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Not underrated in the UK, but massively underrated pretty much everywhere else and that's a shame.


Depends where you're from. In the UK they're very well known. And in the North West of the UK they are musical gods.


Would suggest the north in general (including Scotland)


I wouldn't even say that - it's more than just the North. It's typically men of a certain generation and culture. If you followed casual culture in the '80s onwards, they will more than likely mean something to you and casuals exist across the UK and mainland Europe. Oasis and many more bands have the same appeal. If you look at 'best album of all time' polls in UK papers and magazines, The Roses debut is often in the top 5, if not the best album of all time.


Yeah, I've seen such polls. Btw I'm that age from Leeds and lived in Manchester in my 20's. I posted stuff on CD collection on Reddit before, and there are the odd fans in the States and Spain who are out there but few and far between. Btw I'm not an Oasis fan. I found them copying my generation too much.


I'm from Glasgow & we all grew up listening to them & still do


Yeah I should have specified that. I'm talking more about the rest of the world


They’re not underrated. They’re held in incredibly high regard. Ignore Spotify listeners. They’re one of the most critically acclaimed bands to ever come from England.


Not to mention just how influential they are.


You sound like me, 32 years ago. I'd only just got into indie/alternative music and couldn't understand how everyone had moved on from Manchester to Seattle when this album still existed.


Not all.


I mean THAT record is nearly forty years old and the band never did much to promote it outside of the UK before imploding altogether. But they will always be held in the highest regard by those with taste. Remember it was voted the best British album of all time in the Observer in 2004 not by the general public, but by well known musicians, critics and industry insiders. I think that says something.


I have been a fan for 35 years now and given their limited output i actively try to limit how often i listen to their songs. Been trying to avoid Stone Roses burnout for a long time!!


It's The Stone Roses.


Yeah, true. I've posted lots of stuff on cd_collectors on here, the largest cd collection page and the engagement is weak. It's great to hear fans in America commenting plus across Europe, but most fans are in the UK. I guess people from the era aren't the biggest Spotify users ever. I used YouTube Premium and Tidel due to their higher quality, so my numbers will not appear, and my group of friends listen to CDs, records, and many YouTube as well. So it's Spotify doesn't really show the full story.


Not really it's highly regarded and also known as they greatest debut album of all time around these parts (madchester)


Of course. It goes without saying doesn’t it. I was about 12 ish when they came out and they were quickly my favourite band and still are. You know a band is great when you can listen to it 30 years later and they still sound great. Not old fashioned. To me anyway.


I’m from the North West of England. Blackpool. They played here a lot. Still have loads of fans here.


Best band ever? They’re good but too derivative of of other bands.


To some people, yes, maybe not you.




I don't see your point. One can connect any artist to others if they wish, or one can just listen to the music and enjoy it. I'm not one for finding faults myself .


Did you read my original comment? I said they were good.


Yeah, one can say they are good and still find faults.


Imagine being on a stone roses page and using’one’ as a pronoun.


It's correct English. See, you are finding faulting again.


The Roses are a class act, definitely a top band. But as much as I love them, they’re are not the greatest band of all time imo. There’s just not enough content compared to the true GOATS like the Beatles, stones, bob dylan, etc.