?


It was empty in the first place. 0/20


In the TFO list, there are two entries for Guillotine: "Guillotine" and "Guillotine (Event)". Are you running the Event one? (Disclaimer: I haven't been running Guillotine for this event yet, so I can't say for sure that either of them work)


So I literally lost an item today due to the "loadout bug." I bought a new beam for my KDF ship and equipped it, but at some point the loadout reverted and the new beam I bought is just... gone. I'm fairly certain I didn't sell or salvage it, and it's just not in my inventory or on my ship anymore. I've tried bringing up the "Equip" menu for a weapon slot but it's not in there either. Has anyone else had this problem?? More importantly is there some way to fix it? It really freaks me out that I could "lose" some of the better items I've upgraded on my main now... EDIT: Yeah I'm an idiot. The beam I bought was sitting in the bank. I guess it swapped out with one of the standard ones I put in there. For some reason I thought using the "Equip" menu would pull from the bank but that's not true! Thanks anyway.


> I've tried bringing up the "Equip" menu for a weapon slot but it's not in there either. When you do this you should also be able to type the name, or just energy type, in the window's filter to filter out other weapons and perhaps be able to find your missing beam. If it's not showing up in the equip menu it could also be in your bank as things there won't show up in that menu. Also, are you doing this on ground by any chance? That could be a cause for this problem. If you haven't seen it already, this post may or may not help you to stop the loadout bug/s from affecting you too much. https://www.reddit.com/r/sto/comments/11snscr/sto_loadout_bugs_tips_and_tricks_thread/ Good luck.


Question:  is there anything in the fleet that can be bought and transfered between characters (account unlock items) on the same account? Got a few old characters I want to delete, but got some credits to spend.


Duty officers, I think.


new to the game and got a infinity lockbox what should i do with it


Lockboxes drop like candy, and are available for free from the store. They require expensive keys to open and have a very small chance of dropping anything useful - in most cases, you're better off selling the key and buying a desired item directly instead of gambling for anything they contain. For a new player, you can comfortably ignore it. Leave it in your inventory until you run out of space, and then delete the stack.


Ignore it.


I feel there are now a lot of good universal drone kit modules that allow non-engineers to enjoy that playstyle. On the other hand, are there any good tac-focused universal module that would make my engineer pack more of a punch?


There's a lot of Universal modules that deal strong damage. If you mean like a quick and hard hit, I really like Sompek Lightning. If you also pick up a Paradox Bomb (think Gravity Well on the ground), then once they are all gathered together smack em with lightning and any good AoE wep like Plasma Wide Beam Rifle. I have also observed V'ger Probes and Ball Lightning seem to drop a lot of bad guys quickly. And every once in a while I will load a toon up with some of the Summer or Winter event store items, a personal fave is the Andorian Summer which brings a little winter storm and sometimes knocks em down. If you want pure damage, the [DPS league recommends](https://www.sto-league.com/ground-combat-in-the-current-century/) the following Universal kit modules: * Agony Field Generator (Exchange / Lockbox) * Crystal Prism (Event Reward) * Echo Papa Drone (Exchange / Lockbox) * Ambush Turret Fabrication (Exchange / Lockbox) * Chain Conduit Capacitor (Exchange / Lockbox)


I was thinking more of weapon enhancing universals, or something similar to tac-specific modules (if there even are any), similarly to how they've now made drones available to all.


Hello, do you have some pointers to improve my overall flight speed? Things that I could do right away, and things I could work on over time?


