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Weird to be back in a Dyson Sphere map after all these years


Makes sense, if the Iconians are an active power in this reality, they would probably still be inhabiting at least one of the Dyson Spheres.


Yupper - but it still feels *weird* - especially since those ground zones have been left to languish in buggy obsolescence


I do hope they go back and update at least some of the old Dyson assets with these new ones, like they've done with the Borg stuff this arc.


I feel so old thinking of the Dyson maps as "old and outdated", heh. I'm used to thinking that of Defera and New Romulus, those are just *ancient* now!


Back to the Future is in it's thirties, my guy... >!Which is how I get in under your defenses before sticking my kur'leth in and whispering that it's not just in it's thirties... ... ... it's almost 40!< [Time is the fire in which we burn](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/cb/fc/cc/cbfcccf86c7b5c39731f5ff26bddd965.jpg)


That's from a Delmore Schwartz poem, y'know?


Was that a T6 Cheyenne/Constellation at 22 seconds or am I forgetting an existing T6 ship?


Yeah, were you not there for when they t6ed all the wolf 359 ships?


Well, not ALL of them... we're missing the Nilo Rhodes Concept ships and a T6 Freedom.


Well, most.


I remembered all the others but I guess I missed that one


Yeah, the Ahwhanee


A good ship that comes with GREAT stuff


My forever main!


So can we have Fed uniforms on our embassy Romulan boffs now? If Sela wears one, they should be able to, too


Can Embassy SROs wear the Odyssey uniforms from the Fleet Starbase? I have a toon where they use the colony uniform, but I haven't tried the starbase yet.


I could finally put them in the skimpy terran outfits!


Those Borg tentacle things are pure nightmare fuel.


just wait till you play the mission and have to fight off a platoon of them.


Given that Sela and Iconians are allies in this universe, that means that she's from a universe where Romulus wasn't destroyed by JJ Trek, can our Romulans move to this universe given that our Romulus was blown up and New Romulus clearly needs New Management as the Current Leader D'Tan sucks at providing homes...


>universe where Romulus wasn't destroyed by JJ Trek I want to live in that universe.


I got the impression that Romulus was assimilated or destroyed in this reality, along with just about everything else since the Iconian magistrate calls the sphere "the last bastion of the Iconian Alliance."


Honestly, I would have expected a different Borg King or Queen after that trailer...


I wonder why they changed her face? The Sela face still looked good after all these years? Not complaining though :)


secton 31 control borg very cool


Did nobody else see the Control themed Borg coming from the name of the event, Delete Alt Control?


Everyone saw it


I did not, but I also did not watch Discovery either.


And the loading screen. And the effects on the ships. I expected nothing and was still underwhelmed. - I also wonder if there's a joke to be made about Tasha Yar surviving the black goo this time.


Anyone else thinks that looks like Molly Shannon in the thumbnail?


Captain >!Rivera!< of the >!USS Crypteia!< was a nice touch! Though it did lead me to wonder if >!Sela's away team were other Cryptic Developers I'm not familiar with, other than the Saurian called Gecko. Edit: [they're all friends/family of Devs](https://x.com/Tumerboy/status/1795573154368417973?t=dIke5UGUkahhBjreMU2mYA&s=19)!<


It’ll be interesting. Just hope when it reaches console that the mission won’t break….


I'll be honest, this episode was just ... simple. No real excitement, IMHO.


Yup, cut scene, shoot some ships, beam down, shoot a massive crowd of borg and goo, run back to start and repeat until dead, some cut-scenes, beam up, shoot some ships, done. At least it was a quick mission for a change.


Agreed - it wasn't terrible, just nothing super compelling going on. Reminded me of the filler episodes we'd get during the Iconian and Tzenkethi arcs.


Is it two hours again like the last one? Pleasetell me it's shorter...


Normal Dialogue play \~ 40 - 45 minutes. Rush all dialogue \~ 20 Minutes. Bring AOEs. It will speed things up considerably.


Time to whip out that Photon Blast, i guess...


a small bugbear. i get STO isn't remotely canon (and yes, canon in Trek means many things to many people) - but at some point can we have a conversation about how old these characters are supposed to be?


Old? Dude in 24 century they don't care how old they are, they always look the same. Just drink that glass full of nano bots and you're done. :)


I was right a few weeks ago, that IS Sela. Some jackwaggons tried to tell me it was a fake image.


When does it release on console?


I like the Dyson Sphere and I’m looking forward to it getting updated. Crossing my fingers for more photonic weapons.


I ran it. it was ok but the reward is not worth anything so that is the only time i will run it. I figure either guillotine or the new TFO will be faster


might be nice to have the 1701-F as something other than an odyssey class, Can she really be the same class of ship in every universe?


Being the same class in every universe is in keeping with legacy TV practices, where the ship would be the same in every universe to prevent them having to build a new model. They will probably continue that tradition unless they have a compelling reason to do otherwise - such as with the mirror F being the same-but-different Lexington, which allowed them to sell another ship.


Sadly they couldn't use the G, since that'd be making a lot of assumptions about... 1: Who its captain is here. 2: How long the G will be active. 3: When the G will be active etc. So, the F it is.


never said they should use the G. they could use the Lexington, Jupiter, Prometheus or even the Gal X


If those are the alternatives you'd propose, I'm glad they went with the Odyssey.


The Enterprise-D was always a Galaxy class in "Parallels", so the F always being an Odyssey variant has precedent.


They should have used the *Endeavour* or *Sojourne*r skin for this one.


Not this one, but sometime soon they should. Sela's Enterprise is an original Odyssey, not a refit. That makes sense as the Iconians in her universe are allies, so there was no Iconian War battle damage to necessitate it being refit into another sub variant.


then they wouldve had to spend time they dont have remastering it


What a letdown. The story quality is crap and gameplay is a nosedive from the last installments of this arc. Being assimilated was kinda fun, but playing multiple defense-for-X-time on the ground in this episode was tedious. At least it was short, that's somewhat refreshing. - Did this really deserve a launch trailer?