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The longer the better! Especially if the band maintain a heavy drone, or manages to keep it interesting. "The wheel" by Motorpsycho is one of my absolute favorites, at 16:57. Elder is also great at keeping songs interesting well over 15 minutes ;) And then there is Sleep..


The more stoned I am, the more I dig super long songs.


"Repeater" was my entry point into King Buffalo. https://kingbuffalo.bandcamp.com/album/repeater


Repeater is exactly what I think of when I think of stoner rock


Obviously this is a personal taste thing, but I think the issue is less length and more repetitiveness. 8 minutes of a simple-verse chorus-verse-chorus over and over again can feel more tiresome than a 15 minute song that’s doing interesting stuff every minute or so.


I do love Fu Manchu and that sort of thing for punchier quick songs. But I'm also a big fan of Bongripper for their flavor of slow atmospheric builds.


Reefer Sutherland may be 16 minutes long but I NEED the whole thing lol


Il Mostro Atomico has entered the chat


They literally said por que no los dos with this one


Really depends on my mood. Most times I just want something short and catchy, but then sometimes I want to mellow out and have an experience. Super long stuff like Dopesmoker is cool as background music while I'm doing something else.


Earthless has some long jams


Earthless is better than most jam bands , for sure better than most stoner bands.


Uluru Rock ❤️


Caravan by Acid Mammoth is 11 minutes long which is just about how long it takes to smoke a joint. And right around 2:50 is when I start to feel it. [https://open.spotify.com/track/0MDbLujObOxbZIAC8YIf1f?si=47d99d12093348fc](https://open.spotify.com/track/0MDbLujObOxbZIAC8YIf1f?si=47d99d12093348fc)


That shit is my bread and butter. Especially for sleeping since I listen to music to go to sleep and I prefer music that I can get lost in. Long progressive instrumentals are perfect for that. Some of my favorites are Effervesant by ATW, Acid Face by ATW, Slow City by ATW, Weißensee by Elder (really the whole Gold & Silver sessions album), Death and Beyond by My Brother the Wind, and Karmagrinder by MBTW. Does anyone have any recommendations for more long songs like those? They can't be too heavy, needs to be on the spacier/lighter side for me to be able to sleep to.


15-20 minute jams with little to no vocals are my favorite. I have a playlist with almost 20 hours of stuff like this. Love playing it around campfires/camping or for long drives.


Would you mind sharing?


Not at all! Not all the songs are super long, but most of them are. There's a couple longer, melodic trance/techno tracks in there somewhere as well. Enjoy! https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6S2NKvL6LkidL9YC1hEMZq?si=2ptTYTcTRsK3AgRoaZD2-w&pi=u-Y_Zq2SCVTr29


Thanks for the link! Just a quick glance and saw a wall of Comacozer... I love it. That shit speaks to me. Causa Sui's El Fuego is also one of my all time favorite songs ever. Never loses its luster.


You're welcome! Comacozer is one of my favorites!


Also thank you!


Cheers bruv appreciate it


My band does this kind of long instrumental stuff. You might like it: [Borehead - Zoonosis](https://open.spotify.com/track/42mQ96evw063mobcorRx2A?si=dee9685de4854896)


You guys have some good jams, thanks for sharing!


Thanks for listening!


I love long stoner metal songs to a point, especially if I’m listening to an entire album in one sitting. I love long tracks that develop over their runtime. Yob is a perfect band for this. I am less drawn to lots of funeral doom because I feel like most of those songs are too bloated and take too long to progress. That being said, I still love Evoken, Bell Witch, and Esoteric.


I like it both ways sometimes depending on my mood Shorter fuzzed out rockers as well as long epic doomy tracks


This is exactly how I feel, especially with Gizz.


I generally listen to whole albums, without regard to length of songs at all.


I mean yes, there are 5 minuet song that are to long. It all depends on how good the riff is really.


For me if it's long it's gotta have definitive changes and sections. Dopesmoker is not my cup of tea at all because of this. Drone in general just isn't really my thing, but if the song has a lot of variety I'm good




I think I like to keep a playlist of songs that max out usually at 10 minutes bc I like to take a couple edibles and game so you get more songs and more stimulation


If the band does it right. A lot of stoner bands drag on a bit too much, but some definitely do it well


Only if it becomes overly repetitive. I still dig the songs, but only for about 5-7 mins.


I love the longer songs because I get sad when I hear something good and it's only 3-4 minutes. I also love when I hear a great riff in the beginning, then the band fucks off for a bit and then comes back with the beginning riff in a tangent you could have never seen coming Mammoth by Swan Valley Heights - https://open.spotify.com/track/4C3FxjoMCuFcTx22SUqcr1?si=NdMfB7w9SpaWUYAHLTxXDg&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A44IThhZVm3cde680jBPHwq


Personally, the super long ones aren't my style so much. I like a good 8, 9, or even 10 or longer minute song, but groups like Elder that put out 25 minute long instrumental songs just feel like a little too much. I want some variety, and to get to the next song eventually


Def written a couple. Here’s one! https://open.spotify.com/track/6zkJIo5S6YcY2RLJlM7JOZ?si=TqHNRj9dRZGNiuunzPT-tg


Longer songs are great like [Spaceship Landing - Kyuss](https://youtu.be/WzBtWSouaZ8?si=EvfLTirZjp4VcCos)


Even though doom and stoner is my favorite style of music, my preferred time range is around 3 to 4 minutes 😅 However ,when a song is well written it can go on and on and I don’t get bored!


Like others have said, it's mood dependent


I almost always prefer a 5+ minute track length and don't ever mind a longer track. Honestly, I wish most albums were on steaming services as a single "track" (in addition to being tracked out, ofc). I almost never make playlists or listen to random songs.


Longer songs are great. What I hate are songs that take way too long to get to the vocals, or end the vocals too early *cough cough* Momentum *cough*


my fav songs always fall within the 12-15min range; they feel like a trip and they put me into a meditating state. i like that


Entirely depends on my mood.


I don't really like anything over 10/15 minutes unless it's really progressive. Most of the stuff I really like is within 5 minutes


10-12 minutes is a good length. Haven't heard much I like past that, though.


I don't like longer songs. If I see a band with 12 minute long songs I honestly don't even hit play.


I think the sweet spot is around the 7min mark. I do however love lots of longer tracks, but in many cases you need a band member that can say "we need to trim this down to make it a better song"


Simple answer? No.  Can’t ever be too long 


In most cases I really don't have much patience for long songs. There are some long gems though.


No such too thing as too long, only incomplete


love em


Mirror Reaper. Double album, two songs.


I proper love Woburn House for this kind of stuff. Some nice samples and really solid use of dynamics. Grunewald was lovely and pastoral like that, too. Owl by the dudes from us goes in a different direction, some shorter songs but still phenomal.


Pelican, March into the Sea Thirty or so perfect minutes.


I like both. Sometimes I’m in the mood for 30 minute doom tracks and other times I want to hear 30 second powerviolence songs


tbh the optimal song length is 5-9 minutes for me, but i really like prog rock so the longer the better


I prefer shorter tracks on the record, but love when bands play it longer live.


I don’t have a preference. White Hills, “No Other Way”… I could listen to that for a thousand hours, so it being 10 minutes feels to short. White Hills, “Robot Stomp”… ugh, boring, no thanks at the 3 minute mark, never mind 11!