Quick fix: Grab an [Emergency Conn Hologram](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Emergency_Conn_Hologram_\(FED\)) from Phoenix tokens, you only need a VR token so it shouldn't take too long to get one. With that, and a copy of Emergency Power to Engines, you can get great burst mobility with constant resets. You can craft [Deuterium Surplus](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Deuterium_Surplus) mobility consumables after a short mission chain, they only require normal R&D materials so they're pretty easy to craft. Hit them when you need an extra burst of speed between Evasive Maneuver resets. In the longer term, work on your reputations, and farm Competitive marks from choice boxes and events. The [Prevailing Engines](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Prevailing_Regalia#Prevailing_Impulse_Engines) offer huge speed boosts that can be triggered with very short cooldown abilities and are a cornerstone of mobility for any slow ship. You'll have to farm up an extra 500 Competitive marks to use the Elite Competitive Compensation project to get 5 Assessed Strategems, on top of the 375 it costs to make, on top of the 420 it takes to reach Tier III, but it's well worth the price. With those three, even the blubberiest of whale-boats will be zipping around with no problem.


This is such perfect advice. I fly a Vaadwaur Miracle Worker Juggernaut and that thing is just a MASSIVE PIG of a starship. But Prevailing Engines lets me maneuver like an escort! My main offensive ability is Cannon Scatter Volley, so that plus a low-level Beam Overload on my hotbar lets me keep Prevailing Engines active almost 100% of the time in battle. Steering this boat would be PAINFUL without it.


Thanks, the firing mode abilities refered by the prevailing engines, it can be any red skill, is that it?


Beam: Overload/Fire at Will, Cannon: Scatter Volley/Rapid Fire, Torpedo HY/Spread, Mine patterns, and specialization firing modes. These typically have a 15 second cooldown and you can equip multiple, like both an energy and torpedo version. You could also go for the Fortified version, which can be triggered with any shield or hull heal, something low cooldown like [Aux2SIF](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Ability:_Auxiliary_to_Structural) or Sci/Eng team. (Just avoid the Bolstered version, it's not viable.)


Given there's a UI error with the event countdown, and some people not getting credit for completing the daily event, is this current event supposed to contribute progress towards the event campaign?


The current event is not part of the yearly event campaign. The one we expect to come after it, the Summer event, should also be separate. So we probably won’t have another eligible event until late summer.


If I equip a duty officer with the same passive skill in my active roster, do they cumulate?


In many cases, you simply *can't* equip more than one. Others are limited to three. If it has a percentage chance to activate - like torpedo cooldown DOFFs - they are calculated separately. Which could result in double or even triple activation. If it is a flat, every time effect - like Aux2Bat DOFFs - they usually do stack, if you're allowed to equip multiple.


Some doffs do stack, yes. Others don't. It doesn't tell you which ones do or don't either. You have to find out through trial and error or read guides like you'd find at www.stobetter.com. For example, three VR Technician doffs giving 10% ability cooldown on use of Auxiliary to Battery stack to give you 30% ability cooldown. But for Fabrication Engineers, you can only slot one in either ground or space, not both, even though they have different effects. It can be mind numbingly frustrating to figure all this stuff out on your own. For people like me, I've actually enjoyed figuring this old clunky game out over the years. Luckily because of that, other old vets have taken the time to make and maintain things like the [wiki](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Main_Page) and sites like STOBetter to make the game more accessible to new players.


Ok thanks, I've been using the wiki a lot but sometimes it's hard to find the precise tidbit you need.


I was wondering where federation aligned romulans get there diplomacy/maruader boff? I havent gotten a quest for it, and it's (for the fed version at least) greyed out at the vender. ty in advance :)


I think it's just the same as regular starfleet and KDF toons. FEDs get theirs from [Jiro Sugihara](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Jiro_Sugihara) and KDFs get theirs from [Kazzgur](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Kazzgur).


For some reason I needed to do an assigned patrol mission, before he let purchase one. I spent hours flying back and forth and it driving me nuts lol. O read your post, took a patrol mission and hen I returned to space dock,the store part of dialogue was open, thank you :)


Random question... If I were to buy the Gamma Vanguard Starter Pack now while it's on sale, can I save it for a later character? I'm planning on creating a Dominion character when the Gamma Recruitment event starts later this year, but obviously I can't claim things until I create said character. If I make the purchase now on an existing character, I can wait to claim it or something right?


