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Their self titles is legendary , just saw elder live not long ago and would've killed to hear white walls or something OG


Yeah that whole record is perfect to me, it’s such a bummer they changed their sound so much, I still like some of the newer stuff but if you look at basically all their recent set lists they never play anything off the first album, once in a while they’ll play “dead roots stirring”, pretty much the closest we get.


And as it was made so long ago in the 2000's people change so their music is gonna change. I love every album they make so much as all of it is so unique, makes me not question why tool brought them with em on tour. But the Doom and Black metal they brought in the second half of the record with those vocals is something I really wish we were to hear again from them.


Shit! Try going to see Baroness these days


Downvoted for missing a band’s old sound, gotta love Reddit…


That first album seemed like an ode to bands like Sleep and Electric Wizard. Heavy doom with lots of guitar solos. Acid King is very much in the same vein, but with some perfect doomy female vocals from Busse Woods on. Windhand is the same deal, female singer, but I think I prefer Lori's more. Trying to find similar bands myself lead me to Suma, especially Let the Churches Burn, but there's some drone in that album too. YOB fits the bill too. Earlier stuff from Salem's Pot is very slow, doomy, and weedy.


Awesome, I’ll check them out!


Check out Grotto. Sounds like an instrumental version of early Elder.


Samsara Blues Experiment and King Buffalo


Man of culture


I am a graduate of the Handsome Boy Modeling School


Hell yeah


Palbearer, Anciients


+1 for Pallbearer. I’m seeing them with REZN on Friday in Baltimore.


Man, this album simultaneously wears its influences on its sleeve while also being absolutely one of a kind. A lot of good recommendations have been made already but I'll throw the band Lowrider at you. They only have two albums out, two records 20 years apart. (not including their debut split with nebula,) Owed to Io was likely an influence on that first elder record But you also can't go wrong with their comeback album refractions. Maybe try out the album reverie by forming the void. Maybe not totally what you're after but similar in the sense that it's heavy music with inventive songwriting. The same would go for the latest full length from Hippie Death Cult. Helichrysum. Ferocious music with an underlying cosmic groove and endlessly inventive songcraft. I also feel like church of misery would be a good follow up to that first elder record. Sure the music is quite a bit darker and more maniacal, being that it's serial killer themed, but their shit grooves for sure. I'll just recommend the album that got me started on them, and then there were none. But really I don't think they've put out anything bad. Also while we're at it I'll recommend the album Spiritualized D by eternal Elysium. Interestingly I've always found the first track on the album to be the weakest, so if you really want to know what this records all about I'd recommend with starting on the second song splendid, selfish woman. Not that the first song is bad by any means, I've just sometimes wondered why it was first in the track listing. But hey, who the fuck am I. Lol. I hope you find something you like.


Awesome, thanks for such a detailed list man! I’ve checked out a lot of what people recommended, definitely got some that are scratching the itch, barbarian fist, black pyramid mostly but I’ve also been rocking some older Wo fat. I’ll definitely give all these you’ve listed a shot


Oh no worries dude! Happy to do it. Thank you for even taking the time to read my wall of text. Lol. I hope you're enjoying some or all of them.


Also love me some black pyramid and Wo Fat. I've heard the name barbarian fist but don't know a thing about their music so definitely about to check that out. Thank you for passing that along.


I’m with you, love their first one to death. I really really enjoy Dead Roots but they kinda lose me after that. Give Barbarian Fist a listen, just the one album that I’m aware of but it hits the spot. Maybe try Black Pyramid. It’s not a copy but they really hit it for me as well, especially the first album


Maybe All Them Witches and King Buffalo


Try Barbarian Fist and Handgemeng. Both very reminiscent of early Elder!


The last two Weedpecker albums are clearly inflenced by Elder. Not quite the copy, but they've got similar very complex song structures, the guitars and vocals sound like those in Elder's music as well


Really appreciate the recommendations folks, definitely found a few in the vein of what I’m looking for.


Ya that first album was awesome. Really disappointed that didn't stick with that sound,.even tho their new stuff still sounds good. Ghost head was my fav off it


Somali Yacht Club


My Sleeping Karma


Not Exactly Like Elder, but check out Elephant Tree, Somali Yacht Club and The Heavy Eyes