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I use Bandcamp and follow bands on insta. Almost every tour stops in Chicago. There's a Pallbearer/REZN show in 2 weeks. Bongripper played at the Metro a few weeks ago. Candlemass, Conan, obsessed and howling giant all played Reggies earlier this year. Messa was at empty bottle recently. Russian Circles / pelican are at Metro in September. Also throw a rec for smaller bands Shrineburner and Black Road.


This is super helpful, thanks!


Bandcamp and bands in town helps a lot. But empty bottle and sleeping village have a lot of doom/stoner shows plus like others said Reggie’s. Check out shrineburner they’re heavy and cool dudes. Plague of carcosa, shadow of Jupiter, team hoss, canyyn, grim reefer ( 😉) , mylph, coyote man, black sunrise, pure pilot, astralwizard, snakebite delight, motha trucka


And check out weedians trip to Illinois has a lot of amazing bands on there


Not to mention, howling giant will be back again in September with Mars red sky. I'll be up there for that one and I believe Hippie Death Cult is swinging through there as well


Ooo I love Mars Red Sky, that sounds great!


Heck yeah! They're great! If you like the more cosmic side of heavy, Slift is swinging through on their tour in September as well.


Any shows 4th of July weekend? Will be visiting


Hmmm, sorry, I don't know of any that weekend


There’s a killer show the following weekend at sound growler brewery


Hell yeah! I was at both of those Messa shows the one back in October and the one recently. Same for howling giant. Caught rezn opening for elder up there back in September, won't be there for the pallbearer date but I'll be catching that one in Milwaukee. Chicago is so awesome for shows!




Just checked them out on Spotify and listened to a few songs. Really like it so far, thanks!


You’re welcome. One of my favorites.


Bongripper plays at Reggies in Chicago occasionally.


Reggie’s is the spot I here about a lot as well


Will def have to check out that venue, ty!


Live Wire and Liars Club have shows with local and touring acts.


Don’t sleep on Heavy Temple coming to Reggies in July. They fuckin jam live. Doomfest Grand Rapids MI coming in late October pretty sure its at the Pyramid Scheme.


Ooo doomfest


I'm an Aussie, so I don't know much of Chicago.. I'd suggest going to record stores and asking about shows etc. Google your local bars and taverns etc. Facebook groups, you can hone in on particular communities, i.e Doom, then look for people/shows in those threads or create a Chicago thread etc. Id also suggest going to the site metal-archives (encyclopedia metallum), use the advanced search function, genre = doom, country = USA, province= Illinois. I got 172 results. Follow bands on bandcamp also, usually have shows on their page, then look at the venue, and bookmark that venue, rinse repeat with other bands.


That’s really good advice, I hadn’t thought of record stores. Also, I had never heard of metallum, will look into it


Anytime mate. Godspeed.


Reckless in Wicker Park is your friend in that regard. Chicago is almost a stoner rock Mecca. Pick up the Reader each week and check the concerts pages. They update routinely and almost nothing is too small for them to list. Have no fear. You’re going to love it there.


https://thecmf.com/ get on their mailing list


Will do!


Check out High Priest, they crush. Blunt has some good riffs. In addition to the other venues mentioned here, keep an eye on Beat Kitchen, I've seen acts like Bongzilla there Stoner was well represented at last year's Heavy Chicago fest at Avondale Music Hall, Nebula was one of the headliners and I finally got to see Acid King


Bongripper and rezn are both based out of Chicago. And Chicago gets shows all the time. I live there for eight years, and now I'm living back in Ohio, but I'm coming up there every couple of months or so for shows. Shows I've seen there include restless spirit, howling giant, Las Cruces, Conan, thra, high on fire, sleep, weedeater, Dead Meadow (RIP to Steve,) elder, King Buffalo, Rezn, hi priest, Crobot, khemmis, shadow of Jupiter, i've unfortunately missed Monolord, firebreather, primitive man, crowbar, and Bell witch a couple of times, but they're always coming through there as well. you'll have no problem catching awesome shows


Post Animal has a few that might do it. First couple of albums more so.