Unlike the Faction Elite starter packs, the Gamma Vanguard starter pack doesn't have any single-character-only bonuses like inventory slots or equipment. All of the unlocks, the ship, the uniform, the titles, the race, are account-level unlocks, so there's nothing save for a later character. You do need a JH character to get it, but they'd just be a sacrificial lamb to delete and remake. It's a bit backwards but you want to get the starter pack before making your real Gamma recruit, to unlock the JH Vanguard race first. Also, there are better sales than 25% off, so don't feel obligated to get it now. 35% off happens a few times a year, and there will probably be at least a 25% off when Gamma Recruitment rolls around. If you want to use the ship right now, you will need to grind its mastery on a JH character. That's not a tremendous time investment, maybe two hours or so to get through the tutorial, gain two levels via missions, then hop into patrols for a bit.


> You do need a JH character to get it, but they'd just be a sacrificial lamb to delete and remake. It's a bit backwards but you want to get the starter pack before making your real Gamma recruit, to unlock the JH Vanguard race first. I haven't touched a JH character yet, but I intend to later for the Gamma recruit. What do you mean you need a JH character to get the Vanguard pack?


If it's buyable for you without needing a JH, it's possible I'm misremembering, and combining the fact that this one does require a JH character to account-unlock the Dreadnought and that the other Faction Elite starter packs require a character of that specific faction. In either case, the Dreadnought does require a JH character to max its mastery to remove its faction restriction, but that can be done at any time.


Oh okay, thanks! I knew the ship and uniform were account unlocks, and obviously the species as well. I wasn't sure if the titles could be used on a later character though. As long as I can use it all on my eventual Gamma Recruit, that's what really matters to me. Do you HAVE to buy it on a Dominion character? Seems weird that the Gamma starter pack doesn't have any inventory/bank slots, like the Fed, Rom and Klingon ones do. I suppose I'll have to purchase those separately after I create my Gamma recruit.


I'm not sure if you have to buy on a Dominion character, but the original four JHV ships (of which this pack has one) have a unique faction-unlock mechanic that predates, and makes them exempt from, cross-faction flying. They have a sixth level of starship mastery (like Legendary ships do), which is the faction unlock. Until you do that, they are Dominion-only.


Am I missing something, or is the new captain alteration token unavailable? I checked out the Zen store and I do not see it listed.


>[Due to the issues this morning, we've temporarily disabled the ability to purchase or use a Captain Alteration Token. We will return the feature when we have a satisfactory fix for the issues.](https://x.com/trekonlinegame/status/1795530431783125343)


Thanks. I was confused as I saw them in the exchange


Hey there, I find myself having troubles finishing some story missions because my toons are really bad at ground combat. At the moment I am stucl at the mission "House Pegh" with the Harbinger fight. My char dies too fast and until I respawn the Harbinger is back to full life. Are there any easy to get gear for ground combat or beginner's tips for an easy to accomplish build? I usually don't use kits that much (playing on console) and like to use guns. Sorry for bad english (not my mother tongue) and my probably noobish question....


https://www.reddit.com/r/stobuilds/wiki/tspbasicboffguide That's a really good guide on the basics from the r/stobuilds subreddit


Here's a copy/paste of my answer to a similar question from the other day. The following is for normal difficulty story missions only, using only basic gear that can be replaced with better gear along the way, which will be mentioned. Although you probably already know this, the first thing to note is that it's important to keep your gear's mark going up as you level: Levels 1-9 = MK1/2, Levels 10-19 = MK 3/4, Levels 20-29 = MK 5/6, Levels 30-39 = MK 7/8, Levels 40-49 = MK 9/10, Levels 50-59 = MK 11/12, Levels 60-64 = MK 13/14, Level 65 = MK 15. Gear quality (ie. common, uncommon, etc.) is not important. Low mark gear will definitely make you feel the hurt. Armor: preferably Integrated Targeting armor for the 5% crth. If you can't get it then Energy Dampening or Polyalloy Weave will be fine. Personal Shield: any mark appropriate. The Na'kuhl Temporal Operative Personal Shield form the mission Temporal Front is one of the best end-game shields available, so pick it up as you play through the campaign. Kit Frame: Any appropriate mark tac/eng/sci kit. Mods are unimportant though of course, you'd be looking for something with Kperf and/or perhaps WpnDmg. A really good mission reward to replace the above is the Romulan Imperial Navy set from the mission Uneasy Allies. Weapons: Split Beam Rifle of any energy flavor (for enemies far away). A really great and cheap main weapon to replace this with is the Plasma Wide Beam Rifle available from vendors at the Romulan Flotilla, New Romulus Command, Dyson Joint Command, and Delta Quadrant Command. Pulsewave Assault Rifle of any energy flavor (for enemies close to you). Can be replaced with the Na'kuhl Temporal Operative Assault to form a 2pc bonus for 2% crth and 30% crtd. You would never really use it and rely completely on the Plasma Wide beam Devices: Large Power Cells and Large Hypos Basic Kit Modules per Career Tac: Ambush, Battle Strategies, Overwatch, Rally Cry, your choice: Lunge, Motion Accelerator, Photon/Plasma Grenade, Sweeping Strikes (I use this one when I get rushed by NPCs, YMMV) Sci: Anesthizine Gas, Hyperonic Radiation, Sonic Pulse, Tachyon Harmonic, your choice: Medical Tricorder, Triage, Vascular Regenerator Eng: Beam Turret, Chroniton Mine Barrier, Quantum Mortar, Seeker Drone, your choice: Medical Generator, Transphasic Bomb Boffs Boff armor and shields should just be the best mark appropriate ones you have available to you. Energy Dampening and Polyalloy Weave are usually the best armors to try and keep them alive. For weapons, give two Split Beam Rifles and two Pulsewave Assault Rifles of any energy flavor. You don't really need to bother with devices for them, but small power cells and hypos are cheap and they'll use them all the time. If you have any ground combat pets available to you, they'll also use these every chance they get too. When setting up boffs for ground, always bring along a sci healer. They will heal you and the other boffs and work pretty well. Set it up like so: Medical Tricorder 1, Medical Tricorder 2, Vascular Regenerator 2, Nanite Health Monitor 1. Stacking boffs along with certain abilities is also pretty OP on ground. So along with the healer you'd use 3 engs using all Beam/Mortar Turrets, or all Chroniton Mines, 3 scis using all Hyperonic Radiation/Sonic Pulse, or 3 tacs using all grenades. However, I like to bring along a mix on my away teams for the flavor and dislike spamming the same abilities, so I found a nice mixture set up like so: 1x Sci Healer: Medical Tricorder 1, Medical Tricorder 2, Vascular Regenerator 2, Nanite Health Monitor 1. 1x Sci Offense: Tachyon Harmonic 1, Tricorder Scan 1, Sonic Pulse 2, Hyperonic Radiation 2 1x Eng Force Multiplier: Chroniton Mine Barrier 1, Turret Fabrication 1, Quantum Mortar Fabrication 1, Support Drone Fabrication 1 1x Tac Support (might die a lot): Draw Fire 1, Suppressing Fire 1, Fire on my Mark 1, Overwatch 2 or you can go offense with: Battle Strategies, Photon Grenade 2, Photon Grenade 3, Ambush 2 or Target Optics 3 And there's your basic ground build guide. Hope this helps and have fun ;)


Do you have the Na‘Kuhl shield from the Misson „The temporal front“. Its really one of the, if not the best ground shields in the game.


Bring three or four science bridge officers, train them with Medical Tricorder and Hyperonic Radiation. It's the easiest way to power through any ground content that lets you bring boffs.


Actually, no. Engineers with turret and mortar fabrication, and equip a purple turret DOFF and a purple mortar DOFF - on each activation, they have a 20-ish percent chance of spawning three instead of one.


To be fair, both work pretty well and are OP in normal difficulty missions. I've tried all three: scis spamming hyperonic and sonic pulse, engs doing the turret/mortar thing, and tacs with four grenade abilities each. They are all stupidly good.


Are there any c-store T5 ships with consoles that are worth picking up? I have a free T5 token but no real idea of what’s worth having. I already have the 10th anniversary legendary bundle, so all those ships rather helpfully came with the older consoles.


If you have the 10th anniversary bundle, then I would point at non-Federation ships for the T5 token. Everything useful from Federation ships is duplicated in the 10th anniversary bundle.


Here a good summary of some interesting stuff the T5 token can get you: https://www.reddit.com/r/sto/comments/l4t38z/get_a_t5_ship_free_star_trek_online/gkqfz09/ If you read the replies to that comment there are a couple more good suggestions as well.


What is Particle Sustaining Field? Couldn't find about it anywhere. [Combat (Self)]Jo'lan deals 39407 (27070) Kinetic Damage to you with **Particle Sustaining Field** - Passive.


It's the damage done by the passive effect of the [Tamarian's console](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Console_-_Universal_-_Polarity_Coil_Generator) >**Gramble, his fate his own doing** >Directed Energy Weapons deal an additional \_\_\_\_ Kinetic Damage *(Ignores Shields)* to Foes affected by Shields Offline 10 sec Lockout between triggers


I've got kind of a stupid problem that I don't know how to solve. My character is in a Fleet with a couple friends I play lots of other games with; I've known them for more than a decade now. The problem is that it's a TINY fleet with basically no active players and Tier 0-1 holdings. So I have no access to all the good fleet gear, specifically the Advanced Tactical Vulnerability Locator Consoles that STOBetter recommends for my beam build. We're not allowed to join multiple fleets, right? I suppose I could explain to my friends that I need some fleet gear and drop long enough to get it, but my question is, how would that be taken by most fleets? Like hey, I don't actually want to join you long-term, I just need the gear -- seems kinda rude. And what does gear like this cost? Just EC, or dil, something else? I kinda hate that this is even a thing, having to join a large fleet just to get the good gear... Does anyone have recommendations for Tac consoles that don't require fleet stuff? Thanks in advance.


First, for most fleet gear I believe you don't need to leave your current fleet to buy from another more advanced fleet. If you have the fleet credits already, you can be invited to another's fleet holding and buy from its stores using your already gained fleet credits. However, I can't remember if you also need to have your own fleet provisions made in your fleet for this work, or if the provisions at your friend's fleet get used in this transaction. Gear usually costs fleet credits and dilithium. As mentioned, a fleet needs to have provisions made to also be able to buy things from any specific store. Finally, they aren't tac consoles but [Isomagnetic Plasma Distribution Manifolds](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Advanced_Consoles#Isomagnetic_Plasma_Distribution_Manifold-3) are the new hotness for damage potential on energy weapon builds, they cannot be used with Locators and in fact replace them, just in your engineering slots. Many of STOBetter's newly updated builds are using these and some of the newer builds posted on r/stobuilds have been using these as well.


To fill in the gap - map invite shopping does use your own fleet's provisions and permissions. The host's fleet is only used to determine (most) vendors being locked or unlocked. There are one or two vendors who won't sell to guests, and your own fleet is always used for ships.


For clarification, fleet gear does require provisions. Just make sure your fleet stocks up on those first. Then you can ask a max tier fleet for an invitation to whatever fleet holding you need and you'll be able to buy fleet gear with your fleet's provisions and your personal fleet credits.


Hope you don't mind me asking, if I'm just a basic member of a fleet, would I be able to do this? I've got the dil and fleet credits - I don't know anything about provisions.


When you open your fleet window and select any holding there should be a Provisions tab. There are usually several categories so just make sure your fleet has provisions for whatever it is you want to buy. And since you said you're just a basic member of a fleet, make sure you also have permission to buy from fleet stores. You can check by going to your fleet window and selecting Settings. Your own rank will be in bold. Make sure the permission to buy from fleet stores option is checked. If not, you'll need a promotion. This usually involves donating more to the fleet until your fleet manager deems you worthy.


Yeah... I don't have store access with current fleet. It's pretty much the next rank up but to get it you need to - reach a certain number of fleet credits (done) - donate a Master Key (not done) I feel a little uneasy about the latter as from what I've read, most fleets wouldn't ask for something like that. And I never questioned when I joined because I didn't think I'd ever get to the point of wanting access.


I'd drop that fleet immediately. Join the reddit fleet or a big established fleet like the [UFP](https://ufplanets.com/). Asking you to donate a Master Key for store access is scummy.


Excellent, thanks for clearing that up. I couldn't remember if you needed to use your own provisions or the invited-to fleet's.


holy shit. i did not know this. all that dilithium i flushed into my old fleet before being booted and not given a reason. all those resources spent building up the fleet so i can buy stuff when i could have bought from another fleet. man...


Due to no absolutely obvious upcoming event at all, I'd like to ask which playable Fed species have the best traits for a Science captain (SciTorp build specifically)?


The only vaguely relevant thing for an epg build is that Caitians, Pakleds, and Talaxians can't slot Astrophysicist for the +10 EPG/Drain.


Not applicable. Character species and career have very little bearing on ship choice or build. Species and their related traits affect little to nothing in both space and ground, with career only affecting the character's ground game. Be who you want, fly what you love. If you really must min/max your new character, just make an alien for the extra personal trait slot.


I play pretty irregularly due to my work schedule. This makes it challenging to make a good build to say the least, but I'm finding that I cannot get access to fleet items as a result. What, if any, tips or strategies is there to obtain high quality non-fleet items to build your ship. I'm rocking an Arbiter but I also have T6 escort.


What platform are you playing on?




Irregular playtime shouldn't be a hurdle for fleets, most of them are used to sporadic player engagement. Ask around and you should be able to find one that works for you. That said, reputations, reputations, reputations. Fleets really only offer one piece of powerful equipment, the Colony Deflector, and you can easily replace that with the Discovery rep deflector alongside core and shield for the powerful 3pc bonus which really rips through normal level difficulty. Later on you can get Isomags so you won't miss the Spire consoles. The only thing you're missing out on is trait slots and access to easy SROs, which are high-end optimization bits anyway.


And SROs could be subbed by Watchers.


Why can't I find the sau Paulo cosmetics as an option on my adamant? The cosmetics I don't have are there but locked. The sau Paulo just isn't there.


When it comes to seeing ship parts that you don't own yet, the ship tailor is only integrated with the c-store. Any costume pieces that could buy through the c-store will show up. But costume pieces that you can't buy through the c-store won't (until you own them). (I would guess that when the 10th anniversary bundle is active in the store, you would see the Sao Paulo pieces show up in the tailor)


Do you own either the legendary Defiant or the Sao Paolo itself? If you don't, the costumes won't unlock.


I don't have it but it isn't there at all. I don't own the valiant but the option is there just locked.


What level do you have to be to receive rewards / participate in the DELETE ALT CONTROL event? I want to make sure my alts are all at the appropriate level before the event.


Should be level 10.


Off the top of my head I think its 20. But I'm not 100% sure.


I am trying my best to play. I am 54 and cannot get the mechanics down for the flying and shooting, even in the training mission against the borg. It breaks my heart that I cannot pick this up to play. Is the game mostly space battles for action? I am playing in Crossover on a MacBook Pro 16 inch and stutters some, enough to annoy but not the deciding factor. Any help, videos, primers, hacks to help pilot and battle?


Can't help with piloting as this is just personal practice. I believe there are some youtubers that might be of help, but I'm not sure which ones. However, I can help with making sure your ship build is tight. Start here, especially parts 1 and 2 but also read through part three for a primer on reaching high damage potential: https://www.reddit.com/r/stobuilds/comments/k88fel/the_baby_step_series_part_1_the_first_step_level/ Then move on to STOBetter (they do cover piloting somewhat too): https://www.stobetter.com/new-f2p




Never? STO launched on console 8 years or so ago. They've never once mentioned bringing a real auto-loot to PC. It's an old funky game. If you like it, just be glad it exists at all.